[R] Multivariate kernel density estimation

2008-12-08 Thread Jeroen Ooms

I would like to estimate a 95% highest density area for a multivariate
parameter space (In the context of anova). Unfortunately I have only
experience with univariate kernel density estimation, which is remarkebly
easier :)

Using Gibbs, i have sampled from a posterior distirbution of an Anova model
with k means (mu) and 1 common residual variance (s2). The means are
independent of eachother, but conditional on the residual variance. So now I
have a data frame of say 10.000 iterations, and k+1 parameters.

I am especially interested in the posterior distribution of the mu
parameters, because I want to test the support for an inequalty constrained
model (e.g. mu1  mu2  mu3). I wish to derive the multivariate 95% highest
density parameter space for the mu parameters. For example, if I had a
posterior distirbution with 2 means, this should somehow result in the
circle or elipse that contains the 95% highest density area. 

Is something like this possible in R? All tips are welcome.
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Re: [R] Multivariate kernel density estimation

2008-12-08 Thread Greg Snow
Possible, yes (see fortune('Yoda')), but doing it can be a bit difficult.

Here is one approximation using an independent normal kernel in 2 dimensions:

kde.contour - function(x,y=NULL, conf=0.95, xdiv=100, ydiv=100, kernel.sd ) {
xy - xy.coords(x,y)
xr - range(xy$x)
yr - range(xy$y)

xr - xr + c(-1,1)*0.1*diff(xr)
yr - yr + c(-1,1)*0.1*diff(yr)

if(missing(kernel.sd)) {
kernel.sd - c( diff(xr)/6, diff(yr)/6 )
} else if (length(kernel.sd)==1) {
kernel.sd - rep(kernel.sd, 2)

xs - seq(xr[1], xr[2], length.out=xdiv)
ys - seq(yr[1], yr[2], length.out=ydiv)
mydf - expand.grid( xx=xs, yy=ys )

tmpfun - function(xx,yy) {
sum( dnorm(xx, xy$x, kernel.sd[1]) * dnorm(yy, xy$y, 
kernel.sd[2]) )

z - mapply(tmpfun, xx=mydf$xx, yy=mydf$yy)

sz - sort(z, decreasing=TRUE)
cz - cumsum(sz)
cz - cz/cz[length(cz)]

cutoff - sz[ which( cz  conf )[1] ]

plot(xy, xlab='x', ylab='y', xlim=xr, ylim=yr)
#contour( xs, ys, matrix(z, nrow=xdiv), add=TRUE, col='blue')
contour( xs, ys, matrix(z, nrow=xdiv), add=TRUE, col='red',
levels=cutoff, labels='')


# test
kde.contour( rnorm(100), rnorm(100) )

# correlated data
my.xy - MASS::mvrnorm(100, c(3,10), matrix( c(1,.8,.8,1), 2) )

kde.contour( my.xy, kernel.sd=.5 )

# compare to theoritical
lines(ellipse::ellipse( 0.8, scale=c(1,1), centre=c(3,10)), col='green')

# bimodal

new.xy - rbind( MASS::mvrnorm(65, c(3,10), matrix( c(1,.6,.6,1),2) ),
MASS::mvrnorm(35, c(6, 7), matrix( c(1,.6,.6,1), 2) ) )

kde.contour( new.xy, kernel.sd=.75 )

For more than 2 dimensions it becomes more difficult (both to visualize and to 
find the region, contour only works in 2 dimensions).  You can also see that 
the approximations are not great compared to the true theory, but possibly a 
better kernel would improve that.

Hope this helps,

Gregory (Greg) L. Snow Ph.D.
Statistical Data Center
Intermountain Healthcare

 -Original Message-
 project.org] On Behalf Of Jeroen Ooms
 Sent: Monday, December 08, 2008 5:54 AM
 To: r-help@r-project.org
 Subject: [R] Multivariate kernel density estimation

 I would like to estimate a 95% highest density area for a multivariate
 parameter space (In the context of anova). Unfortunately I have only
 experience with univariate kernel density estimation, which is
 easier :)

 Using Gibbs, i have sampled from a posterior distirbution of an Anova
 with k means (mu) and 1 common residual variance (s2). The means are
 independent of eachother, but conditional on the residual variance. So
 now I
 have a data frame of say 10.000 iterations, and k+1 parameters.

 I am especially interested in the posterior distribution of the mu
 parameters, because I want to test the support for an inequalty
 model (e.g. mu1  mu2  mu3). I wish to derive the multivariate 95%
 density parameter space for the mu parameters. For example, if I had a
 posterior distirbution with 2 means, this should somehow result in the
 circle or elipse that contains the 95% highest density area.

 Is something like this possible in R? All tips are welcome.
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 Sent from the R help mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

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 PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.R-project.org/posting-
 and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

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