Re: [R] Help in installing and loading the BradleyTerry add on package in R

2007-09-10 Thread Jim Lemon
Kalyan Roy (DEL/MSG) wrote:
> How do I install and load the BradleyTerry add on package in R 2.5.1 in
> MSWindowsXP environment?
Hi Kalyan,


doesn't work, you can use WinZip or Zip Reader to unzip the package to:

C:\Program Files\R-2.5.1\library

or whatever your path to the "library" directory is, and then hand edit 
the "packages.html" file in:

C:\Program Files\R-2.5.1\doc\html

to include the new package in your HTML listing. This will allow you to 
access the help files and use the package.


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Re: [R] command to plot variannce of data (like error bar plot)

2007-09-10 Thread Jim Lemon
Yogesh Tiwari wrote:
> Hi,
> How to plot a variance over a data point, something like error bar.
Hi Yogesh,

The generic method is to use the "arrows" function, and there are quite 
a few variations on this theme (in alpha order):

errbar(Hmisc and sfsmisc)
plotCI(gplots and plotrix)
plotMeans (Rcmdr)

and there are surely more error bar functions of which I am unaware.


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Re: [R] Help with color coded bar graph

2007-09-08 Thread Jim Lemon
Luis Naver wrote:
> I have a list of observations that are -1, 1 or 0.  I would like to  
> represent them in a horizontal bar color coded based on value like a  
> stacked bar graph. I can achieve this in the form of a png with the  
> following code:
> A = floor(runif(10)*3) - 1
> png(width=100, height=10)
> par(mar=c(0,0,0,0))
> image(matrix(A), col=grey(c(0.1, 0.5, 0.9)))
> However I would like to do this with one of the standard plotting  
> tools (i.e. barplot) to take advantage of labels and multiple  
> series.  Any help would be appreciated.
Hi Luis,
I understood your request as wanting a single horizontal bar with 10 
segments, each colored according to the value of A. If this is correct, 
you might want:



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Re: [R] list element to matrix

2007-09-06 Thread Jim Lemon
> I have created a list of "matrices" using sapply or lapply and wish to 
> extract each of the "matrices" as a matrix.  Some of them are 2x2, 3x3, etc.
> I can do this one at a time as:
> M1<-as.matrix(D[[1]])
> How can repeat this process for an unknown number of entries in the list?  In 
> other words, how shall I index M1?
Hi Diana,
To step through the matrices in your list (assuming that it only has one 

for(mat in 1:length(D)) {


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Re: [R] Pie Chart Labels

2007-09-05 Thread Jim Lemon
Adam Green wrote:
> I am having trouble finding out how to adjust the position of labels on 
> pie charts.  For the small wedges, many of the labels overlap making it 
> impossible to read.  Is there any way to offset the labels so that they 
> don't overlap?
Hi Adam,
There are three ways to adjust the positions of labels on a 3D pie chart 
(I'm assuming it's 3D from the word "wedges". If not, the following 
should still be useful).

The first is to change the position of the sectors by the "start" 
argument. Apart from being useful when very large sectors cause 
problems, changing the sector positions can sometimes alleviate minor 
crowding of the labels.

The second is to catch the return value of the pie3D function. This is 
the radial positions at which the labels have been placed. You can then 
alter this vector and pass it as the argument "labelpos". In this way 
you can spread out the labels for small sectors.

Finally, you can leave out the labels when you call pie3D and manually 
place labels using the "text" function. The chart is drawn on a plot 
that spans -1 to 1 in both directions, so it is relatively easy to work 
out where the labels should be.

A word of warning - when I read, "For the small wedges, many of the 
labels...", I felt that I should say that pie charts in general, and 3D 
ones in particular, are rarely successful with more than 4 or 5 sectors. 
In the R-news article that included pie3D, I included a pie chart that 
was very difficult for the viewer to extract the information that the 
creator intended. Depending upon what is to be represented, you might 
consider whether another method might be more successful.


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[R] Incomplete rank functions

2007-09-04 Thread Jim Lemon
Hi folks,
Thanks to my esteemed colleagues, I have been grappling with the 
analysis of incomplete ranks. These result from questions like:

Number the three most important things from the following list in order 
from 1 to 3.


Where some or all respondents or observers have not assigned ranks to 
some items.

In doing so, I have programmed a few functions to impute values where 
all ranks have not been allocated. These are all based upon substituting 
the mean of all unallocated ranks for missing values for each set (row) 
of ranks. Ties can be handled and optionally expanded to cover the 
values that would have resulted if the ties had not occurred. This 
satisfies the assumption that all sets of ranks sum to the same value, 
and infers that the unranked items were not distinguished by the ranker.

I searched Jon Baron's index with "incomplete ranks" and found nothing 
like this. If there is a package maintainer out there who is interested 
in using these functions, I would be happy to donate them.


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Re: [R] how to do interpolation

2007-09-04 Thread Jim Lemon
Yogesh Tiwari wrote:
> Hello R Users,
> How to make a variable equidistance with time i.e. how to interpolate a
> variable if it is not sampled at equal time interval.
Hi Yogesh,
Don't know whether this will suit your purpose. I wrote it to enable 
color-coded plotting of highly variable data. If you pass your intervals 
as "yvec", it will linearly interpolate values of "xvec" so that the 
maximum difference between "yvec"s is "maxjump". If the "yvec"s are not
multiples of "maxjump", you will get some smaller intervals.

linterp<-function(xvec,yvec,interp=NA,maxjump=1) {
  if(is.list(xvec) && missing(yvec)) {
  if(!missing(xvec) && !missing(yvec)) {
   for(l in 2:oldlength) {
# use the y values as a default
if([1])) ninserts<-ceiling(abs(yvec[l]-yvec[l-1])/maxjump)
# assume interp is already a function of the successive x/y pairs
else ninserts<-ceiling(abs(interp[l-1])/maxjump)
   # if xvec and yvec are not the same length, give up
   if(oldlength == length(yvec)) {
for(index in 1:(oldlength-1)) {
 if(ninterp > 1) {
  for(istep in 1:(ninterp-1)) {
   else cat("xvec and yvec must have the same length!\n")
  cat("Usage: linterp(xvec,yvec,interp=NA,maxjump=1)\n")


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Re: [R] NAs in indices

2007-09-03 Thread Jim Lemon
Muenchen, Robert A (Bob) wrote:
> Hi All,
> I'm fiddling with an program to read a text file containing periods that
> SAS uses for missing values. I know that if I had the original SAS data
> set instead of a text file, R would handle this conversion for me. 
> Data frames do not allow missing values in their indices but vectors do.
> Why is that? A search of the error message points out the problem and
> solution but not why they differ. A simplified program that demonstrates
> the issue is below.
> Thanks,
> Bob
> # Here's a data frame that has both periods and NAs.
> # I want sex to remain character for now.
> sex=c("m","f",".",NA)
> x=c(1,2,3,NA)
> myDF <- data.frame(sex,x,stringsAsFactors=F)
> rm(sex,x)
> myDF
> # Substituting NA into data frame does not work
> # due to NAs in the indices. The error message is:
> # missing values are not allowed in subscripted assignments of data
> frames
> myDF[ myDF$sex==".", "sex" ] <- NA
> myDF
Hi Bob,
What happens is that you don't get FALSE when you ask if something==NA, 
you get NA. However, if you use the "which" function, it cleans up the 
NAs for you and the result of that should do what you want.



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Re: [R] plotting

2007-09-01 Thread Jim Lemon
yoo wrote:
> Hi, let's say I have data
> x = c(1, 2, 10, 12)
> y = c(100, -20, 50, 25)
> if I go plot(x, y), then the default x-axis range goes from 1 to 12. Is
> there a way to change it so that the axis looks like:
> |-|-|-|
>  1   2   10 12
> This doesn't seem reasonable but let's say I want to plot intraday graph
> with axis.POSIXct, my data is only from 8:30 to 4 every day and I have these
> data for days.. i don't want to see a straight line every night.. Is there a
> way I can do this? 
Hi yoo,
Have you looked at gap.plot (plotrix)?


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Re: [R] Automatic anchors for text boxes

2007-09-01 Thread Jim Lemon
Yves Moisan wrote:
> Hi All,
> I'm struggling to add text automatically to plots.  I have a series of
> scatterplots that I have stored in a script because the underlying data
> changes often and the plots need to be regenerated.  I use the scatterplot
> function (defined in Rcmd, I believe).  When one of the variables is a
> factor, a boxplot is drawn over the scatter of the other variable.  In the
> case where x is a factor with 10 values, I'll see 10 vertical boxplots.  So
> far, so good.  
> I was asked to show other stats on top of those scatterplots, e.g. mean,
> number of observations, etc.  I can find those values, but the problem is I
> don't know how to put them on the plot, given I don't want to look at each
> plot one by one and manually identify the locations where I need to add the
> text.  I was wondering if something like a pseudo label (I want to keep the
> original axis labels) existed that could be used to anchor a text box ?  Or
> maybe a semi-manual approach where I could offset such a pseudo-label
> position along the y axis?  Since I know the size of my resulting jpegs, I
> could use a constant y offset for the text and they'd be aligned properly
> along the x axis because they are labels.   For the mean value, I could draw
> a short horizontal line segment across the boxplot, but again I'd have the
> problem of tying that line segment to specific x-axis values so they
> intersect the right boxplot.  Any clues ?
> On a related note, I've added regression lines, again by factor (thanks
> scatterplot!), and was asked to write the regression equation in plain text. 
> I have between one and 7 lines on the plots, so again how could I
> automatically tie a text box, this time to a specific regression line ? 
> Maybe that would be easier using a legend, but it would be nice to be able
> to write the equation alongside the line.
Hi Yves,
I may not understand exactly what you want, but spread.labels (plotrix) 
is useful for putting labels next to points that are spread out along 
one dimension. thigmophobe.labels puts labels next to points that are 
scattered around a plot.


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Re: [R] Excel

2007-08-31 Thread Jim Lemon
Rolf Turner wrote:
> On 31/08/2007, at 9:10 AM, Antony Unwin wrote:
>>Erich's more important point
>>is that you need to speak the language of the people you cooperate
>>with and often that language includes Excel.
> So if the people you have to deal with are into astrology you should  
> learn astrology?
Yes, Rolf, if you want them to understand you. I once wrote a very 
successful parody of those astrology character profiles simply by 
borrowing an acquaintance's book and making dreadfully irreverent use of it.


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Re: [R] Single plot multiple levels in x?

2007-08-31 Thread Jim Lemon
Richard Yanicky wrote:
>One axis inside another, for example salary within state,
>1-50 | 50 – 100 |  100+   |   1- 50 | 50 -100 | 100+ | …  repeated 
>bins for salary
>   AL   !   AR 
> ……  more states

Okay, I see what you mean. Try this:

  main="Salary distribution by state",

and it is a great boon to R-helpers to have data, even fake like the above.


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Re: [R] How to measure mode (central tendancy)

2007-08-31 Thread Jim Lemon
Raymond Balise wrote:

 > What is the name of the function to give me the mode (central 
tendancy) of a
 > numeric variable that can be negative?

Hi Raymond,

Have a look at Mode (note the capital letter) in the prettyR package.


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Re: [R] Simple Graph

2007-08-30 Thread Jim Lemon
amna khan wrote:
> Hi Sir
> We use the function mpg() for ticks on axes. If we define more number of
> ticks then each tick is not labeled. How to label each tick on axes?

Hi Amina,
The staxlab function in the plotrix package will display tick labels 
even if they would overlap on the standard axis display.


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Re: [R] breaking the x-axis and having two different x-axis labels

2007-08-30 Thread Jim Lemon
Georg Ehret wrote:
> Dear R community,
>  I have two questions concerning barplots that I struggle to resolve:
> 1) How can I break (interrupt) the x-axis (e.g.: have it display values from
> -100 to -90 and 90 to 100 only)?
I think you mean a horizontal barplot with a gap between -90 and 90. 
pyramid.plot (plotrix) doesn't quite do what you want, as the present 
version doesn't allow customized axis labels. The principle is the same 
as that used in gap.barplot, but the maintainer (me) didn't think that 
anyone would want to do this horizontally. If you are stuck I can add a 
feature or two...

However, here's an unbeauteous hack.

> 2) I overlay two horizontal barplots: one with negative values only and one
> with positive values only: I would wish to mark the two datasets separately
> on the x-axis (or some other way). If I use the legend I get a superposed
> result... is there another way?
This sounds like a job for "axis", but I can't really picture what you 
describe. Do you want the negative bars starting from the right and 
going left and the positive ones starting from the left and going right? 
Or a vertical line in the center with the bars going in the usual 


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Re: [R] Recoding multiple columns consistently

2007-08-29 Thread Jim Lemon
Ron Crump wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a dataframe that contains pedigree information;
> that is individual, sire and dam identities as separate
> columns. It also has date of birth.
> These identifiers are not numeric, or not sequential.
> Obviously, an identifier can appear in one or two columns,
> depending on whether it was a parent or not. These should
> be consistent.
> Not all identifiers appear in the individual column - it
> is possible for a parent not to have its own record if its
> parents were not known.
> Missing parental (sire and/or dam) identifiers can occur.
> I need to export the data for use in another program that
> requires the pedigree to be coded as integers, increasing
> with date of birth (therefore sire and dam always have
> lower identifiers than their offspring) and with missing
> values coded as 0.
> How would I go about doing this?
Hi Ron,
Without the genealogical coding system for the output, I can only make a 
guess. It seems as though you are going from a series of records for 
which the index is the individual, followed by fields containing sire, 
dam and date of birth (perhaps not in that order).

I think you want to transform this into a network (maybe hierarchical 
unless consanguinuity intervenes) with individuals coded as positive 
integers (and maybe some or all of the original information attached to 
those identifiers). At a guess, I would recode the birthdates as 
integers, preserving the order and including a rule for breaking ties.

Assuming that you want an inverted tree for each individual, construct a 
linked list beginning with the individual with two pointers to the 
parents (their integer identifiers). Each parent has two links pointing 
to their parents, and so on. Whenever a pointer is zero, the linking 
stops. I don't know whether this can be represented in any of the tree 
diagrams in R, but it certainly could be coded.

I think a bit more information for non-genealogists about the formats 
might elicit a more specific answer.

> And a second, simpler related question, if I have a column with
> n different values (may be strings or non-sequential integers)
> identifying levels (possibly with repeated occurences), how
> can I recode them to be sequential from 1 to n?
> I can solve both problems in fortran, so could use loops to
> do it in R, but feel there should be quicker, more elegant,
> "more R" solution.
sounds like "sort"


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Re: [R] fill circles

2007-08-26 Thread Jim Lemon
Cristian cristian wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm an R newbie,
> I did this script to create a scatterplot using the "tree" matrix from
> "datasets" package:
> library('datasets')
> with(trees,
> {
> plot(Height, Volume, pch=3, xlab="Height", ylab="Volume")
> symbols(Height, Volume, circles=Girth/12, fg="grey", inches=FALSE,
> add=FALSE)
> }
> )
> I'd like to use the column Named "Height" to fill the circles with colors
> (ex.: the small numbers in green then yellow and the high numbers in red).
> I'd like to have a legend for the size and the colors too.
> I did it manually using a script like that:
> color[(x>=0.001)&(x<0.002)]<-"#41FF41"
> color[(x>=0.002)&(x<0.003)]<-"#2BFF2B"
> color[(x>=0.003)&(x<0.004)]<-"#09FF09"
> color[(x>=0.004)&(x<0.005)]<-"#00FE00"
> color[(x>=0.005)&(x<0.006)]<-"#00F700"
> color[(x>=0.006)&(x<0.007)]<-"#00E400"
> color[(x>=0.007)&(x<0.008)]<-"#00D600"
> color[(x>=0.008)&(x<0.009)]<-"#00C300" and so on but I don't like to do it
> manually... do know a solution...
> Thank you very much
> chris
Hi Chris,
You can transform the numeric values in "Height" into colors using the 
color.scale function in the plotrix package. The color.legend function 
will allow you to get your legend.


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Re: [R] How to shade vertical bands in a graph?

2007-08-24 Thread Jim Lemon
del pes wrote:
> Hello,
> I would like to draw vertical yellow bands in my graph, but could not find 
> how to do that in the documentation.
> I set up a page to show what I would like to achieve: 
> (the first picture was manually 
> colored with the Gimp).
Hi Delfina,
For a one-off, I would use the rect function.

plot(fakedat,main="My Striped Plot",type="n")


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Re: [R] divided scatter plots

2007-08-22 Thread Jim Lemon
Caroline Nganga wrote:
> I have a data set which contains two columns. The first column is a
> list of countries, and the second column contains their political risk
> ratings. I would like to create  one large plot that contains 5
> different sections, each with a scatter plot. To clarify, I have
> divided the countries into 5 groups. For each group (continent), I
> would like to have the name of the continent on the x-axis, and points
> representing countries and  their risk rating on the y-axis. However,
> I want all 5 scatter plots to be in one large plot. What function
> should I use to do this? Also, is it possible to label each point?
> thanks for any help!
Hi Caroline,
If I understand your request, you might be able to use the axis.break 
function in the plotrix package. That is, you make one big plot with the 
points in five columns and then put gap style axis breaks between the 
columns. Here's a toy example:

plot(prr.df$continent,prr.df$prr,main="Political risk ratings",
  xlim=c(0.7,5.3),xlab="Continent",ylab="Risk rating",type="n")


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Re: [R] Stacked Bar

2007-08-21 Thread Jim Lemon
Deb Midya wrote:
> Hi R Users!
> Thanks in advance.
> I am using R-2.5.1 on Windows XP.
> I am trying to do a stacked bar plot, but could not get through the following 
> problem. The code is given below.
>   1. How can I provide 15 different colors for each method with 15 Rows?
>   2. How can I put the legend in a particular position (eg., in the top or 
> bottom or right or left)? How can I put legend using a number of rows (eg., 
> using two or three rows)? 
Hi Deb,
As you have probably noticed, the integer coded colors repeat too 
quickly for the number of colors you want. You can use the rainbow()
function to generate colors like this:


or there are lots of other color generating functions in the grDevices 
or plotrix packages. Here's how to get your legend in an empty space for 
your plot. There is also an emptyspace() function in the plotrix package 
that tries to find the biggest empty space in a plot, although it 
probably wouldn't work in this case.



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Re: [R] Labelling certain points on the x-axis

2007-08-20 Thread Jim Lemon
squall44 wrote:
> Hello,
> I created an empirical distribution function:
> x = c(1.6,1.8,2.4,2.7,2.9,3.3,3.4,3.4,4,5.2)
> F2.5 <- ecdf(x)
> plot(F2.5, 
>  verticals= TRUE, 
>  do.p = TRUE, 
>  lwd=3, 
>  ylab = "f(x)", 
>  xlab = "x", 
>  main = "Figur 2.5 Empirische Verteilfunktion", 
>  xlim = c(1,5.5))
> abline(h= (0:5)*0.2)
> Now I would like to label the points on the x-axis where there is an
> x-value:

Given that you have two labels at the same point, you will have to 
stretch out your labels. I took out the X axis label to get enough room.

  verticals= TRUE,
  do.p = TRUE,
  ylab = "f(x)",
  xlab = "",
  main = "Figur 2.5 Empirische Verteilfunktion",
  xlim = c(1,5.5))
abline(h= (0:5)*0.2)


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Re: [R] Interweaving cell entries from 2 columns

2007-08-20 Thread Jim Lemon
jenny wrote:
> Hi, how do I interweave 2 columns of data into a single column?  See 
> illustration below. Thx-jenny I have 2 columns of data Col1   Col21  
> 2 3  45  6 7  89  10 I want to create a new 
> column with interlocking cell centries12345678910   Get the new Windows Live 
> Messenger! Try it!



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Re: [R] multiple colors within same line of text

2007-08-18 Thread Jim Lemon
Andrew Yee wrote:
> Hi, I'm interested in using mtext(), but with the option of having multiple
> colors in the same line of text.
> For example, creating a line of text where:
> Red is red and blue is blue
> How do you create a text argument that lets you do this within mtext()?
You can do something like this with "text" and then use xpd=TRUE to use 
it outside the plot. I think it would be more fiddly trying to use "mtext".

concat.text<-function(x,y,txt,col) {
  for(txtstr in 1:length(txt)) {
ctext<-c("Roses are ","red, ","violets are ","purple")


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Re: [R] vertically oriented color key in heatmaps

2007-08-14 Thread Jim Lemon
Rajarshi Guha wrote:
> Hi, I have some data which I was plotting using image(). I wanted to  
> add a vertical color key to the plot and I found that heatmap.2 in  
> gplots does let me add a color key. However, I was thinking of a  
> vertical bar with the color range rather than  the style that gplots  
> provides.
> Is there any package (or code snippet) that would let me add a  
> vertical color key to an image() or heatmap plot?
Hi Rajarshi,
Have a look at color.legend in the plotrix package.


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Re: [R] Positioning text in top left corner of plot

2007-08-10 Thread Jim Lemon
Daniel Brewer wrote:
> Thanks for the replies, but I still cannot get what I want.  I do not
> want the label inside the plot area, but in the top left of the paper, I
> suppose in the margins.  When I try to use text to do this, it does not
> seem to plot it outside the plot area.  I have also tried to use mtext,
> but that does not really cut it, as I cannot get the label in the
> correct position.  Ideally, it would be best if I could use legend but
> have it outside the plot area.
> Any ideas?
Hi Dan,

Try this:



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Re: [R] Subject: Re: how to include bar values in a barplot?

2007-08-10 Thread Jim Lemon
Gabor Grothendieck wrote:
> You could put the numbers inside the bars in which
> case it would not add to the height of the bar:
> x <- 1:5
> names(x) <- letters[1:5]
> bp <- barplot(x)
> text(bp, x - .02 * diff(par("usr")[3:4]), x)
Indeed, the boxed.labels function makes this pretty easy.

gives you the labels in a little white rectangle so that none are invisible.

I also greatly enjoyed Ted's rebuttal of the "Bar charts are evil and 
must be banned" argument. If bar charts are appropriate for the 
audience, give 'em bar charts. One great way to turn off your customers 
is to tell them what they can and can't do with your product.


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Re: [R] saving output

2007-08-08 Thread Jim Lemon
Lynn Disney wrote:
> I have a question about how to save the output of a logistic regression
> model in some format (delimited, preferably) so that I can manipulate it
> to make nice tables in excel. I have tried print, save, write, none seem
> to do what I want them to. Does anyone have any ideas?
Hi Lynn,
This is an interesting idea that might be useful in the prettyR package. 
You have just volunteered to be a test pilot.

delim.table<-function(x,con="",delim="\t") {
  if(nchar(con)) {
  else open.con<-FALSE
  if(is.null(column.names)) column.names<-colnames(x)
  if(have.col.names) {
   for(col in 1:xdim[2])
  for(row in 1:xdim[1]) {
   if(have.row.names) cat(row.names[row],file=con)
   for(col in 1:xdim[2]) cat(x[row,col],delim,sep="",file=con)
  if(open.con) close(con)


This output should import into Excel with no trouble (it does in 
OpenOffice Calc). Either use sink() or specify a filename as in the example.


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Re: [R] Selectively shading areas under two density curves

2007-08-06 Thread Jim Lemon
Ian Watson wrote:
> Dear Listers,
> I am drawing a plot of two density curves, for male and female incomes. I 
> would 
> like to shade/hatch/color (whatever) the areas under the curves which are 
> distinctive for each gender. This is the code I have tried so far:
> m <- density(topmal.d$y, bw = "sj")
> f <- density(topfem.d$y, bw = "sj")
> par(mfrow = c(1,1))
> plot(x = c(0,400), y = c(0,0.02), type = "n",
>  bty = "l", xlab = "Annual earnings (in $thousands)", ylab = "Density")
> polygon(m, col = "blue", border = "blue", density = 20, angle = -45)
> polygon(f, col = "red", border = "red", density = 20, angle = 45)
> Without the data I realise you may not be able to see my goal. But basically 
> the 
>   m density and the f density overlap for most of the plot, but areas "bulge" 
> out on the left and right of the overlapped area. What I'm wanting to do is 
> shade/hatch/color etc these areas which are unique to each density, that is, 
> which are outside the overlapped area.
> My code is successful at hatching the bulging areas, but leaves me with a 
> double 
> hatched area for the overlap, which is distracting. If I could turn this 
> double 
> hatched area white, that would achieve my goal, though ideally I would like 
> to 
> be able to specify something like "shade only areas under the m density curve 
> which are not also under the f density curve (and shade only under the f 
> density 
> curve those areas not under the m density curve".
Hi Ian,
Once you get used to the vagaries of "density" output, this isn't too 
hard, as you only have one crossing. I think this gets you what you want:

m <- density(minc, bw = "sj")
f <- density(finc, bw = "sj")
plot(m$x,m$y,main="Male vs female income distribution",


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Re: [R] - round() strange behaviour

2007-08-06 Thread Jim Lemon
(Ted Harding) wrote:
> ...
> Thus "always up" or "always down" means that the difference between
> rounded numbers is always the same as between the unrounded numbers
> which for other methods the differences can differ by 2.0.
> This may or may not matter, but it is something to think about
> when choosing a rounding method.
Ah, but Ted, this is why, as I remarked in a private message to the 
original poster, we were also taught never to round until the final 
result. Had I not had a rather extended debate with an engineer who 
apparently thought that one could get away with successive rounding, I 
would not be so sensitive on the issue.


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Re: [R] shadow between two lines in plot()

2007-08-02 Thread Jim Lemon
Ding, Rebecca wrote:
>  Dear R users,
> I used the following code to draw a scatter plot. 
> plot(x,y,type="n")
> points(x,y,pch=1)
> And then I used the abline functions to draw two lines. I want to add
> the shadow between those two lines. 
> abline(h=200)
> abline(h=300)
> Any suggestions?
Hi Rebecca,
Have a look at polygon.shadow in the plotrix package. You can display a 
shadow-like figure based on any polygon.


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Re: [R] "Cut marks" on a plot's y-axis to indicate it is a truncated axis

2007-08-01 Thread Jim Lemon
David Lloyd wrote:
> Hi,
> I've plotted a Kaplan-Meier curve but the curves only range from 0.7 to
> 1 on the y-axis. Therefore I have used: -
> ylim=c(0.7,1)
> [although I think convention dictates that you plot 0.5 to 1 to show the
> median? A few papers I've read have done this]??
> BUT, I would like a symbol like // (but rotated 90 degrees) to indicate
> that the y-axis has been truncated. I'd need to be able to specify
> exactly where on the axis to put the symbol as well.
> I couldn't find anything under "par" or "plot" for doing this
Hi David,
Try looking for axis.break in the plotrix package.


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Re: [R] Average plan

2007-07-30 Thread Jim Lemon
Nok Noy wrote:
> Hello, 
> I'm looking for a method to compute an average plan from 4 or 5 point in an
> cartesian space. I'm sure It can be done using a less-square method but
> maybe it a function already exist in R system to get this plan. 
> Can somebody help me to solve this problem (I'm looking on the net for hours
> but didn't find anything realy satisfiying me)

Hi Nok,
I haven't seen any answers to your question, and this may be due to the 
fact that no one knows what you are asking. Do you mean that you want to 
define a _plane_ that is the best fit to more than three points in a 
three dimensional system?


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Re: [R] How to add circular text for a graph with concentric circles

2007-07-25 Thread Jim Lemon
> Dear R experts,
> I am plotting the population of students who live in a city, and in 
> successive circular bands made of the contiguous districts that surround 
> the city. This is a stylized figure, where I specify the area of each 
> successive circle based on the cumulative population of students. I want 
> to compare two sets of concentric circles across different populations - 
> such as 'All students' and 'Private students' (those attending private 
> school) by using the same colours and the same dimension of the outer 
> circle. I have attached the .pdf file with the output, and the R code to 
> generate the first set of circles.
> I would appreciate any tips about how to rotate the text label that marks 
> each concentric circle (except the central circle) to be curved around the 
> circle, located in the middle of each band, thus following the circle 
> instead of being horizontal, as I have it now.
Hi Suhas,
This is kind of rough, being rejigged from an old piece of Postscript 
code that I wrote to get text in an arc. You specify the text and 
whatever else is needed as in the following example:

  midangle=pi/2,stretch=1.1,cex=1,...) {
  for(i in 1:length(arcpos))

arctext("bendy as a bloody piece of spaghetti",center=c(3,3))

radius is obviously the radius of the arc,
midangle is where you want the center of the text,
stretch is how much to stretch the text to make it look nice
and cex is the expansion factor.
You will probably notice that I kludged the spacing by making
it monospaced. I'll have a try at getting proportionally spaced
text to work right when I get a chance.


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Re: [R] mfrow is ignored by some plots

2007-07-19 Thread Jim Lemon
Prof Brian Ripley wrote:
> I'd ask the plotrix maintainer to fix his code!
> radial.plot saves and restores all the par() values, including mfrow and 
> mfg. When you do par(mfrow=c(2,2)) the plot position is reset to the 
> bottom right, and the next plot will advance to the top left (but 
> par(new=TRUE) negates that).
> Please restore only the par values you have changed, not all the 
> no.readonly ones.  That values can be set does not make it a good idea 
> to do so.
Thank you Prof. Ripley, an erudite and functional answer as usual.


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[R] mfrow is ignored by some plots

2007-07-19 Thread Jim Lemon
Hi all,
I was just informed that the plots in the radial.plot family in the 
plotrix package do not plot correctly when using mfrow or mfcol to 
subdivide the plot window. I found one related message, an answer from 
Deepayan Sarkar to a question about lattice graphics, but that shed no 
light on this problem.

If I invoke par(mfrow=c(2,2)) and run radial.plot a few times, the plots 
appears in the upper left corner. _Sometimes_ the second plot appears in 
the upper right corner once, but then returns to the upper left. If I 
invoke par(new=TRUE), the plots appear in the lower right corner.

For instance, the following just keeps writing the plots in the upper left.


If I then enter:


and repeat the plots, they all accumulate in the lower right. I think 
this may have something to do with the calls to points or lines or 
symbols within radial.plot, but I could find no information on this in 
the help for plot, par, or several other pages.

Any clues?


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Re: [R] Missing value in circ.mean and polar.plot

2007-07-18 Thread Jim Lemon
Gagnon,Francois [SteFoy] wrote:
> Hi, 
> I try to compute circular means for a matrix with NAs, but the function 
> "circ.mean" return only means for lines with complete values and do not 
> accept "na.omit=T" or "na.rm=T", or "na.action=na.omit", or "". 
> Also, I try to use "polar.plot" of the package poltrix with the same matrix, 
> but angles are not display because of many NAs.
> Does any one know how what should be the right NA action to get results in 
> these two cases ?
Hi Francois,
For one thing, you should be using radial.plot, as the angles are in 
radians, not degrees. However, your data shows up a couple of problems 
with radial.plot that I will fix. I'm currently fixing some minor (I 
hope) problems with plotrix v2.2-3 and this should turn up on CRAN in 
the next few days. I'll see if I can get radial.plot to produce the sort 
of plots you are seeking.

Thanks for finding the problem.


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Re: [R] Text with differents colors in a plot / Detecting if text exists

2007-07-16 Thread Jim Lemon
Maja Schröter wrote:
> Hi everybody,
> I want to write some text in a plot.
> That's simple I know. But I want to make use of different colors.
> Eg. text(x,y,paste("Sunderland","high")).
> Then Sunderland should be black and "high" red.
> Has anyone an idea?
> By the way. I'm looking for a function or something similar, that can check 
> whether there is text in some regions on the plot. 
> Because I don't want to overwrite an existing text with a new one.
Hi Maja,
For your first question:


i.e., don't form a single string so that you can specify different 
colors and positions for the two words.

For the second one, I am about to upload a new version of the plotrix 
package that contains a function named "emptyspace". This tries to find 
the largest rectangle on a plot that has nothing plotted within it.


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Re: [R] The results of your email commands

2007-07-10 Thread Jim Lemon
dimple thyagarajan wrote:

 > ...
 > Building a website is a piece of cake.

But sending an email is another matter altogether.


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Re: [R] character string to name

2007-07-09 Thread Jim Lemon
Jim Lemon wrote:
> Hi folks,
> I thought I recalled a request for turning a character string into an 
> object name as in:
> x$"y")<-1:4
 > ...
Thanks to those who replied to this eminently dumb question.

I put this down to the Euthermic Model of Cognitive Efficiency. This 
model, recently developed in Sydney, Australia, proposes that cognitive 
efficiency is maximized at the most comfortable ambient temperature for 
the thinker. Thus after riding home in the cold Sydney rain last night, 
I was unable to think of the simplest answer:


until I had gone to bed and warmed up. Then I awoke in the early morning 
and thought of Gabor's suggestion:


I felt compelled to arise and publish this amazing theory, that not only 
explains why the rate of intellectual and technical innovation is 
greatest in the temperate climes, but more importantly, gives me an 
excuse for asking the question.


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[R] character string to name

2007-07-09 Thread Jim Lemon
Hi folks,

I thought I recalled a request for turning a character string into an 
object name as in:




However, and a few other uninformed attempts didn't even come 
close. A search of "character to name" produced no helpful functions. 
This isn't a very urgent request, but if anyone knows some trick to 
perform this transformation, I would like to hear about it. Thanks.


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Re: [R] color scale in rgl plots

2007-07-07 Thread Jim Lemon
David Farrelly wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm trying to make a 3d plot using rgl in which the size and color of
> each point corresponds to certain attributes of each data point. The color
> attribute, let's call it X, is scaled to go from 0 to 1. The
> rainbow(64,start=0.7,end=0.1) palette is perfect for what I want but I
> don't know how to take that palette and pick a color from it based on
> the value of X for a given data point. I'm fairly new to R and any
> suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
> Here's what I do - it's how to do the color mapping that has me stumped.
> plot3d(th1,ph,th2,type='s',size=wd1,col=(rp1,0,0,1),cex=2,ylab=NULL,xlab=NULL,zlab=NULL,xlim=c(0,1),ylim=c(0,2),zlim=c(0,1),box=TRUE,axes=FALSE)
> I have also tried the more obvious col = rgb(a,b,c,d) where a,b,c,d are
> functions of X but I can't manage to come up with a nice looking color
> scale.
Hi David,
You could check out color.scale in the plotrix package, which does just 


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Re: [R] Please help with legend command

2007-07-05 Thread Jim Lemon
Smith, Phil (CDC/CCID/NCIRD) wrote:
> Hi R-ers:
> I'm drawing a plot and have used different line types (lty) for
> different race/ethnicity groups. I want a legend that explains what line
> types correspond to the different race/ethnicity groups. I used the
> following code:
> legend( 1992 , 42  , c("Hispanic" , "non-Hispanic white (NHW)" ,
> "non-Hispanic black" , "AI/AN" , "Asian" ) , lty=1:5 ,cex = .6 , bty='n'
> )
> Guess what? The legend "box" was so narrow that the line types that show
> up in that legend box look essentially the same, because they are short.
> I.e, although a line type might be a long dash followed by a short dash,
> only the long dash shows up in the box. The consequence of this is that
> the race/ethnic group that corresponds to the line type that is only a
> long dash cannot be distinguished from the legend.
> How do I stretch that legend box out so as to allow lty to draw longer
> line segments?
Hi Phil,
A quick hack is to get a copy of the function:


Get the file into a text editor and first get rid of the

at the bottom, then change line 161 to:

w0 <- w0 + (4 + * xchar

and line 212 to:

seg.len <- 4

source the new function:


and your line segments will be twice as long.


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Re: [R] Plotting very skewed data in barplot

2007-07-03 Thread Jim Lemon
Dr. med. Peter Robinson wrote:
> Dear R'ers,
> I would like to use barplot or a similar function to plot data
> demonstrating the distribution of the length of a kind of conservation in
> about 25000 DNA sequences. My data look like this:
> ...
> Therefore, I would like to show the column representing 0 (with 19936
> sequences) "cut" so it doesn't dominate the rest of the plot. Also,
> starting from about 10 sequences, I would like to group the rest of the
> sequences into groups of 5 each (for instance, 10-15, 16-20, 21-25 etc).

  Hi Peter,

Have a look at gap.barplot in the plotrix package. I would suggest 
something like this:

gap.barplot(y,c(500,19800),main="Skewed distribution",

where y is the right column of your data.


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Re: [R] Combine graphical and textual output

2007-07-02 Thread Jim Lemon
Dieter Vanderelst wrote:
> Hi,
> I would like to know whether anybody knows a simple way to combine 
> textual and graphical output in R.
> A typical analysis produces textual output (e.g. model fits) and plots 
> in R. I would like to know whether R has the possibility of combining 
> these into a single 'report' or output. An example of a program that 
> does this is SPSS. After running the analysis you have a combination of 
> textual output (tables) and plots that are easy to print and distribute.
> I know of the possibility to embed R code into LATEX (using Sweave), but 
> I wouldn't call this quick since a lot of coding will go into writing 
> the Sweave file.
> Any other suggestions?
And to further complicate the issue, you could look at the htmlize and 
R2html in the prettyR package, which allows you to run an R script and 
produce HTML output.


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Re: [R] Plots from categorial data

2007-07-01 Thread Jim Lemon
Christoph Krammer wrote:
> Hello everybody,
> Since my first message was caught by the spam filter, I just try to do it
> again:
> I want to use R to generate plots from categorial data. The data contains
> results from OCR scans over images with are preprocessed by different image
> filtering techniques. A small sample data set looks as following:
>>data <- read.csv("d:/tmp_da/sql_data/filter_d_tool.csv", header=T) 
>   ocrtool filter_setting avg.hit.
> 1  FineReader2x10.383
> 2  FineReader2x20.488
> 3  FineReader3x20.268
> 4  FineReader3x30.198
> 5  FineReader4x30.081
> 6  FineReader4x40.056
> 7gocr2x10.153
> 8gocr2x20.102
> 9gocr3x20.047
> 10   gocr3x30.052
> 11   gocr4x30.014
> 12   gocr4x40.002
> 13  ocrad2x10.085
> 14  ocrad2x20.094
> 15  ocrad3x20.045
> 16  ocrad3x30.050
> 17  ocrad4x30.025
> 18  ocrad4x40.009
> I now want to draw a plot with the categories (filter_setting) as X axis,
> and the avg_hit as Y axis. There should be lines for each ocrtool.
> But when I draw a plot, the resulting plot always contains bars, even if I
> specify type="n".
>>plot(data$filter_setting, data$avg.hit., type="n")
> When I only plot the categories, without data, there appear strange grey
> (but empty) boxes. 
>>plot(data$filter_setting, type="n")
> Who do I get a clean white box to draw the different lines in?
Hi Christoph,

How about this?

  type="b",col=2,ylim=c(0,0.5),main="OCR performance",
  xlab="Filter setting",ylab="Average hits",axes=FALSE)


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Re: [R] Repeat if

2007-06-29 Thread Jim Lemon
Birgit Lemcke wrote:
> Hello,
> (Power Book G4, Mac OS X, R 2.5.0)
> I would like to repeat the function range for 85 Vectors (V1-V85).
> I tried with this code:
> i<-0
>  > repeat {
> + i<-i+1
> + if (i<85) next
> + range (Vi, na.rm = TRUE)
> + if (i==85) break
> + }
> I presume that the Vi is wrong, because in this syntax i is not known  
> as a variable. But I don´t know how to say that it is a variable here.
> Would be nice if somebody could help me.
> Perhaps I´m thinking too complicated and there is an easier way to do  
> this.
Hi Birgit,
This may be what you want:

for(i in 1:85)


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Re: [R] Looking for parallel functionality between Matlab and R

2007-06-27 Thread Jim Lemon
El-ad David Amir wrote:
> I'm slowly moving my statistical analysis from Matlab to R, and find myself
> missing two features:
> a) How do I mimic Matlab's 'hold on'? (I want to show several plots
> together, when I type two plots one after the other the second overwrites
> the first)
> b) How do I mimic Matlab's 'axis'? (after drawing my plots I want to zoom on
> specific parts- for example, x=0:5, y=0:20).
I think what you want for a) is par(ask=TRUE).

There have been a few discussions of zooming on the help list - see:

for one solution.


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Re: [R] how to plot this?

2007-06-26 Thread Jim Lemon
Weiwei Shi wrote:
> Hi, there:
> Suppose I have a couple of data.frames and each one has five columns
> (one for x-axis, two for y-axis and two for std of y's.) There is
> another dimensions (besides x and y) which is continuous. My question
> is, how to plot such series of data frames in one plot (thus,
> 3-dimensional plot) AND multiple 2-D plots. I am not familar with R's
> plotting utilities.
Hi Weiwei,

Maybe color2D.matplot for the 2D plots, setting par(mfrow...) 
appropriately. I have just uploaded a new version of plotrix in which 
color2D.matplot will handle NAs appropriately, doing such things as 
upper or lower triangles of matrices. Look for version 2.2-2 when it 
pops up on CRAN.


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Re: [R] Encircling a text in a plot

2007-06-24 Thread Jim Lemon
Maja Schröter wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> I want to write something in a plot with text or something similar, e.g. 
> text(x,y,"something") but I want to encircle it by a box as in a legend.
> I have absolutely no idea how this could work.
Hi Maja,
Have a look at boxed.labels and textbox in the plotrix package.


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Re: [R] how to create cumulative histogram from two independent variables?

2007-06-22 Thread Jim Lemon
Jose Borreguero wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am extremely newbie to R. Can anybody jump-start me with any clues as to
> how do I get a cumulative histogram from two independent variables,
> cumhist(X,Y) ?
> -jose
Hi Jose,

Is this something like you want?



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Re: [R] names over names

2007-06-20 Thread Jim Lemon
elyakhlifi mustapha wrote:
> Hello,
> I wonder if it's possible to put names above column names.
> Do you know if it's possible?

If you mean something like this:

Monday  Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

and you want it to be part of the data frame:


This will not just appear when you print the data frame, you would have 
to access the "supername" like this:


[1] "Weekdays"

However, I suspect that whatever you are trying to accomplish can be 
done in a more straightforward way.


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Re: [R] triangle contour plots

2007-06-19 Thread Jim Lemon
Robin Hankin wrote:
> Suppose I have three numbers p1, p2, p3 with
> 0 <= p1,p2,p3 <= 1  and p1+p2+p3=1,
> and a  function  f=f(p1,p2,p3)   =  f(p1,p2,1-p1-p2).
> How to draw a contour plot of f() on the p1+p2+p3=1 plane,
> that is, an equilateral triangle?
> Functions triplot(), triangle.plot(), and ternaryplot()  give
> only  scatterplots, AFAICS
Hi Robin,
I was all ready to say that triax.plot could do what you want if I added 
a "type" argument, but found that for some reason both "points" and 
"lines" are only reading the first color in a vector. If I send more 
than one color to either function, I only get the first one. If I can 
sort this out, it's easy to use triax.plot to do what you want (unless, 
of course, you are satisfied with lines of one color).


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Re: [R] Readline

2007-06-18 Thread Jim Lemon
Antje wrote:
> Hello,
> I also have problems to get to run the following lines. If I run the
> block instead of every single line, it simply does not wait for the input.
> Can anybody help me?
> pos_name <- readline("Please type: ")
> r <- substr(pos_name, 1,1)
> c <- substr(pos_name, 2,nchar(pos_name))
Hi Antje,
What you seem to be doing is pasting the lines into the R window. The 
second line looks like the input line that the first line is expecting, 
and if you remove the empty line, you will see that pos_name has been 
assigned the text of the second line.

If you put these lines into a text file and then use "source" to read 
it, it works as I think you expect.


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Re: [R] R help

2007-06-07 Thread Jim Lemon
scott flemming wrote:
> Hi,
> I wonder whether R can finish the following project:
> I want to make a chart to represent 10 genes. Each gene has orientation and 
> length. Therefore, a gene can be represented by arrows. 
> Can R be used to draw 10 arrows in one line ?
Hi Scott,
Maybe the feather.plot function in the plotrix package is what you want.


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Re: [R] Filled step-function?

2007-05-16 Thread Jim Lemon
Beate Kowalczyk wrote:
> Hello,
> I'd like to generate a filled step-function in R as you can see in the 
> attachement (image is generated by grapher, but I need a freely 
> available alternative). The problem is, that I don't know, how to fill 
> it up. My code right now looks like this:
> pH <- c(0,6.1,6.1,6.3,6.6,7.3,0)
> Tiefe <- c(0,0,10,40,80,120,10)
> plot(pH,Tiefe,type="s",main="Tiefenfunktion pH",ylim=c(120,0),xlim=c(0,23))
Hi Beate,
If I understand this, you want the steps to be converted into a polygon 
and displayed instead of the plot "step" display. You also want the y 
axis reversed. This might do what you want:

stepfun.polygon<-function(x,y,miny=min(y),col=NULL,...) {

Note that you will probably only want the observed values of x and y, as 
the zeros on the end produce an unwanted spike in the polygon.


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[R] So long, concord

2007-05-12 Thread Jim Lemon
Hi R-users,
In the interest of reducing the duplication of functions and 
multiplication of packages on CRAN, I will no longer be upgrading the 
concord package, and will in time remove it. Matthais Gamer has offered 
to host the following functions in the "irr" package:

kripp.alpha (Krippendorff's alpha) (McNemar marginal homogeneity test)
rater.bias (test of bias between two raters) (Stuart-Maxwell marginal homogeneity test)

The "quest.reliability" function will move to Harold Doran's 
"MiscPsycho" package, although perhaps with some alterations.

If any package maintainers are interested in a function to compute 
Page's Trend Test, let me know. Rather than start up an "R-bay" for 
functions, I will donate it free to a good home.


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Re: [R] Representing a statistic as a colour on a 2d plot

2007-05-10 Thread Jim Lemon
mister_bluesman wrote:
> Ive been getting the color.scale function to work. However, I really need to
> know is that if i have values: 0.1 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, for example, how I
> can plot these using colours that would be different if the contents of the
> file were 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9 and 1.0. Using color.scale scales them so that
> they differ, but only relative to each other, rather than taking the actual
> value and converting them to some unique colour/colour intensity.
> Many thanks
There are a couple of ways to go about this. If you know that there are 
say ten possible values, you can use the color.gradient function to 
assign ten colors across a particular range. Then you would have to map 
the colors to the numbers (I would do something like creating a two 
element list of the sorted unique numbers and the colors. Then assign 
the color vector for the plot from this list.) Note that both 
color.scale and color.gradient are aimed at producing colors that 
visually represent some range like cold(blue) to hot(red). If you just 
want to get 20 easily discriminated colors and assign them to values, 
you might be better off with ColorBrewer.


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Re: [R] Representing a statistic as a colour on a 2d plot

2007-05-08 Thread Jim Lemon
mister_bluesman wrote:
> Hello.
> I have a 2d plot which looks like this:
> This plot is derived from a file that holds statistics about each point on
> the plot and looks like this:
>   abc   d  e
> a00.4980.4730.524   0.528 
> b   0.498  0   0   0  0
> c   0.473  0   0   0  0
> d   0.524  0   0   0  0
> e   0.528  0   0   0  0
> However, I have another file called 2.txt, with the following contents:
> a  b  c  d  e   
> 0.5   0.7  0.32 0.34 0.01
> What I would like to know is how do I convert these values in 2.txt to
> colours or colour intensities so that the x's in the diagram above can be
> colour coded as such.

Yo bluesman,

check color.scale in the plotrix package, cat
it'll color your points to the values they're at


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Re: [R] Polar graph of time and tide

2007-05-02 Thread Jim Lemon
Alan E. Davis wrote:
> I have been trying to visualize times of lowest tides, month by month.
>  I have tide predictions with times either in unix time or a text
> format, and heights in feet or meters.  I had been able to derive the
> clock times of each prediction.   I would now like to graph this data
> with points showing heights as "r" and times as "theta", from  to
> 2355.  There is a seasonal component: I am interested in displaying
> times of lowest tides in particular.
> I am sure this is so simple as to burden those on the list; I however
> have spent two evenings trying to figure out how to use polar.plot,
> and I'm not sure that's the best way to do this.  May I request some
> advice?  The docs with polar.plot are not complete, I fear.
> Thank you, begging for your indulgence,
Hi Alan,
Earl Glynn's advice is spot-on if you are trying to map tides onto the 
diurnal cycle. However, I get the impression that you want an annual 
cycle. If this is the case, it is probably best to go to the underlying 
function, radial.plot. Here is an example with some imaginary tides.


This plots time of lowest tide in a month as a symbol at a radial 
distance proportional to the 24 hour time of day. As you can see from 
running the example, the months of the year are displayed around the 
circumference of the plot. One annoyance is that the hours are displayed 
as 0-2500. As "pretty" handles that, you would have to set 
show.radial.grid to FALSE and manually draw the desired grid (a pain, 
but not impossible).

You could also place the symbols at the position in the month of the 
lowest tide by specifying radial.pos instead of letting the function 
spread them out evenly.

If you want to overlay a number of years, x should be a matrix and 
point.col can be chosen so that each year has a different color.

I would like to know of any deficiencies in the docs, as while I think I 
know what I'm talking about, it is you out there who have to understand it.


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Re: [R] to draw a smooth arc

2007-05-02 Thread Jim Lemon
(Ted Harding) wrote:
> This thread prompts me to ask about something I've
> been pondering for a while, as to whether there's an
> implementation somewhere ticked away in the R resources.
> So far, people have been responding to the original query
> in terms of increasing the numbers of points, and joining
> these by lines.
> However, if you're using PostScript output, you can draw
> really smooth curves by exploiting PS's "curveto" operator.
> This draws a cubic-curve segment in the following way:
> ...
> Anyway. The Question: is there a general function for the
> above kind of smooth curve-drawing?
Hi Ted,
My experience with this some years ago was in anti-aliasing visual 
stimuli presented on a PC monitor. The intended line was calculated 
pixel by pixel and the each pixel that the line touched was assigned a 
value based on a sawtooth function. The peak of the function was always 
exactly on the intended line and the luminance of the pixel was a linear 
function of the distance of its center along a perpendicular to the 
line. We used the width of a pixel as the lateral extent of the function 
with adequate success. The lines appeared smooth until the viewer could 
resolve the individual pixels. Wider lines used a trapezoidal 
distribution of luminance with the same slope on the limbs. I must note 
that we did not have to create our stimuli in real time, and this method 
might be too slow. However, I am fairly certain that if the function 
knew about the characteristics of the output device, one could base a 
curveto function on this.


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Re: [R] to draw a smooth arc

2007-05-01 Thread Jim Lemon
Paulo Barata wrote:
> Dear R-list members,
> I would like to draw a smooth arc. I can draw an arc
> parametrically, but this produces an arc too coarse,
> even allowing for different increments in sequence t
> in the example below. Function "symbols" (graphics) does
> produce a smooth circle, but it cannot produce an arc.
> Please see the following example, drawing complete circles:
> plot(-5:5,-5:5,type='n')
> ## draws circle with function symbols (package graphics)
> ## - inner circle is very smooth:
> symbols(0,0,circles=2,add=TRUE)
> ## draws circle parametrically - outer circle is too coarse:
> pi <- 4*atan(1)
> t <- seq(0,2*pi,0.02)
> lines(4*cos(t),4*sin(t))
> Package "plotrix" has a function "draw.arc", but arcs produced
> with this function are also either too coarse or too polygonal,
> depending on the number of polygons used to approximate the arc.
> Is there a way to harness the characteristics of function
> "symbols" (graphics) to draw a smooth arc, not just a complete
> circle?
Hi Paulo,
I may be misunderstanding you, but have you tried to increase the number 
of segments in the arc using the "n" argument?



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Re: [R] Can a hyperlink be placed, thorugh R programming, on a graph?

2007-04-27 Thread Jim Lemon
Aldi Kraja wrote:
> Hi,
> If I use 
> x<-1:10
>  y<-rnorm(10,0,1)
> ### pdf(file="c:\\aldi\\test.pdf")
>  plot(x,y)
>  segments(x,y,x+2,y+2)
>  segments(x,y,x+0.5,y+0.5,col=3)
> ###
> ### q()
> Is there a way that I can imbed in the graph plot for each point defined 
> by x to x+0.5 and y to y+0.5 (and colored in green) a different hyperlink?
> For example point one (together with the green tail) will have the 
> hyperlink:; point 2 with the link; 
> point 3 with the link etc.
> So in general, can the graph be manupulated within R?
Hi Aldi,
In HTML, the way to do this is usually known as an image map. Here is 
one way to accomplish this.


After generating the image in a format that will display on an HTML 
page, create the page.

   HTML image map demo
   Click on one of the points to go to another URL";>";>";>

Now if you point your browser at that HTML page, you should be able to 
click on the first three points and be transferred to the URLs in your 
example. Doing this in PDF should be pretty similar, but I don't know 
how to write PDF code.

However, if you look at the code in either the R2HTML package or the 
prettyR package, you can see how this could all be generated in R.


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Re: [R] help

2007-04-26 Thread Jim Lemon
Natalie O'Toole wrote:
> Hi,
> Would anyone know how to calculate the modal value of LeafArea?
> Thank-you very much!!
> Nat
> __
> Hi all,
> I have 2 questions:
> 1)How do I calculate the mean on an imported txt file? I've imported the 
> file below and that's what it looks like imported. How do I then calcuate 
> the mean, median, or mode on the column LeafArea using the desktop R 
> package?
Hi Nat,
Try this:



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Re: [R] convergence

2007-04-19 Thread Jim Lemon
rach.s wrote:
> hie..
> how can i write a loop that makes algorithm keeps repeating until a solution
> is converged?do i use a for loop? i know that we can use for loop to ask for
> a number of repetitions, but how to use it to ask the algorithm to keep
> repeating until a solution is converged?

gregory.liebniz<-function(tol=0.0001) {
  while(pi.diff > tol) {
   numer<- -numer

What you want is probably a while loop, testing for a level of 
convergence like this simple method for calculating pi.


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Re: [R] help comparing two median with R

2007-04-17 Thread Jim Lemon
Pedro A Reche wrote:
> Dear R users,
> I am new to R and  I would like to ask your help with the following  
> topic. I have three sets of numeral data, 2 sets are paired and a  
> third is independent of the other two. For each of these sets I have  
> obtained their basic statistics (mean, median, stdv, range ...).
> Now I want to compare if these sets differ. I could compare the mean  
> doing a basic T test . However, I was looking for a test to compare  
> the medians using R.   If that is possible I would love to hear the  
> specifics.

Hi Pedro,
You can use the Mann-Whitney test ("wilcox" with two samples), but you 
would have to check that the second and third moments of the variable 
distributions were the same, I think.


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Re: [R] indexing a subset dataframe

2007-04-16 Thread Jim Lemon
Mandy Barron wrote:
> Hello
> I am having problems indexing a subset dataframe, which was created
> as:
> Fitting a linear model revealed some data points which had high
> leverage, so I attempted to redo the regression without these data
> points:
> which resulted in a "subscript out of bounds" error.
> I'm pretty sure the problem is that the data points identified in the
> regression as having high leverage were the row names carried over from
> the original dataframe which had 150 rows, but when I try to remove data
> point #142 from the subset dataframe this tries to reference by a
> numerical index but there are only 130 data points in the subset
> dataframe hence the "subscript out of bounds" message.  So I guess my
> question is how do I reference the data points to drop from the
> regression by name?
Hi Mandy,
You're correct in that the old indices are no longer valid in the new 
dataframe. If you want to use the original indices (i.e. you can't just 
identify the new row indices in the new dataframe), you can do this:

waspsNoGV$oldindices<-which(wasps$site != "GV")
  data=waspsNoGV[-(wasps$oldindices %in% c(61,69,142))])


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Re: [R] Reasons to Use R

2007-04-13 Thread Jim Lemon
(Ted Harding) wrote:
> On 12-Apr-07 10:14:21, Jim Lemon wrote:
>>Charilaos Skiadas wrote:
>>>A new fortune candidate perhaps?
>>>On Apr 10, 2007, at 6:27 PM, Greg Snow wrote:
>>>>Remember, everything is better than everything else given the
>>>>right comparison.
>>Only if we remove the grammatical blip that turns it into an infinite 
>>regress, i.e.
>>"Remember, anything is better than everything else given the right 
> Oh dear, I would be disappointed with that, Jim.
> I was rather enjoying the vision of a "topological sort tree"
> (ordered by "better according to some comparison") in which every
> single thing had everything else hanging off it, and in turn was
> hanging off everything else!
Sorry, Ted, I think Benoit Mandelbrot beat you to it.


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Re: [R] Putting 2 breaks on Y axis

2007-04-12 Thread Jim Lemon
Inman, Brant A. M.D. wrote:
> R plotting experts:
> I have a bivariate dataset composed of 300 (x,y) continuous datapoints.
> 297 of these points are located within the y range of [0,10], while 2
> are located at 20 and one at 55.  No coding errors, real outliers.
> When plotting these data with a scatterplot, I obviously have a problem.
> If I plot the full dataset with ylim = c(0,55), then I cannot see the
> structure in the data in the [0, 10] range.  If I truncate the y axis
> with ylim = c(0,10), then I cannot see the 3 outliers.  If I break the y
> axis from 10 to 20 (using plotrix functions), I still do not see the
> data optimally because of the white space from y=20 to y=55.
> What I would like to do is break the y axis at 2 points, roughly 10-20
> and 20-55. Is there a function that can break an axis in 2 places?
Hi Brant,

gap.plot in the plotrix package can do one break, and it is possible to 
do two, as gap.boxplot does. It wouldn't be too difficult to recode 
gap.plot to get more than one break. I'll see what I can do today.


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Re: [R] Tweaking my plot of matrix as image

2007-04-12 Thread Jim Lemon
Wee-Jin Goh wrote:
> Greetings list,
> I have a rectangular 20 x 20 matrix with values in the range of [0 ,  
> 1]. I'd like to plot it as an image. To that end, I have used the  
> image() function that seems to do what I want. Now, I just want to  
> tweak it to look perfect. So here is my question:
> At the moment, the values of the axis range from [0, 1]. I want it to  
> show the row and column of the matrix. How do I do that?
Perhaps color2D.matplot will suit you. It automatically shows the row 
and column indices on the plot in the same order as conventional matrix 


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Re: [R] Reasons to Use R

2007-04-12 Thread Jim Lemon
Charilaos Skiadas wrote:
> A new fortune candidate perhaps?
> On Apr 10, 2007, at 6:27 PM, Greg Snow wrote:
>>Remember, everything is better than everything else given the right
Only if we remove the grammatical blip that turns it into an infinite 
regress, i.e.

"Remember, anything is better than everything else given the right 


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Re: [R] &500 and above ignored

2007-04-10 Thread Jim Lemon
Constant Depièreux wrote:
> Hello,
> I have a data crunching program which causes me a problem.
> Some of the data are identified with an & sign followed by a integer.  
> No problem is experienced when analysing data below &500, but value  
> above are ignored.
> Is there some limitation in R on this topic?
Hi Constant,
As Ted replied, the question is somewhat mysterious. Are these data from 
something like MS VBA code, where variable types can be specified with a 
number of prefixed symbols?

If it is just a quirk of the data format and you know that the ampersand 
is always followed by an integer (or a float or a double...) you could 
just discard the ampersand when reading the data file.


Fancier substitutions that will not discard ampersands that are needed 
are left to someone with a head for regular expressions


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[R] bug in plotrix 2.2

2007-04-01 Thread Jim Lemon
Hi all,

Sorry to report that there is a minor bug in the floating.pie function 
in the new version of plotrix. I inadvertantly changed the bouyancy 
constant and some users may find that they are farther down the ordinate 
than they should be. This will be fixed in version 2.2-1.


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Re: [R] substitute NA values

2007-03-31 Thread Jim Lemon
Sergio Della Franca wrote:
> Dear R-Helpers,
> I have the following data set(y):
>   Test_Result   #_Test
> t 10
> f 14
> f 25
> f NA
> f 40
> t45
> t44
> 47
> tNA
> I want to replace the NA values with the following method:
> - for the numeric variable, replace NA with median
> - for character variable , replace NA with the most frequent level
> If i use x<-na.roughfix(y) the NA values are correctly replaced.
> But if i x<-na.roughfix(y$Test_Result) i obtain the following error:
> roughfix can only deal with numeric data.
> How can i solve this proble that i met every time i want to replace only the
> NA values of a column (type character)?
Hi Sergio,
In the prettyR package is the Mode function. This returns the mode of a 
vector as a character string. So I think this would do what you want:


You could do the same trick with the median function for the numeric values.


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Re: [R] Truncated x-axis values

2007-03-23 Thread Jim Lemon
"Urban, Alexander" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello
>I'm new to this group. I looked up the last two
>hour in the help file 
> and in the archives of this group, but didn't
>find anything.
>I hope my question is not too dump:
>I'm printing a graph with vertical labels on the
>x-axis (necessary due
>to many labels). Unfortunately the png truncates
>the labels halfway 
>through, so that you can only read the last 7
>digits of the label.
>Snice I'm already asking :-): Is there a
>possibility to tell R: If 
>there are so many labels that you write them on
>top of each other, 
>take only e.g. every 2nd...
There sure is, Alex. Have a look at staxlab in the plotrix package.


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Re: [R] Colored boxes with values in the box

2007-03-23 Thread Jim Lemon
Pappu, Kartik wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have a x, y matrix of numbers (usually ranging from 0 to 40).  I need 
> to group these numbers and assign a color to each group (for example 0 
> to 15 - Blue, 16-30- Yellow, and 31-40- Red).  Then I need to draw a 
> rectangular matrix which contains X x Y boxes and each box has the  
> corresponding value from the input matrix and is also colored according 
> to which group (i.e red, yellow, or blue) that value falls into.
> I have used the color2D.matplot function from the plotrix package, but 
> I cant quite figure out how to group the values to represent red blue 
> and yellow colors.
Hi Kartik,
color2D.matplot isn't designed for this, but with a few tricks, I think 
you can get what you want. Try this:

# trick 1 - calculate values that give you the colors for ranges
# trick 2 - Use boxed.labels rather than the inbuild value display
# trick 3 - Use color.legend to show the group colors

You will have to wait until plotrix v2.2 is on CRAN as I am just 
submitting it, and the color.legend function, requested only a few weeks 
ago, is new to that version.


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Re: [R] Ticks on barplots

2007-03-21 Thread Jim Lemon
Michael H. Prager wrote:
> Dear Gurus,
> Using R 2.4.1 on Windows XP
> I am generating stacked barplots of age-composition of fish populations 
> (Y) over time (X).  As there are many years, not every bars is labeled.  
> When looking at the plot, it becomes difficult to associate labels with 
> their bars.
> We have improved this a bit by using axis() to add a tickmark below each 
> bar.  Can anyone suggest a way to draw ticks ONLY at bars where a tick 
> label is drawn?  Or to make such ticks longer than those where there is 
> no label?
> This is going into a function, so I'm hoping for a method that doesn't 
> require looking at the plot first.
> I have attached a PDF.
> # sample code (simplified) #
> mp <- barplot(t(N.age), xlab = "Year", axisnames = FALSE)
> axis(side = 1, at = mp, labels = rownames(N.age), tcl = -0.75)
Hi Mike,
PDF didn't get through, but I think I understand what you want. Here's a 

oddaxlab<-function(side=1,at,labels) {

What the function does is only draw ticks and labels where there is a 
non-empty label. You pass only those labels that you want to appear. 
Hope I have gotten the right idea.


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Re: [R] Off topic:Spam on R-help increase?

2007-03-09 Thread Jim Lemon
Horacio Castellini wrote:
> Ya me parecía que no me pasaba solo a mi... :)  uhmmm falló el spam-filter?
Si, es todos que lee R-news, pero maravillo, que es el palabra para 
"spam" en español?


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Re: [R] reading a text file with a stray carriage return

2007-03-08 Thread Jim Lemon
jim holtman wrote:
> How do you define a carriage return in the middle of a line if a carriage
> return is also used to delimit a line?  One of the things you can do is to
> use 'count.fields' to determine the number of fields in each line.  For
> those lines that are not the right length, you could combine them together
> with a 'paste' command when you write them out.
> On 3/7/07, Walter R. Paczkowski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>  Hi,
>>  I'm  hoping someone has a suggestion for handling a simple problem.  A
>>  client  gave  me a comma separated value file (call it x.csv) that has
>>  an  id  and name and address for about 25,000 people (25,000 records).
>>  I used read.table to read it, but then discovered that there are stray
>>  carriage returns on several records.  This plays havoc with read.table
>>  since it starts a new input line when it sees the carriage return.  In
>>  short, the read is all wrong.
>>  I thought I could write a simple function to parse a line and write it
>>  back  out,  character by character.  If a carriage return is found, it
>>  would  simply  be  ignored on the writing back out part.  But how do I
>>  identify a carriage return?  What is the code or symbol?  Is there any
>>  easier  way  to  rid the file of carriage returns in the middle of the
>>  input lines?
>>  Any help is appreciated.
>>  Walt Paczkowski
Probably using Windows with a CR/LF newline. You can have carriage 
returns (Ctrl-M - ASCII 13) or line feeds (Ctrl-L - ASCII 10) embedded 
in lines. You can probably just write a function in C or something that 
reads characters, checks that it and the last character is not a CR/LF 
pair and throws out the second character if it is CR or LF or any other 
troublesome byte. (I once had to trace null characters that were 
embedded in files - they didn't show up on the display, but clobbered 
the file reads).


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Re: [R] Identifying points in a plot that have duplicate values

2007-03-06 Thread Jim Lemon
David Lloyd wrote:
> I have code like this: - 
> #---
> --
> x=scan()
> 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 3 4
> y=scan()
> 1 1 1 2 2 1 3 4 5
> plot(x,y)
> identify(0,1,3) #Allows me to select manually to identify co-ordinate
> (0,1) as being duplicated 3 times
> identify(0,2,2) #Allows me to select manually to identify co-ordinate
> (0,2) as being duplicated 2 times
> #---
> --
> Is there not a way I can automatically display if points are duplicated
> and by how many times?
> I thought if I 'jittered' the points ever so slightly I could get an
> idea of how many duplicates there are but with >100 points the graph
> looks very messy.
Hi David.
In the plotrix package there are a few functions that might be helpful.

cluster.overplot - moves ovelying points into a small cluster up to 9
count.overplot - displays the number of overlying points
sizeplot - displays symbols with size relative to the number of points


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Re: [R] barplot2, gap.barplot

2007-03-02 Thread Jim Lemon
Marc A. Rohling wrote:
> Hello,
> I try to handle a simple bar-plot, but it turns out to be not as simple
> as I thought.
> As you can see, because of the 4th bar (value > 45), the other bars look
> a little bit tiny: there is too much white-space. What I need to handle
> this problem is a function to insert a gap.
> I tried to use gap.barplot, but unfortunately, it cannot handle any of
> the parameters I need from the barplot2-function.
> After days of missing effort, I am sick of this problem. Is there a
> solution?

Hi Marc1,
As Marc2 said, the use of discontinuous axes in plots is a contentious 
one. No, I did not try to make gap.barplot compatible with barplot2 as 
the two seem to have different aims. gap.barplot is one solution to the 
troublesome issue of the outlier. What I would suggest as a one-off 
solution (to the horror of some) is to subtract, say, 25 from the 
outlier value, do the barplot, then:


I realize that your plot is more complex (I don't have gplots, etc. 
installed so I can't reproduce it at the moment), but that might give 
you something with which to work.


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Re: [R] something missing in summary()

2007-02-17 Thread Jim Lemon
Gerard Smits wrote:
 > just noticed that two key pieces of information are not given by
 > the summary() command:  N and SD.  we are given the N missing, but
 > not the converse.  I know these summary value can be obtained easy,
 > but can't understand why these two pieces of information are not
 > provided with the other info.
This was one reason that I wrote the describe function in the prettyR 
package. You can roll your own summary, and describe makes a reasonable 
attempt to sort out the common data types.


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Re: [R] symbols hidden in polar.plot

2007-02-15 Thread Jim Lemon
Sumitrajit Dhar wrote:
> Hi Folks,
> Here is my attempt at a simple polar plot.
>  > pos <- seq(0,360,by=5)
>  > tspk <- rep(c(1,0,1),c(13,47,13))
>  > require(plotrix)
>  > polar.plot(tspk,pos,rp.type="s",point.symbols=17,point.col="green4")
> I only see half the symbols, the other half of each symbol is hidden  
> under the circular grid. In fact if I change rp.type="r", I see the  
> lines being plotted and then the grid gets plotted over it and hides  
> the lines.
> What am I doing wrong?

Hi Sumitrajit,
You aren't doing anything wrong, just unusual. 47 of your symbols are 
placed exactly in the center of the plot, so that only one of them is 
visible. Most of that is covered by the radial lines that the function 
draws. The other 26 are placed on the periphery of the plotting area and 
  seven of these will have the same radial lines drawn across them. If 
you want to see what I mean, try this:


now comment out line 78

  # segments(0,0,xpos,ypos,col=grid.col)

save and quit your editor. Now try your last line like this:


This gives me a chance to ask any interested R users the question:

"Do you prefer the radial.plot family to draw the lines, symbols or 
polygons first or last (that is, on top of everything else)?"

Thanks for any answers.


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Re: [R] heatmap color specification

2007-02-10 Thread Jim Lemon
Xiaohui wrote:
> Then, I did a heatmap for 'test' matrix. But for now, I want to specify 
> each of the cell in the heatmap according to the values of the 
> corresponding matrix elements of test.
> Let's say: col<-c("red","yellow","green")
> for test[1,1], the color on the map should be "red".
> I have tried par('usr') and par('mar') with rect function. But this does 
> not work because the rect shift from the original map. Could any one 
> tell me how to fill the cells on the map with corresponding values? Or 
> can we get the actual coordinates of the image excluding the dendregram. 
Hi Xiaohui,
You may be looking for something like color2D.matplot in the plotrix 
package or "image" in the graphics package.


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Re: [R] R in Industry

2007-02-09 Thread Jim Lemon
Ben Fairbank wrote:
> To those following this thRead:
> There was a thread on this topic a year or so ago on this list, in which
> contributors mentioned reasons that corporate powers-that-be were
> reluctant to commit to R as a corporate statistical platform.  (My
> favorite was "There is no one to sue if something goes wrong.")
> One reason that I do not think was discussed then, nor have I seen
> discussed since, is the issue of the continuity of support.  If one
> person has contributed disproportionately heavily to the development and
> maintenance of a package, and then retires or follows other interests,
> and the package needs maintenance (perhaps as a consequence of new
> operating systems or a new version of R), is there any assurance that it
> will be available?  With a commercial package such as, say, SPSS, the
> corporate memory and continuance makes such continued maintenance
> likely, but is there such a commitment with R packages?  If my company
> came to depend heavily on a fairly obscure R package (as we are
> contemplating doing), what guarantee is there that it will be available
> next month/year/decade?  I know of none, nor would I expect one.
> As R says when it starts up, "R is free software and comes with
Hi Ben,
This is a good point, and one that has been made many times. One aspect 
of the "price" of R is that it is user-determined. If you want to take 
the time to check that your particular analysis is doing what you think 
it's doing, that costs you something. For the user who just wants to 
push the button and pass the buck to the software company if anything 
goes wrong, R is not ideal. If you want to go beyond just using R, you 
can report problems, share your knowledge with others, and maybe 
contribute a bit here and there to the project. Perhaps even decide to 
take over maintaining an obscure package if it is of sufficient value to 
you. All this costs you something. It may pay you back, for the 
knowledge you gain from being involved in a cooperative project is worth
something, too. While I have tried to contribute what I can, I think 
that what I have gained from R is much more than I have given. However, 
if the great majority of R users feel that way, it is a pretty good 
example of overall benefit from cooperation. You don't pay any money, 
but you do take your chances.


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Re: [R] setting a number of values to NA over a data.frame.

2007-02-08 Thread Jim Lemon
John Kane wrote:
> This is probably a simple problem but I don't see a
> solution.
> I have a data.frame with a number of columns where I
> would like 0 <- NA
Hi John,
You might have a look at "toNA" in the prettyR package. Wait for version 
1.0-4, just uploaded, as I have fixed a bug in that function.


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Re: [R] R in Industry

2007-02-07 Thread Jim Lemon
Matthew Keller wrote:
 > Far from flaming you, I think you made a good point - one that I
 > imagine most people who use R have come across. The name "R" is a big
 > impediment to effective online searches. As a check, I entered "R
 > software", "SAS software", SPSS software", and "S+ software" into
 > google. The R 'hit rate' was only ten out of the first 20 results (I
 > didn't look any further). For the other three software packages, the
 > hit rates were all 100% (20/20).
 > I do wonder if anything can/should be done about this. I generally
 > search using the term "CRAN" but of course, that omits lots of stuff
 > relevant to R. Any ideas about how to do effective online searches for
 > "R" related materials?
Try "r stats". I get 18/20 on Google with that.


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Re: [R] Adding Scale to image

2007-01-31 Thread Jim Lemon
Peter Robinson wrote:
> Dear List,
> I have used the image() function to show a heat plot of a matrix of data 
> whose intensity  is color-coded. I have two questions that I have not 
> been able to solve by using the help system or google.
> 1) How can one add a scale/legend that shows what numerical values a 
> given color corresponds to?

You can use the gradient.rect function in the plotrix package to display 
a rectangular bar with a specified number of color "slices" in it. For 
an example of how to make this into a color legend, see the 
color2D.matplot function in the same package. If this is of interest to 
R users, I could include a color.legend function in plotrix that would 
do it all.


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Re: [R] countour and poygon shading

2007-01-30 Thread Jim Lemon
J.M. Breiwick wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a contour plot and I want to shade a polygon (the area below a line) 
> but the polygon shading wipes out the contour lines. Does anybody know how 
> to shade the polygon and still see the contour lines? Thanks.
Hi Jeff,
If you're talking about polygon.shadow in the plotrix package, you have 
to call that function before you draw the overlying figure and anything 
else that would lie within the shadow.


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Re: [R] parallel coordinates plot

2007-01-17 Thread Jim Lemon
Marco Helbich wrote:
> Dear List,
> I want to make a parallel coordinates plot with the specific variables on
> the abscissa and the cases on the ordinate should be dyed dependent on
> another nominal variable from the data frame. I use the parcoord function.
Hi Marco,
If I understand your question, you want to color the points displayed 
for each variable dependent upon some nominal value (probably a factor).
Say you have a data frame like this, you could plot:



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Re: [R] quilt.plot

2007-01-12 Thread Jim Lemon
Dunja Drvar wrote:
> Dear all,
> I have a problem with plotting.
> I have an irregular set of data, where latitude is listed from bigger to
> smaller values. So, I cannot plot with image.plot.
> On the other hand, quilt.plot solves the problem, but it can't take the
> definition of color. It gives the feedback:
> Error in image.plot(out.p, col = tim.colors(64), ...) :
> formal argument "col" matched by multiple actual arguments
> The question is: is there a way to define the color palette in quilt.plot?

Hi Dunja,
I think the problem is due to the position of the ... argument. In 
image.plot it is first, meaning that all other arguments have to be 
named. Thus when you pass col= as part of ... in quilt.plot, it is 
placed in the initial ... in the call to image.plot, generating two col= 
arguments. I think the quickest hack is to insert an explicit col= 
argument into the code for quilt.plot and add it into the call to 
image.plot within the function as below.

function (x, y, z, nrow = 64, ncol = 64, grid = NULL, add.legend = TRUE,
col=tim.colors(64), ...)
 x <- as.matrix(x)
 if (ncol(x) == 2) {
 z <- y
 if (ncol(x) == 1) {
 x <- cbind(x, y)
 if (ncol(x) == 3) {
 z <- x[, 3]
 x <- x[, 1:2]
 out.p <-
  as.image(z, x = x, nrow = nrow, ncol = ncol, na.rm = TRUE)
 if (add.legend) {
 image.plot(out.p, col = col, ...)
 else {
 image(out.p, col = col, ...)

The modified example:

quilt.plot(ozone2$, ozone2$y[16, ],
  add.legend = FALSE,col=rainbow(64))

works for me.


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Re: [R] color of opposite sign values in filled.contour

2007-01-05 Thread Jim Lemon
Claudia Tebaldi wrote:
> Dear R-helpers,
> I'm plotting geophysical data in the form of contours using
> "filled.contour". The display would be much more effective if the areas
> with negative values could be color coded
> by -- say -- "cold colors" in the range of blue to green, and conversely
> the areas with positive values got plotted with "warm colors", from yellow
> to red.
> Right now if I use a palette spanning the spectrum I need the entire range
> is associated with the actual range of the data, which can be positively
> or negatively skewed, and as a result the position of the zero is totally
> arbitrary.
> I'm wondering if someone out there has come up with a clever way to set
> the color scale accordingly, as a function of the actual range of the
> values in the matrix that is being plotted. Ideally, it would be neat to
> still use the entire spectrum, but sampling differently the cold and warm
> subsets accordingly to the extent of the negative and positive values in
> the data.
> Also, when I try to play around in an ad hoc fashion with the palette I
> often get funny results in the legend, with color-scale wrapping or blank
> cells at one of the extremes. I cannot hack effectively the code of the
> filled.contour function, obviously...
Hi Claudia,

Have a look at color.scale in the plotrix package. You can specify quite 
a variety of different color ranges into which your numeric values will 
be transformed. If you want different color ranges for positive and 
negative values, you can calculate them separately. Here's an example 
using blue to green for negative values and yellow to red for positive:


You might also be interested in color.scale.lines


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Re: [R] setting new working directories

2007-01-05 Thread Jim Lemon
Bill Shipley wrote:
> Hello, and Happy New Year.  My default working directory is getting very
> cluttered.  I know that I should be using a different working directory for
> each project (I work in Windows), but do not know how to go about creating
> different ones and moving back and forth between them.  I have read Venables
> & Ripley (Modern Applied Statistics with S-PLUS, 1994) but this seems out of
> date with respect to this topic and have searched through the documentation
> but cannot find a clear explanation for doing this.  Can someone point me to
> the proper documentation for creating and using different working
> directories from within Windows (please, no comments about switching to
> UNIX...).
> Thanks.
I'm not sure to which New Year you refer, but thanks and the same to you.

I think you may want to automatically start up R in a directory for each 
project. There is a discussion of that in Kickstarting R at:

Basically, you can create icons on the desktop that will start R in a 
number of directories. In Windows, don't worry about adding the line to 
your "R" startup file, just set the "Start Program in" to the desired 
directory in the Properties dialog of the shortcut.

You can also set up an R file that gives you an interactive choice when 
the program starts. Create a file like this:

cat("R programming\n")
cat("Type in the first letter of the project -")
if(answer == "R") setwd("c:/jim/R/programs")
if(answer == "A") setwd("c:/jim/things/animals")

and say you name it c:\jim\R\SelectProject.R
(notice that Windows uses backslashes but you use slashes in R)

put the following line in your .First function:


and you should be able to select your project and directory on startup.


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Re: [R] Genotype importing from Sequenom

2006-12-30 Thread Jim Lemon
Farrel Buchinsky wrote:
> Sequenom has an odd format of calling a SNP genotype
> gg
>  [1] "C"  "GA" "A"  "C"  "C"  "AG" "C"  "C"  "T"  "G"
> homozygous A is called A and heterozygous is called AT
> The genetics package cannot handle the fact that some genotypes are declared
> with 2 letter while other are declared with only 1. Consequently the
> genotype() or makeGenotypes() will not work.
> I need to either find a clever way that the genetics package actually does
> do this. I think it may reside in the "method" argument but do not know how
> to manipulat it. Alternatively I have to come up with some nifty string
> manipulation. Any ideas?


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Re: [R] counties in different colours using map()

2006-12-28 Thread Jim Lemon
Tord Snäll wrote:
> Hi,
> I would like to plot a map of US counties using different colors. map() 
> seems to be the function to use, e.g.
> library(maps); map('usa'); map('county', 'colorado', add=T,fill = T, 
> col=c(1:5))
> plots Colorado counties using colours 1 to 5.
> However, I want each color to represent a certain value - a value to be 
> picked from a data frame.
> This code should show a correspoding map at the level of states:
> state.names <- system('tr "[A-Z]" "[a-z]"',
> map.states <- unix('sed "s/:.*//"', map(names=T,plot=F))
> <- match(map.states, state.names)
> color<- votes.repub[, votes.year = 1900] / 100
> map('state', fill=T, col=color); map('state', add=T)
Hi Tord,
I don't know if this matches the color to the state as I couldn't get 
your "unix" function to work, but it does what I think you want.



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Re: [R] Problem to generate training data set and test data set

2006-12-25 Thread Jim Lemon
Aimin Yan wrote:
> I have a full data set like this:
> aa basaas bms   ams bcuacu omega   y
> 1 ALA   0 127.71   0 69.99   0 -0.2498560  79.91470 outward
> 2 PRO   0  68.55   0 55.44   0 -0.0949008  76.60380 outward
> 3 ALA   0  52.72   0 47.82   0 -0.0396550  52.19970 outward
> 4 PHE   0  22.62   0 31.21   0  0.1270330 169.52500  inward
> 5 SER   0  71.32   0 52.84   0 -0.1312380   7.47528 outward
> 6 VAL   0  12.92   0 22.40   0  0.1728390 149.09400  inward
> ..
> aa have 19 levels, and there are different number of observation for each 
> levels.
> I want to pick 75% of observations of each levels randomly to generate a 
> training set,
> and 25% of observation of each levels to generate a testing set.
Hi Aimin,
I haven't tested this exhaustively, but I think it does what you want.

get.prob.sample<-function(x,prob=0.5) {
  for(i in xlevels) {
   lengthi<-length(x[x == i])
   xsamp[sample(which(x == i),lengthi*prob)]<-TRUE



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Re: [R] OT: any recommendation for scripting language

2006-12-23 Thread Jim Lemon
Wensui Liu wrote:
> Right now, I am using SAS and S+/R. As a new year resolution, I am
> planning to learn a scripting language.
> from statisticians' point of view, which scripting language is worth
> to learn, perl, python, or any other recommendation? (Most likely, I
> will be learning it in windows.) Since I am not in research, I will
> prefer one widely used in industry and related to statistical work.
> if you recommend one, I will really appreciate it if you could point
> out a good source for learning as well.
Hi Wensui,
I use Tcl-Tk quite a bit. I found it very easy to learn, and as you can 
see from the tcl-tk package in R, very flexible. It is particularly good 
at spanning the range from a slick-looking GUI to low level file and 
computation operations. I'm currently using it to pick individual 
records out of a database, calculate age and sex specific deviations 
from population norms and then present a graphical display to the user.

There is not only excellent documentation available for Tcl-Tk, but 
several newsgroups and wikis.


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Re: [R] cohen kappa for two-way table

2006-12-11 Thread Jim Lemon
Dylan Beaudette wrote:
> Greetings,
> I am a bit confused by the results returned by the functions:
> cohen.kappa {concord}
> classAgreement {e1071}
> when using a two-way table.
> for example, if I have an matrix A, and a similar matrix B (same
> dimensions), then:
> matrix A and B can be found:
> A <- matrix(unlist( read.table('a_40.txt'), use.names=FALSE), ncol=14)
> B <- matrix(unlist( read.table('b_40.txt'), use.names=FALSE), ncol=14)
If I interpret this correctly, you are considering the numbers in A and 
B to be nominal variables representing levels of some data attribute.
What cohen.kappa wants is:

1(type=counts) a matrix of counts where each cell represents the number 
of methods (rows are different methods) that classified the data objects 
into levels (columns are different levels).
2(type=scores) a matrix of scores where each cell represents the level 
assigned by a method (rows again) to a data object (columns are data 
objects here).

If your numbers are counts, you can get a sensible kappa for _each_ matrix.
If your numbers are scores, you can get a sensible kappa by specifying 
type=scores for _each_ matrix
As far as I can see, you are computing a sparsely populated table of the 
two matrices and passing that, and I don't see how that can give a 
meaningful result. I suspect that the numbers might be counts in the 
first place, but they are being used as scores.

> Secondly, when using the classAgreements() function I get different numbers:
I'll let someone who knows more about the classAgreement function deal 
with this.


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Re: [R] Show date on graph

2006-12-05 Thread Jim Lemon
Syed Abid Hussaini wrote:
> I have a character "2006-11-06" which was originally scanned from a csv file. 
> This character is
> named date. I now use mtext (date) on a plot and i see strange cluttered 
> characters instead of
> 2006-11-06. I tried many ways but i dont know whats going on. Then for 
> testing i made an
> artificial character d <- ("2006-11-06") and now when i do mtext (d) it shows 
> up on the plot.
> While both date and d return "2006-11-06" only d shows up on the plots. Any 
> help would be appreciated.
Hi Syed,
If you try to display something with mtext, it expects the object to be 
a character string. When you just print the object, the print method 
works out that it is a date object and silently converts it to a 
character string to be printed. Try this:


Also note that it isn't a great idea to use "date" to name a variable. 
Even though you can now get away with it, using the same name for two 
things (a function and a variable) often comes back to haunt one.


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Re: [R] axis in an image() plot

2006-11-26 Thread Jim Lemon
Ricardo Rodríguez - Your XEN ICT Team wrote:
> Hi all,
> I've found quite usefull colored-grid created by image() but I'm facing a 
> doubt I am not able to solve.
> Given the following data rectangle...
>  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14
>   1 12 22  0  7  2  1  0  2  0  2  6 -3  0  3
>   2  0 -1  0  9  3 -4  0  0  0  0  3  0  0  0
>   3 29 45  6 12 16 85 -2  0 -3 -4 89 -1 -1  1
>   4  2  9  3  6 17  3 -2 -9 -2  8 -1  0  0  0
>   5 44 16 -3 21 23  3  2  1  0 -2 13 18 -5  2
> I am not able to draw x and y axis labeled 1 to 14 and 1 to 5 by 1. I've 
> tried a number of options by using axis() to no avail.
> It will be also very helpfull to be able to draw the value of each x,y 
> combination within its position in the grid. Text() seems to be the answer, 
> but I am not able yet to get the correct position for each label.
> Please, could you point me in the right direction or offer some example?
Hi Ricardo,

This might be what you want (say your data frame is called my.df):


and in fact it looks so neat that I might add it as an option.


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Re: [R] Plot with two seperate y axis

2006-11-26 Thread Jim Lemon
Thorsten Muehge wrote:
> Hello,
> I would like to plot the following matrix:
> Wk=x achsis.
> Para 1 = left y-axis as a barplot
> para 2 right y-axis as a normal scatter plat.
> I could not find such a solution in any of my documentation.
> Can someone help me?
> Thanks a lot
> Thorsten
> WkPara 1  Para 2
> 312000  99.8
> 322005  99.0
> 332002  98.0
> 341090  98.5
> 352001  99.1
> 362010  97.0
> 372010  98.8
Hi Thorsten,

Is this what you mean?



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  1   2   3   >