[Radiant] [ANN] Radiant 0.6.5 Release Candidate 1

2008-02-25 Thread Sean Cribbs
Radiant 0.6.5 has been a long time coming!  And just to be sure, we want 
to release a candidate or two to make sure we have everything solid.  
There are some really major changes in this release, and here's the two 
big ones:

* Rails 2.0.2 included
* RSpec is used in core and supported in extensions

You can download the Radiant 0.6.5 RC1 from 

This release candidate is intended for developers and is NOT intended 
for production use.  Please report any bugs you find to the development 
site at http://dev.radiantcms.org/.

==  Installation

To install use the gem command (with 'sudo' as necessary):

  $ gem install radiant-0.6.5-RC1.gem

The gem will install as 'radiant-0.6.5'.

=== Upgrading an existing project/site

1. Change the RADIANT_GEM_VERSION constant in config/environment.rb to 

2. Update the Radiant assets in your project:

  $ rake radiant:update

3. Copy your customizations back into config/environment.rb, if 
necessary (see below).

4. Migrate the database if you are running 0.6.2 or earlier:

  $ rake production db:migrate

5. Restart the server

=== Creating a new project/site

1. Invoke the 'radiant' command with your desired database driver:

  $ radiant -d sqlite3 my_project

2. Bootstrap the database:

  $ cd my_project
  $ rake db:bootstrap

3. Startup the server and try it out!

  $ script/server

== Internal Changes to config/environment.rb

This release has required a lot of changes to the internal API of 
Radiant.  End-users should be unaffected, but as a result of these 
requirements, we have made significant changes to config/environment.rb 
and config/boot.rb.  When updating your existing projects, 
config/environment.rb will be copied to config/environment.bak.  You 
will need to manually copy any customizations, especially 
config.extensions and any other libraries, etc. that you require.  *DO 
NOT* copy config.load_paths, config.plugin_paths, or any of those items 
to the new file; those settings have been internalized in this release.

Thanks again for everyone's contributions!



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Post:   Radiant@lists.radiantcms.org
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Re: [Radiant] [ANN] Radiant 0.6.5 Release Candidate 1

2008-02-27 Thread Arik Jones
Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.
Radiant mailing list
Post:   Radiant@lists.radiantcms.org
Search: http://radiantcms.org/mailing-list/search/
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Re: [Radiant] [ANN] Radiant 0.6.5 Release Candidate 1

2008-02-27 Thread Aitor Garcia Rey
On Tue, Feb 26, 2008 at 6:51 AM, Sean Cribbs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Radiant 0.6.5 has been a long time coming!  And just to be sure, we want
>  to release a candidate or two to make sure we have everything solid.
>  There are some really major changes in this release, and here's the two
>  big ones:
>  * Rails 2.0.2 included

Is this new version of radiant going to use the Rails 2 new CSRF
protection system?. In the SVN trunk I can only see this feature
explictly disabled on test enviroment (config/enviroments/test.rb#27)
and since the application.rb is still unchanged (with no
protect_from_forgery as in the new Rails2 apps) that suggest me that
the CSRF measures are going disabled.

I know radiant's forms are mostly handmaded without helpers (same for
the ajax processes) and that enabling the anti-forgery measures will
break a few forms/views. So... what is your view about this?. I'll
gladly submit the needed patches if finally we go with the protected
version (even if this go fot the 0.6.6... ).

Last but  by no means least... thanks to the radiant community for
this great software and to all the commiters for this new version.

Kind Regards,
Aitor Garcia
Cofounder - Linking Paths
Radiant mailing list
Post:   Radiant@lists.radiantcms.org
Search: http://radiantcms.org/mailing-list/search/
Site:   http://lists.radiantcms.org/mailman/listinfo/radiant