Re: [Rdkit-discuss] Check If Atom Is in Two Small Rings

2017-04-11 Thread Jonathan Saboury
Awesome! Thank you all so much!!!

Here is my implementation of the function for reference:

def passed_NA2SR(mol): #no atom shared by two small rings
rings = mol.GetRingInfo().AtomRings()
small_rings = []
for ring in rings:
if len(ring) < 5:
small_ring_atoms = []
for small_ring in small_rings:
for ring_atom in small_ring:
if ring_atom in small_ring_atoms:
return False
return True
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[Rdkit-discuss] Check If Atom Is in Two Small Rings

2017-04-11 Thread Jonathan Saboury
Hello All,

I'm trying to make a function to check if a mol has an atom that is part of
two small rings (3 or 4 atoms). Using GetRingInfo()/NumAtomRings() I can
find out how many ring systems each atom is in, but not the details of the
rings. atom.IsInRingSize(size) returns a bool so I couldn't use that. I'm
using the python api.

Any suggestions? Thanks!

- Jonathan
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[Rdkit-discuss] Problems Installing RDKit for Python Under Ubuntu

2016-10-30 Thread Jonathan Saboury
Hello all,

I've been having problems installing RDKit for python in Ubuntu.

The installation guide simply states to run: "sudo apt-get install
python-rdkit librdkit1 rdkit-data".

I've done this but when I run a python with "from rdkit import Chem"
it says that "ImportError: No module named rdkit".

What else am I missing? Thank you!
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