Re: [Repoze-dev] repoze.what-pylons question

2009-09-16 Thread Douglas Mayle
I'm not exactly sure, but I've done some similar things which have  
worked, so I might be able to help out.  First of all, instead of  
using default, you should probably be using __call__, like in:

But what's more likely causing the problem is using the protect_action  
instead of ControllerProtector, like in:

Douglas Mayle

On Sep 16, 2009, at 9:14 AM, Iain Duncan wrote:

> Hi folks, not sure if this should be on pylons or here. I'm using the
> repoze.what pylons quickstart code, and I'm having problems with the
> fact that when @protect_action fails, it tries to call the login  
> action
> *for the current controller*. This is causing me pain when my  
> controller
> is a wsgi wrapper ( to a bfg app ) because I have routes that gobble  
> all
> sub paths and pass them on to the bfg app. So instead of /login  
> going to
> the route controller, it gets eaten up. I have hacked around it by
> having routes rules like so:
> map.connect('/admin', controller='admin', path_info='/', )
> # need next rule else third admin rule will catch /admin/login
> map.connect('/admin/login', controller='root', action='login')
> map.connect('/admin/ 
> {path_info:.*}',controller='admin',action='default' )
> but it doesn't seem so elegant. Can anyone tell me why the following
> tries to call /admin/login and not the root /login, and how to change
> that behaviour.
> ( here's the controller in question ):
> # longhanded way of wrapping dram so we can use repoze.what decorators
> class AdminController(BaseController):
>def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
>BaseController.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
>self.dram = DramApp(package=ymh.model, global_config=config)
>def default(self, environ):
>response = self.dram(environ, self.start_response)
>return response
> So in the above when the protect_action fails, it tries to take me
> to /admin/login, which I don't want.
> let me know if this should have gone to pylons!
> iain
> ___
> Repoze-dev mailing list

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Re: [Repoze-dev] Is it possible to integrate repoze.plone and Pylons in one WSGI application?

2009-06-18 Thread Douglas Mayle
It depends on how basic your CMS needs are.  The Pylons Book contains  
a simple CMS called SimpleSite that you could probably integrate, if  
your needs were light.


On Jun 18, 2009, at 2:03 PM, Edwin Chu wrote:

Hi all

I am working on a project using Pylons and I need to add CMS  
functionality to that Pylons project. I am looking for some existing  
CMS solution that can be integrated into Pylons WSGI pipeline.

The requirements of the CMS are basic, like editing page content,  
menu and probably handling images. repoze.plone is the only CMS I  
can find using WSGI standard.

Is it possible to add repoze.plone to Pylons's WSGI pipeline so that  
they can be ran in the same process? I googled a while but nothing  
useful was found.



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[Repoze-dev] Identifier plugins...

2009-06-17 Thread Douglas Mayle
I've been doing some testing of a new site, and I've used repoze.who  
and repoze.what for authentication, and authorization respectively.  I  
did notice one unusual behavior with AuthTktCookiePlugin, however.  If  
I log in to the site, I receive an auth_tkt cookie.  Once I have that,  
I drop and recreate the database, as well as cleaning out any server  
side session data.  Having done all that, I imagine that my  
environment is a clean slate, yet the predicate not_anonymous returns  
true, even though I haven't logged in yet.  That's because the  
credential data coming from client cookie is entirely trusted.  I was  
imagining some sort of collaboration between the client and server,  
such that the client cookie was just an index into a session.

Now, I could just write an identifier that uses the session for  
storage, which would use the two in sync, but I wanted to make sure  
that: 1) This wasn't a known problem, or 2) there isn't already some  
other identifier plugin that satisfies my needs..

(The other possibility is just a stricter predicate, is_valid_user, I  
suppose, but then I'm still trusting the client to tell me who's  
logged in...)

Douglas Mayle
Repoze-dev mailing list

[Repoze-dev] [issue85] Repoze.who should support salted hashes for the sqlauthenticator

2009-05-29 Thread Douglas Mayle

Douglas Mayle  added the comment:

Chris, I actually wrote a mock (using import hooks) that would allow me to
simulate not being able to import a module, even if it's really available.  This
should allow us to get a higher coverage.  Unfortunately, without bcrypt
installed, we couldn't get full coverage...

As to backwards compatibility, the current implementation remains 100% backwards
compatibility, including an existing bug when using cleartext passwords.  (Using
cleartext passwords, it is possible for a user to enter a password that has the
same format as a hashed password, making it impossible to login).

Using cleartext passwords is almost always a bad idea, and if you're doing so
and you absolutely insist on keeping them that way, this code won't try to
prevent you from doing so, and even offers an alternative to fix this bug...
(Prefixing all cleartext passwords with {clear} will prevent the bug from
occurring)  The other possibility, not mentioned here is to hash all passwords
in the database, or as the users log in (since that gives you access to the
cleartext password, it is easy to change the hashes).

Ok, so that only covers the first half of your comments... I'll look at my code
for the rest...


Repoze Bugs 
Repoze-dev mailing list

[Repoze-dev] [issue85] Repoze.who should support salted hashes for the sqlauthenticator

2009-05-29 Thread Douglas Mayle

Douglas Mayle  added the comment:

Any comments for me?  Anything I need to do to get this accepted?  I think it's
pretty thorough, but I'm open to any criticism...

Repoze Bugs 
Repoze-dev mailing list

Re: [Repoze-dev] Combining registration with login...

2009-05-22 Thread Douglas Mayle
Thanks, that worked a treat!  I've got comments in my code pointing to  
the issue.  Hopefully it will be fixed for the next release...


On May 22, 2009, at 3:54 PM, Gustavo Narea wrote:

> Hi, Douglas.
> Unfortunately it's not well supported. Here you'd find how to do it  
> for the
> time being:
> Cheers.
> - Gustavo.
> Douglas said:
>> Hey everybody,
>>  I'm using repoze.who for authentication, and I've got the major part
>> of it setup.  Login works, as does logout.  I just finished writing
>> user registration, and was wondering if there was a way that I could
>> automatically log the user in on successful signup?  I'm currently
>> using the redirectingform plugin and the sql authenticator.  Will I
>> have to write my own custom plugin, or is there something I can do  
>> out
>> of the box?
>> Thanks,
>> Douglas Mayle
>> ___
>> Repoze-dev mailing list
> -- 
> Gustavo Narea .
> | Tech blog: =Gustavo/(+blog)/tech  ~  About me: =Gustavo/about |
> ___
> Repoze-dev mailing list

Repoze-dev mailing list

[Repoze-dev] Combining registration with login...

2009-05-22 Thread Douglas Mayle
Hey everybody,
I'm using repoze.who for authentication, and I've got the major part  
of it setup.  Login works, as does logout.  I just finished writing  
user registration, and was wondering if there was a way that I could  
automatically log the user in on successful signup?  I'm currently  
using the redirectingform plugin and the sql authenticator.  Will I  
have to write my own custom plugin, or is there something I can do out  
of the box?

Douglas Mayle
Repoze-dev mailing list

[Repoze-dev] [issue85] Repoze.who should support salted hashes for the sqlauthenticator

2009-05-20 Thread Douglas Mayle

Douglas Mayle  added the comment:

Hopefully, the last of the unit tests that don't work properly in Python 2.4

Repoze Bugs 

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Repoze-dev mailing list

[Repoze-dev] [issue85] Repoze.who should support salted hashes for the sqlauthenticator

2009-05-20 Thread Douglas Mayle

Douglas Mayle  added the comment:

Whoops, bad unittest passed through because I was testing in Python 2.5

Repoze Bugs 

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Repoze-dev mailing list

[Repoze-dev] [issue85] Repoze.who should support salted hashes for the sqlauthenticator

2009-05-20 Thread Douglas Mayle

Douglas Mayle  added the comment:

New version of the patch which also supports blowfish hashes when bcrypt is
installed, and uses pycrypto on python < 2.5 for sha256 support.  This patch
superseded the previous two patches.

Repoze Bugs 

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Repoze-dev mailing list

[Repoze-dev] [issue82] Add HashFormPlugin - JavaScript hashing

2009-05-20 Thread Douglas Mayle

Douglas Mayle  added the comment:

I've commented on this patch on the mailing list, but wanted to make sure my
concerns were recorded here:
* `if cleartext_password.startswith('{SHA}'):`
   The hashing system is entirely optional at the client level, so  
you don't provide password protection for all clients.

* The challenge used for verification is the challenge supplied by the  
client.  This defeats entirely the point of a challenge.  I see you do  
some calculations to restrict the range of possible challenges (based  
on time), but a challenge response only works if the challenge is  
random and server supplied.  If not, then it's vulnerable to pre- 

* You're performing an HMAC with the challenge as the key.  The  
purpose of an HMAC is to provide authentication of the message in the  
case of a shared private key.  In this case, the key is public (as  
it's sent over the wire) and that means that there is no difference  
between this HMAC and a standard hash.

* In the case of a hashed password, you perform an HMAC of the hashed  
password.  In a standard hashed password system, the user must know  
the clear text password in order to log in.  The point of the hash is  
to prevent authentication in the case of a database leak.  In your  
system, the hashed password is sufficient to login, and so you've  
removed the protection that password hashing provides.

* While it's true that using a different key per request means that  
attackers who sniff the HMAC won't be able to use rainbow tables to  
compute the password from the HMAC, the passwords are still stored as  
standard hashed passwords, and that means that a db leak leaves all of  
your accounts compromised.  With salted hashes, that is not true...

topic: +repoze.who

Repoze Bugs 
Repoze-dev mailing list

Re: [Repoze-dev] SQLAuthenticator Plugin...

2009-05-20 Thread Douglas Mayle
I've had a look at your patch, and I've noticed a couple of security  
holes...  If your only desire is to prevent eavesdropping of  
passwords, I suggest you use SSL, as this is a system that actually  
works (if used correctly).
For each issue, I'll address the problem as if it stands apart to give  
a clear idea of the problems:
* `if cleartext_password.startswith('{SHA}'):`
The hashing system is entirely optional at the client level, so  
you don't provide password protection for all clients.

* The challenge used for verification is the challenge supplied by the  
client.  This defeats entirely the point of a challenge.  I see you do  
some calculations to restrict the range of possible challenges (based  
on time), but a challenge response only works if the challenge is  
random and server supplied.  If not, then it's vulnerable to pre- 

* You're performing an HMAC with the challenge as the key.  The  
purpose of an HMAC is to provide authentication of the message in the  
case of a shared private key.  In this case, the key is public (as  
it's sent over the wire) and that means that there is no difference  
between this HMAC and a standard hash.

* In the case of a hashed password, you perform an HMAC of the hashed  
password.  In a standard hashed password system, the user must know  
the clear text password in order to log in.  The point of the hash is  
to prevent authentication in the case of a database leak.  In your  
system, the hashed password is sufficient to login, and so you've  
removed the protection that password hashing provides.

* While it's true that using a different key per request means that  
attackers who sniff the HMAC won't be able to use rainbow tables to  
compute the password from the HMAC, the passwords are still stored as  
standard hashed passwords, and that means that a db leak leaves all of  
your accounts compromised.  With salted hashes, that is not true...

Douglas Mayle

On May 20, 2009, at 12:07 AM, Paul Johnston wrote:

> Hi,
> Your timing is interesting, I'm just about to submit a patch to
> support JavaScript hashing of passwords, which interacts with this.
> If you use random per-user salts, which is the common approach, JS
> hashing requires an Ajax request at login. Not an enormous problem,
> but not ideal either.
> If the salt is hmac_sha1(master_salt, user_name) or some variant of
> this, you get the same benefits of salting, but avoid the ajax request
> at login. master_salt is a site-specific value.

This is only true as long as the secret is not known.  As soon as the  
secret is made available to the client (as in javascript hashing)  
there are no longer any benefits to using an HMAC...

> Paul
>>> So, I've finished it off and submitted the patch to issue 85:

Repoze-dev mailing list

Re: [Repoze-dev] SQLAuthenticator Plugin...

2009-05-19 Thread Douglas Mayle
Okay, done... I recommend the base64 version, as it's backwards  
compatible and standards compliant...


On May 19, 2009, at 4:36 PM, Douglas Mayle wrote:

> So, I've finished it off and submitted the patch to issue 85:
> In absence of comments, I decided for backwards compatibility over
> standards compliance and used hex storage for the data.  I could
> modify this to switch to base64 for both, since the unsalted SHA1 hash
> is always 160 bits and would always end with an equals sign (which is
> unambiguously not hex).  This is not true for the salted version, so
> it might be a lost opportunity to switch to standard compliance...  I
> think I'll update my patch to support both, and let you choose between
> them...
> Douglas Mayle
> On May 19, 2009, at 3:03 PM, Douglas Mayle wrote:
>> On further inspection, it uses a hex form of the digest.  Is there  
>> any
>> preference between that and RFC 2307 schemes, which use base64 for
>> encoding?
>> Doug
>> On May 19, 2009, at 1:57 PM, Douglas Mayle wrote:
>>> Hello all,
>>> I've noticed that the default_password_compare in uses
>>> unsalted hashes, and so I was planning to submit a patch to fix  
>>> that.
>>> I figured, however, that it might be a good idea to provide a
>>> default_password_hasher so that users of repoze.who could just  
>>> import
>>> that into their model and have the two work in conjunction.   
>>> Before I
>>> did it, however, I wanted to make sure that there wasn't something I
>>> was missing...
>>> Thanks,
>>> Douglas Mayle
>>> ___
>>> Repoze-dev mailing list
>> ___
>> Repoze-dev mailing list
> ___
> Repoze-dev mailing list

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[Repoze-dev] [issue85] Repoze.who should support salted hashes for the sqlauthenticator

2009-05-19 Thread Douglas Mayle

Douglas Mayle  added the comment:

Adding a version of the patch that uses base64 encoding, to be more standards
compliant.  The default comparator supports reading the older hex based encoding
as well...

status: unread -> chatting

Repoze Bugs 

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Repoze-dev mailing list

Re: [Repoze-dev] SQLAuthenticator Plugin...

2009-05-19 Thread Douglas Mayle
So, I've finished it off and submitted the patch to issue 85:

In absence of comments, I decided for backwards compatibility over  
standards compliance and used hex storage for the data.  I could  
modify this to switch to base64 for both, since the unsalted SHA1 hash  
is always 160 bits and would always end with an equals sign (which is  
unambiguously not hex).  This is not true for the salted version, so  
it might be a lost opportunity to switch to standard compliance...  I  
think I'll update my patch to support both, and let you choose between  

Douglas Mayle

On May 19, 2009, at 3:03 PM, Douglas Mayle wrote:

> On further inspection, it uses a hex form of the digest.  Is there any
> preference between that and RFC 2307 schemes, which use base64 for
> encoding?
> Doug
> On May 19, 2009, at 1:57 PM, Douglas Mayle wrote:
>> Hello all,
>>  I've noticed that the default_password_compare in uses
>> unsalted hashes, and so I was planning to submit a patch to fix that.
>> I figured, however, that it might be a good idea to provide a
>> default_password_hasher so that users of repoze.who could just import
>> that into their model and have the two work in conjunction.  Before I
>> did it, however, I wanted to make sure that there wasn't something I
>> was missing...
>> Thanks,
>> Douglas Mayle
>> ___
>> Repoze-dev mailing list
> ___
> Repoze-dev mailing list

Repoze-dev mailing list

[Repoze-dev] [issue85] Repoze.who should support salted hashes for the sqlauthenticator

2009-05-19 Thread Douglas Mayle

New submission from Douglas Mayle :

The SQL Authenticator uses unsalted hashes by default which are susceptible to
attacks like Rainbow tables.  I'm including a patch to add support, with tests.
 In addition, it's useful to have a default implementation of the hash function,
so I've added that.

files: repozewho_salted_hashes.diff
messages: 201
nosy: douglas
priority: urgent
status: unread
title: Repoze.who should support salted hashes for the sqlauthenticator
topic: repoze.who

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Description: Binary data
Repoze-dev mailing list

Re: [Repoze-dev] SQLAuthenticator Plugin...

2009-05-19 Thread Douglas Mayle
On further inspection, it uses a hex form of the digest.  Is there any  
preference between that and RFC 2307 schemes, which use base64 for  


On May 19, 2009, at 1:57 PM, Douglas Mayle wrote:

> Hello all,
>   I've noticed that the default_password_compare in uses
> unsalted hashes, and so I was planning to submit a patch to fix that.
> I figured, however, that it might be a good idea to provide a
> default_password_hasher so that users of repoze.who could just import
> that into their model and have the two work in conjunction.  Before I
> did it, however, I wanted to make sure that there wasn't something I
> was missing...
> Thanks,
> Douglas Mayle
> ___
> Repoze-dev mailing list

Repoze-dev mailing list

[Repoze-dev] SQLAuthenticator Plugin...

2009-05-19 Thread Douglas Mayle
Hello all,
I've noticed that the default_password_compare in uses  
unsalted hashes, and so I was planning to submit a patch to fix that.   
I figured, however, that it might be a good idea to provide a  
default_password_hasher so that users of repoze.who could just import  
that into their model and have the two work in conjunction.  Before I  
did it, however, I wanted to make sure that there wasn't something I  
was missing...

Douglas Mayle
Repoze-dev mailing list

[Repoze-dev] [issue71] repoze.who has problems with generator wsgi applications.

2009-04-23 Thread Douglas Mayle

Douglas Mayle  added the comment:

As repoze.who fails to handle the WSGI spec, and I'm supplying a working patch,
I'm bumping up the priority...

priority: bug -> critical

Repoze Bugs 

Description: Binary data
Repoze-dev mailing list

[Repoze-dev] [issue71] repoze.who has problems with generator wsgi applications.

2009-04-23 Thread Douglas Mayle

Douglas Mayle  added the comment:

This is a bug in repoze.who because of this paragraph in PEP 333:

(Note: the application must invoke the start_response() callable before the
iterable yields its first body string, so that the server can send the headers
before any body content. However, this invocation may be performed by the
iterable's first iteration, so servers must not assume that start_response() has
been called before they begin iterating over the iterable.)

I've got a wrapper working, I'll implement it into repoze.who and submit a patch

Repoze Bugs 
Repoze-dev mailing list

[Repoze-dev] [issue71] repoze.who has problems with generator wsgi applications.

2009-04-18 Thread Douglas Mayle

Douglas Mayle  added the comment:

The only way I can think to fix this is to create a new generator that wraps the
previous one.  It calls the wrapped generator once, caches that, and then yields
that and any further responses.  This allows the original generator to behave
the way it did before, and repoze.who can take a look at the status code.

status: unread -> chatting

Repoze Bugs 
Repoze-dev mailing list

[Repoze-dev] [issue71] repoze.who has problems with generator wsgi applications.

2009-04-18 Thread Douglas Mayle

New submission from Douglas Mayle :

If a WSGI application returns a generator expression, then
default_challenge_decider in tries to call status.startswith,
which blows up because status has not yet been decided (since the generator
hasn't been called yet)

messages: 173
nosy: douglas
priority: bug
status: unread
title: repoze.who has problems with generator wsgi applications.

Repoze Bugs 
Repoze-dev mailing list