Re: missing ProDos games

2013-11-11 Thread david

Quoting Wayne Weedon :

On 10/11/2013 22:58, wrote:

CP/M was certainly something I seem to remember being discussed a few
times in Swansea.

Hmmm - I'll have to get a Pi sorted out soon, so I can get a SAM running
again. My PC is far from stable, so I've not been able to run SimCoupe
on it for more than a few mins at a time :(

Lot's of things seem to have been discussed and never saw the light  
of day.  I was even discouraged to continue with my HD interface  
because they were sure they could pull it off.  History tells us  
different however.

It's a shame the Atom wasn't available just a little sooner I'm  
sure that ProDos would have been able to support this then.

Re: missing ProDos games

2013-11-11 Thread Wayne Weedon

On 10/11/2013 22:58, wrote:

CP/M was certainly something I seem to remember being discussed a few
times in Swansea.

Hmmm - I'll have to get a Pi sorted out soon, so I can get a SAM running
again. My PC is far from stable, so I've not been able to run SimCoupe
on it for more than a few mins at a time :(

Lot's of things seem to have been discussed and never saw the light of 
day.  I was even discouraged to continue with my HD interface because 
they were sure they could pull it off.  History tells us different however.


Re: Pro-DOS v2.0 (Re: missing ProDos games)

2013-11-11 Thread Chris Pile

Hi Marcos,
The new version works great under SimCoupƩ - and it's really easy to set

up an 8-drive system too:  A floppy, internal RAM drive a couple of ATOM
Lite drives and four external RAM drives.
And because of the screen routine improvements (text and scrolling speed)

text adventures run much, much better under v2.0.  ;-)

On 10/11/2013 22:05, Marcos Cruz wrote:

En/Je/On 2013-11-09 21:42, Chris Pile escribiĆ³ / skribis / wrote :

So, basically v2.0 is a brand new version, sharing pretty much none of
v1.9's code base.

All the improvements sound great, Chris. I've used Pro-DOS with SimCoupe
in order to try CP/M Forth systems and text adventures. I look forward
to the new version.