Re: [Samba] Mounting Share at Boot

2002-09-30 Thread Barry Skidmore


Samba was installed by the Red Hat (7.2) installer when the system was
originally configured.  Since I am not using a self-compiled version of
Samba, do I still need to do this?  Should I try do see if it solves the
problem anyway?


> if you are using a selfcompiled version, you need a link to the correkt
> location of smbmount in /sbin. I think, this is not documented yet but
> I had the same problem and there was a tip in the mailing list...
> Here is, what I do:
> cd /sbin
> ln -sf ../usr/bin/smbmount mount.smbfs
> If smbmount is in /usr/bin...
> tom
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Re: [Samba] Mounting Share at Boot

2002-09-30 Thread Barry Skidmore

//sheltie/linux exists on windows.  It can be accessed
from both Windows (using Network Neighborhood) and from
Linux (using smbclient or the xSMBrowser GUI).

Do I have to do anything special with the mount point on
the Linux side (/home/skidmore/linux), other than to make
sure it exists?


> Are u sure the
> shares excists on both windoze and lindoze and that u
> have shared that folder in the windoze?
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Re: [Samba] Mounting Share at Boot

2002-09-30 Thread Barry Skidmore

[skidmore@mail skidmore]$ /usr/sbin/smbmount "sheltie\\linux" 
'/home/skidmore/linux' -o username=skidmore,password=xxx
execvp of smbmnt failed. Error was No such file or directory.smbmnt 
failed: 1

I received the same error message after setting up a mount point in my 
home directory: /home/skidmore/linux

In your command, are you certain about the direction of the '\' -vs- '/' 
and the use of ' instead of " around the mount point?


> You shall not use the mnt  to mount a smb file system.
> Its not in any man pages. U shall try with
> '/home/barry/linux' and make sure the dir excist.
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Re: [Samba] Mounting Share at Boot

2002-09-30 Thread Barry Skidmore

I tried the command you sent and used the quotes.  Below
is the result, i.e., the same error message:

[root@mail skidmore]# /usr/sbin/smbmount "sheltie\\linux" 
'/root/mnt/sheltie/linux' -o username=skidmore,password=xxx
execvp of smbmnt failed. Error was No such file or directory.smbmnt 
failed: 1


On 09.30.2002 13:50 linux power wrote:
> There is a problem in samba with the mount command. I
> got the same error when I tried a month ago.So I found
> that command I send you and use the quotes , and that
> worked. But I think samba must be compiled with the
> smbfs option.
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Re: [Samba] Mounting Share at Boot

2002-09-30 Thread Barry Skidmore

This is an excellent idea.  In investigating this, however, I have
found that I can not even do the following:

mount -t smbfs -o username=skidmore,password=xxx //sheltie/linux 
execvp of smbmnt failed. Error was No such file or directory.smbmnt 
failed: 1
I can assure you that "/root/mnt/sheltie/linux" exists, and if I do the 
following with
'smbclient', I can connect.
(I can also mount '//sheltie/linux' using the GUI 'xSMBrowser')

[root@mail skidmore]# smbclient //sheltie/linux -U skidmore%xxx
added interface
Got a positive name query response from ( )
smb: \> ls
   .   D0  Tue Sep 10 12:33:52 2002
   ..  D0  Tue Sep 10 12:33:52 2002
   Nutritional Needs of Dogs With Cancer.txt5665  Mon Mar  8 
15:32:52 1999

38152 blocks of size 1048576. 28567 blocks available
smb: \> 

Any thoughts?


> > Have you tried smbmount "client machine\\dir"
> > '/home/barry' -o username=xxx password=xxx
> > in your rc.local file for boot and the unmount in
> > the
> > halt file.?

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Re: [Samba] Mounting Share at Boot

2002-09-30 Thread Barry Skidmore


Thanks, I will take a look at this.  What I was realling looking for,
however, was a way to do the mount at boot rather than at logon.  So
far none of the posted suggestions have worked for me.


> We needed a mechanism for our experimental LTSP lab to transparently
> mount & unmount shares from a Win2000 server at login/logoff 
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Re: [Samba] Mounting Share at Boot

2002-09-29 Thread Barry Skidmore

//DELL-4400/linux /root/mnt/DELL-4400/linux smbfs auto,user,rw,umask= 0 0 0

When the system (Red Hat 7.2) is booting with the above line in fstab, it
hangs up at the following point:

"Mounting SMB filesystems:"

If I hit Enter, the following message appears:

"Password: SMB Connection Failed"

Any ideas what might be going on?

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[Samba] Mounting Share at Boot

2002-09-29 Thread Barry Skidmore

I am trying to mount a Windows share on my Linux machine at boot time.
I tried using the same syntax in /etc/fstab that is in /etc/mtab, but
this did not work.

Here is the mtab entry:

//DELL-4400/linux /root/mnt/DELL-4400/linux smbfs  0 0

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Re: [Samba] Mounting Share at Boot Time

2002-09-28 Thread Barry Skidmore

I tried to use this same syntax in fstab that I used in mtab, and the
mount failed when I rebooted.

Any help with the proper syntax would be appreciated.


On 09.28.2002 11:31 Barry Skidmore wrote:
> I have a Windows share that I would like to mount at boot time, but am 
> uncertain what syntax to use in /etc/fstab.  The entry in /etc/mtab is 
> the following:
> //DELL-4400/linux /root/mnt/DELL-4400/linux smbfs  0 0
> Do I just use the same syntax in fstab?
> Thanks,
> Barry
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[Samba] Mounting Share at Boot Time

2002-09-28 Thread Barry Skidmore

I have a Windows share that I would like to mount at boot time, but am 
uncertain what syntax to use in /etc/fstab.  The entry in /etc/mtab is the 

//DELL-4400/linux /root/mnt/DELL-4400/linux smbfs  0 0

Do I just use the same syntax in fstab?

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Re: [Samba] Problem Seeing Linux Machine From Windows Machine

2002-09-20 Thread Barry Skidmore


The problem I seem to be having is that the members of the WORKGROUP
do not appear stabily:  they disappear and reappear when the WORKGROUP
window is refreshed over a span of about 5 minutes.  The Linux server
appears only rarily, so I am not surprised that I am having problems
seeing the Linux shares.

So, I am about to give up on doing things from the Windows side.  I
can exchange files back-and-forth between Linux and Windows from the
Linux side of things just fine.  To do this I am using a very nice
GUI called 'xSMBrowser', which I highly recommend.

On the other hand, if you have any other thoughts on this problem,
I might make one more attempt.


On 09.20.2002 21:08 John Benedetto wrote:
> To see what is available, and 'accessible', go to a command prompt on 
> one of your Windows clients, and excute 'net view \\server_name'.  It 
> should return all of the shares & printers that are available.
> - john
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Re: [Samba] Problem Seeing Linux Machine From Windows Machine

2002-09-20 Thread Barry Skidmore

I have started to use SWAT to configure Samba, and can now see the Linux 
server within the WORKGROUP, but am still unable to see any of the shares.

Within SWAT, when you view the 'Status' of Samba, and look at the 'Active 
Shares' area, should you be able to see all of the shares that are 
available, or only the ones that are in use by someone logged on - I do 
not see anything listed here.

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Re: [Samba] Problem Seeing Linux Machine From Windows Machine

2002-09-20 Thread Barry Skidmore

Well, I changed the network logon password on the Windows machine (had
to reinstall the client for Microsoft Networking), and I seem to have
gone backwards in terms of progress:  I now can not even see the
Linux server ('mail') in Network Neighborhood, although I can still see
the other Windows machines on the network.

Any suggestions?


On 09.20.2002 15:32 linux power wrote:
> Yes you should see it. But you have to apply a user in
> the lindoze and samba server named skidmore. You must
> use the same passwds all three places.Windoze,linux
> and samba.
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[Samba] Problem Seeing Linux Machine From Windows Machine

2002-09-20 Thread Barry Skidmore

I am very new to Samba, so please excuse this naive question.

Samba seems to be working properly from my Red Hat 7.2 system.  I am
using a GUI called xSMBrowser, and am able to transfer files back and
forth to the Windows machines on my network.

I now want to access my Linux system from a Windows 98 machine.  I can see 
it ('Mail') in 'My Network Places' within the workgroup called 
'WORKGROUP', but I do not see any folders.  I am logged into the Windows 
machine as 'skidmore'.
Here is a snippet from my 'smb.conf'.  I am obviously doing something 

# A private directory, usable only by fred. Note that fred requires write
# access to the directory.
comment = Barry's Service
path = /home/skidmore
valid users = skidmore
public = no
writable = yes
printable = no
So, shouldn't I be able to see my home directory (skidmore) under 'Mail' 
in Network Places?:

Network Places

Barry Skidmore
(Samba novice)
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