Re: Change Notification

2003-01-14 Thread jra
On Tue, Jan 14, 2003 at 07:49:48AM +0100, Juergen Hasch wrote:
> >So if I'm understanding you correctly this is actually a kernel
> >bug - correct ?
> >
> >Can you point me at the areas in the kernel source where the problem
> >occurs so I can see how to make smbd work around it until we get the
> >kernel fixed.
> >
> >  
> >
> No it's Samba receiving a signal from the kernel, but not processing it 
> further inside Samba.
> In notify_kernel/signal_handler() signals_received gets increased when a 
> change notification
> is received from the kernel. Now the change notification for this type 
> of event (e.g. copy/
> rename/delete...) needs to be processed inside Samba.
> This is done in process_pending_change_notify_queue() which is called 
> from a few places
> inside e.g. reply.c.
> This is not happening for file copy in my test setup here (using the 
> copy command in windows).
> This means the kernel change notification is no longer active for this 
> type of event, because it
> needs to be restarted in notify_kernel.c/kernel_register_notify().
> Eventually process_pending_change_notify_queue() is called by chance and 
> the received
> change notification signal gets processed at a later random time.

Well it's not called 'by chance'. It's called once smbd gets back to
the main loop should notice in the next select that a changenotify has
occurred (the select should return -1, errno == EINTR and then the
function async_processing() should be called before the next smbd is

Can you send me a debug level 10 please of the operation failing, plus
an *exact* method of duplicating it (client OS, smb.condf, exact client
windows open and what you do to reproduce it).



Re: Change Notification

2003-01-13 Thread Juergen Hasch

So if I'm understanding you correctly this is actually a kernel
bug - correct ?

Can you point me at the areas in the kernel source where the problem
occurs so I can see how to make smbd work around it until we get the
kernel fixed.


No it's Samba receiving a signal from the kernel, but not processing it 
further inside Samba.

In notify_kernel/signal_handler() signals_received gets increased when a 
change notification
is received from the kernel. Now the change notification for this type 
of event (e.g. copy/
rename/delete...) needs to be processed inside Samba.
This is done in process_pending_change_notify_queue() which is called 
from a few places
inside e.g. reply.c.
This is not happening for file copy in my test setup here (using the 
copy command in windows).
This means the kernel change notification is no longer active for this 
type of event, because it
needs to be restarted in notify_kernel.c/kernel_register_notify().

Eventually process_pending_change_notify_queue() is called by chance and 
the received
change notification signal gets processed at a later random time.

So I think Samba forgets to call process_pending_change_notify_queue() 
after a copy operation,
so a Windows application waiting for a change notification doesn't get 
noticed or only after some
time when other file operations triggered the 
process_pending_change_notify_queue() call.


Re: Change Notification

2003-01-13 Thread jra
On Mon, Jan 13, 2003 at 11:39:27PM +0100, Juergen Hasch wrote:
> >
> >
> >Can you give me more details please about where smbd is missing
> >the signal ? smbd should not be able to miss these signals, as
> >all they do is set a flag that is then processed inline in the
> >main loop.
> >
> >Please give me more details asap.
> >
> For testing  I have a simple windows program to activates change 
> notification for a given directory on
> the Samba side. I can then see what is happening when I copy, remove or 
> delete files (this is
> what I tested). The Samba server is Suse 8.1 with the latest 2.4 kernel 
> and Samba 2_2 CVS,
>  my client is a W2K WS.
> When I check the signal_handler() function in notify_kernel.c I can see, 
> that after starting a new
> smbd  I get a signal when I copy/move/delete a file. For copy this 
> happens only once, for
> rename/delete signal_handler is called every time.
> When I check the kernel_remove_notify() /  kernel_register_notify() 
> functions which have to be
> called every time after a signal is received, they only get called for 
> move or delete operations.

So if I'm understanding you correctly this is actually a kernel
bug - correct ?

Can you point me at the areas in the kernel source where the problem
occurs so I can see how to make smbd work around it until we get the
kernel fixed.


Re: Change Notification

2003-01-13 Thread Juergen Hasch
Below is my test program, nothing special:

/* test change notification */

int main()
DWORD dwWaitStatus;
HANDLE dwChangeHandles[1];

dwChangeHandles[0] = FindFirstChangeNotification(
   "i:\\TEST", // directory to watch
   FALSE, // do not watch the subtree
   FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_FILE_NAME); // watch file name changes

if (dwChangeHandles[0] == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)

printf("Starting change notification\n");
// Change notification is set. Now wait on both notification
// handles and refresh accordingly.

   while (TRUE) {
   dwWaitStatus = WaitForMultipleObjects(1, dwChangeHandles,

   switch (dwWaitStatus) {
   case WAIT_OBJECT_0:
   if (FindNextChangeNotification( dwChangeHandles[0]) == 
   printf( "Change notify failure\n");
   return 0;

I can't tell you if the change I made to reply.c completely solves my 
problem , I'll need to test this at work.
But what I found out would explain the effects I had.


Re: Change Notification

2003-01-13 Thread Juergen Hasch

Can you give me more details please about where smbd is missing
the signal ? smbd should not be able to miss these signals, as
all they do is set a flag that is then processed inline in the
main loop.

Please give me more details asap.

For testing  I have a simple windows program to activates change 
notification for a given directory on
the Samba side. I can then see what is happening when I copy, remove or 
delete files (this is
what I tested). The Samba server is Suse 8.1 with the latest 2.4 kernel 
and Samba 2_2 CVS,
my client is a W2K WS.

When I check the signal_handler() function in notify_kernel.c I can see, 
that after starting a new
smbd  I get a signal when I copy/move/delete a file. For copy this 
happens only once, for
rename/delete signal_handler is called every time.
When I check the kernel_remove_notify() /  kernel_register_notify() 
functions which have to be
called every time after a signal is received, they only get called for 
move or delete operations.

As I understand the code the actual change notification processing is 
initiated by  the
process_pending_change_notify_queue() function. This function doesn't 
get called when I copy
a file to the directory with change notification activated. For rename 
or delete this works.


Re: Change Notification

2003-01-13 Thread jra
On Mon, Jan 13, 2003 at 11:06:46PM +0100, Juergen Hasch wrote:
> Jeremy,
> I'm having problems with change notification in Samba 2.2.x under Linux 
> since you changed the signal
> handling stuff some time ago.
> An application I'm using always complains about missing change 
> notification, although it used to work.
> I always failed to find out what's wrong, but now I know :-)
> What is happening is that Samba receives a change notification signal 
> from the Linux kernel and sometimes
> simply does not process it, which means that no further signals will be 
> send by the Kernel (DN_MULTISHOT isn't set)
> for the same event.
> Processing of the received signal happens for file rename and delete in 
> but not for copying.
> In reply.c/reply_write_and_X() I added  a call to
> process_pending_change_notify_queue((time_t)0);
>  and now change notification works again for my testcase here.
> I'm sure you now a better place where  
> process_pending_change_notify_queue() should go to catch
> file copy events :-)

Can you give me more details please about where smbd is missing
the signal ? smbd should not be able to miss these signals, as
all they do is set a flag that is then processed inline in the
main loop.

Please give me more details asap.

