[Savannah-register-public] [task #4856] Submission of spmalloc - Stephan Peijnik's malloc

2005-10-20 Thread Stephan Peijnik


 Summary: Submission of spmalloc - Stephan Peijnik's malloc
 Project: Savannah Administration
Submitted by: speijnik
Submitted on: Thu 10/20/05 at 17:21
 Should Start On: Thu 10/20/05 at 00:00
   Should be Finished on: Sun 10/30/05 at 00:00
Category: Project Approval
Priority: 5 - Normal
  Status: None
 Privacy: Public
 Assigned to: None
Percent Complete: 0%
 Open/Closed: Open
  Effort: 0.00



A new project has been registered at Savannah 
The project account will remain inactive until a site admin approve or
discard the registration.


While this item will be useful to track the registration process, approving
or discarding the registration must be done using the specific "Group
Administration" page, accessible only to site administrators, effectively
logged as site administrators (superuser):



Full Name:
  spmalloc - Stephan Peijnik's malloc

System Group Name:

  non-GNU software & documentation

  GNU General Public License V2 or later


  spmalloc is aimed at providing per-module memory statistics for programs
that use modules (dynamically linkable objects) for extending their

This is achieved by having an array of a structure containing pointers,
memory sizes and the allocator module's base address.
Getting the pointer and the size of the memory chunk isn't that much of a
problem but getting a module's base address requires combining a gcc-internal
call and dladdr().
As the sentence above already suggests the code is specific to GNU/Linux 
and/or gcc. It may work on other OS' like the various BSD flavours but that
has not been tested yet.
It also adds some sanity checking to calls to its memory management functions
immediatly abort()'ing the program on any error. This is done for several
reasons. The two most important ones would be saving the user from data
corruption (ie. when writing to a file) and helping developers to find bugs
as free'ing an already free'd memory chunk will for example result in an

However, it does not replace the system's memory manegement functions at all
and indeed makes use of those itself.

The code is not a stand-alone library (but might be made one later on) but is
meant to be compiled into any project using it.

The source code may be obtained from http://www.sp.or.at/spmalloc/ which
contains a link to a tar-gz archive.


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[Savannah-register-public] [task #4856] Submission of spmalloc - Stephan Peijnik's malloc

2005-10-21 Thread Stephan Peijnik

Follow-up Comment #2, task #4856 (project administration):

Seems like I've missed adding the COPYING file, I'm sorry for that.

I have now made the needed changes and a new copy of spmalloc is available at
the same place the old one was.


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  Message sent via/by Savannah

[Savannah-register-public] [task #5774] Submission of penalyze2 PE executable analyzer

2006-08-03 Thread Stephan Peijnik


 Summary: Submission of penalyze2 PE executable analyzer
 Project: Savannah Administration
Submitted by: speijnik
Submitted on: Thursday 08/03/2006 at 14:26
 Should Start On: Thursday 08/03/2006 at 00:00
   Should be Finished on: Sunday 08/13/2006 at 00:00
Category: Project Approval
Priority: 5 - Normal
  Status: None
 Privacy: Public
 Assigned to: None
Percent Complete: 0%
 Open/Closed: Open
  Effort: 0.00



A new project has been registered at Savannah 
The project account will remain inactive until a site admin approve or
discard the registration.


While this item will be useful to track the registration process, approving
or discarding the registration must be done using the specific "Group
Administration" page, accessible only to site administrators, effectively
logged as site administrators (superuser):



Full Name:
  penalyze2 PE executable analyzer

System Group Name:

  non-GNU software & documentation

  GNU General Public License V2 or later


  penalyze2 is a PE (win32) executable analyzer that uses emulation
techniques for analyzation. The goal of this software package is to provide a
free (as in freedom) utility that helps malware researchers doing their daily
work. Even though it includes disassembing the x86 bytecode it is not a
conventional disassembler as it emulates everything whilst disassembling.
This makes sure runtime packers can be easily circumvented. Apart from using
a public domain x86 decoder library it implements instruction handlers which
emulate an x86 processor and of course also emulates as many common library
calls as possible. However, it is not only intended to be an implementation
but more a way to get to   some knowledge freely (as in free beer). It is
planned to also include documentation on pretty much anything it does.
The main parts of the package are: a x86 virtual machine/emulator, the x86
bytecode decoder library and a PE executable file loader. Additionally a
debugger-like CLI interface is planned to enable users to do debugging on
It has been tested on GNU/Linux on x86 only right now but has been designed
to be platform independant. Releases including support for other free and
non-free operating systems as host are planned aswell.
The current development sources are available via trac/svn from
https://trac.sp.or.at/trac/penalyze2. However, the current hosting is quite
limited in bandwidth and performance.
As a last note, the x86 decoder library being used is libdasm available from
http://nologin.org/. As public domain software it is however included in the
software package directly and linked against statically.


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  Message sent via/by Savannah

[Savannah-register-public] [task #5775] Submission of Java-Complex-Number Class

2006-08-10 Thread Stephan Peijnik

Update of task #5775 (project administration):

  Status:None => In Progress
 Assigned to:None => speijnik   


Reply to this item at:


  Message sent via/by Savannah

[Savannah-register-public] [task #5775] Submission of Java-Complex-Number Class

2006-08-10 Thread Stephan Peijnik

Update of task #5775 (project administration):

  Status: In Progress => Wait reply 


Follow-up Comment #1:


I'm evaluating the project you submitted for approval in Savannah.

While evaluating your project I found some problems which are described
We would like you to fix these problems so we can approve your project.

You must determine whether your project can run on a Free Software Java suite

(see http://www.gnu.org/software/java/ for more information).

We recommend you to test your project using GCJ and GNU Classpath, and ensure

that your Java code runs on this Free Software Java suite.

GCJ is the GNU Compiler for Java, part of the GCC (GNU Compiler Collection). 

The Classpath project aims to develop a free and portable implementation of 
the Java API (the classes in the 'java' package).

More information is available at http://gcc.gnu.org/ and 
http://www.gnu.org/software/classpath/ .

Please provide us with more information about this point. Saying it 'should'
work is not enough as it 'has to' work in order to be approved.

In order to release your project properly and unambiguously under the LGPL, 
please place copyright notices and permission-to-copy statements at the 
beginning of every copyrightable file, usually any file more than 10 lines
The notice in the stand-alone Complex.java file is intact but the zip
file is completly missing such notices.

In addition, please include a copy of the plain text 
version of the GNU LGPL, available from http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.txt,

into a file named "COPYING" in your zip file.

For more information, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html#SEC4.

Please remove the GIF image file from your project and replace it with 
an other format (such as PNG or JPEG).

Because of the patents (Unisys and IBM) covering the LZW compression
which are used when making GIF files, it's impossible to have free software 
to generate proper GIFs.  These patents also apply to the compress program.
The GIF file in your project can be found in the documentation of your
Using the 'gjdoc' which is part of the GNU classpath project you can
the project documentation using a Free Software tool that generates PNG
instead of GIF files.

For more information, see http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/gif.html.

Best regards,

Stephan Peijnik


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  Message sent via/by Savannah

[Savannah-register-public] [task #5778] Submission of graph-tool

2006-08-10 Thread Stephan Peijnik

Update of task #5778 (project administration):

  Status:None => In Progress
 Assigned to:None => speijnik   


Reply to this item at:


  Message sent via/by Savannah

[Savannah-register-public] [task #5778] Submission of graph-tool

2006-08-11 Thread Stephan Peijnik

Update of task #5778 (project administration):

  Status: In Progress => Done   
 Open/Closed:Open => Closed 


Follow-up Comment #1:


I'm evaluating the project you submitted for approval in Savannah.
There are two minor problems in your project which are described below.

The address of the FSF has changed, and is now:

  51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA

Please update the license notice in the src/graph-tool script.

The LICENSE_1_0.txt of the Boost Software License in the
src/boost-workaround/ directory is missing. Please include this file in the
mentioned directory.

As these problems are only minor ones I have approved your project. However,
we would like you to fix these two problems mentioned above before uploading
the sourcecode to savannah.  You will receive an automated e-mail containing
detailed information about the approval.



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  Message sent via/by Savannah

[Savannah-register-public] [task #5779] Submission of go2 directory finder

2006-08-11 Thread Stephan Peijnik

Update of task #5779 (project administration):

  Status:None => In Progress
 Assigned to:None => sp 


Reply to this item at:


  Message sent via/by Savannah

[Savannah-register-public] [task #5779] Submission of go2 directory finder

2006-08-12 Thread Stephan Peijnik

Update of task #5779 (project administration):

  Status: In Progress => Wait reply 


Follow-up Comment #1:


I'm evaluating the project you submitted for approval in Savannah.

There are a few issues with your submission, which mean that we cannot accept
it yet. The problems I've found are described below.

In order to release your project properly and unambiguously under the GNU
GPL, please place copyright notices and permission-to-copy statements at the
beginning of every copyrightable file, usually any file more than 10 lines
long. This also includes shell scripts, the test suite and the setup script.

In addition please include a copy of the plain text version of the GPL,
available from http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt, into a file named

For more information, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-howto.html.

The GPL FAQ explains why these procedures must be followed.  To learn why a
copy of the GPL must be included with every copy of the code, for example,
see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-faq.html#WhyMustIInclude.

Additionally the address of the FSF has changed, and is now:

  51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA

Please update your license notices.

You also added some license notices, but did not add appropriate copyright
To be precise you should rather use 'Copyright (C) 2004,2005,2006' instead of
'Copyright (C) 2004-2006'.

Please check
http://www.gnu.org/prep/maintain/html_node/Copyright-Notices.html for more
information, and update your files.

If you are willing to make the changes mentioned above, please inform us when
you have done so. Upon review, we will reconsider your project for inclusion
in Savannah.

To help us better keep track of your registration, please use the tracker's
web interface following the link below. Do not reply directly, the
registration process is not driven by e-mail, and we will not receive such



Reply to this item at:


  Message sent via/by Savannah

[Savannah-register-public] [task #5779] Submission of go2 directory finder

2006-08-16 Thread Stephan Peijnik

Update of task #5779 (project administration):

  Status:  Wait reply => Done   
 Open/Closed:Open => Closed 


Follow-up Comment #3:


After reviewing your project again I have approved your project.  You will
receive an automated e-mail containing detailed information about the



Reply to this item at:


  Message sent via/by Savannah

[Savannah-register-public] [task #5775] Submission of Java-Complex-Number Class

2006-08-17 Thread Stephan Peijnik

Update of task #5775 (project administration):

  Status:  Wait reply => Ping-ed


Follow-up Comment #2:


I am waiting for an answer from you.

If within one week I still do not get a reply, I will remove your project.
You will still be able to register it again once you have the time to deal
with the registration issues.

Are you still willing to host your project at Savannah? If not, please tell
us - we don't bite, and it will make us gain time.



Reply to this item at:


  Message sent via/by Savannah

[Savannah-register-public] [task #5808] Submission of Global Georgianisation

2006-08-17 Thread Stephan Peijnik

Update of task #5808 (project administration):

  Status:None => Need Info  
 Assigned to:None => sp 


Follow-up Comment #1:


I'm evaluating the project you submitted for approval in Savannah.

We need a detailed technical description that specifies such requirements as
programming languages and external libraries.  It should be at least one-half
a page.

Please also include a (perhaps temporary) URL pointing to the source code.
Alternatively, you can forward the code to me by email or attach it to this

We wish to review your source code, even if it is not functional, to catch
potential legal issues early.

For example, to release your program properly under the GNU GPL you must
include a copyright notice and permission-to-copy statements at the beginning
of every  copyrightable file, usually any file more than 10 lines long.  This
is explained in http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-howto.html.  Our review would
help catch potential omissions such as these.

Note that sending code to our repositories _is_ a release, since the code
will then be publicly available through anonymous access.

To help us better keep track of your registration, please use the tracker's
web interface following the link below. Do not reply directly, the
registration process is not driven by e-mail, and we will not receive such



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  Message sent via/by Savannah

[Savannah-register-public] [task #5840] Submission of teXswitcher

2006-08-23 Thread Stephan Peijnik

Update of task #5840 (project administration):

  Status:None => In Progress
 Assigned to:None => sp 


Reply to this item at:


  Message sent via/by Savannah

[Savannah-register-public] [task #5840] Submission of teXswitcher

2006-08-23 Thread Stephan Peijnik

Update of task #5840 (project administration):

  Status: In Progress => Done   
Percent Complete:  0% => 100%   
 Open/Closed:Open => Closed 


Follow-up Comment #1:


I have approved your project.  You will receive an automated e-mail
containing detailed information about the approval.
However, there is a problem with your project which is described below. We
would like you to fix this problem prior to uploading any sourcecode to

Please include a copy of the plain text version of the GPL, available from
http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt, into a file named "COPYING".

For more information, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-howto.html.

To learn why a copy of the GPL must be included with every copy of the code,
for example, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-faq.html#WhyMustIInclude.



Reply to this item at:


  Message sent via/by Savannah

[Savannah-register-public] [task #5808] Submission of Global Georgianisation

2006-08-23 Thread Stephan Peijnik

Update of task #5808 (project administration):

  Status:   Need Info => Ping-ed


Follow-up Comment #2:


I am waiting for an answer from you.

If within one week I still do not get a reply, I will remove your project.
You will still be able to register it again once you have the time to deal
with the registration issues.

Are you still willing to host your project at Savannah? If not, please tell
us - we don't bite, and it will make us gain time.

To help us better keep track of your registration, please use the tracker's
web interface following the link below. Do not reply directly, the
registration process is not driven by e-mail, and we will not receive such



Reply to this item at:


  Message sent via/by Savannah

[Savannah-register-public] [task #5775] Submission of Java-Complex-Number Class

2006-08-27 Thread Stephan Peijnik

Update of task #5775 (project administration):

  Status: Ping-ed => Cancelled  
 Open/Closed:Open => Closed 


Follow-up Comment #3:


We did not get a response from you, so we deleted your project from the
pending queue.

If you would still like to have your project hosted at Savannah, please
register it again.

The re-registration URL found in our acknowledgment of your earlier
registration will direct you to the proper location where you can re-register
your project.



Reply to this item at:


  Message sent via/by Savannah

[Savannah-register-public] [task #5849] Submission of EntornoDomotico

2006-08-27 Thread Stephan Peijnik

Update of task #5849 (project administration):

  Status:None => In Progress
 Assigned to:None => sp 


Reply to this item at:


  Message sent via/by Savannah

[Savannah-register-public] [task #5849] Submission of EntornoDomotico

2006-08-27 Thread Stephan Peijnik

Update of task #5849 (project administration):

  Status: In Progress => Wait reply 


Follow-up Comment #1:


I'm evaluating the project you submitted for approval in Savannah.
I've noticed that there are a few problems with your project. These problems
are described below.

The first thing we'd need from you is a detailed technical description that
specifies such requirements as programming languages and external libraries. 
It should be at least one-half a page.

Please include a (perhaps temporary) URL pointing to the source code.
Alternatively, you can forward the code to me by email or attach it to this

We wish to review your source code, even if it is not functional, to catch
potential legal issues early.

For example, to release your program properly under the GNU GPL you must
include a copyright notice and permission-to-copy statements at the beginning
of every  copyrightable file, usually any file more than 10 lines long.  This
is explained in http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-howto.html.  Our review would
help catch potential omissions such as these.

Note that sending code to our repositories _is_ a release, since the code
will then be publicly available through anonymous access.

Another important thing would be that you must determine whether your project
can run on a Free Software Java suite (see http://www.gnu.org/software/java/
for more information).

We recommend you to test your project using GCJ and GNU Classpath, and ensure
that your Java code runs on this Free Software Java suite.

GCJ is the GNU Compiler for Java, part of the GCC (GNU Compiler Collection). 
The Classpath project aims to develop a free and portable implementation of
the Java API (the classes in the 'java' package).

More information is available at http://gcc.gnu.org/ and
http://www.gnu.org/software/classpath/ .

Please provide us with more information about this point.

To help us better keep track of your registration, please use the tracker's
web interface following the link below. Do not reply directly, the
registration process is not driven by e-mail, and we will not receive such



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  Message sent via/by Savannah

[Savannah-register-public] [task #5851] Submission of Mega Projetos

2006-08-30 Thread Stephan Peijnik

Update of task #5851 (project administration):

  Status:None => In Progress
 Assigned to:None => sp 


Reply to this item at:


  Message sent via/by Savannah

[Savannah-register-public] [task #5852] Submission of zipbackup

2006-08-30 Thread Stephan Peijnik

Update of task #5852 (project administration):

  Status:None => In Progress
 Assigned to:None => sp 


Reply to this item at:


  Message sent via/by Savannah

[Savannah-register-public] [task #5808] Submission of Global Georgianisation

2006-08-30 Thread Stephan Peijnik

Update of task #5808 (project administration):

  Status: Ping-ed => Cancelled  
 Open/Closed:Open => Closed 


Follow-up Comment #3:


We did not get a response from you, so we deleted your project from the
pending queue.

If you would still like to have your project hosted at Savannah, please
register it again.

The re-registration URL found in our acknowledgment of your earlier
registration will direct you to the proper location where you can re-register
your project.



Reply to this item at:


  Message sent via/by Savannah

[Savannah-register-public] [task #5851] Submission of Mega Projetos

2006-08-30 Thread Stephan Peijnik

Update of task #5851 (project administration):

  Status: In Progress => Need Info  


Follow-up Comment #1:


I'm evaluating the project you submitted for approval in Savannah and there
are a few problems with your submission which are listed below.

First of all, we need a detailed technical description that specifies such
requirements as programming languages and external libraries.  It should be
at least one-half a page. Right now a technical description for your project
exists, but it doesn't seem to explain what your project is all about. So
please try to rephrase the technical description and provide us with more

Also, please include a (perhaps temporary) URL pointing to the source code.
Alternatively, you can forward the code to me by email or attach it to this

Last but not least, I'm a bit confused about the project type. You submitted
it as a 'www.gnu.org portion' and I really don't know what portion this could
be. However, an updated technical description might give me a better idea
about this issue.

To help us better keep track of your registration, please use the tracker's
web interface following the link below. Do not reply directly, the
registration process is not driven by e-mail, and we will not receive such



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  Message sent via/by Savannah

[Savannah-register-public] [task #5854] Submission of Ax Chess

2006-08-30 Thread Stephan Peijnik

Update of task #5854 (project administration):

  Status:None => In Progress
 Assigned to:None => sp 


Reply to this item at:


  Message sent via/by Savannah

[Savannah-register-public] [task #5852] Submission of zipbackup

2006-08-30 Thread Stephan Peijnik

Update of task #5852 (project administration):

  Status: In Progress => Wait reply 


Follow-up Comment #1:


I'm evaluating the project you submitted for approval in Savannah. There are
a few problems which I noticed while evaluating your submission. These
problems are described below.

First, please include a (working) URL pointing to the source code. Neither
anonymous CVS nor ftp download seem to be working. Alternatively, you can
forward the code to me by email or attach it to this tracker.

Also, we do not allow to host your project on Savannah and
CodigoLivre at the same time, if Savannah is just a project mirror.
Your project development should happen primarily on Savannah.

How do you plan to use your Savannah account?

To help us better keep track of your registration, please use the tracker's
web interface following the link below. Do not reply directly, the
registration process is not driven by e-mail, and we will not receive such



Reply to this item at:


  Message sent via/by Savannah

[Savannah-register-public] [task #5854] Submission of Ax Chess

2006-08-30 Thread Stephan Peijnik

Update of task #5854 (project administration):

  Status: In Progress => Wait reply 


Follow-up Comment #1:


I'm evaluating the project you submitted for approval in Savannah. While
evaluating your submission I've noticed a few problems. These problems are
described below.

First of all, in order to release your project properly and unambiguously
under the GNU GPL, please place copyright notices *and* permission-to-copy
statements at the beginning of every copyrightable file, usually any file
more than 10 lines long.

In addition, your projects lacks a COPYING file and copying~ seems to be
empty. So please include a copy of the plain text version of the GPL,
available from http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt, into a file named

For more information, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-howto.html.

Copyright notices are missing in all of your files, so please check
http://www.gnu.org/prep/maintain/html_node/Copyright-Notices.html for further
information on adding copyright notices.

The license header in board.cpp looks fine though. Please add such a headers
plus the above mentioned copyright notices to all other files as well.

The GPL FAQ explains why these procedures must be followed.  To learn why a
copy of the GPL must be included with every copy of the code, for example,
see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-faq.html#WhyMustIInclude.

Secondly, the license does not contain the last section, titled "How to
These Terms to Your New Programs".

Please use a complete verbatim copy of the license, which may be found at
The license must be copied verbatim and in its entirety.
However, there is no need for having the license file twice in your project,
so you may well remove the current license file and replace the copying file
with a fresh copy from the source mentioned above.

If you are willing to make the changes mentioned above, please provide us
with an URL to an updated tarball of your project.  Upon review, we will
reconsider your project for inclusion in Savannah.

To help us better keep track of your registration, please use the tracker's
web interface following the link below. Do not reply directly, the
registration process is not driven by e-mail, and we will not receive such



Reply to this item at:


  Message sent via/by Savannah

[Savannah-register-public] [task #5852] Submission of zipbackup

2006-09-02 Thread Stephan Peijnik

Follow-up Comment #3, task #5852 (project administration):


Now that I've got the tarball of your project I'm evaluating the project you
submitted for approval in Savannah. There are a few problems which I noticed
whilst reviewing your project. Descriptions of these problems can be found

First of all, licensing under the "GNU GPL v2 only" is problematic.  Would
you agree to license your project under the "GNU GPL v2 or later"?

The reason for this is that when we publish GPL v3, it will be important for
all GPL-covered programs to advance to GPL v3. If you don't put this in the
files now, the only way to port your program to GPL v3 would be to ask each
and every copyright holder, and that may be very difficult.

We can explain the issue in more detail if you wish. If you have concerns
about "GNU GPL v2 or later", we'd be happy to address them too.

Secondly, in order to release your project properly and unambiguously under
the GNU GPL, please place copyright notices and permission-to-copy statements
at the beginning of every copyrightable file, usually any file more than 10
lines long.

In addition, please include a copy of the plain text version of the GPL,
available from http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt, into a file named

For more information, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-howto.html.

The GPL FAQ explains why these procedures must be followed.  To learn why a
copy of the GPL must be included with every copy of the code, for example,
see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-faq.html#WhyMustIInclude.

If you are willing to make the changes mentioned above, please provide us
with an URL to an updated tarball of your project.  Upon review, we will
reconsider your project for inclusion in Savannah.

To help us better keep track of your registration, please use the tracker's
web interface following the link below. Do not reply directly, the
registration process is not driven by e-mail, and we will not receive such



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  Message sent via/by Savannah

[Savannah-register-public] [task #5862] Submission of Apso

2006-09-02 Thread Stephan Peijnik

Update of task #5862 (project administration):

  Status:None => In Progress
 Assigned to:None => sp 


Reply to this item at:


  Message sent via/by Savannah

[Savannah-register-public] [task #5849] Submission of EntornoDomotico

2006-09-02 Thread Stephan Peijnik

Update of task #5849 (project administration):

  Status:  Wait reply => Ping-ed


Follow-up Comment #2:


I am waiting for an answer from you.

If within one week I still do not get a reply, I will remove your project.
You will still be able to register it again once you have the time to deal
with the registration issues.

Are you still willing to host your project at Savannah? If not, please tell
us - we don't bite, and it will make us gain time.



Reply to this item at:


  Message sent via/by Savannah

[Savannah-register-public] [task #5851] Submission of Mega Projetos

2006-09-02 Thread Stephan Peijnik

Update of task #5851 (project administration):

  Status:   Need Info => Ping-ed


Follow-up Comment #2:


I am waiting for an answer from you.

If within one week I still do not get a reply, I will remove your project.
You will still be able to register it again once you have the time to deal
with the registration issues.

Are you still willing to host your project at Savannah? If not, please tell
us - we don't bite, and it will make us gain time.



Reply to this item at:


  Message sent via/by Savannah

[Savannah-register-public] [task #5862] Submission of Apso

2006-09-02 Thread Stephan Peijnik

Update of task #5862 (project administration):

  Status: In Progress => Done   
 Open/Closed:Open => Closed 


Follow-up Comment #3:


I have approved your project.  You will receive an automated e-mail
containing detailed information about the approval.
However, there are a few problems and we expect you to fix before uploading
your project to Savannah. These problems are described below.

First of all, the texi file in doc/ is missing both its copyright and
permission-to-copy headers. These have to be present as headers in the source
file of your document.

In addition, please add a copy of the FDL (available from
http://www.gnu.org/licenses/fdl.html in various formats) as a section of your

For more information, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/fdl.html#SEC4

http://www.gnu.org/licenses/fdl-howto.html also covers additional points,
including a smaller notice that you can use in auxiliary files.



Reply to this item at:


  Message sent via/by Savannah

[Savannah-register-public] [task #5853] Submission of Mobile Gnutella Client

2006-09-04 Thread Stephan Peijnik

Update of task #5853 (project administration):

  Status:None => Cancelled  
 Assigned to:None => sp 
 Open/Closed:Open => Closed 


Follow-up Comment #1:


I'm evaluating the project you submitted for approval in Savannah. I have
noticed a few problems whilst evaluating your submission. Descriptions of
these problems can be found below.

First of all, your project requires proprietary software and cannot be hosted
on Savannah for this reason.

Savannah is willing to provide resources and time to developers writing Free
Software that can be used without the need to ask permission from a
proprietary software vendor.

If, someday, you get free of those dependencies (see
http://www.gnu.org/software/java for more information), do not hesitate to
resubmit your project.

However, if you used another programming language and/or programming
enviroment which is free (as in freedom) you are welcome to re-submit your
project. We will then reconsider adding your project to Savannah.

Secondly, your project is not part of the GNU project, so we cannot accept
its current type.  We want to maintain the distinction between 'GNU'
and'non-GNU' projects.  If your project is approved for inclusion into
Savannah, we will set it's type to 'non-GNU'.

If your project is accepted into the GNU project you may change its type. 
You can do this by asking us.

As a note, chances of a project that depends on proprietary software to run
and/or build being made a part of the GNU project is pretty non-existant. You
might want to read the document at
which contains some general information on ethical and philosophical
considerations regarding Free Software and the GNU project.

I'm afraid we will have to reject your project for inclusion in Savannah for
now. If you do however, at any time, change your runtime/build enviroment to
a free (as in freedom) one, by, for example, switching the programming
language, we would welcome you to re-submit your project. Also, if you find a
free J2ME implementation, which I was not able to find, we would also happily
like to reconsider adding your project to Savannah.

I hope the text above explains everything and helps you understand why we had
to reject your project.



Reply to this item at:


  Message sent via/by Savannah

[Savannah-register-public] [task #5863] Submission of secure democracy

2006-09-04 Thread Stephan Peijnik

Update of task #5863 (project administration):

  Status:None => In Progress
 Assigned to:None => sp 


Reply to this item at:


  Message sent via/by Savannah

[Savannah-register-public] [task #5854] Submission of Ax Chess

2006-09-07 Thread Stephan Peijnik

Update of task #5854 (project administration):

  Status:  Wait reply => Ping-ed


Follow-up Comment #2:


I am waiting for an answer from you.

If within one week I still do not get a reply, I will remove your project.
You will still be able to register it again once you have the time to deal
with the registration issues.

Are you still willing to host your project at Savannah? If not, please tell
us - we don't bite, and it will make us gain time.



Reply to this item at:


  Message sent via/by Savannah

[Savannah-register-public] [task #5852] Submission of zipbackup

2006-09-10 Thread Stephan Peijnik

Update of task #5852 (project administration):

  Status:  Wait reply => Ping-ed


Follow-up Comment #4:


I am waiting for an answer from you.

If within one week I still do not get a reply, I will remove your project.
You will still be able to register it again once you have the time to deal
with the registration issues.

Are you still willing to host your project at Savannah? If not, please tell
us - we don't bite, and it will make us gain time.



Reply to this item at:


  Message sent via/by Savannah

[Savannah-register-public] [task #5863] Submission of secure democracy

2006-09-10 Thread Stephan Peijnik

Update of task #5863 (project administration):

  Status: In Progress => Wait reply 


Follow-up Comment #1:


Most important thing first: sorry for the huge delay.

I'm evaluating the project you submitted for approval in Savannah. Whilst
evaluating your submission I've found a few problems. You can find detailed
descriptions of these problems below.

First of all, Savannah is a central point for development, distribution and
maintenance of GNU Software.

There is a companion site savannah.nongnu.org where we also host Free
Software projects that are not part of the GNU Project, but run on
free platforms.

However, we do not allow to host your project on Savannah and
SourceForge at the same time, if Savannah is just a project mirror.
Your project development should happen primarily on Savannah.

How do you plan to use your Savannah account?

Secondly, licensing under the "GNU GPL v2 only" is problematic.  Would you
agree to license your project under the "GNU GPL v2 or later"?

The reason for this is that when we publish GPL v3, it will be important for
all GPL-covered programs to advance to GPL v3. If you don't put this in the
files now, the only way to port your program to GPL v3 would be to ask each
and every copyright holder, and that may be very difficult.

To address your concerns, one can for sure say that the GPLv3 is not an
attempt to make now free programs proprietary at all. After all, the GPLv3 is
created in a community-driven process, where everyone is not only allowed to
but welcome to comment on the license drafts. However, as the GPL itself
says: (quoting) "9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or
versions of the General Public License from time to time.  Such new
versions will be similar in spirit to the present version[...]". This can be
found in the license itself and this would probably also cause a non-copyleft
GPL-successor to be hard to enforce.

If you are willing to make the changes mentioned above, please provide us
with an URL to an updated tarball of your project.  Upon review, we will
reconsider your project for inclusion in Savannah.

To help us better keep track of your registration, please use the tracker's
web interface following the link below. Do not reply directly, the
registration process is not driven by e-mail, and we will not receive such



Reply to this item at:


  Message sent via/by Savannah

[Savannah-register-public] [task #5849] Submission of EntornoDomotico

2006-09-11 Thread Stephan Peijnik

Update of task #5849 (project administration):

  Status: Ping-ed => Done   
 Open/Closed:Open => Closed 


Follow-up Comment #3:


We did not get a response from you, so we deleted your project from the
pending queue.

If you would still like to have your project hosted at Savannah, please
register it again.

The re-registration URL found in our acknowledgment of your earlier
registration will direct you to the proper location where you can re-register
your project.



Reply to this item at:


  Message sent via/by Savannah

[Savannah-register-public] [task #5851] Submission of Mega Projetos

2006-09-11 Thread Stephan Peijnik

Update of task #5851 (project administration):

  Status: Ping-ed => Done   
 Open/Closed:Open => Closed 


Follow-up Comment #3:


We did not get a response from you, so we deleted your project from the
pending queue.

If you would still like to have your project hosted at Savannah, please
register it again.

The re-registration URL found in our acknowledgment of your earlier
registration will direct you to the proper location where you can re-register
your project.



Reply to this item at:


  Message sent via/by Savannah

[Savannah-register-public] [task #5854] Submission of Ax Chess

2006-09-11 Thread Stephan Peijnik

Update of task #5854 (project administration):

  Status: Ping-ed => Done   
 Open/Closed:Open => Closed 


Follow-up Comment #4:


I have approved your project.  You will receive an automated e-mail
containing detailed information about the approval.



Reply to this item at:


  Message sent via/by Savannah

[Savannah-register-public] [task #5899] Submission of SerialCom

2006-09-15 Thread Stephan Peijnik

Update of task #5899 (project administration):

  Status:None => In Progress
 Assigned to:None => sp 


Reply to this item at:


  Message sent via/by Savannah

[Savannah-register-public] [task #5863] Submission of secure democracy

2006-09-15 Thread Stephan Peijnik

Follow-up Comment #4, task #5863 (project administration):


I'm sorry this took so long, but I'm now re-evaluating the project you
submitted for approval in Savannah.
There are some problems I've found and these problems need fixing before we
can approve your submission.

First of all, the address of the FSF has changed, and is now:

  51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA

Please update your license notices.

Please update the copy of the license (usually, the 'COPYING' file) in your
package as well.

Updated versions of the GPL, LGPL and GFDL can also be found at:

You can find some background and a possible migration script at

Second thing I noticed is, that the license does not contain the last
section, titled "How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs".

Please use a complete verbatim copy of the license, which may be found at
http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt, http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.txt or

The license must be copied verbatim and in its entirety.

Another thing that needs fixing is described below:

In order to release your project properly and unambiguously under the GNU
GPL, please place copyright notices and permission-to-copy statements at the
beginning of every copyrightable file, usually any file more than 10 lines

For more information, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-howto.html.

If some of your files cannot carry such notices (e.g. binary files), then you
can add a README file in the same directory containing the copyright and
license notices. Check
http://www.gnu.org/prep/maintain/html_node/Copyright-Notices.html for further

The GPL FAQ explains why these procedures must be followed.  To learn why a
copy of the GPL must be included with every copy of the code, for example,
see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-faq.html#WhyMustIInclude.

About your second point:

I'm somehow intersted on what GNU.FREE is, as I don't know anything about it.
This is not related to the processing of your submission, but rather a
question out of interest.

Now something on your fourth point, about assigning a co-copyright to the

I'm afraid I can't give you a straight answer on that, but I've contacted the
people who are able to provide both you and me with information on that
However, I'd really like you to make the other changes needed meanwhile and I
will of course inform you about any information I get regarding this point.

If you are willing to make the changes mentioned above, please provide us
with an URL to an updated tarball of your project.  Upon review, we will
reconsider your project for inclusion in Savannah.

To help us better keep track of your registration, please use the tracker's
web interface following the link below. Do not reply directly, the
registration process is not driven by e-mail, and we will not receive such



Reply to this item at:


  Message sent via/by Savannah

[Savannah-register-public] [task #5899] Submission of SerialCom

2006-09-15 Thread Stephan Peijnik

Update of task #5899 (project administration):

  Status: In Progress => Wait reply 


Follow-up Comment #1:


I'm evaluating the project you submitted for approval in Savannah.
I've noticed a few problems with your submission. These problems are
described below.

First of all, please include a copy of the plain text version of the GNU
LGPL, available from http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.txt, into a file named
For more information, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html#SEC4.

Another problem I noticed is that the documentation of your project is only
included in PDF format. Please include the source code of the documentation
file. Some possible formats include, but are not limited to: GNU texinfo,
LaTeX, plaintext and HTML. Providing the project documentation in such a
format makes sure that the project's documentation can be modified.

If you are willing to make the changes mentioned above, please provide us
with an URL to an updated tarball of your project.  Upon review, we will
reconsider your project for inclusion in Savannah.

To help us better keep track of your registration, please use the tracker's
web interface following the link below. Do not reply directly, the
registration process is not driven by e-mail, and we will not receive such



Reply to this item at:


  Message sent via/by Savannah

[Savannah-register-public] [task #5901] Submission of Phone Libre !

2006-09-16 Thread Stephan Peijnik

Update of task #5901 (project administration):

  Status:None => In Progress
 Assigned to:None => sp 


Reply to this item at:


  Message sent via/by Savannah

[Savannah-register-public] [task #5901] Submission of Phone Libre !

2006-09-17 Thread Stephan Peijnik

Update of task #5901 (project administration):

  Status: In Progress => Wait reply 


Follow-up Comment #1:


I'm evaluating the project you submitted for approval in Savannah. While
evaluating your submission I've noticed a few problems which are desribed

First of all, the address of the FSF has changed, and is now:

  51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA

Please update your license notices.

You can find some background and a possible migration script at

Secondly, please include a copy of the plain text version of the GPL,
available from http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt, into a file named

For more information, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-howto.html.

To learn why a copy of the GPL must be included with every copy of the code,
for example, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-faq.html#WhyMustIInclude.

If you are willing to make the changes mentioned above, please provide us
with an URL to an updated tarball of your project.  Upon review, we will
reconsider your project for inclusion in Savannah.

To help us better keep track of your registration, please use the tracker's
web interface following the link below. Do not reply directly, the
registration process is not driven by e-mail, and we will not receive such



Reply to this item at:


  Message sent via/by Savannah

[Savannah-register-public] [task #5902] Submission of Records And Services

2006-09-17 Thread Stephan Peijnik

Update of task #5902 (project administration):

  Status:None => Wait reply 
 Assigned to:None => sp 


Follow-up Comment #1:


I'm evaluating the project you submitted for approval in Savannah.

First of all, please include a (perhaps temporary) URL pointing to the source
code. Alternatively, you can forward the code to me by email or attach it to
this tracker. The URLs you mentioned in your project description seem to be
placeholders only and I was unable to download a tarball from those

We wish to review your source code, even if it is not functional, to catch
potential legal issues early.

For example, to release your program properly under the GNU GPL you must
include a copyright notice and permission-to-copy statements at the beginning
of every  copyrightable file, usually any file more than 10 lines long.  This
is explained in http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-howto.html.  Our review would
help catch potential omissions such as these.

Note that sending code to our repositories _is_ a release, since the code
will then be publicly available through anonymous access.

Another thing I've noticed is that the type of the project is 'Official GNU
Software' and you mention that you want to 'donate' the code to the FSF/GNU.
Please note that this is not the GNU Evaluation. This is the Savannah
evaluation, to check whether your project complies with the Savannah hosting
rules (a subset of the GNU Evaluation policies), and get a place to host your
project. If you are approved at Savannah and want to be part of GNU, then we
usually approve your project as non-GNU and forward your submission to the
GNU Eval team.

If you do not want to host your project here, but want to have your project
evaluated by the GNU Eval team, then you only need to write to

Can you clarify this point?

Another note: the correct term for the operating system consisting of GNU and
Linux is 'GNU/Linux', not 'GNU Linux'. We'd really like you to use 'GNU/Linux'
when referring to the GNU operating system running on top of the Linux

To help us better keep track of your registration, please use the tracker's
web interface following the link below. Do not reply directly, the
registration process is not driven by e-mail, and we will not receive such



Reply to this item at:


  Message sent via/by Savannah

[Savannah-register-public] [task #5901] Submission of Phone Libre !

2006-09-20 Thread Stephan Peijnik

Update of task #5901 (project administration):

  Status:  Wait reply => Done   
 Open/Closed:Open => Closed 


Follow-up Comment #3:


I have approved your project.  You will receive an automated e-mail
containing detailed information about the approval.



Reply to this item at:


  Message sent via/by Savannah

[Savannah-register-public] [task #5899] Submission of SerialCom

2006-09-25 Thread Stephan Peijnik

Update of task #5899 (project administration):

  Status:  Wait reply => Ping-ed


Follow-up Comment #2:


I am waiting for an answer from you.

If within one week I still do not get a reply, I will remove your project.
You will still be able to register it again once you have the time to deal
with the registration issues.

Are you still willing to host your project at Savannah? If not, please tell
us - we don't bite, and it will make us gain time.



Reply to this item at:


  Message sent via/by Savannah

[Savannah-register-public] [task #5916] Submission of hospitium

2006-09-27 Thread Stephan Peijnik

Update of task #5916 (project administration):

  Status:None => Cancelled  
 Assigned to:None => sp 
 Open/Closed:Open => Closed 


Follow-up Comment #1:


as your submission looks invalid and doesn't contain a technical description
I'm closing it for now. However, if you do want to submit a project please do
so again and provide us with a technical description of your project.



Reply to this item at:


  Message sent via/by Savannah

[Savannah-register-public] [task #5921] Submission of Dou Di Zhu

2006-09-27 Thread Stephan Peijnik

Update of task #5921 (project administration):

  Status:None => Wait reply 
 Assigned to:None => sp 


Follow-up Comment #1:


I'm evaluating the project you submitted for approval in Savannah. There are
a few problems I've noticed and these are described below.

First of all, in order to release your project properly and unambiguously
under the GNU GPL, please place copyright notices and permission-to-copy
statements at the beginning of every copyrightable file, usually any file
more than 10 lines long.

For more information, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-howto.html.
You seem to have added those to all your sourcecode files but
src/compress.cpp and src/font.h. Please add these notices to those files as

Secondly, if some of your files cannot carry such notices (e.g. binary
files), then you can add a README file in the same directory containing the
copyright and license notices. Check
http://www.gnu.org/prep/maintain/html_node/Copyright-Notices.html for further
This seems to apply for all binary data in your project. This includes:
fonts, images, sound files, etc.

The GPL FAQ explains why these procedures must be followed. The GPL FAW can
be found at http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-faq.html.

If you are willing to make the changes mentioned above, please provide us
with an URL to an updated tarball of your project.  Upon review, we will
reconsider your project for inclusion in Savannah.

To help us better keep track of your registration, please use the tracker's
web interface following the link below. Do not reply directly, the
registration process is not driven by e-mail, and we will not receive such



Reply to this item at:


  Message sent via/by Savannah

[Savannah-register-public] [task #5921] Submission of Dou Di Zhu

2006-10-01 Thread Stephan Peijnik

Update of task #5921 (project administration):

  Status:  Wait reply => Done   
 Open/Closed:Open => Closed 


Follow-up Comment #4:


I have approved your project.  You will receive an automated e-mail
containing detailed information about the approval.

However, there is still one file missing both copyright and license notices.
We'd like you to add those to the file before uploading the sourcecode to
Savannah. The file in question is src/text.h.



Reply to this item at:


  Message sent via/by Savannah

[Savannah-register-public] [task #5914] Submission of GNUSchool

2006-10-01 Thread Stephan Peijnik

Update of task #5914 (project administration):

  Status:None => Wait reply 
 Assigned to:None => sp 


Follow-up Comment #1:


I'm evaluating the project you submitted for approval in Savannah. I've
noticed a few problems in your submission and these problems are described

First of all, your project is not yet part of the GNU project, so we cannot
accept its current name.

While there are non-GNU programs with names that include 'gnu', such as
gnuplot and gnuboy, they are not hosted on Savannah.
 We want to maintain the distinction between GNU and non-GNU projects.

When your project is accepted into the GNU project you may change its name.
You can do this by asking us.

Second thing I noticed is that your submission is missing a link to a project
tarball. Please include a (perhaps temporary) URL pointing to the source code.
Alternatively, you can forward the code to me by email or attach it to this

We wish to review your source code, even if it is not functional, to catch
potential legal issues early.

For example, to release your program properly under the GNU GPL you must
include a copyright notice and permission-to-copy statements at the beginning
of every  copyrightable file, usually any file more than 10 lines long.  This
is explained in http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-howto.html.  Our review would
help catch potential omissions such as these.

Note that sending code to our repositories _is_ a release, since the code
will then be publicly available through anonymous access.

And the last thing I'd like to mention for now is that "Linux" is just a
kernel of a more complex system that we like to refer to as GNU/Linux, to
emphasize the ideals of the Free Software movement.

We would really like you to refer to this operating system as GNU/Linux.

For more information, see http://www.gnu.org/gnu/linux-and-gnu.html.

If you are willing to make the changes mentioned above, please provide us
with an URL to an updated tarball of your project.  Upon review, we will
reconsider your project for inclusion in Savannah.

To help us better keep track of your registration, please use the tracker's
web interface following the link below. Do not reply directly, the
registration process is not driven by e-mail, and we will not receive such



Reply to this item at:


  Message sent via/by Savannah

[Savannah-register-public] [task #5917] Submission of ThemeX/Westgen Site-Wide Template Engine

2006-10-01 Thread Stephan Peijnik

Update of task #5917 (project administration):

  Status:None => Wait reply 
 Assigned to:None => sp 


Follow-up Comment #1:


I'm evaluating the project you submitted for approval in Savannah. Whilst
evaluating your submission I noticed a few problems which are described

First of all, note that Savannah supports projects of the Free Software
movement, not projects of the Open Source movement.

We are careful about ethical issues and insist on producing software that is
not dependent on proprietary software.

While Open Source as defined by its founders means something pretty close to
Free Software, it's frequently misunderstood.  For more information, please
see http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-software-for-freedom.html.

Second thing I noticed is that you are planning to dual-license your project.
I'd like you to read
https://savannah.gnu.org/maintenance/ProprietaryUseOfFreeSoftware which
contains basic information about this 'issue'. In fact, we'd like you to
release your project under a Free Software License only, due to the ethical
and social problems proprietary software comes with. Would you agree on
licensing your project under the GNU GPL v2 or later only, instead of using a
dual-licensing scheme?

The third thing is that we'd like you to include a (perhaps temporary) URL
pointing to the source code. Alternatively, you can forward the code to me by
email or attach it to this tracker.

We wish to review your source code, even if it is not functional, to catch
potential legal issues early.

For example, to release your program properly under the GNU GPL you must
include a copyright notice and permission-to-copy statements at the beginning
of every  copyrightable file, usually any file more than 10 lines long.  This
is explained in http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-howto.html.  Our review would
help catch potential omissions such as these.

Note that sending code to our repositories _is_ a release, since the code
will then be publicly available through anonymous access.

To help us better keep track of your registration, please use the tracker's
web interface following the link below. Do not reply directly, the
registration process is not driven by e-mail, and we will not receive such



Reply to this item at:


  Message sent via/by Savannah

[Savannah-register-public] [task #5899] Submission of SerialCom

2006-10-03 Thread Stephan Peijnik

Update of task #5899 (project administration):

  Status: Ping-ed => Cancelled  
 Open/Closed:Open => Closed 


Follow-up Comment #3:


We did not get a response from you, so we deleted your project from the
pending queue.

If you would still like to have your project hosted at Savannah, please
register it again.

The re-registration URL found in our acknowledgment of your earlier
registration will direct you to the proper location where you can re-register
your project.



Reply to this item at:


  Message sent via/by Savannah

[Savannah-register-public] [task #5914] Submission of GNUSchool

2006-10-03 Thread Stephan Peijnik

Follow-up Comment #4, task #5914 (project administration):

Hi Peter,

As for the project name: I would need a valid system name and Pedro_School is
not valid. Would you agree on using pedroschool as system name for your
project for now?

And now about the tarball. If you want to, you could send an email with the
tarball attached to me directly. You should see my email address in the 'To:'
header of this mail. Alternatively you can look it up on
Another option would be uploading the tarball to some webspace you do have
access to.


Stephan Peijnik


Reply to this item at:


  Message sent via/by Savannah

[Savannah-register-public] [task #5949] Submission of VidéoThèque

2006-10-05 Thread Stephan Peijnik

Update of task #5949 (project administration):

  Status:None => Cancelled  
 Assigned to:None => sp 
 Open/Closed:Open => Closed 


Follow-up Comment #1:

Please resubmit your project in English. English is the only language that
the whole Savannah team understands and is needed for transparency and
archival purposes.



Reply to this item at:


  Message sent via/by Savannah

[Savannah-register-public] [task #5902] Submission of Records And Services

2006-10-05 Thread Stephan Peijnik

Follow-up Comment #10, task #5902 (project administration):

Hi Brian,

First of all, please keep in mind that we are all volunteers and as such you
should not expect reply times as in business support or whatever.
Additionally one might note that some of us might be in another timezone as
you making replying immediatly next to impossible.

Okay, the next thing. This is not meant to be an offense of any kind, but you
make it sound as if you have something to offer us. Quite the contrary is the
case though, we are offering you a whole development platform. However, you
might have got this wrong, but neither GNU Savannah nor the GNU project
itself is offering any monetary help for development of software.

Okay, next thing: the tarball you submitted. The contents of that tarball
were a simple snapshot of multiple document roots and some files of your /etc
directory which we did not request at all. Additionally there are a few
directories which seem to be webroots of rather offending domains and their
respective web sites. All of this makes your submission look void.

Your statement about using Savannah to have experts around the world review
your code is probably a wrong opinion of Savannah in general as well. Let me
tell you again: Savannah is a development platform offering you hosting of
your sourcecode, project website, bug-, task- and supporttracker.

Additionally, I could be wrong here, but you might have gotten the meaning of
Free Software wrong. First of all, the 'Free' in 'Free Software' is used as in
'freedom of speech'. Second thing, this means it has nothing to do with the
costs of a software package. Basically Free Software should grant the user of
such following four freedoms: (0) to run for any purpose, (1) to study and
adapt to your needs, (2) ti redistribute, so you can help others, (3) to
release improvements, so everyone benefits. This is about the shortest
summary one could give about Free Software.

Let's move on, (quoting) 'in order to relicense it and sell it off as "my
own" source code'. If it isn't your own source code, you should neither have
applied a license nor a copyright statement to it. If you have done so, you
might want to stop distributing it, as it might be considered (it actually
is) a copyright violation.

About relicensing: for third parties this is not possible under the GPL;
actually this is the point in having such a license. You could still release
it as 'public domain' software, if you want people to be able to do whatever
they want to do with it.

Last but not least: I am sorry if this took a while, but as I mentioned we
are volunteers, unpaid, doing this in our spare time. Expecting us to be as
fast with a response as business support is something you should not do.

I hope I didn't offend you as that wasn't my intention at all. This text
should simply clarify a few things. However, I'm leaving this submission open
for now. If you still want to use Savannah, please let us know how exactly you
are planning to use your Savannah account.




Reply to this item at:


  Message sent via/by Savannah

[Savannah-register-public] [task #5917] Submission of ThemeX/Westgen Site-Wide Template Engine

2006-10-05 Thread Stephan Peijnik

Follow-up Comment #3, task #5917 (project administration):

Hello Brian,

Free Software in itself implies that the program is what people tend to call
'open source software'. 
>From a legal point of view there are various problems 'linking' (ie. loading
a module of) proprietary code into a GPL'ed program. This is strictly
forbidden by the GPL itself and hence is a license violation. However, do you
really need to dual-license your program?

We would really like you to use the 'GPLv2 or later' clause. The main
intention behind using this is that it simplifies the process once the GPLv3
is released. This means if you are not using the 'or later' clause, you would
have to ask every copyright holder of every piece of sourcecode for
permission, which could and for sure would cause problems. 
If you want to review the draft of the GPLv3, please go to
http://gplv3.fsf.org/. Also, if you do have any concerns, feel free to state
them. Basically, the GPLv3 is only an update to the GPLv2, keeping the very
idea behind the license the same and only rewording or elaborating a bit more
on some problems that came up since the relase of version 2 (such as DRM and
software patents).
Please also have a look at
http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-faq.html#VersionTwoOrLater, which contains a
lot of information on why we insist on using 'v2 or later'.

Now about the legal issues we would be checking for. These include:

Checking of both license and copyright header for presence and validity.
Checking for presense of the license text of the license used.

Basically this is done in order to ensure legal correctness and hence
validity. In short it is meant to also ensure that your Free Software program
stays such and cannot be made proprietary software due to missing legal
correctness of, for example, a copyright header.

Last but not least, Tiny-MCE, if licensed under the LGPL, should not pose a

I hope this clarifies everything.




Reply to this item at:


  Message sent via/by Savannah

[Savannah-register-public] [task #5917] Submission of ThemeX/Westgen Site-Wide Template Engine

2006-10-07 Thread Stephan Peijnik

Update of task #5917 (project administration):

  Status:  Wait reply => In Progress


Follow-up Comment #5:

Hi Brian,

ad 'since other popular GPL software can do the same thing':

First of all, it's not an issue of 'can' or 'can not', technically speaking,
but rather of 'being allowed to' due to the license terms.

Please have a look at
http://www.fsf.org/licensing/licenses/gpl-faq.html#LinkingWithGPL, you should
find information about this issue there. As for the kernel: there are various
views about the topic, ie. if loading a proprietary kernel module results in
a combined work of the kernel and the module in question. If that is the case
it is a clear license violation and renders all rights granted through the GPL
void. However, as I said, there are various views on that topic. Personally
speaking, I do believe this is a license violation and therefor have strong
feelings about issues like that.

Another thing you might want to have a look at is
which explains how modified versions of a GPL'ed program do not have to be
distributed, if they stay in-house. This could lead to confusion that people
modified some GPL'ed program and make it look like they've loaded/added
proprietary code, but in fact they've added modifications under the terms of
the GPL and have simply never distributed those.

I can't comment on Wordpress though, but loading modules/addtional scripts
can be seen as dynamic linking and thus would also mean a license violation.

I do recommend that you read the whole GPL FAQ at
http://www.fsf.org/licensing/licenses/gpl-faq.html as it may contain a few
answers to your question.

I'll let you know once I've reviewed the tarball.



Reply to this item at:


  Message sent via/by Savannah

[Savannah-register-public] [task #5959] Submission of POO work final

2006-10-07 Thread Stephan Peijnik

Update of task #5959 (project administration):

  Status:None => Cancelled  
 Assigned to:None => sp 
 Open/Closed:Open => Closed 


Follow-up Comment #1:


As your submission looks like it is void I'm closing it. If I am wrong there,
please re-submit your project for review and include a technical description.



Reply to this item at:


  Message sent via/by Savannah

[Savannah-register-public] [task #5954] Submission of Eflex Sistema OnDemand de Gestion Hotele

2006-10-07 Thread Stephan Peijnik

Update of task #5954 (project administration):

  Status:None => Cancelled  
 Assigned to:None => sp 
 Open/Closed:Open => Closed 


Follow-up Comment #1:


As your submission looks like it is void I'm closing it. If I am wrong there,
please re-submit your project for review and include a technical description.



Reply to this item at:


  Message sent via/by Savannah

[Savannah-register-public] [task #5902] Submission of Records And Services

2006-10-08 Thread Stephan Peijnik

Update of task #5902 (project administration):

  Status:  Wait reply => Cancelled  
 Open/Closed:Open => Closed 


Follow-up Comment #12:

Hi Brian,

I'm closing this submission now.

However, I'd like to mention one thing once more: When submitting
this/another project again, please include a more detailed technical
description of your project. 

About your second point: Savannah is not a place to advertise anything in
particular. Savannah is a project/program development platform which is
intended to help both developers and users of Free Software to communicate
and develop such. Please think about this before re-submitting your project.

Chances that someone will employ you just because you're hosting a project
here are minimal. If you are just looking for a place to host your tarball
and am not really going to use Savannah as a development platform, please
consider using some hosting provider to do so. Savannah is not meant to be
used as a mirror only, but rather as a development platform.



Reply to this item at:


  Message sent via/by Savannah

[Savannah-register-public] [task #5961] Submission of my video bout evanescence

2006-10-08 Thread Stephan Peijnik

Update of task #5961 (project administration):

  Status:None => Cancelled  
 Assigned to:None => sp 
 Open/Closed:Open => Closed 


Follow-up Comment #1:


as your submission looks void I'm closing it now.
However, if you still want to submit a project, please include a detailed
technical description when re-submitting.



Reply to this item at:


  Message sent via/by Savannah

[Savannah-register-public] [task #5929] Submission of Amathyst

2006-10-09 Thread Stephan Peijnik

Update of task #5929 (project administration):

  Status:None => Wait reply 
 Assigned to:None => sp 


Follow-up Comment #1:

Hi Andy,

I'm currently reviewing your submission and found a few problems which are
described below.

First of all, after a quick search on the net I found out that REALbasic is
not Free Software. This basically means that there is a dependency to
proprietary software in your project and we cannot accept it for hosting on
GNU Savannah. However, you mentioned re-writing it in C, which again would
make hosting possible from that point of view.
Note that it is mandatory for your project to not have any non-free
dependencies in order to be hosted on Savannah. If you do have a completly
free (as in freedom) version available I'd like you to contact us again.
I'll let you reply before closing this tracker item.

Second thing, we'd really like you to use 'GNU/Linux' when addressing the
operating system known to the most people as 'Linux'. Please see
http://www.gnu.org/gnu/linux-and-gnu.html for more information on this

Please use the tracker to reply to this comment. The whole registration
process is web-driven and hence emails probably won't reach us ever. An URL
to the item can be found below.



Reply to this item at:


  Message sent via/by Savannah

[Savannah-register-public] [task #5935] Submission of Drakaro Server Project

2006-10-09 Thread Stephan Peijnik

Update of task #5935 (project administration):

  Status:None => Wait reply 
 Assigned to:None => sp 


Follow-up Comment #1:

Hi Zubin,

I'm evaluating the project you submitted for approval. Whilst reading your
submission I've noticed a few problems which are described below.

First of all, how do you plan to use your Savannah account? Please be aware
that Savannah is a development platform and should not be used as a mirror

Secondly, this is not the GNU software evaluation. If you would like to make
your project part of GNU please see http://www.gnu.org/help/evaluation.html.

Thirdly, if the above mentioned point proves wrong, we'd like to get a more
detailed technical description of your project. This also includes
information on which libraries, programming languages and methods are used.

Please use the link below to reply to this comment. The whole registration
process is web-driven and hence emails may not reach us.



Reply to this item at:


  Message sent via/by Savannah

[Savannah-register-public] [task #5917] Submission of ThemeX/Westgen Site-Wide Template Engine

2006-10-09 Thread Stephan Peijnik

Update of task #5917 (project administration):

  Status: In Progress => Wait reply 


Follow-up Comment #6:

Hi Brian,

I have now evaluated the tarball you submitted and I noticed a few problems.
These problems are described below.

First of all, the license you've included in your tarball is outdated. The
address of the FSF has changed and you should fetch a fresh copy from
http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt. This will also fix a problem with the
license file itself, as your version is missing the last section, 'How to
Apply These Terms to Your New Programs'. Please also note that whilst keeping
the license in a file named 'license.txt' is okay, it is recommended to name
that file 'COPYING'.

Secondly, your submission and your license headers in the tarball state that
you are licensing your project under the GPLv2 or later, is this still
correct? You mentioned that you wanted to use the GPLv2 only. In fact, we
would like you to use the GPLv2 or later. As I mentioned before, licensing
under the "GNU GPL v2 only" is problematic.

The reason for this is that when we publish GPL v3, it will be important for
all GPL-covered programs to advance to GPL v3. If you don't put this in the
files now, the only way to port your program to GPL v3 would be to ask each
and every copyright holder, and that may be very difficult.

Thirdly, there is a license missing for the binary files (ie. pictures, etc.)
in your tarball. Please add a README file in the same directory containing the
copyright and license notices. Check
http://www.gnu.org/prep/maintain/maintain.html#Copyright-Notices for further

The GPL FAQ explains why these procedures must be followed.

Another thing I've noticed is that the tiny_mce subdirectory is missing the
LGPL license text. Please include a verbatim copy of the LGPL in the tiny_mce
subdirectory. The easiest way to achieve that is to simply copy a 'clean'
version of the whole tiny_mce distribution into the subdirectory of your

If you are willing to make the changes mentioned above, please provide us
with an URL to an updated tarball of your project.  Upon review, we will
reconsider your project for inclusion in Savannah.

To help us better keep track of your registration, please use the tracker's
web interface following the link below. Do not reply directly, the
registration process is not driven by e-mail, and we will not receive such



Reply to this item at:


  Message sent via/by Savannah

[Savannah-register-public] [task #5948] Submission of GNUSTEP System

2006-10-09 Thread Stephan Peijnik

Update of task #5948 (project administration):

  Status:None => Wait reply 
 Assigned to:None => sp 


Follow-up Comment #1:


As mentioned in the registration pages, we do not host complete distros,
distros isos, packages repositories, etc, for space and bandwidth reasons. We
may just offer support for organisational purpose and dedicated software (such
as iso creation scripts).

How do you plan to use the Savannah services?

If you plan to host such software:
Please include a (perhaps temporary) URL pointing to the source code.
Alternatively, you can forward the code to me by email or attach it to this

We wish to review your source code, even if it is not functional, to catch
potential legal issues early.

For example, to release your program properly under the GNU GPL you must
include a copyright notice and permission-to-copy statements at the beginning
of every  copyrightable file, usually any file more than 10 lines long.  This
is explained in http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-howto.html.  Our review would
help catch potential omissions such as these.

Note that sending code to our repositories _is_ a release, since the code
will then be publicly available through anonymous access.

To help us better keep track of your registration, please use the tracker's
web interface following the link below. Do not reply directly, the
registration process is not driven by e-mail, and we will not receive such



Reply to this item at:


  Message sent via/by Savannah

[Savannah-register-public] [task #5929] Submission of Amathyst

2006-10-14 Thread Stephan Peijnik

Update of task #5929 (project administration):

  Status:  Wait reply => Ping-ed


Follow-up Comment #2:

Hi Andy,

I am waiting for an answer from you.

If within one week I still do not get a reply, I will remove your project.
You will still be able to register it again once you have the time to deal
with the registration issues.

Are you still willing to host your project at Savannah? If not, please tell
us - we don't bite, and it will make us gain time.




Reply to this item at:


  Message sent via/by Savannah

[Savannah-register-public] [task #5935] Submission of Drakaro Server Project

2006-10-14 Thread Stephan Peijnik

Update of task #5935 (project administration):

  Status:  Wait reply => Ping-ed


Follow-up Comment #2:

Hi Zubin,

I am waiting for an answer from you.

If within one week I still do not get a reply, I will remove your project.
You will still be able to register it again once you have the time to deal
with the registration issues.

Are you still willing to host your project at Savannah? If not, please tell
us - we don't bite, and it will make us gain time.




Reply to this item at:


  Message sent via/by Savannah

[Savannah-register-public] [task #5948] Submission of GNUSTEP System

2006-10-14 Thread Stephan Peijnik

Update of task #5948 (project administration):

  Status:  Wait reply => Ping-ed


Follow-up Comment #2:


I am waiting for an answer from you.

If within one week I still do not get a reply, I will remove your project.
You will still be able to register it again once you have the time to deal
with the registration issues.

Are you still willing to host your project at Savannah? If not, please tell
us - we don't bite, and it will make us gain time.




Reply to this item at:


  Message sent via/by Savannah

[Savannah-register-public] [task #5945] Submission of conquer

2006-10-14 Thread Stephan Peijnik

Update of task #5945 (project administration):

  Status:None => Wait reply 
 Assigned to:None => sp 


Follow-up Comment #2:

Hi Juan Manuel,

let's start with your question regarding re-licensing code: Yes, basically
code can be re-licensed. To be completly sure of that being alright you
should however ask the copyright holders to do that on their own and publish
the code somewhere. This would mean you are on the safe-side with such

Next point, you set the project type to 'Official GNU Software'.
Please note that this is not the GNU Evaluation. This is the Savannah
evaluation, to check whether your project complies with the Savannah hosting
rules (a subset of the GNU Evaluation policies), and get a place to host your
project. If you are approved at Savannah and want to be part of GNU, then we
usually approve your project as non-GNU and forward your submission to the
GNU Eval team.

I've also had a quick look at the source-code already and right now most
critical things look alright. Please let me know once you've finished
rewriting the code in question and I'll have another look at it.




Reply to this item at:


  Message sent via/by Savannah

[Savannah-register-public] [task #5946] Submission of BCC & BCC_APPS -- Best Chirplet Chain

2006-10-16 Thread Stephan Peijnik

Update of task #5946 (project administration):

  Status:None => Done   
 Assigned to:None => sp 
 Open/Closed:Open => Closed 


Follow-up Comment #1:

Hi Eric,

I have approved your project.  You will receive an automated e-mail
containing detailed information about the approval.




Reply to this item at:


  Message sent via/by Savannah

[Savannah-register-public] [task #5950] Submission of Vidriolib

2006-10-16 Thread Stephan Peijnik

Update of task #5950 (project administration):

  Status:None => Wait reply 
 Assigned to:None => sp 


Follow-up Comment #1:

Hi Julián,

I'm evaluating the project you submitted for approval in Savannah. While
doing so I've noticed a few problems which are described below.

First of all, in order to release your project properly and unambiguously
under the GNU GPL, please place copyright notices and permission-to-copy
statements at the beginning of every copyrightable file, usually any file
more than 10 lines long.

For more information, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-howto.html.

If some of your files cannot carry such notices (e.g. binary files), then you
can add a README file in the same directory containing the copyright and
license notices. Check
http://www.gnu.org/prep/maintain/html_node/Copyright-Notices.html for further

The GPL FAQ explains why these procedures must be followed and can be found
at http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-faq.html.

The second problem I've noticed is a minor one and should only be a note for
you: Your tarball has been packed with gzip twice, making it impossible to
extract with 'tar zxf file'. You might want to change that. :)

If you are willing to make the changes mentioned above, please provide us
with an URL to an updated tarball of your project.  Upon review, we will
reconsider your project for inclusion in Savannah.

To help us better keep track of your registration, please use the tracker's
web interface following the link below. Do not reply directly, the
registration process is not driven by e-mail, and we will not receive such




Reply to this item at:


  Message sent via/by Savannah

[Savannah-register-public] [task #5955] Submission of SSHCommander

2006-10-16 Thread Stephan Peijnik

Update of task #5955 (project administration):

  Status:None => Need Info  
 Assigned to:None => sp 


Follow-up Comment #1:

Hi Carlos,

I'm evaluating the project you submitted for approval in Savannah. While
doing so I've found a problem which is described below.

First of all, please include a (perhaps temporary) URL pointing to the source
code. Alternatively, you can forward the code to me by email or attach it to
this tracker.

We wish to review your source code, even if it is not functional, to catch
potential legal issues early.

For example, to release your program properly under the GNU GPL you must
include a copyright notice and permission-to-copy statements at the beginning
of every  copyrightable file, usually any file more than 10 lines long.  This
is explained in http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-howto.html.  Our review would
help catch potential omissions such as these.

Note that sending code to our repositories _is_ a release, since the code
will then be publicly available through anonymous access.

Please note that I've tried to use both URLs you have provided, but none of
those two is operational.

To help us better keep track of your registration, please use the tracker's
web interface following the link below. Do not reply directly, the
registration process is not driven by e-mail, and we will not receive such




Reply to this item at:


  Message sent via/by Savannah

[Savannah-register-public] [task #5963] Submission of Vietspider

2006-10-16 Thread Stephan Peijnik

Update of task #5963 (project administration):

  Status:None => Wait reply 
 Assigned to:None => sp 


Follow-up Comment #1:


I'm evaluating the project you submitted for approval in Savannah. While
doing so I've noticed a few problems, which are described below.

First of all, we need a detailed technical description that specifies such
requirements as programming languages and external libraries.  It should be
at least one-half a page.

Secondly, you must determine whether your project can run on a Free Software
Java suite (see http://www.gnu.org/software/java/ for more information).

We recommend you to test your project using GCJ and GNU Classpath, and ensure
that your Java code runs on this Free Software Java suite.

GCJ is the GNU Compiler for Java, part of the GCC (GNU Compiler Collection). 
The Classpath project aims to develop a free and portable implementation of
the Java API (the classes in the 'java' package).

More information is available at http://gcc.gnu.org/ and
http://www.gnu.org/software/classpath/ .

Please provide us with more information about this point.

Additionally, please include a (perhaps temporary) URL pointing to the source
code. Alternatively, you can forward the code to me by email or attach it to
this tracker.

We wish to review your source code, even if it is not functional, to catch
potential legal issues early.

For example, to release your program properly under the GNU GPL you must
include a copyright notice and permission-to-copy statements at the beginning
of every  copyrightable file, usually any file more than 10 lines long.  This
is explained in http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-howto.html.  Our review would
help catch potential omissions such as these.

Note that sending code to our repositories _is_ a release, since the code
will then be publicly available through anonymous access.

To help us better keep track of your registration, please use the tracker's
web interface following the link below. Do not reply directly, the
registration process is not driven by e-mail, and we will not receive such




Reply to this item at:


  Message sent via/by Savannah

[Savannah-register-public] [task #5986] Submission of Boston GNU/Linux user group and BinaryFr

2006-10-16 Thread Stephan Peijnik

Update of task #5986 (project administration):

  Status:None => Done   
 Assigned to:None => sp 
 Open/Closed:Open => Closed 


Follow-up Comment #2:

Hi Christian,

I've closed this item as it is a duplicate of task #5807 as you've mentioned
in your last comment.
Please be aware that this is only a cleanup and that Steven is still in
charge of the original submission.




Reply to this item at:


  Message sent via/by Savannah

[Savannah-register-public] [task #5965] Submission of Efficient Symbolic Tools

2006-10-17 Thread Stephan Peijnik

Update of task #5965 (project administration):

  Status:None => Wait reply 
 Assigned to:None => sp 


Follow-up Comment #1:

Hi Robert,

I'm evaluating the project you submitted for approval in Savannah. While
doing so I've noticed a few problems which are described below.

First of all, in order to release your project properly and unambiguously
under the GNU GPL, please place copyright notices and permission-to-copy
statements at the beginning of every copyrightable file, usually any file
more than 10 lines long.

In addition, if you haven't already, please include a copy of the plain text
version of the GPL, available from http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt, into
a file named "COPYING".

For more information, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-howto.html.

If some of your files cannot carry such notices (e.g. binary files), then you
can add a README file in the same directory containing the copyright and
license notices. Check
http://www.gnu.org/prep/maintain/html_node/Copyright-Notices.html for further

The GPL FAQ explains why these procedures must be followed.  To learn why a
copy of the GPL must be included with every copy of the code, for example,
see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-faq.html#WhyMustIInclude.

Secondly, you added the license notices, but did not add appropriate
copyright notices.

Please check
http://www.gnu.org/prep/maintain/html_node/Copyright-Notices.html for more
information, and update your files.

Also, the address of the FSF has changed, and is now:

  51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA

Please update your license notices.

Please update the copy of the license (usually, the 'COPYING' file) in your
package as well.

Updated versions of the GPL, LGPL and GFDL can also be found at:

You can find some background and a possible migration script at

Additionally, even though your project description states you want to license
EST under the "GNU GPL v2 or later", at least some files are licensed under
the "GNU GPL v2 only". Licensing under the "GNU GPL v2 only" is problematic. 
Would you agree to license your project under the "GNU GPL v2 or later"?

The reason for this is that when we publish GPL v3, it will be important for
all GPL-covered programs to advance to GPL v3. If you don't put this in the
files now, the only way to port your program to GPL v3 would be to ask each
and every copyright holder, and that may be very difficult.

We can explain the issue in more detail if you wish. If you have concerns
about "GNU GPL v2 or later", we'd be happy to address them too.

Last but not least, Savannah is a central point for development, distribution
and maintenance of GNU Software.

There is a companion site savannah.nongnu.org where we also host Free
Software projects that are not part of the GNU Project, but run on free

However, we do not allow to host your project on Savannah and
SourceForge at the same time, if Savannah is just a project mirror.
Your project development should happen primarily on Savannah.

How do you plan to use your Savannah account?

If you are willing to make the changes mentioned above, please provide us
with an URL to an updated tarball of your project.  Upon review, we will
reconsider your project for inclusion in Savannah.

To help us better keep track of your registration, please use the tracker's
web interface following the link below. Do not reply directly, the
registration process is not driven by e-mail, and we will not receive such




Reply to this item at:


  Message sent via/by Savannah

[Savannah-register-public] [task #5979] Submission of netkit on slax

2006-10-17 Thread Stephan Peijnik

Update of task #5979 (project administration):

  Status:None => Need Info  
 Assigned to:None => sp 


Follow-up Comment #1:

Hi Sebunnya Robert,

I'm evaluating the project you submitted for approval in Savannah. While
doing so I've noticed a problem, which is described below.

As mentioned in the registration pages, we do not host complete distros,
distros isos, packages repositories, etc, for space and bandwidth reasons. We
may just offer support for organisational purpose and dedicated software (such
as iso creation scripts).

How do you plan to use the Savannah services?

If you plan to host such software:
Please include a (perhaps temporary) URL pointing to the source code.
Alternatively, you can forward the code to me by email or attach it to this

We wish to review your source code, even if it is not functional, to catch
potential legal issues early.

For example, to release your program properly under the GNU GPL you must
include a copyright notice and permission-to-copy statements at the beginning
of every  copyrightable file, usually any file more than 10 lines long.  This
is explained in http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-howto.html.  Our review would
help catch potential omissions such as these.

Note that sending code to our repositories _is_ a release, since the code
will then be publicly available through anonymous access.

To help us better keep track of your registration, please use the tracker's
web interface following the link below. Do not reply directly, the
registration process is not driven by e-mail, and we will not receive such




Reply to this item at:


  Message sent via/by Savannah

[Savannah-register-public] [task #5914] Submission of GNUSchool

2006-10-24 Thread Stephan Peijnik

Update of task #5914 (project administration):

  Status:  Wait reply => In Progress


Follow-up Comment #5:

Hi Peter,

As per request (of you and Karl) I'm renaming the project to 'allschool' and
changing the project type to non-GNU software & documentation for now.
I hope I'll be able to finally review the sourcecode tonight.




Reply to this item at:


  Message sent via/by Savannah

[Savannah-register-public] [task #5929] Submission of Amathyst

2006-10-24 Thread Stephan Peijnik

Update of task #5929 (project administration):

  Status: Ping-ed => Cancelled  
 Open/Closed:Open => Closed 


Follow-up Comment #4:

Hi Andy,

Not a problem Andy. As I'm closing this task now we would like you to
re-submit your project once you are done.




Reply to this item at:


  Message sent via/by Savannah

[Savannah-register-public] [task #5945] Submission of conquer

2006-10-24 Thread Stephan Peijnik

Update of task #5945 (project administration):

  Status:  Wait reply => Ping-ed


Follow-up Comment #3:

Hi Juan Manuel,

I am waiting for an answer from you.

If within one week I still do not get a reply, I will remove your project.
You will still be able to register it again once you have the time to deal
with the registration issues.

Are you still willing to host your project at Savannah? If not, please tell
us - we don't bite, and it will make us gain time.




Reply to this item at:


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[Savannah-register-public] [task #5948] Submission of GNUSTEP System

2006-10-24 Thread Stephan Peijnik

Update of task #5948 (project administration):

  Status: Ping-ed => Wait reply 


Follow-up Comment #4:


this sounds alright, however, we'd still need to have a look at your
tarball/build scripts, if it is a ISO-building system you want to host here.

Please include an URL to a tarball containing the sources or alternatively
use the task tracker to attach a file. See my first comment for details




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[Savannah-register-public] [task #5950] Submission of Vidriolib

2006-10-24 Thread Stephan Peijnik

Update of task #5950 (project administration):

  Status:  Wait reply => Ping-ed


Follow-up Comment #2:

Hi Julián,

I am waiting for an answer from you.

If within one week I still do not get a reply, I will remove your project.
You will still be able to register it again once you have the time to deal
with the registration issues.

Are you still willing to host your project at Savannah? If not, please tell
us - we don't bite, and it will make us gain time.




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[Savannah-register-public] [task #5955] Submission of SSHCommander

2006-10-24 Thread Stephan Peijnik

Update of task #5955 (project administration):

  Status:   Need Info => Ping-ed


Follow-up Comment #2:

Hi Carlos,

I am waiting for an answer from you.

If within one week I still do not get a reply, I will remove your project.
You will still be able to register it again once you have the time to deal
with the registration issues.

Are you still willing to host your project at Savannah? If not, please tell
us - we don't bite, and it will make us gain time.




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  Message sent via/by Savannah

[Savannah-register-public] [task #5963] Submission of Vietspider

2006-10-24 Thread Stephan Peijnik

Update of task #5963 (project administration):

  Status:  Wait reply => Ping-ed


Follow-up Comment #2:


I am waiting for an answer from you.

If within one week I still do not get a reply, I will remove your project.
You will still be able to register it again once you have the time to deal
with the registration issues.

Are you still willing to host your project at Savannah? If not, please tell
us - we don't bite, and it will make us gain time.




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[Savannah-register-public] [task #5979] Submission of netkit on slax

2006-10-24 Thread Stephan Peijnik

Update of task #5979 (project administration):

  Status:   Need Info => Ping-ed


Follow-up Comment #2:

Hi Sebunnya Robert,

I am waiting for an answer from you.

If within one week I still do not get a reply, I will remove your project.
You will still be able to register it again once you have the time to deal
with the registration issues.

Are you still willing to host your project at Savannah? If not, please tell
us - we don't bite, and it will make us gain time.




Reply to this item at:


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[Savannah-register-public] [task #5914] Submission of GNUSchool

2006-10-24 Thread Stephan Peijnik

Update of task #5914 (project administration):

  Status: In Progress => Done   
 Open/Closed:Open => Closed 


Follow-up Comment #6:

Hi Peter,

as I have promised earlier today I've just reviewed your tarball.
Everything looks fine so far, however, we would like you to include licensing
information for binary files in your tarball (ie. images) and I would
personally recommend renaming the GPL.txt file to COPYING.

However, as everything else looks fine I'll go ahead and approve your
submission. You will receive an automated email containing instructions on
how to use your Savannah account in the next few minutes.

Please keep in mind to at least add licensing information for the binary
files in your package before uploading them to Savannah though.




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[Savannah-register-public] [task #5935] Submission of Drakaro Server Project

2006-10-24 Thread Stephan Peijnik

Update of task #5935 (project administration):

  Status: Ping-ed => Cancelled  
 Open/Closed:Open => Closed 


Follow-up Comment #3:

Hi Zubin,

We did not get a response from you, so we deleted your project from the
pending queue.

If you would still like to have your project hosted at Savannah, please
register it again.

The re-registration URL found in our acknowledgment of your earlier
registration will direct you to the proper location where you can re-register
your project.




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[Savannah-register-public] [task #5948] Submission of GNUSTEP System

2006-10-24 Thread Stephan Peijnik

Follow-up Comment #6, task #5948 (project administration):


I've just had a look at the URL you provided us with and have noticed that
the contents there look just like configuration files for another project.
Is this correct? Does your project contain configuration files only?




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[Savannah-register-public] [task #5965] Submission of Efficient Symbolic Tools

2006-10-24 Thread Stephan Peijnik

Follow-up Comment #3, task #5965 (project administration):

Hi Robert,

While evaluating the new tarball you submitted I have noticed two problems
which are described below.

Is the copyright holder refered to in the copyright notices, a legal entity
that can be assigned copyright? If not, you need to add the author(s)'
name(s) instead.

Check http://www.gnu.org/prep/maintain/html_node/Copyright-Notices.html for
more information, and update your files.

Additionally, I would like to note that "Linux" is just a kernel of a more
complex system that we like to refer to as GNU/Linux, to emphasize the ideals
of the Free Software movement.

Would you mind changing references to Linux as an OS to GNU/Linux?

For more information, see http://www.gnu.org/gnu/linux-and-gnu.html.

To help us better keep track of your registration, please use the tracker's
web interface following the link below. Do not reply directly, the
registration process is not driven by e-mail, and we will not receive such




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  Message sent via/by Savannah

[Savannah-register-public] [task #5995] Submission of TI5-Prozesslenkung

2006-10-24 Thread Stephan Peijnik

Update of task #5995 (project administration):

  Status:None => Cancelled  
 Assigned to:None => sp 
 Open/Closed:Open => Closed 


Follow-up Comment #1:

Hi Sebastian,

First of all, please submit your project description in English the next time
you do so. The reason for that is that English is the only language that the
whole Savannah team understands and is needed for transparency and archival

However, I'm afraid we cannot accept your project for hosting at Savannah
even though your project is Free Software.
We only host projects that can run on a free operating system (such as

We have adopted this policy because now that completely free operating
systems exist, we do not want to encourage users of those systems to start
using proprietary operating systems so that they can use your program.

If you are willing to maintain a version for free operating systems, which
work as well as or better than other ports, you can then provide versions for
non-free systems as well. The idea is that at no point should only-free users
be at a disadvantage compared to users of proprietary software.

Your project should always work equally well in free systems as in any other
version you provide; if you have some modules for non-free systems, you can
delay their release until you have released the free operating system

If you accept this commitment then please state so and the project should be
approved in Savannah.

Thank you for your understanding.




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[Savannah-register-public] [task #6001] Submission of Aprender a usar un servidor de version

2006-10-24 Thread Stephan Peijnik

Update of task #6001 (project administration):

  Status:None => Cancelled  
 Assigned to:None => sp 
 Open/Closed:Open => Closed 


Follow-up Comment #1:

Hi Miguel,

Please resubmit your project in English. English is the only language that
the whole Savannah team understands and is needed for transparency and
archival purposes.

Also note that we need a detailed technical description that specifies such
requirements as programming languages and external libraries.  It should be
at least one-half a page.




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[Savannah-register-public] [task #6022] Submission of Test

2006-10-28 Thread Stephan Peijnik

Update of task #6022 (project administration):

  Status:None => Cancelled  
 Assigned to:None => sp 
 Open/Closed:Open => Closed 


Reply to this item at:


  Message sent via/by Savannah

[Savannah-register-public] [task #6023] Submission of Test-Light

2006-10-28 Thread Stephan Peijnik

Update of task #6023 (project administration):

  Status:None => Cancelled  
 Assigned to:None => sp 
 Open/Closed:Open => Closed 


Reply to this item at:


  Message sent via/by Savannah

[Savannah-register-public] [task #5945] Submission of conquer

2006-10-29 Thread Stephan Peijnik

Update of task #5945 (project administration):

  Status: Ping-ed => Wait reply 


Follow-up Comment #5:

Hi Juan Manuel,

Yes, this could clearly lead to a licensing problem. Your options here are
either getting the author to re-license the code or rewriting the code in
question yourself.

Please keep me posted on the progress you are making.




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[Savannah-register-public] [task #5948] Submission of GNUSTEP System

2006-10-29 Thread Stephan Peijnik

Follow-up Comment #8, task #5948 (project administration):

Hi Guerkan,

Thanks for the clarification. Hosting such a project sounds okay, however, as
I mentioned before, we still need to have a look at your code and it doesn't
matter whether it's finished or not. Please see my previous comments for




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[Savannah-register-public] [task #5950] Submission of Vidriolib

2006-10-29 Thread Stephan Peijnik

Update of task #5950 (project administration):

  Status: Ping-ed => Wait reply 


Follow-up Comment #4:

Hi Julián,

I'm setting the task's status to 'wait reply' again. Please keep me posted on
the progress you are making.




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  Message sent via/by Savannah

[Savannah-register-public] [task #5965] Submission of Efficient Symbolic Tools

2006-10-29 Thread Stephan Peijnik

Update of task #5965 (project administration):

  Status:  Wait reply => Done   
 Open/Closed:Open => Closed 


Follow-up Comment #5:

Hi Robert,

First of all, no we do not need a written document. The reason I've brought
the issue to your attention was that using invalid copyright holders could
lead to legal problems. However, the copyright holder seems to be correct and
this means we're fine with it.

Finally, I have approved your project.  You will receive an automated e-mail
containing detailed information about the approval.




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[Savannah-register-public] [task #5983] Submission of VINOO JAWAHIR

2006-10-29 Thread Stephan Peijnik

Update of task #5983 (project administration):

  Status:None => Cancelled  
 Assigned to:None => sp 
 Open/Closed:Open => Closed 


Follow-up Comment #1:


as your project description looks void I'm cancelling the task. You are
welcome to re-submit a project for approval, but please read our FAQ entry
about getting the your project approved quickly, as it contains all
requirements for project hosting, prior to submitting again.
The FAQ entry can be found at




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[Savannah-register-public] [task #5985] Submission of Vision2Pixels

2006-10-30 Thread Stephan Peijnik

Update of task #5985 (project administration):

  Status:None => Wait reply 
 Assigned to:None => sp 


Follow-up Comment #1:

Hi Olivier,

I'm evaluating the project you submitted for approval in Savannah. While
doing so I've noticed a few problems which are described below.

First of all, in order to release your project properly and unambiguously
under the GNU GPL, please place copyright notices and permission-to-copy
statements at the beginning of every copyrightable file, usually any file
more than 10 lines long.

In addition, if you haven't already, please include a copy of the plain text
version of the GPL, available from http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt, into
a file named "COPYING".

For more information, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-howto.html.

If some of your files cannot carry such notices (e.g. binary files), then you
can add a README file in the same directory containing the copyright and
license notices. Check
http://www.gnu.org/prep/maintain/html_node/Copyright-Notices.html for further

The GPL FAQ explains why these procedures must be followed.  To learn why a
copy of the GPL must be included with every copy of the code, for example,
see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-faq.html#WhyMustIInclude.

Secondly, the address of the FSF has changed, and is now:

  51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA

Please update your license notices.

Please update the copy of the license (usually, the 'COPYING' file) in your
package as well.

Updated versions of the GPL, LGPL and GFDL can also be found at:

You can find some background and a possible migration script at

If you are willing to make the changes mentioned above, please provide us
with an URL to an updated tarball of your project.  Upon review, we will
reconsider your project for inclusion in Savannah.

To help us better keep track of your registration, please use the tracker's
web interface following the link below. Do not reply directly, the
registration process is not driven by e-mail, and we will not receive such




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  Message sent via/by Savannah

[Savannah-register-public] [task #5992] Submission of GNUFI

2006-10-30 Thread Stephan Peijnik

Update of task #5992 (project administration):

  Status:None => Wait reply 
 Assigned to:None => sp 


Follow-up Comment #1:

Hi Johan,

I'm evaluating the project you submitted for approval in Savannah.

Do you have any source-code available yet, which we could possibly have a
look at? The reason I'm asking is that we wish to review your source code,
even if it is not functional, to catch potential legal issues early.

For example, to release your program properly under the GNU GPL you must
include a copyright notice and permission-to-copy statements at the beginning
of every  copyrightable file, usually any file more than 10 lines long.  This
is explained in http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-howto.html.  Our review would
help catch potential omissions such as these.

Note that sending code to our repositories _is_ a release, since the code
will then be publicly available through anonymous access.

I'm aware that you are probably familiar with the 'Information for
Maintainers of GNU Software' document already and that I'm pretty sure things
are alright. However, I would like to do some additional checking in order to
make sure everything's alright before 'releasing' (see above) anything.

To help us better keep track of your registration, please use the tracker's
web interface following the link below. Do not reply directly, the
registration process is not driven by e-mail, and we will not receive such




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  Message sent via/by Savannah

[Savannah-register-public] [task #5984] Submission of gtkommander

2006-10-30 Thread Stephan Peijnik

Update of task #5984 (project administration):

  Status:None => Wait reply 
 Assigned to:None => sp 


Follow-up Comment #1:

Hi Carlos,

I'm evaluating the project you submitted for approval in Savannah. While
doing so I've noticed a few problems which are described below.

First of all, please note that this is not the GNU Evaluation. This is the
Savannah evaluation, to check whether your project complies with the Savannah
hosting rules (a subset of the GNU Evaluation policies), and get a place to
host your project. If you are approved at Savannah and want to be part of
GNU, then we usually approve your project as non-GNU and forward your
submission to the GNU Eval team.

If you do not want to host your project here, but want to have your project
evaluated by the GNU Eval team, then you only need to write to

Can you clarify this point?

Secondly, we wish to review your source code, even if it is not functional,
to catch potential legal issues early.

For example, to release your program properly under the GNU GPL you must
include a copyright notice and permission-to-copy statements at the beginning
of every  copyrightable file, usually any file more than 10 lines long.  This
is explained in http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-howto.html.  Our review would
help catch potential omissions such as these.

In short this means that we cannot approve a project without any source-code
available. I would suggest you start writing the code and then re-submit an
application for approval here.
Please let me know if that's okay with you.

To help us better keep track of your registration, please use the tracker's
web interface following the link below. Do not reply directly, the
registration process is not driven by e-mail, and we will not receive such




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