Re: [scots-l] Re: Foss tunes (was Re: Lily of the Vale)

2002-05-06 Thread Steve Wyrick

Nigel Gatherer wrote:

> Could the eightsome reel benefit from specially written measured tunes?
> It's just that whenever I've played for it we've played a series of
> reels AABBAB, giving 24 bars - it's difficult when you're not used to
> it! Would 12-bar reels played make sense from the dancer's point of
> view? I really mean would it make any difference to the dancers?
> Confuse the heck out of the musicians!

In the RSCDS there's a saying that "the music will tell you what to do."
This is an exaggeration but dancers do rely on the music, either consciously
or unconsciously, to provide clues as to what comes next, so it's a good
practice to match its phrases to the dance figures if possible.  In the
Eightsome Reel which has 8-bar figures I don't think it would be a good idea
to substitute a 12x4 tune for an 8x6 one, since some of the figures would be
cross-phrased.  The more aware dancers would likely opine that the music
doesn't fit the dance while those not as attuned to the music would probably
just have a sense that something's not quite right!

Coincidentally, the worst example of the music not matching the dance that
I've encountered was with Foss' Wee Cooper o' Fife, which Anselm already
mentioned.  It's a 40-bar reel in 4 10-bar phrases and one evening the
musicians who were playing for a class I attended didn't have the music so
decided to substitute a reel with 5 8-bar phrases.  The music started and
chaos quickly ensued! -Steve
Steve Wyrick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -- Concord, California

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Re: [scots-l] Re: Foss tunes (was Re: Lily of the Vale)

2002-05-06 Thread John P. McClure

On Mon, 6 May 2002, Nigel Gatherer wrote:

> Could the eightsome reel benefit from specially written measured tunes?
> It's just that whenever I've played for it we've played a series of
> reels AABBAB, giving 24 bars - it's difficult when you're not used to

(Is this one of those situations where the "bar" is in the ear of the
player, listener etc? - since I think of the central figure of the
eightsome as a 48 bar sequence.  Anyhow, ...)  The main figure of
the Eightsome Reel is actually made up of 8 bar bits, so 12 bar phrasing
would not likely be helpful for the dancers.  However, speaking for
myself, I think that reels that could be played ABBABB would be a good
choice for this dance.  I wonder whether that would be easier for the
musicans, too?

Peter McClure
Winnipeg, MB

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