Re: [15] RFR JDK-8242151 Improve OID mapping and reuse among JDK security providers for aliases registration

2020-05-05 Thread Valerie Peng

Hi Max,

Webrev has been updated,

Major changes are:

- Moved oidTable caching from AlgorithmId class to ObjectIdentifier 
class. Made ObjectIdentifier constructor private and callers have to use 
the of(String) method which always check the oidTable cache before 
creating new instances. Some more files (src files and tests) are added 
to the webrev due to the private ObjectIdentifier constructor change.

- Arrays.asList() calls are now replaced with List.of() calls.

- KnownOIDs enum has been enhanced with registerName() method for 
ensuring that same standard name can have at most one enum mapping. 
Added the method stdName() instead of relying on toString(). Added 
aliases support to KnownOIDs enums. Note that external aliases are in 
SecurityProviderConstants class. The two non-oid BASE ones are removed 
and keytool/ is updated.

- SecurityProviderConstants class will pick up the internal aliases and 
combine with external aliases and handle multiple oid enums in its 
store(...) method.

- Updated SunRsaSign provider to use the same naming convention (append 
the letter A) and fixed its KeyFactory and KeyPairGenerator to use the 
same oid as before. Also update providers outside of the java.base 
module in a similar fashion.

As for the comments below. Please find replies inline.

On 5/4/2020 6:24 PM, Weijun Wang wrote:

Do you want to add OIDs in CurveDB into KnownOIDs as well?

Sure, will do in webrev.03.




Re: RFR: 8244224: Implementation of JEP 381: Remove the Solaris and SPARC Ports (security)

2020-05-05 Thread Weijun Wang

> On May 6, 2020, at 6:51 AM, Mikael Vidstedt  
> wrote:
> Max,
> Thank you so much for the thorough review! I’m working on an incremental 
> webrev but could use some help - comments/questions inline..
>> On May 4, 2020, at 6:58 AM, Weijun Wang  wrote:
>> I've gone through all files. Many of them are PKCS11-related, it will be 
>> nice if Valerie can confirm my findings.
>> src/jdk.crypto.cryptoki/share/classes/sun/security/pkcs11/
>>  Maybe we should not support $ISA at all?
> It does seem like it could go, but I’m not comfortable making that change 
> myself. How about a follow-up issue?


>> test/jdk/com/sun/security/auth/login/ConfigFile/
>>  Please also remove the whole else block from line 61.
> Fixed.
>> test/jdk/java/security/KeyPairGenerator/
>>  It's not worth keeping this test. Error has never occurred on other 
>> platforms.
> Fixed.
>> test/jdk/java/security/KeyStore/
>>  128-135: There is no need to use a try-catch block.
> Fixed.
>> test/jdk/java/security/KeyStore/
>>  54-60: No need
> Fixed.
>>  81-97: No need. Just a single run() is OK. 
>>  101: Remove the ", p” argument
> I’m not sure I understand what to do here. Help? :)

Since there is only one provider having "jceks" you can 

1 remove run() method
2 rename runTest(p) to run()
3 call 'KeyStore.getInstance("jceks")' without the "p" argument.

>> test/jdk/java/security/MessageDigest/
>> test/jdk/java/security/MessageDigest/
>> test/jdk/java/security/MessageDigest/
>>  No need for isSHA3Supported(). The SUN provider should always be there.
> Fixed.
>>  Inside the test where NoSuchAlgorithmException is caught, the catch block 
>> can be removed and no need to try
> Fixed.
>> test/jdk/java/security/MessageDigest/
>>  Not worth keeping this test.
> Fixed.
>> test/jdk/sun/security/jca/
>>  53: remove "for other platform”
> Fixed.
>> test/jdk/sun/security/pkcs/pkcs8/
>>  Remove the comments on lines 37-40
> Fixed.
>> test/jdk/sun/security/pkcs11/Config/
>>  Not worth keeping the tests in this directory.
> Fixed.
>> test/jdk/sun/security/pkcs11/Mac/
>>  No need for try
> Fixed.
>> test/jdk/sun/security/pkcs11/Provider/
>>  Will this test ever run? There is no out-of-box SunPKCS11 provider. Even if 
>> one is configured manually, the name is likely to be SunPKCS11-XYZ,
> You tell me? :)

This is why I included Valerie, I'll ping her.


>> test/jdk/sun/security/pkcs11/tls/
>>  No need for this catch block
> Fixed (removed the InvalidAlgorithmParameterException catch).
>> test/jdk/sun/security/tools/keytool/fakegen/
>>  Please also remove the comment on lines 35-37.
> Fixed.
>> test/jdk/sun/security/tools/keytool/fakegen/
>>  Please also remove the comment on lines 36-38.
> Fixed.
> Cheers,
> Mikael
>>> On May 4, 2020, at 1:12 PM, Mikael Vidstedt  
>>> wrote:
>>> Please review this change which implements part of JEP 381:
>>> JBS:
>>> webrev: 
>>> JEP:
>>> Note: When reviewing this, please be aware that this exercise was 
>>> *extremely* mind-numbing, so I appreciate your help reviewing all the 
>>> individual changes carefully. You may want to get that coffee cup filled up 
>>> (or whatever keeps you awake)!
>>> Background:
>>> Because of the size of the total patch and wide range of areas touched, 
>>> this patch is one out of in total six partial patches which together make 
>>> up the necessary changes to remove the Solaris and SPARC ports. The other 
>>> patches are being sent out for review to mailing lists appropriate for the 
>>> respective areas the touch. An email will be sent to jdk-dev summarizing 
>>> all the patches/reviews. To be clear: this patch is *not* in itself 
>>> complete and stand-alone - all of the (six) patches are needed to form a 
>>> complete patch. Some changes in this patch may look wrong or incomplete 
>>> unless also looking at the corresponding changes in other areas.
>>> For convenience, I’m including a link below[1] to the full webrev, but in 
>>> case you have comments on changes in other areas, outside of the files 
>>> included in this thread, please provide those comments directly in the 
>>> thread on the appropriate mailing list for that area if possible.
>>> In case it helps, the changes were effectively produced by 

Re: [15] RFR JDK-8242151 Improve OID mapping and reuse among JDK security providers for aliases registration

2020-05-05 Thread Valerie Peng

Hi Max,

Thanks for the comments, they are very helpful. I should have webrev.02 
ready in a bit. Please find comments below in line.

On 5/1/2020 2:45 AM, Weijun Wang wrote:

Have you thought about storing the ObjectIdentifier object somewhere? 
ObjectIdentifier.of() creates a new object each time and the conversion of 
string to byte[] might be a performance issue. We used to have a lot of 
ObjectIdentifier objects in AlgorithmId but now we only have KnownOIDs.

The ObjectIdentifier objects are stored inside the oidTable map in 
AlgorithmId class. I removed the static oid constants which aren't 
referenced. The oids are retrieved from the oidTable when needed. With 
the webrev, we are exchange oid construction with a map look up, at 
least this is the intention.

I had a talk with Stuart and he has a suggestion that we can stuff all pre-calculated OID DER 
encodings in a long byte array in a resource file, and in KnownOIDs each element has an 
offset/length pair that point to its DER encoding. Also, whatever cache mechanism we use in the 
future, I suggest making "new ObjectIdentifier(String)" private and keep 
"ObjectIdentifier of(String)".

Done in webrev.02.

 public static List alias(String ... aliases) {
 return Arrays.asList(aliases);

Probably not necessary, you can simply call List.of(...) everywhere.

Done in webrev.02.

Why not call getAliases() inside "new ProviderService" like in the other 
providers? Same in UCrypto.

Ok, done in webrev.02.

algOID(String). You don't check "if (name.indexOf('.') != -1)" at the beginning anymore. 
Is there an algorithm name containing "."?
Nope, it's more because the KnownOIDs enum can handle oid string lookup, 
so I just need to remove the "OID." prefix if present.

It's a pity we have to collect OIDs from other providers. Maybe it should only 
be necessary when we use that provider, for example, when encoding a signature, 
we should ask the provider about the OID. I wish there were a 
Signature::getAlgorithmId, but if not, maybe we can rename 
Algorithm::alfOID(name) to Algorithm::alfOID(name, provider).

The existing OID collection code in AlgorithmId class serves as a safety 
net when new OID alias mapping is added to provider but AlgorithmId 
class is not also updated. After this KnownOIDs change, this safety net 
may not be that necessary and for performance reason, the code would 
skip JDK providers. However, for max backward compatibility, we may have 
to keep it. I agree with your name->oid mapping can be provider-specific 
and handling that would be somewhat sticky with current code. As for 
including an extra provider argument, I am not sure if that'd work 
across the board as the caller of AlgorithmId class may not have the 
provider info. OID usage can be somewhat complicated as demonstrated by 
this change.

Do you know a bad case if we don't collect those OIDs? It must be some 
algorithm that is not in the Standard Names.
With existing regression tests, nothing breaks if we don't collect the 
OID aliases.

Overall I think the change looks great, and we have a single place to store all 
OIDs. The mapping among the OID string, KnownOIDs, and ObjectIdentifier could 
be enhanced. Do you have a benchmark?

I have not done one. I can try something out once I finish addressing 
your other comments.



On Apr 30, 2020, at 6:59 AM, Valerie Peng  wrote:

Here is the updated webrev

Re: RFR: 8244224: Implementation of JEP 381: Remove the Solaris and SPARC Ports (security)

2020-05-05 Thread Mikael Vidstedt


Thanks for the review! Comments/questions inline..

> On May 4, 2020, at 4:02 PM, wrote:
> Hi,
> Generally, this patch doesn't take care of the solaris/sunos/ucrypto-related
> words in test summaries, code comments, configs and READMEs.
> E.g.
> test/jdk/javax/net/ssl/templates/
> test/jdk/sun/security/provider/MessageDigest/
> test/jdk/sun/security/util/Resources/Format.config
> test/jdk/sun/security/pkcs11/KeyStore/BasicData/README
> Would we need some follow-up issues to double-check this point?

I’ve deliberately avoided changing comments I didn’t feel comfortable 
modifying. I’d prefer to file follow-ups as needed, but if you have specific 
suggestions (or patches!) I should include in the already huge patch do let me 

> test/jdk/sun/security/tools/keytool/
> 39   * Testing Solaris Cryptography Framework PKCS11 keystores:
> 40   *   # make sure you've already run pktool and set test12 as pin
> 41   *   echo | java -Dsolaris KeyToolTest
> ...
> 1863  if (System.getProperty("solaris") != null) {
> 1864  // For Solaris Cryptography Framework
> 1865  t.srcP11Arg = SUN_SRC_P11_ARG;
> 1866  t.p11Arg = SUN_P11_ARG;
> 1867  t.testPKCS11();
> 1868  t.testPKCS11ImportKeyStore();
> 1869  t.i18nPKCS11Test();
> 1870  }
> It may be necessary to remove the above lines.

I was staring at this one for quite a while. AFAICT there’s nothing Solaris 
specific about that block or the methods it’s calling - to me it looks like the 
property just happens to be called “solaris”, but it could equally well be 
called “pkcs11” or “standard” or “foobar”. That said, I don’t know enough about 
PKCS11 & friends to say for sure. Do let me know if it is indeed dead code and 
should be removed..

> test/jdk/sun/security/provider/PolicyParser/
> test/jdk/sun/security/provider/PolicyParser/PrincipalExpansionError.policy
> It looks this manual test and the associated policy are solaris-related only.
> Could these files be removed as well?
> In fact, the solaris-related classes, including
> SolarisPrincipal, are already removed.

Ah, that indeed seems to be the case. Made me wonder why the test doesn’t fail 
to compile altogether, but then I noticed that it’s ProblemListed on all 

How about a follow-up since this isn’t strictly related to the Solaris/SPARC 
removal itself - perhaps 
covers it?

> test/jdk/sun/security/pkcs11/tls/
> 114  if (secret == null) {
> 115  // This fails on Solaris, but since we never 
> call this
> 116  // API for this case in JSSE, ignore the 
> failure.
> 117  // (SunJSSE uses the 
> 118  // mechanism)
> 119  System.out.print("X");
> 120  continue;
> 121  }
> Could remove this block?

Good question - the comment certainly makes it sound Solaris specific, but 
could be a stale comment..


> On 2020/5/4 13:12, Mikael Vidstedt wrote:
>> Please review this change which implements part of JEP 381:
>> JBS:
>> webrev: 
>> JEP:
>> Note: When reviewing this, please be aware that this exercise was 
>> *extremely* mind-numbing, so I appreciate your help reviewing all the 
>> individual changes carefully. You may want to get that coffee cup filled up 
>> (or whatever keeps you awake)!
>> Background:
>> Because of the size of the total patch and wide range of areas touched, this 
>> patch is one out of in total six partial patches which together make up the 
>> necessary changes to remove the Solaris and SPARC ports. The other patches 
>> are being sent out for review to mailing lists appropriate for the 
>> respective areas the touch. An email will be sent to jdk-dev summarizing all 
>> the patches/reviews. To be clear: this patch is *not* in itself complete and 
>> stand-alone - all of the (six) patches are needed to form a complete patch. 
>> Some changes in this patch may look wrong or incomplete unless also looking 
>> at the corresponding changes in other areas.
>> For convenience, I’m including a link below[1] to the full webrev, but in 
>> case you have comments on changes in other areas, outside of the files 
>> included in this thread, please provide those comments directly in the 
>> thread on the appropriate mailing list for that area if possible.
>> In case it helps, the changes were effectively 

Re: RFR: 8244224: Implementation of JEP 381: Remove the Solaris and SPARC Ports (security)

2020-05-05 Thread Mikael Vidstedt


Thank you so much for the thorough review! I’m working on an incremental webrev 
but could use some help - comments/questions inline..

> On May 4, 2020, at 6:58 AM, Weijun Wang  wrote:
> I've gone through all files. Many of them are PKCS11-related, it will be nice 
> if Valerie can confirm my findings.
> src/jdk.crypto.cryptoki/share/classes/sun/security/pkcs11/
>   Maybe we should not support $ISA at all?

It does seem like it could go, but I’m not comfortable making that change 
myself. How about a follow-up issue?

> test/jdk/com/sun/security/auth/login/ConfigFile/
>   Please also remove the whole else block from line 61.


> test/jdk/java/security/KeyPairGenerator/
>   It's not worth keeping this test. Error has never occurred on other 
> platforms.


> test/jdk/java/security/KeyStore/
>   128-135: There is no need to use a try-catch block.


> test/jdk/java/security/KeyStore/
>   54-60: No need


>   81-97: No need. Just a single run() is OK. 
>   101: Remove the ", p” argument

I’m not sure I understand what to do here. Help? :)

> test/jdk/java/security/MessageDigest/
> test/jdk/java/security/MessageDigest/
> test/jdk/java/security/MessageDigest/
>   No need for isSHA3Supported(). The SUN provider should always be there.


>   Inside the test where NoSuchAlgorithmException is caught, the catch block 
> can be removed and no need to try


> test/jdk/java/security/MessageDigest/
>   Not worth keeping this test.


> test/jdk/sun/security/jca/
>   53: remove "for other platform”


> test/jdk/sun/security/pkcs/pkcs8/
>   Remove the comments on lines 37-40


> test/jdk/sun/security/pkcs11/Config/
>   Not worth keeping the tests in this directory.


> test/jdk/sun/security/pkcs11/Mac/
>   No need for try


> test/jdk/sun/security/pkcs11/Provider/
>   Will this test ever run? There is no out-of-box SunPKCS11 provider. Even if 
> one is configured manually, the name is likely to be SunPKCS11-XYZ,

You tell me? :)

> test/jdk/sun/security/pkcs11/tls/
>   No need for this catch block

Fixed (removed the InvalidAlgorithmParameterException catch).

> test/jdk/sun/security/tools/keytool/fakegen/
>   Please also remove the comment on lines 35-37.


> test/jdk/sun/security/tools/keytool/fakegen/
>   Please also remove the comment on lines 36-38.



>> On May 4, 2020, at 1:12 PM, Mikael Vidstedt  
>> wrote:
>> Please review this change which implements part of JEP 381:
>> JBS:
>> webrev: 
>> JEP:
>> Note: When reviewing this, please be aware that this exercise was 
>> *extremely* mind-numbing, so I appreciate your help reviewing all the 
>> individual changes carefully. You may want to get that coffee cup filled up 
>> (or whatever keeps you awake)!
>> Background:
>> Because of the size of the total patch and wide range of areas touched, this 
>> patch is one out of in total six partial patches which together make up the 
>> necessary changes to remove the Solaris and SPARC ports. The other patches 
>> are being sent out for review to mailing lists appropriate for the 
>> respective areas the touch. An email will be sent to jdk-dev summarizing all 
>> the patches/reviews. To be clear: this patch is *not* in itself complete and 
>> stand-alone - all of the (six) patches are needed to form a complete patch. 
>> Some changes in this patch may look wrong or incomplete unless also looking 
>> at the corresponding changes in other areas.
>> For convenience, I’m including a link below[1] to the full webrev, but in 
>> case you have comments on changes in other areas, outside of the files 
>> included in this thread, please provide those comments directly in the 
>> thread on the appropriate mailing list for that area if possible.
>> In case it helps, the changes were effectively produced by searching for and 
>> updating any code mentioning “solaris", “sparc”, “solstudio”, “sunos”, etc. 
>> More information about the areas impacted can be found in the JEP itself.
>> Testing:
>> A slightly earlier version of this change successfully passed tier1-8, as 
>> well as client tier1-2. Additional testing will be done after the first 
>> round of reviews has been completed.
>> Cheers,
>> Mikael
>> [1] 

Re: RFR[15] 8242060: Add revocation checking to jarsigner

2020-05-05 Thread Hai-May Chao

> On May 5, 2020, at 6:16 AM, Sean Mullan  wrote:
> On 5/2/20 2:19 PM, Hai-May Chao wrote:
>>> Looks good otherwise. Please add a release-note and open a follow-on issue 
>>> to update the man page with the new option.
>> Done (Release note: JDK-8244285, and man page: JDK-8244274).
> I added a few more details to the release note. Otherwise, looks good, so you 
> can mark it Resolved/Delivered.

Thanks for your review. I’ve marked it Resolved/Delivered.


RFR JDK-8206925,,Support the certificate_authorities extension

2020-05-05 Thread Xuelei Fan


Could I get the following update reviewed?


The "certificate_authorities" extension is an optional extension 
introduced in TLS 1.3 and used to indicate the certificate authorities 
(CAs) which an endpoint supports and which SHOULD be used by the 
receiving endpoint to guide certificate selection.

In TLS 1.2, this function is built in the CertificateRequest handshake 

This function is supported in TLS 1.2 and prior versions. However, it is 
not implemented in the TLS 1.3 implementation. Without this function, 
the authentication certificate selected may be not the one the peer 
could accepted, when there are multiple certificates available.


Re: RFR[15] 8242060: Add revocation checking to jarsigner

2020-05-05 Thread Sean Mullan

On 5/2/20 2:19 PM, Hai-May Chao wrote:

Looks good otherwise. Please add a release-note and open a follow-on issue to 
update the man page with the new option.

Done (Release note: JDK-8244285, and man page: JDK-8244274).

I added a few more details to the release note. Otherwise, looks good, 
so you can mark it Resolved/Delivered.


Re: [15] RFR JDK-8242151 Improve OID mapping and reuse among JDK security providers for aliases registration

2020-05-05 Thread Weijun Wang
I am playing with keytool + BouncyCastle and generate a key pair using the 
sigalg "SHA3-256WITHECDSA", and `keytool -list` cannot show the signature name.

So I tried 2 changes in

1. add both the name->oid and oid->name mapping inside collectOIDAliases() for 
3rd party providers

2. fallback to this mapping if KnownOIDs.findMatch() fails in getName().

Then I can see the signature name.

You can consider including this or we can make this in a future RFE.


Re: RFR[15] 8242060: Add revocation checking to jarsigner

2020-05-05 Thread Hai-May Chao

> On May 4, 2020, at 10:23 PM, Weijun Wang  wrote:
>> On May 5, 2020, at 12:36 PM, Hai-May Chao  wrote:
>>> On May 4, 2020, at 6:01 PM, Weijun Wang  wrote:
 On May 5, 2020, at 3:48 AM, Hai-May Chao  wrote:
 Hi Max,
> On May 2, 2020, at 5:25 PM, Weijun Wang  wrote:
> In jarsigner/Main, you can just call
> pkixParameters.setRevocationEnabled(revocationCheck);
> Last time, you mentioned that "Event.clearReportListener()" cannot be 
> called immediately after validation check because of some race 
> conditions. Is that easily reproducible? I still find it strange.
 It is easily reproducible. I should have better explained why the 
 suggested changes did not work but not due to race condition. The code 
 pkixParameters.setRevocationEnabled(revocationCheck) only sets the 
 revocation checker enabled. It is the validateCertChain() in, 
 which calls into RevocationChecker.check() and ultimately calls prior to making OCSP and CRL connections. If we call 
 clearReportListener in loadKeyStore() method
> I don't intend to clear the listener in loadKeyStore().
 (i.e finally{ }as suggested), for OCSP, by the time when 
 OCSP.getOCSPBytes() comes in to report the OCSP event, the reporter has 
 been cleared. And this would be same problem for CRL. So it cannot be 
 called immediately.
> I was thinking about clearing the listener only after validation. However, I 
> can see now that Validator.getInstance(...).validate(...) is called in 
> validateCertChain(), then called in multiple places. It's a little 
> complicated to set/clear multiple times.
> So it's OK to clear it in run(). Do you think we can also set the listener in 
> this method? Say, before the "if (verify)" line?

The current change is based on the original flow where it sets PKIX revocation. 
Hence, I’d like to keep the current change as is unless there is an issue with 


> Thanks,
> Max
>>> Then I assume the following is OK.
>>> try {
>>> setReportListener();
>>> validator.validate();
>>> } finally {
>>> clearReportListener();
>>> }
>> I’d like to know if there is an issue with the current webrev, which is 
>> being tested and it’s working as expected. I’ve also tried with your 
>> previous suggested change, and it didn’t work.
>> Thanks,
>> Hai-May
>>> Thanks,
>>> Max
> Thanks,
> Max
>> On May 3, 2020, at 2:19 AM, Hai-May Chao  wrote:
>> Hi Sean,
>> Thanks for your review. Reply inline.
>>> On May 1, 2020, at 11:50 AM, Sean Mullan  wrote:
>>> *
>>> 2067 Event.setReportListener(new 
>>> Event.Reporter() {
>>> 2068 @Override
>>> 2069 public void handle(String t, Object... 
>>> o) {
>>> 2070 System.out.println(String.format(rb.getString(t), o));
>>> 2071 }
>>> 2072 });
>>> I think you could use a lambda expression above.
>> Done.
>>> *
>>> 35 static Reporter reporter = null;
>>> Make this private? Also, no need to explicitly initialize to null as 
>>> that is the default value.
>> Done (made it private).
>>> Can you add some comments at the top of the class describing the 
>>> purpose of this class?
>> Done.
>>> *
>>> - How long does this test take - does it hang for a little while trying 
>>> to make a connection or timeout right away? If it takes a while, you 
>>> could experiment with overriding the default timeouts for CRLs and OCSP 
>>> checks to make this test finish faster. Use the system properties 
>>> and
>> It does not hang for OCSP as the certificate is set with localhost as 
>> OCSP responder. It hangs just a little for CRL, thus I’ve changed the 
>> certificate to local host instead of remote host. The whole test is 
>> finishing very fast now.
>>> Looks good otherwise. Please add a release-note and open a follow-on 
>>> issue to update the man page with the new option.
>> Done (Release note: JDK-8244285, and man page: JDK-8244274).
>> Updated webrev:
>> Thanks,
>> Hai-May
>>> --Sean
>>> On 5/1/20 12:02 PM, Hai-May Chao wrote:
 With small change added to ‘' test, here is the updated