Re: CS>Off topic: chinese doctor treating Lyme Disease

1998-10-03 Thread Bill Galkowski
Yes indeed!  Dr. Zhang is the man to see!

Bill Galkowski

JohnJ wrote:

>  Dear list. I have a friend who is trying  a Chinese Medicine
> approach to Lyme disease.There is an excellent article at
>  with a chinese doctor who has had
> somesuccess with the treatment of Lyme  Disease.  I found it quit
> inspiring and am thinking about trying this myself.   Thought this
> might interest someone.
> :-)
> Best to all of you and your
> health,
> John Jones
> II

CS>Off topic: chinese doctor treating Lyme Disease

1998-10-03 Thread JohnJ
Dear list.
 I have a friend who is trying  a Chinese Medicine approach to Lyme disease.
There is an excellent article at  with a chinese 
doctor who has had some
success with the treatment of Lyme  Disease.  I found it quit inspiring and am 
thinking about trying this myself.   Thought this might interest someone. :-)

Best to all of you and your health,

John Jones II

CS>off topic

1998-10-03 Thread Ted Windsor
For those who might be interested, use your search engines and type detax
canada, although it pertains to Canadians it also pertains to US citizens.
It shows how we the people have been shafted by those who run our
governments, especially when it comes to paying taxes.


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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CS>War & Emergency Powers Report (

1998-10-03 Thread tj garland

War & Emergency Powers Report (2).url
Description: Binary data

Re: CS>A Call To Action

1998-10-03 Thread brains
here is a good site to read about what is happening to Alternatives

International Advocates of Health Freedom



Peace and Health to you and may the White Light protect you. 
  The Keeper of the Children

 Barbara and Brian in OZ 


ICQ: 16501534

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 


1998-10-03 Thread Michael Mahoney

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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