displeasure. Yes, I would say so...
1.dissatisfaction, disapproval, or annoyance. 

2.discomfort, uneasiness, or pain. 

3. a cause of offense, annoyance, or injury,.distaste, dislike; indignation, 

I just don't see you as someone where using the word "hate" would be 
appropriate to use to describe or be a susbstitute for your "displeasure." 

Regards, Carol Ann ~ The only thing that is different is how you think..


--- On Wed, 7/2/08, Wayne Fugitt <cwa...@netdoor.com> wrote:
From: Wayne Fugitt <cwa...@netdoor.com>
Subject: CS>Displeasure for Sure
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Date: Wednesday, July 2, 2008, 3:41 AM

Morning Carol Ann,

 >> AT 11:04 PM 7/1/2008, you wrote:
>yu guys gave me chuckle here too! especially if one does a mental 
>visual.  Sorry wayne at the displeasure the deer are causing....but your 

   What a carefully selected word, ........... "Displeasure" ?

  1.  Keeping me awake at night

2.  Causing financial Damage

3.  Damaging my health

4.  Causing Starvation in the future

5.  Creating Extra Work

So, that is the definition of Displeasure ?

I worked until dark last night  modifying and strengthening my deer 
repellant system

It combines two or three proven principles and has worked great for weeks.
Maybe I can beef it up so that it works for a few more.



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