Re: [SLUG] Linux and the future?

2003-08-17 Thread Nicholas Wilcox

Dan Banyard said:
> I have been using SuSE Linux for over 3 years now for my business.  I am
> currently configuring a new server on which I will host my web server,
> email and other vital components.  I am happy with SuSE (I currently use
> v7.2) and have been looking into the latest version.  I am now confused
> as to what SuSE (and RedHat) are offering as they both seem to have
> moved to either a desktop version for home use (pricing in at around
> $120 for the box set) or an Enterprise version for business use (pricing
> in at around $4500).  I have been reading through the marketing type
> blurb on their websites and from what I can tell if you have a business
> critical system the only choice is to purchase the Enterprise grade
> system.

RedHat enterprise has a longer support cycle than their desktop edition.
Two years versus six months if I recall correctly. Certain hardware may
only support the enterprise edition. The drivers are released as binary
kernel modules compiled against the RedHat enterprise kernels. Third party
apps may also support enterpise edition only. These could probably be made
to run on RedHat 7.x but you'd be stuffed trying to get support from the
company for this.

RedHat enterprise also has a proprietery IP load balancing service as well
as HA clustering.

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Re: [SLUG] neat tricks used for the purposes of evil

2003-08-26 Thread Nicholas Wilcox
Jamie Wilkinson said:
> Watch out for misconfigured webservers used to send spam.

I recieved an alert at work about this a few weeks ago:

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Re: [SLUG] Debian Kernel

2003-09-02 Thread Nicholas Wilcox

Steve Kowalik said:

>> This reads like "back off unless you know what you are doing!".  But
>> is it really saying "do remember to update lilo.conf, old bean"?  Or
>> is it saying something else altogether?
> It's saying "do remember to update lilo.conf, or Bad Things Will
> Happen." Like having an unbootable shiny new kernel.

It's actually saying to make sure you have the initrd= line in the
kernel definition in your lilo.conf. Sometimes you can update the image
parameter but forget to change the initrd parameter.

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Re: [SLUG] HTTP_REFERER not found [Repost]

2003-09-29 Thread Nicholas Wilcox
> Q1. If I click on a link to go to another HTML page say name.html, I
> lose the "hop=some_data" part. How do I make the "hop=some_data" go with
> the "name.html" with the  tag from an HTML document ? Is this
> possible or a script can do this only ?

This is not how a relative link works. Everything after the last '/' is
lost. However with enough creativity anything can be made possible in

> Q2. The order page calls a Perl script say "", I want the
> script to capture the "hop=some_data". I got the script to print the
> whole %ENV, and I see no "HTTP_REFERER". I thought "HTTP_REFERER" would
> show the url that called "" with the "hop=some_data" . But
> if I cannot see "HTTP_REFERER", then how do I get the script to capture
> the
> "hop=some_data" ?

You should be seeing the previouse URL in the environment variable
HTTP_REFERER. Contrary to what someone else said it will contain the query
data. It might not exists because the browser is not sending it. Look at
the HTTP traffic with a sniffer to verify the browser is sending it. Some
more information about what web server you're using will help fix the
problem too.

Cult - A sociotype of an auto-toxic meme-complex, composed of membots
and/or memeoids.

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Re: [SLUG] configure parent cache for squid

2003-06-17 Thread Nicholas Wilcox
> I'm trying to setup a personal squid proxy at work. The parent cache
> is a MS proxy server that requires authentication.

Check the MS server isn't using NTLM authentication.

Cult - A sociotype of an auto-toxic meme-complex, composed of membots
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Re: [SLUG] DBD::mysql install probs

2003-07-27 Thread Nicholas Wilcox

Voytek Eymont said:

> where am I going rwong, do I need mysql.h and errmsg.h ?

Yes. They are part of the mysql-devel package in redhat.

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[SLUG] Discussion on LUGs

2000-10-26 Thread Nicholas Wilcox

I've never attended one of our meetings (tonight will be my first) so I
can't comment directly but there is a discussion on kuro5hin about the
success (or lack thereof) of LUG meetings.;sid=2000/10/26/143829/12

+-- Nicholas Wilcox ---+
| It was Thanksgiving in New York, and about the only thing I was  |
| thankfull for was that I didn't live in New Jersey.  |
+ Kinky Friedman --+

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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Re: [SLUG] Linux news on slashdot

2000-11-29 Thread Nicholas Wilcox

On Thu, 30 Nov 2000, Rick Welykochy wrote:

> I cannot get over the mass impression that people are somehow
> born with built-in knowledge of using a WIMP interface like
> Window or Mac. Nothing could be farther from the truth. This impression
> has arisen simply from over-exposure to that one medium. Put
> a boy raised in the jungle in front of a PC as see what happens.
> (He'll probably do the right thing and use it as a footstool
> or a projectile!)
> Anyone can be trained to use WIMP. Anybody can be taught to
> use a shell. Anyone can type in a command. They just have to be
> taught.

A GUI better supports the idea of user exploration, a user can scroll
through all the menus in an application to look for the item or command
they are after. GUI application also tend to be more forgiving with
yes/no ok/cancel boxes and undo feature that give the users the confidence
to try things without having to read the manual to find out the full effect
of a command.

The idea of learning an application still applies to both GUI and CLI apps
but GUI apps can use the full power of visual recongnition (size, shape
,colour and position) to allow the user to quickly learn how to perform
tasks and recongise status and event indicators.

+-- Nicholas Wilcox ---+
| It was Thanksgiving in New York, and about the only thing I was  |
| thankful for was that I didn't live in New Jersey.   |
+ Kinky Friedman --+

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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Re: [SLUG] Help needed with html form and perl script

2000-12-04 Thread Nicholas Wilcox

On Mon, 4 Dec 2000, Simon Bryan wrote:

> When the submit buttonis pressed on the form the data is sent in the new 
> URL but instead of the perl script running it loads into the browser window as 
> text. It is called guestbook.plx (have tried cgi as an extension as well) and it 
> has 755 as it's permissions. What else do I have to do? Or how do I test the 
> perl script without the html page?

Because it has a plx extension I will guess it was written under windows
for perl ISAPI. Check for #!/bin/perl at the start of the script (this may
seem obvious but is often forgotten when moving script from windoze to

+-- Nicholas Wilcox ---+
| It was Thanksgiving in New York, and about the only thing I was  |
| thankful  for was that I didn't live in New Jersey.  |
+ Kinky Friedman --+

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List -
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Re: [SLUG] Mozilla 0.7 Bug or works as designed.

2001-01-30 Thread Nicholas Wilcox

On Wed, 31 Jan 2001, Peter Rundle wrote:

> Using Mozilla 0.7, 
> When I fill in a text box on a form with a '.' in the string the '.' gets
> submitted to the cgi as '%A9'. With Netscape 4.76 it remains as a '.' 
> Does anyone know what is going on here? Is there something that I can
> change in the browser an option or setting or something? Or is this a bug?

Don't know if I would class it as a bug but MZ0.7 on winblows doesn't exhibit
that behaviour.

-- Nick Wilcox.

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