Re: AW: Example com.client.Addit cannot find MSVCRTD.dll

2002-05-21 Thread Karin Stadler

Hello Stefan,

thanks a lot for your quick reply! I just replaced my COMProvider.dll (it
has 45 KB) with the COMProvider.dll (24 KB) and it it is now running.

many thanks

GMX - Die Kommunikationsplattform im Internet.

AW: Example com.client.Addit cannot find MSVCRTD.dll

2002-05-19 Thread Stefan Henke

Hi Karin,

AFAK, msvcrtd.dll is a debug version of the msvc++ runtime library. It seems
that your comprovider.dll was compiled with the debug version (msvcrtd.dll)
of this library instead the release version (msvcrt.dll). I think you only
get the debug version if you install ms visual studio.
So, the best way would be to find a comprovider.dll which is compiled with
the correct version.
Maybe you should download version 2.3 of apache soap. I just have checked
this version of comprovider.dll and it seems that it is compiled with the
release version of msvcrt.dll which should be installed on your system..

Hope this helps

> -Ursprungliche Nachricht-
> Von: Karin Stadler [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Gesendet: Sonntag, 19. Mai 2002 11:42
> Betreff: Example com.client.Addit cannot find MSVCRTD.dll
> Hello at all,
> I tried to run the example com.client.Addit and get the error message:
> "The dynamic link libary MSCVRTD.dll could not be found in the specified
> path %PATH%". That's right, because it isn't on my computer.
> Where can I get
> it?
> I looked up in this mail archive and found the hint: "The download of the
> correct
> ComProvider.dll from
> solves the problem." But I can't find there the COMProvider.dll?
> BTW: I'm using: Windows 2000 with SOAP2.2 and Tomcat4.0, and my
> PATH-Variable is set to "SOAP_HOME\lib" where the
> "COMProvider.dll"-File is.
> Has anybody an idea how I can handle the problem?
> Thanks
> Karin
> --
> GMX - Die Kommunikationsplattform im Internet.