[spectre] I want to generate a dynamic setting. Inte rview with Rosina Gómez-Baeza

2007-08-21 Diskussionsfäden dom/

I want to generate a dynamic setting. Interview with Rosina Gómez-Baeza
Domenico Quaranta

It was difficult to be more promising. The LABoral Art and Industrial
Creation Centre, opened in March 2007 in Gijon (Asturias), with its rich
and gorgeous opening program seems to announce a serious engagement at
the intersection of art, design and new technologies. In this short
interview, Rosina Gómez-Baeza Tinturé, Director of the Center and former
Director of Arco Art Fair, talks about her ambitions.
The interview was conducted via email some weeks ago, while writing an
article for Flash Art. In the meantime, LABoral appointed a Chief
Curator (Austrian artist and engineer Erich Berger, the former Art
Director and Curator of The Interface & Society Project of Oslo) and
opened a new show, It's Simply Beautiful.

DQ. LABoral opened in March with two big exhibitions, curated by
international curators such as Christiane Paul (Whitney Museum), Jemima
Rellie (Tate Gallery), Carl Goodman (Museum of the Moving Image). Why
didn't you involve Spanish curators? Are you going to do it in the
future? And why don't you have a stable curator?

RG. The LABoral mission is underpinned by diversity and a desire to be a
true reflection of a global vision of the emerging trends in the art
world and the creative industries. I want to generate a dynamic setting,
capable of stimulating interaction between creators, technicians and
scientists from different parts of the world. This engagement with the
outside world (outside Spain, outside Asturias) had to be made explicit
from the inception of our exhibition programming. Thus my choice of our
very talented curatorial team. The name of our Chief Curator will be
made public at the end of June.

DQ. What's your relation with the territory? Do you want to be a window
on the international scene of New Media Art or to help developing a
local New Media Art scene (or both)?

RG. Both, naturally. I was actually born here, close to the Universidad
Laboral complex which houses our Centre and most of the Universidad de
Asturias technical schools plus a technological hub. There is political
unanimity in considering the ICT sector as strategic sector for
development of the origin. Asturias is also a region particularly
focused on encouraging relations between groups of persons from
different origins,promoting the exchange of ideas and technologies and
the development of art practices based on shared experiences. These
particularities of the region are highly conducive to creative vitality
and innovation. As a resource centre we will of course also focus on
facilitating the necessary resources for local artists.

DQ. The New Media Art world and the Contemporary Art world often act as
two parallel lines that never cross. Coming from Arco - the only art
fair that opened to New Media Art, by the way - are you trying to make
LABoral kind of a bridge between those two worlds?

RG. Why not?  This project will provide a platform for an intense and
profound dialogue between different forms of artistic expression,
providing room for the various disciplines, which must exist in harmony
as essential parts of the innovative path through art and creation at
the beginning of the 21st century.

DQ. LABoral is an art center, not a museum. Nevertheless, do you have in
mind to start a collection of art works?

RG. Setting up a centre dedicated to production, education, exhibition
and diffusion of art and technology and the creative industries, is a
response to a need expressed by many creators, technicians and
producers. The fact that there are no centres for research and
experimentation in Spain means that LABoral has a practically unlimited
potential. We hope to be able to enrich the current debates. That will
be our priority but of course we would like to "anchor" our findings and
be able to trace the first technological advances: light, camera,
cinema, video, computer, and their use by the artist and industry. A
collection that would reflect the work of both pioneers and emerging
artists is of course at the back of my head.

DQ. What about your future projects?

RG. During the first phase of the programming at LABoral, we will
outline a critical route through our historical-artistic legacy while
underscoring the contributions of new technologies. We hope to reflect
the truly overwhelming visual culture of the moment. "Emergentes" will
open in November. Curated by José-Carlos Mariátegui and coproduced with
Fundación Telefónica, it addresses new forms of art in Latin America,
mostly from the multidisciplinary research field.
Research is indeed one of LABoral's pivotal concerns, backing up
exhibition concepts but also paving the way for new exhibitions. I
cannot understand the two separately. We are starting our workshops this
coming month of July with a very interesting program focusing on
videogames from a practical angle, tackling phenomena such as Second
Life, 8bit music, modding. In August we have put together ou

[spectre] [EMAIL PROTECTED] Event

2007-08-21 Diskussionsfäden Luigi Pagliarini

Dears, allow me to inform you of two significant events that will take place
during the
  Robots at Play Festival (www.robotsatplay.dk):
   the Playful Robotic Art conference:
   the robo[art] section:
Regards, Luigi Pagliarini

SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
Info, archive and help:

[spectre] Job: 5-years position for a PhD in the area of Interactive/Multimedia Design

2007-08-21 Diskussionsfäden lmt

Dear sir,
Please forward this email to all potential interested people. Thanks.

P.S. - Sorry for duplicate messages.


Assistant Researcher in the area of Interactive/Multimedia Design


CITAR invites applications for Assistant Researcher in the area of
Interactive/Multimedia Design to be responsible for the design and development
of multimedia contents, translating scientific data and public requirements
into creative, highly usable interfaces, design wireframes and prototypes, plan
and run usability tests, and write detailed user interface specification

The selected candidate will integrate the multidisciplinary team of this
project, Science and Society – promoting citizenship through the reflection on
ethical issues in life sciences. The project is the result of the established
partnership between the Centre for Bioethics Research and the Research Centre
for Sciences and Technology of the Arts, both belonging to the Portuguese
Catholic University [please see UCP/GIB/2007 Job reference]. The Project aims
at developing the role that universities and research centres have in the
knowledge society as well as their contribute to citizenship

CITAR is a research unit of Portuguese Catholic University located at the
Regional Centre of Oporto. Citar's mission is to foster scientific research,
through art, science and technology. The centre hosts and promotes
interdisciplinary studies by fostering work developed together by artists,
scientists and engineers with different backgrounds, knowledge, and cultures to
create art, audiovisual objects and technologies. Unique in Portugal, it
presents a model of practice-based research and innovation in which scientific
and technologic investigation is undertaken using traditional methods and
experience from arts.

Requirements: The applicant will be responsible for the different aspects of
content production, including concept, content and communicating design, by
analyzing specific life science content and user scenarios for different target
audiences and proposing new user interaction design and content production to
meet project goals for the best possible user experience. The applicant will
work with multidisciplinary teams to plan the navigational structure, design
the interface requirements, and develop multimedia content needs for the
different types of projects that can vary from CD/DVD-ROMs, Flash applications,
or Web Applications.
Salary and Benefits: Salary will be ca. 42 000 €/year before taxes, in
accordance with the Ciência 2007 guidelines. Benefits include private health
insurance, social security and paid vacations.

Application Procedure:

Candidates should send the following by mail to the address mentioned below*

- CV (including an e-mail address and publication list).
- Portfolio (online and DVD)
- Motivation letter
- Name and contact information for 2-3 persons who can provide a letter of
recommendation if needed.

Contact for further information:
Luís Teixeira
CITAR - Portuguese Catholic University
Porto, Portugal
Telephone: +351-22-6196214
Fax: +351-22-6196291

Application deadline:
05 September 2007

SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
Info, archive and help:

[spectre] Call for Submissions iDAT / Singapore

2007-08-21 Diskussionsfäden wolfgang
Call for Submissions iDAT

Interactive Design Art and Technology (iDAT)
Web: http://idat.wikidot.com/

An event of Ars Electronica and Interactive Tokyo in Singapore
Singapore Science Centre

Exhibition dates: from November 1st to December 31st 2007 (Open call
submissions must be shown for at least four days during this time, at
a schedule to be determined)

The iDAT exhibition is a unique combination of major interactive media
events Ars Electronica from Austria and Interactive Tokyo from Japan.
It is calling for interactive media works that merge design, art, and
technology, moves beyond technology traditions, and transforms social
assumptions. We are seeking interactive works in the form of
installations which will be part of the exhibition at the Singapore
Science Centre. The works should have a focus on interactive media
systems that have an innovative technological concepts blended with
excellence in art and/or design. We are also encouraging works which
have harmonious parts of content and interactive technology, with a
focus on human usability, and expanding the scope of media for use in
human society.

Aims of iDAT

*   Demonstrations for emerging interactive techniques for the
*   Promotion and propagation of interactive techniques
*   Sharing of knowledge of virtual reality, entertainment and
interactive techniques

*   Promotion of collaboration between experts, edge researchers
and industry 

*   Out reach of interactive techniques

The type of works which we are seeking may include:

*   Innovative interfaces
*   Music and audio
*   Novel displays
*   Haptics
*   Sensors
*   Robotics
*   Entertainment and Gaming
*   Collaborative environments
*   Health and medicine / biotechnology
*   Virtual and mixed reality
*   Ubiquitous computing
*   Wearables, hand-helds
*   Real-time graphics and animation
*   Mobile technologies

It is a prerequisite that the projects have already been realized to
the extent that they may be judged on the basis of documentation and
must be ready for installation by December 1st 2007.

The work entered must have been created, realized or significantly
updated within the last two years. Participants may be individuals,
groups, schools, institutions, companies etc. Exclusively commercially
oriented activities in the sense of product advertisement or
commercially available products are excluded.

Submission Details

Each work is to be explained in a combination of
(1) No more than 4 page demo/exhibition description (essential)
(2) A video of the work (essential). Do not send video by email, but
send a link to the video posted on a web site.

(3) Other supporting media or documents (optional)
Deadline: October 15th 2007
Notification: November 1st 2007
Submit to   : [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Since a presentation of an outstanding interactive work naturally also
depends on the technical requirements for on-site realization, it is
essential to include information that is as specific as possible about
technical hardware and software and spatial requirements. All entries
will be judged by a jury of experts. In addition to the works entered
by participants, each jury may also nominate other works.

Selected works will be offered support for the travel and exhibition
costs. This support may not cover the entire cost of travel and
exhibition costs, depending on the nature and expense of the work.

If you have any questions, please contact: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Interactive Tokyo Organization Committee
ACM Chapter Singapore
Mixed Reality Lab Singapore


Virtual Reality Society of Japan, Society for Art and Science

Wolfgang Muench 
Dean Faculty of Media Arts
LASALLE College of the Arts Singapore
office FOMA:   (+65) - 6496 - 5232
direct:(+65) - 6496 - 5231
mobile:   (+65) - 9150 - 7830
Please note change of address:
LASALLE College of the Arts
1 McNally Street
Singapore 187940

LASALLE College of the Arts
1 McNally Street Singapore 187940Main Tel: +65 6496 5000 
Main Fax: +65 6496 5353www.lasalle.edu.sg 
Unless otherwise agreed expressly in writing by the President of
LASALLE, this communication is to be treated as confidential 
and the information in it may not be used or disclosed except for 
the purpose for which it has been sent. If you have reason to 
believe that you are not the intended recipient of this 
communication, please contact the sender immediately. Employees 
of LASALLE are expressly required not to make any defamatory 
statements and not to infringe or authorise any infringement of 

[spectre] Sound art work 'Labyrinthitis' by Jacob Kirkegaard, Copenhagen 2 Sept

2007-08-21 Diskussionsfäden Andreas Broeckmann

Date: Tue, 21 Aug 2007 09:17:45 +0200
From: Ingeborg Reichle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Rohrpost <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sound art work 'Labyrinthitis' by Jacob Kirkegaard, Medical Museion,
Sunday 2 September, Copenhagen

In connection with the conference 'Art and Biomedicine: Beyond the Body'
held Monday 3 September, Medical Museion has commissioned sound artist
Jacob Kirkegaard to create a new work.

Jacob Kirkegaard has turned his listening ear inwards -- to his own ear.
By using specially developed listening equipment, he has captured the
microactivity which the hair cells of the ear send out.

LABYRINTHITIS consists entirely of sounds generated in Jacob
Kirkegaard's own ears. Deep inside the cochlea there are thousands of
microscopic hair cells functioning as sensory receptors. When sound
enters the ear, they begin to vibrate in the watery liquid surrounding
them, like underwater piano strings.

Thus, the hearing organ does not only receive sound. It also generates
sound, just like an acoustic instrument. Some of the hair cells in the
cochlea can change their shape to such an extent that they are enabled
to move the basilar membrane and produce sound themselves.

These faint tones resemble the sound of a tinnitus -- and they can be
recorded with a microphone in the ear canal.

Jacob Kirkegaard employs the 1787 auditorium of Medical Museion as well
as the audience for his composition: His listeners become part of an
interactive concert as their own auditory organs respond to the tones
played out into the auditorium. The room, at the same time, turns into
one big resonant labyrinth of sound.

Jacob Kirkegaard LABYRINTHITIS

* Disorientation (Preludium)
* Vertigo (Canon)
* Nausea (Finale)

played on The Spiral Organ will be performed in Medical Museion,
Bredgade 62, Copenhagen on Sunday 2 September 2007, at 6pm, 8pm and
10pm. Entrance is free, but seat reservations are necessary. Please
write to [EMAIL PROTECTED], indicating which of the three performances
you prefer to attend.

For background information, please see

rohrpost - deutschsprachige Liste zur Kultur digitaler Medien und Netze
Archiv: http://www.nettime.org/rohrpost 

Ent/Subskribieren: http://post.openoffice.de/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/rohrpost/

SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
Info, archive and help: