[spectre] Latham TEDx Oxford Talk now live

2015-08-06 Diskussionsfäden Paul Brown
William Latham's TedX Talk where he talks about his Evolutionary Art has just 
gone live.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MZGOr94468w  (12 mins) 

Paul Brown
http://www.paul-brown.com == http://www.brown-and-son.com
UK Mobile +44 (0)794 104 8228
Skype paul-g-brown

Honorary Visiting Professor - Sussex University

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[spectre] Call for entries: : Never More!! Hiroshima-Fukushima

2015-08-06 Diskussionsfäden [artNET]
Call for entries
Deadline: 1 December 2015

Never More!
Hiroshima- Fukushima

6 August 2015
70 Years Hiroshima - and a never ending collective trauma.
That we did not learn from history showed the nuclear desaster of Fukushima on 
11 March 2011.

CTF - Collective Trauma Film Collections
is looking for audio-visual works dealing with the topic of the nuclear 
desasters of Hiroshima and/or Fukushima and the perspectives for mankind.
The 70th return of bombing Hiroshima and Nagasaki is again and again an appeal 
to stop using the uncoltrollable nuclear power and its desastrous effects on 
human existance,
but much more also an appeal to Peace and the renouncement of violence for 
resolving international conflicts.

Hiroshima and Fukushima are representing symbols that it is not yet too late to 
rethink and stop and give mankind and humanity a chance to survive.

CTF - Collective Trauma Film Collection
is inviting video and filmmakers all over the world to join and submit and 
appeal to the world Never More !! Hiroshima-Fukushima

More details and entry form on

CTF - Collective Trauma Film Collections
operated by artvideoKOELN international

directed by Wilfried Agricola de Cologne
artvideokoeln (at) gmail.com

SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
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[spectre] [Reminder] 8-9 August: A GAME OF YOU: Into the Social Media Vortex

2015-08-06 Diskussionsfäden Tatiana Bazzichelli
Into the Social Media Vortex

Locations:  Kunstquartier Bethanien, Studio 1, Mariannenplatz 2, 10997
Partner Events: Spektrum, Bürknerstraße 12, 12047, Berlin.
Schedule: 8th of August 2015 (17.00-23.00, + open end bar), 9th of
August 2015 (20.30-22.30 + open end bar).

Admission: 5 Euro (Sat), 2 Euro (Sun). Performance events are donation
Details: http://www.disruptionlab.org/a-game-of-you
In English language.

Third event of the Disruption Network Lab, directed by Tatiana
Bazzichelli, in cooperation with Kunstraum Kreuzberg /Bethanien.

Gabriel S Moses (sequential artist and graphic novelist, IL/DE); Chris
Köver (co-founder of Missy Magazine, journalist and feminist activist,
DE); Matthias Fritsch (artist, author of videomeme Kneecam No.1 aka
Technoviking, DE); Pedro Lopes (artist  hardware t(h)inker, PT/DE);
Oliver Lerone Schultz (researcher, DE).

#GamerGate, Technovikings  Smart Media as a Psychedelic Webcomic -
survival in the wild torrents of our digital lives. Event inspired by
the work of sequential artist and graphic novelist Gabriel S Moses.

This two-day event brings a multi-angled perspective in which from one
side artists, graphic novelists, game developers, and researchers
question and play the narrative embedded into games, social media
platforms, and their usage; from the other side, they reflect on the
consequences of spreading our identity into the vortex of social media
imaginary, to the point that social media starts hunting us back, as we
become the game.
With the emergence of social media platforms we have been gaining new
abilities to play with the narrative, to affect both our imagined
recollections and our tangible physical environments. But is this a
means for better individual control or a plunge into an overwhelming

The cases of #gamergate and Technoviking demonstrate that borders
between games, smart media and our private life are often very
questionable. #gamergate has shown to an extreme degree that sexisms and
online hate can become really tangible, and that advocacy against
online-harassment is deeply needed. The story of Technoviking instead
has shown how Internet phenomena and memes can become a crucial question
of intellectual property and personal rights. So, is online life now all
a game or just a story?

Some would say language is now fully collapsing into the real.
Everything is at hand, everything is virtual; there’s an app for that;
all our most fundamental daily actions are quantified into generic
automation series, told apart by upgrades and business schemes. Herein
lies an invitation to ponder on and evaluate the current cognitive,
social and even political significance of these overarching online
multisensory 'game-stories' and to reconsider: what's their moral and
what's at stake? Or is this the kind of psychedelic trip Super Mario has
when he eats the wrong mushroom?

More Information: Disruption Network Lab (http://www.disruptionlab.org)
Tatiana Bazzichelli (Artistic Director and Curator) tbazz (at)
Daniela Silvestrin (Curator and Project Manager) daniela (at)
Kim Voss (Production  Social Media) kim (at) disruptionlab.org

A project funded by Hauptstadtkulturfonds Berlin

In cooperation with Kunstraum Kreuzberg /Bethanien
and in collaboration with Spektrum art |science |community
With a site-specific Cube intervention by Topics Books

Media partners:
taz. die tageszeitung; ExBerliner.com; Furtherfield.org

Tatiana Bazzichelli // Artistic Director
Twitter: @disruptberlin // @t_bazz
PGP: A87C 3637 03ED 1D1C E6FE E828 1F55 2B2F F5A5 C9A0

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