G1MRA Newsletter and Journal #196

2003-02-28 Thread Daniel R. Fuller
I was just corresponding with Jim Curry about issue #196 which was
mailed in England about 6-7 weeks ago.  I have not received my
issue.  Has anyone in the US received their issue?

To Dave Cole,
Which address am I supposed to use to post to the list?  I have
deleted any reference that I had to the proper address.

Dan Fuller

Re: Aster Alisan Shay learning curve

2003-02-20 Thread Daniel R. Fuller
I have an Aster Schools alcohol fired engine.  It ran fine indoors
or during the summer, but I had trouble during cooler/cold running.
I also tried the aluminum foil route and was surprised how much
better the engine ran -read that to mean make steam-.  I ended up
bending a thin brass baffle to put over the bottom of the fire box.
I drilled holes approximately 50% larger than the wick cups.  If the
exhaust starts to smell too bad, open up the holes slightly larger.

Another suggestion:  If it is not too hard, look into the smoke box.
Having a totally sealed smoke box is very important.  Even a
seemingly small pin hole air leak can have major consequences.  If
needed, get some silicone caulk and block any airleak.  This might
be needed on the smoke box door also.  Just use bathroom caulk, it
works fine.  Be careful applying the caulk.  You can make a mess in
no time flat!  Use a toothpick or similar item to spread the caulk.
I am not familiar with the Aster shay, but check the entire fire
route for air leaks.  Because of the smokebox draft, a leak will not
manifest itself with flames shooting out, but will allow cold air to
enter in.  As you have found, a alcohol fired engine is usually
running on the ragged edge of having enough steam.

An engine with a water pump, you must have a higher fire than
normally would be required without one (obviously).  I have an Aster
Jumbo with a very small boiler and (as Aster puts it) an efficient
water pump (actually, about 50% over sized).  I needed a fierce
fire to handle the cold water entering such a small boiler.  As a
result, I probably get more blowing off of the safety valve than
most engines, but without messing with the wicks, I can run the
engine in cold weather with no problems.

As you are realizing, alcohol firing requires you to think about
some of the same things that real locomotive firemen and engineers
had to think about.

Dan Fuller
Carrollton, Texas

Size of Accucraft K-27?

2003-02-17 Thread Daniel R. Fuller
I am building a track and due to space limitations, I have a
clearance problem.   I need to know the size of the Accucraft K-27.
I saw them at Diamondhead and they are huge.  Real railroads had to
limit engines on certain tracks, and I may need to do the same.  I
think that the C-16 will be ok.

What is the size of the loading gauge  for the K-27?  Just overall
height above the rails and the total width is all I need.

What is the minimum radius for the K-27?

Dan Fuller
Carrollton, Texas

GWR Power bogie

2003-02-16 Thread Daniel R. Fuller

Page 64 of the Vertical Boiler Locos book has the following:

4 coupled wheels
2 cylinders 12 dia x 16 stroke  Walschaerts gear
8 ft wheel base

# 0801-0802  wheel dia 3'8
# 0803-0836  wheel dia 3'6 1/2
remainder  (unsure how many more, but there were a lot)wheel dia

boilers were all 9'6 high  minimum dia of 4'6 and max dia of 6'

Railmotors with the 3'6 wheels were on coaches of 59'6
Most Railmotors with the 4' wheels were on coaches of 70'   These
also had luggage compartments in the coaches

all had gas lighting.

If you need other info, please e-mail me.

Dan Fuller


Re: GWR Power bogie

2003-02-16 Thread Daniel R. Fuller
I just noticed more info from Abbott's VBL book,
Page 82:
Kerr Stuart made 12 units similar to those built at Swindon and
same stroke and bore
wheel base 8 feet
wheel dia  3' 7 1/2

scale autos

2002-10-22 Thread Daniel R. Fuller
I just received a catalog from the National Motor Museum Mint that
has 1:18, 1:24, 1:32, and 1:43 scale autos.


FYI  I also noticed that they only ship to the USA.

Dan Fuller

finding alcohol leaks

2002-10-12 Thread Daniel R. Fuller
When ever you have an alcohol leak and it is not obvious where it
is, get some baby power or similar and dust the tank or offending
part.  Put the alcohol in the tank and look for the damp power.  It
works like a champ.  I have had small leaks that would not show up
with any other home test.  Clean up and re-solder.
Dan Fuller

NYC Hudson

2002-08-28 Thread Daniel R. Fuller

One other item to check for with the pump; check the intake in the
tender.  I have an Aster Jumbo that would pump water with the hand
pump, but the axle pump would not work.  After spending much time
with the axle pump, I realized that the pickup in the tender was an
eyelash from the tender floor.  Far enough away to allow the hand
pump to work, but to close for the axle pump to get enough suction
to work.  I cut some slits in the pickup assembly and the axle pump
works wonders.
Dan Fuller