Re: [Standards] presence priority -1 issues

2008-08-04 Thread Pedro Melo

On Aug 5, 2008, at 12:01 AM, Peter Saint-Andre wrote:

Pedro Melo wrote:

On Jul 31, 2008, at 5:21 PM, Dave Cridland wrote:

On Thu Jul 31 17:17:40 2008, Pedro Melo wrote:
Moving forward, this would allow clever clients to observe that  
it  wasn't a IM client capable of handling calendaring  
requests, but a  dumb calendaring bot working on behalf of the  

Not following.

Clients could have an integrated calendaring app, allowing both  
chat and calendaring traffic to happen to the same full jid.

Alternately, it may only do one or the other.

Yes, but then you would only need to publish the proper .
What makes a automated system try a certain protocol is the  
feature, not the identity. The identity automation/calender (per  
Peter example) is only needed to mark a resource as a non-IM  
So a clever Calendar application that also allows chat would  
probably still announce itself with a client/pc but would also set  
 to support cal-dav-over-xmpp, or whatever.

Then do we need a feature for "IM" (as in, "sorry, this calendaring  
resource doesn't do that instant messaging stuff")?

I've re-read this thread quickly.

I think dwd doesn't like negative features, and I tend to agree with  
him (although guilty of implementing such a beast in the past). But  
the need to mark resources as non-im is still there and it's real.

It seems  that using an  in the automation class could be  
enough to signal non-IM interface. Or put it in another way, maybe we  
should say that only clients/* should be interpreted as IM-capable  

I like the part that only client/* should be interpreted as IM- 
capable resources, but I don't know if that is too strict.

Best regards,
Pedro Melo

Re: [Standards] XEP-0231 (Data Element) - local caching

2008-08-04 Thread Peter Saint-Andre

Ahoj Pavle,

That all sounds good. Now we just need to update the spec (which the 
Council is currently voting on!). I'll try to do that soon.


Pavel Simerda wrote:

On Thu, 31 Jul 2008 08:07:04 -0600
Peter Saint-Andre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Pavel Simerda wrote:

On Wed, 30 Jul 2008 07:04:16 -0600
Peter Saint-Andre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Pavel Simerda wrote:

On Tue, 29 Jul 2008 19:49:01 -0600
Peter Saint-Andre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Ahoj Pavle!

Pavel Simerda wrote:


I have some suggestions for XEP-0231 (Data Element).

Thanks for looking at this spec so thoroughly.

I actually have some questions. First, lolek from the
project is going to propose a XEP for text emoticons. 

Similar to XEP-0038? We can bring that back if someone wants to
maintain it.

Similar but more powerful and not file-based but most probably
based on Data Elements. There may be a lot of other extensive
changes. If these changes can be made, I believe Martin would
maintain it if he gets the chance.

OK, great. I'm happy to help.

Thanks, I'll invite him to jdev conference sometime next week.

I like his ideas but I
suggested him to use Data Element instead of a custom solution.


He still has doubts but I promised him to try to sort it out and
to help him with language corrections of his document too.

Great, thanks.

I didn't find in the specs what should be used for domain ID in
the CID. The examples apparently use the domain part of JID that
is not unique for the clients. I looked at the RFC and still
don't know a proper mapping to XMPP.

His original idea was to use a cryptographic hash function and
not a CID.

I think your idea of a UUID followed by the domain part of the JID
would work well.

He also pointed out he misses a feature that would allow a client
to advertise which mimetypes it supports.

Yes we can add a disco feature for that.

This is another questions... if it's just emoticons, should we
just support png and mng types or add some accept-advertisement

I don't think it hurts to define a way to advertise what MIME types
you support. We'll use the data element for things other than
emoticons, but IMHO the simplest approach would be to advertise in
general which MIME types you support, not "I support these mime
types for emoticons" and "I support these other mime types for file
transfer thumbnails" etc. Does anyone think that level of
complexity is needed?

I'm not sure. Let's wait for other comments.

Well I'm not a fan of adding complexity if we don't need it.


Is there a written policy for image formats in XMPP extensions?

Not yet.

PNG for static raster images, MNG for animated raster images, SVG
for vector images? That's something I would expect from every

Sure. But some people think JPG and GIF are good too (e.g., I think
JPG is the default in vCards or LDAP or somesuch).

Yep, JPG is good for photos, I have forgotten because I was still
thinking about the emoticons.

GIF is good for nothing when we have static PNG and animated MNG that
not only supersede it in all areas but also make a distinction between
static and animated, which is good. (Just my opinion, others may or
may not agree.)

Let's move this out of discussion about XEP-0231... and discuss the
image (and other) formats policy separately if needed.

Right now, as the example shows:

  Yet here's a spot.

Yet here's a spot.


  alt='A spot'


Note: in this particular example the data is very short, this
may not be the case in real world where people tend to ignore
the size of data they send.

Yes, that's just about the smallest image I could find. The spec
says that the image should not be more than 8k (which is twice
the suggested size of an IBB chunk) but we don't know if people
will typically send images that are smaller or larger than 8k --
I think smaller but I don't know that yet.

Might it be advertised by the client/server? And rejected if the
other party tries to send a bigger one (just to force them to fix

I think that's handled at a different layer (e.g., rate limiting).
But we do need to define better handling for stanzas that are too
large (there is a proto-XEP about it but the Council didn't accept
it and I never incorporated their feedback).

Hmm. I know that people at use a roster-renaming utility
(for icq transport). They wait a long time between stanzas and the
renaming can often takes more than just several minutes.

We send data once for every session (and om

Re: [Standards] [Fwd: SASL to draft questionnaire]

2008-08-04 Thread Peter Saint-Andre

Hi Gato,

Thanks for the feedback. It seems that I will need to poke other 
developers directly. :)


Gaston Dombiak wrote:

Hey Peter,

Openfire uses the SASL support provided by Java. That means that SASL PLAIN,
DIGEST-MD5, GSSAPI, etc. are provided by Java. The only SASL mechanisms that
we manually implemented on the server are SASL ANONYMOUS and SASL EXTERNAL.

On the Smack side I recall implementing SASL PLAIN but we might now be using
the one provied by Java.


  -- Gato

On 7/30/08 12:34 PM, "Peter Saint-Andre" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

This may be of interest here -- the SASL folks are working to advance
RFC 4422 to Draft and are looking for implementation reports. Has anyone
on this list developed their own SASL implementation, or are all the
XMPP clients, servers, and libraries incorporating specialized SASL code?



 Original Message 
Date: Tue, 29 Jul 2008 17:14:32 +0100
From: Chris Newman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: SASL to draft questionnaire

Here's a proposed questionnaire for an implementation report.

I am not volunteering to compile responses to the questions, but I am
willing to answer these questions for my implementations.

- Chris

RFC 4422 Implementation Questionnaire
0. Contact and Description
Organization Name:
Implementation (Software or Service) Name:

1. Have you implemented SASL and/or SASL mechanism?

2. Which SASL mechanisms have you implemented?

3. For how long has it been deployed?

4. What features have NOT been implemented from SASL?

5. What features of SASL or SASL mechanisms are problematic for your

6. Please add any other comments you wish to share:

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

[Standards] forwarding (was: Re: xep-0077: account removal... and after?)

2008-08-04 Thread Peter Saint-Andre

Olivier Goffart wrote:
I'm about off topic here, but since you mention this spec i'd like to add my 
two cent.

It would be cool to add a way to specify a new jid, so the server could reply 
with a  error with the new Jid

or even forward message to the new one.

What prevents a malicious user from setting up an account, subscribing 
it to every bot on the network, and then forwarding that traffic to some 
third user? Sounds like a fun attack. :)


Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: [Standards] presence priority -1 issues

2008-08-04 Thread Peter Saint-Andre

Pedro Melo wrote:

On Jul 31, 2008, at 5:21 PM, Dave Cridland wrote:

On Thu Jul 31 17:17:40 2008, Pedro Melo wrote:
Moving forward, this would allow clever clients to observe that it  
wasn't a IM client capable of handling calendaring requests, but a  
dumb calendaring bot working on behalf of the user.

Not following.

Clients could have an integrated calendaring app, allowing both chat 
and calendaring traffic to happen to the same full jid.

Alternately, it may only do one or the other.

Yes, but then you would only need to publish the proper .

What makes a automated system try a certain protocol is the feature, not 
the identity. The identity automation/calender (per Peter example) is 
only needed to mark a resource as a non-IM resource.

So a clever Calendar application that also allows chat would probably 
still announce itself with a client/pc but would also set  to 
support cal-dav-over-xmpp, or whatever.

Then do we need a feature for "IM" (as in, "sorry, this calendaring 
resource doesn't do that instant messaging stuff")?


Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: [Standards] comments on section 8.3, draft-saintandre-rfc3920bis-06.html

2008-08-04 Thread Peter Saint-Andre

Pedro Melo wrote:

On Jul 22, 2008, at 2:12 AM, Ovidiu Craciun wrote:

Excerpt from:

"Section: 8.3.  Generation of Resource Identifiers
A resource identifier can be security-critical. For example, if a 
malicious entity can guess a client's resource identifier then it may 
be able to determine if the client (and therefore the controlling 
principal) is online or offline, thus resulting in a presence leak as 
described under Section 15.13 (Presence Leaks). Traditionally, XMPP 
resource identifiers have been generated by clients in ways that are 
not secure (e.g., hardcoding the resource identifier to the name of 
the client or to a common location such as "home" or "work"). However, 
for the sake of proper security, a resource identifier SHOULD be 
random (see [RANDOM] (Eastlake, D., Schiller, J., and S. Crocker, 
“Randomness Requirements for Security,” June 2005.)). It is 
RECOMMENDED that the resource identifier incorporate a Universally 
Unique Identifier (UUID), for which the format specified in [UUID] 
(Leach, P., Mealling, M., and R. Salz, “A Universally Unique 
IDentifier (UUID) URN Namespace,” July 2005.) is RECOMMENDED. "

From the IMPP RFC I get that:
X can read Y's presence info only
(A) if Y's presence info is public domain, or
(B) if Y previously allowed X to read it's presence.

In this case, when a malicious entity, that can guess X's resource 
identifier, is be able to read X's presence only if (A) or (B) is 
true, in which case it is not a security threat, it is by default. 
What I am saying is that the presence leaks are not related with the 
easiness of guessing X's resource IDs but if the server is handling 
correctly the presence information for a given JID.

I believe the above paragraph is not referring to presence leaks as a 
full  stanza but just as a way for me to know if you are 
online or not. It might not be your full  but it is still a leak.

Yes, this is not a leak of  stanzas, but it is effectively a 
leak of information about whether a particular resource is online.

If I can guess your resource, I might trick your client into replying to 
an IQ or direct presence stanza. Any of those replies would mean that 
you are online at the moment, and therefore constitute a presence leak.


Also, the requirement to have a resource identifier be random "for the 
sake of proper security" it is also a forced and unnecessary 
requirement. The server should guarantee the security by implementing 
correctly a secure protocol not by following recommendations.

If you bind your sessions without a resource, the server will give you a 
random resource. For the server to enforce a proper security perimeter, 
it would have to filter (drop) IQ's directed to your JID from JIDs 
outside your roster. This would most likely prevent some normal (as in 
currently available and useful) workflows.

Well, this is pretty much how Google Talk works, and it mostly functions 
just fine.

Sometimes I chat with people that are not on my roster, including file 
transfer. That would be impossible with a "server-side" firewall. Of 
course, you can today implement such firewall with privacy lists, if 
your server supports them.

Right. Or XEP-0191. Effectively Google Talk (and other similar services) 
deploy a rule of "forbid communications with people not on my roster" on 
the user's behalf -- no need for fancy privacy rules managed by the user.


Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: [Standards] Proposed changes for ESessions

2008-08-04 Thread Peter Saint-Andre

Jonathan Schleifer wrote:


I'm a Gajim developer and we have implemented ESessions. However, as
we're currently the only XMPP client to my knowledge implementing it
and the XEP is currently deferred, we plan to make a few changes and
like to get them back in the XEP. 

We talk some about end-to-end encryption at the XMPP Summit recently 
(nothing formal -- just a dinner discussion among people who are 
interested in the topic). The rough consensus was that we'll work to 
implement and deploy end-to-end streams and upgrade using TLS. It's a 
bit of a hack, but has some good features. I'll post about that in a 
separate thread.

1.) While the Sessions XEP explicitly states that session should NOT be
regarded as ended, we think that this is fine for normal sessions,
but not for ESessions.
The reason is quite simple: If a contact changed his status to
unavailable, the reason might be that the connection was lost due
to lost TCP packages. That also means that maybe messages we sent
got lost. As ESessions don't work when a message was lost and thus
decrypting of further messages is not possible, we would like to
regard an ESession as terminated when a contact signs off and
re-establish a new ESession as soon as that user becomes available
We also thought about keeping the thread ID and sending
unencrypted. However, I'm against that as it could be that the
other client reconnected and still think it's in an ESession and
gets problems with this. That's why I prefer to use a new thread ID

That is good input to the definition of a session (or chat session), 
which is still a bit unclear.

2.) I'm not completely satisfied with the security of ESessions. They
give an attacker pretty much possibilities for known plain-text and
timing attacks.
Thus, I propose the following changes:

  * Add a  tag to every stanza before encryption to make
sure an attacker never knows the full plain-text. With the
current version of the XEP, an attacker would know the full
plain-text for example on typing notifications, which can be
spotted very easily on their size (another issue I'll talk
about later).


  * Typing notifications make it easy for an attacker to do a
timing attack. There are attacks that lets an attacker guess
the content of a message by looking at how long was typed and
the timing distance to the last message.
The solution I'd propose is to send a bogus stanza from time to
time, only including a  tag, but with a value a bit
longer than proposed in the first point of 2.).
Additionally, a XEP-0184 receipt request should be added to
SOME of those bogus packets - whether or not that receipt is
added is random. If the client does not support XEP-0184, a
receipt is never requested, of course, therefore the bogus
packets won't request it as well then.
  * XEP-0184 receipt requests are always answered instantly. So an
attacker knows by just the timing that a packet is an answer to
a XEP-0184 receipt request. That's why I propose to ALWAYS
answer XEP-0184 receipt requests unencrypted, as the attacker
would only get data for a known full-plain-text attack from
Additionally, bogus XEP-0184 receipt requests should be sent
from time to time - this would already be covered by the point
before this one (bogus stanzas that randomly include a XEP-0184
receipt request)

I don't we have that problem with an end-to-end stream, do we?

  * Add padding with a random length, so it's impossible to analyze
the message on it's length. Without this, it's easy to guess
from the length of a packet if it's for example a typing
notification, allowing the before mentioned timing attack. Plus
the size of an encrypted message already gives a clue about the
possible content.

3.) This suggestion is optional and I personally would NOT implement it,
as IMHO, this is against the idea of instant messaging:

Add a random delay to packets, not a big one, only a small time.
This would make timing attacks even harder.

I would add that as an optional thing to the XEP, maybe something
the clients can enable on demand when messaging doesn't need to be
so instant.

What exactly is the timing attack?

I'd be glad to hear some opinions to these proposals before we
implement them. Maybe someone got even better ideas on how to solve the
current deficiencies?

I've been doing some research on Short Authentication Strings (SAS), and 
I think the usage of SAS in ESessions may be close to worthless. But 
I'll post about that separately.

However, we are very likely going to do something against these
deficiencies and of course it would be nice if the XEP could be
enhanced by fixes 

Re: [Standards] Questions about xhtml-im

2008-08-04 Thread Peter Saint-Andre

Pavel Simerda wrote:

On Sat, 02 Aug 2008 21:40:49 +0200
Maciek Niedzielski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Jehan wrote:

But still for most end users, the best is wysiwyg
And this is why xhtml-im needs to be about formatting, not semantics: 
most end users want to get (and send) what they see. And they want

you to see what they see.

I see no point in forbidding the semantics!

I personally turn off xhtml-im as I have no way to just turn off
styling (it's annoying to let others configure my fonts and colors,
especially if it doesn't really work). If you don't forbid semantics, I
could turn off the styling and keep the seemantic part (styled to my
own preferences).

And... keeping the semantic markup doesn't do any harm to users that
don't know about it. They'll just configure the fonts and colors, that
I don't care about (and I won't see).

Right. I agree with both of you. :P

So I say that we update XEP-0071 to no longer disallow semantic markup 
(in fact there's no real way to do that in XHTML Modularization anyway!) 
and encourage experimentation to see which elements people really want 
to use (I think it will be mostly  and , myself).


Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

[Standards] [Fwd: I-D Action:draft-dusseault-impl-reports-00.txt]

2008-08-04 Thread Peter Saint-Andre
This may be of interest here. We've talked before about producing 
implementation reports regarding the XMPP RFCs (for advancement to Draft 
Standard) and also for XEPs (for advancement from Draft to Final). We 
could use a lightweight format like this for such reports.


 Original Message 
Subject: I-D Action:draft-dusseault-impl-reports-00.txt
Date: Thu, 31 Jul 2008 09:45:01 -0700 (PDT)

A New Internet-Draft is available from the on-line Internet-Drafts 

Title   : Guidance on Interoperation and Implementation Reports
Author(s)   : L. Dusseault, R. Sparks
Filename: draft-dusseault-impl-reports-00.txt
Pages   : 13
Date: 2008-07-31

Advancing a protocol to Draft Standard requires documentation of the
interoperation and implementation of the protocol.  Historic reports
have varied widely in form and level of content and there is little
guidance available to new report preparers.  This document updates
the existing processes and provides more detail on what is
appropriate in an interoperability and implementation report.

A URL for this Internet-Draft is:

Internet-Drafts are also available by anonymous FTP at:

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: [Standards] rfc3920bis -06

2008-08-04 Thread Peter Saint-Andre

Dirk Meyer wrote:

Joe Hildebrand wrote:

On Jul 29, 2008, at 8:23 AM, Peter Saint-Andre wrote:

Dirk Meyer wrote:

Only client but IIRC adding a friend to the roster resulted in
an iq result without sending a get or set. Very confusing.

So you sent  and you received an IQ
result from your server? That sounds like a server bug.

If he meant IQ set, then it's just the roster push, not a server bug.

That could be the case. Again, I'm not sure what it was and I do not
believe it was a server bug.

It can be confusing, but once your client knows how to handle roster
pushes to the point of not changing your internal data structures
until you get the push, things get a lot easier.

But they are very confusing in the first place.

Don't worry, just keep drinking the Kool-Aid and roster pushes will seem 
normal. :)


Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: [Standards] rfc3920bis -06

2008-08-04 Thread Dirk Meyer
Joe Hildebrand wrote:
> On Jul 29, 2008, at 8:23 AM, Peter Saint-Andre wrote:
>> Dirk Meyer wrote:
>>> Only client but IIRC adding a friend to the roster resulted in
>>> getting
>>> an iq result without sending a get or set. Very confusing.
>> So you sent  and you received an IQ
>> result from your server? That sounds like a server bug.
> If he meant IQ set, then it's just the roster push, not a server bug.

That could be the case. Again, I'm not sure what it was and I do not
believe it was a server bug.

> It can be confusing, but once your client knows how to handle roster
> pushes to the point of not changing your internal data structures
> until you get the push, things get a lot easier.

But they are very confusing in the first place.


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