Re: Milosevic's REAL Legal Strategy (As Usual, the Papers are Lying) [WWW.STO... [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-07-01 Thread Richard Roper


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It's the old "we haven't/didn't do enough" line, to
pysche up establishment liberals/ left to support the
policy and campaign for it.

What they are saying is "the West's governments and
establishment politicians were always doing deals with
Milosevic", so liberals/lefties will demand MORE
action and feel good in themselves at attacking the
establishment for their misdeeeds, thereby
transforming  the anti-Jugoslav campaign into a
trendie liberal/left ie one.
If anyone doubts this I have had bitter arguements
with such people for the last DECADE, I repeat DECADE,
all convinced "we must intervene more" and the
Jugoslavs are monsters/fiends/invading themselves etc.

Also the same technique was the basis of
American/British propaganda to get America into WW1

> In a message dated 7/1/2001 5:30:09 AM Pacific
> Daylight Time, 
> > Right.  He is really going to defend himself by
> saying "I am terrible, but 
> > you all helped me." They WISH he would defend
> himself that way.  Maybe the 
> > CIA is working on a pill.
> > 
> > I don't know what his lawyers said, but this is
> NOT his strategy.  
> Make me understand why they would report this. I am
> truly puzzled.
> Cynthia
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Re: Milosevic: Trial Aims To Justify NATO's War Crimes [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-07-03 Thread Richard Roper


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yes, I watched the whole thing live on British TV.
early this morning and he really chewed them up,
especially the British judge, (no coincidence that
with Master Tony's antics). very, very impressive. 
>   This guy has to be the bravest, boldest and most
> principled
> motherf..around!  Definitely someone to look up to.
> On 3 Jul 01, at 2:38, Rick Rozoff wrote:
> >
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> > waiting for?  Try eBay today.
> >
> >
> >
> > July 3, 2001
> > War crimes court charges Milosevic
> >
> >
> > THE HAGUE, Netherlands (CNN) -- Former Yugoslav
> > President Slobodan Milosevic has appeared before
> the
> > U.N. war crimes tribunal to be formally charged
> with
> > crimes against humanity.
> >
> > Milosevic -- the first head of state to face trial
> in
> > The Hague -- did not have legal representation,
> having
> > said he did not recognise the authority of the
> > tribunal.
> >
> > He told the tribunal: "I consider this tribunal
> false
> > and the indictment false. It is illegal so I have
> no
> > need to appoint counsel."
> >
> > At his first appearance before the tribunal on
> > Tuesday, not guilty pleas were entered on
> Milosevic's
> > behalf by the court after he refused to enter one
> > himself.
> >
> > He faces charges of crimes against humanity
> stemming
> > from the Yugoslav campaign against ethnic Albanian
> > separatists in Kosovo.
> >
> > The case was adjourned until August 27 but the
> trial
> > was not expected to begin hearing evidence until
> next
> > year.
> >
> > Presiding judge Richard May told Milosevic he
> could
> > re-consider his decision not to appoint counsel as
> the
> > proceedings were expected to be "long and
> complex."
> >
> > When Milosevic was asked if he wanted the
> indictments
> > read out he replied: "That's your problem."
> >
> > His response was regarded as a waiver of his
> rights by
> > the court and the indictments were not read out.
> >
> > Milosevic also refused to enter a plea, saying:
> "This
> > trial aims to produce false justification for war
> > crimes of NATO committed in Yugoslavia."
> >
> > CNN's Christiane Amanpour said Milosevic appeared
> in
> > court with "his jaw jutted forward, he looked
> defiant,
> > and he kept looking at the public gallery."
> >
> > Throughout the hearing, Milosevic tried to make
> > speeches, both in English and his native language,
> but
> > the judge cut him off politely, saying this was
> not
> > the time for speeches.
> >
> > Amanpour said Milosevic regards himself as a hero
> and
> > NATO as the villains with the U.N. tribunal an arm
> of
> > NATO.
> >
> > Milosevic believes he was transferred illegally to
> The
> > Hague and that he was essentially kidnapped from
> his
> > homeland.
> >
> > He is accused of crimes against humanity for
> actions
> > carried out by the Yugoslav Army and Serbian
> security
> > forces in Kosovo in 1999, including murder,
> > deportation and prosecution of people on
> political,
> > racial and ethnic grounds. He faces life in prison
> if
> > convicted of any of the four charges.
> >
> > Milosevic's advisors have said he feels he was
> acting
> > in the best interests of his country.
> >
> > Since his extradition last Thursday, Milosevic has
> > spoken to his wife three times during what were
> > described as seven-minute conversations.
> >
> > Milosevic's allies in Belgrade say that the former
> > president, who was forced from power in October,
> > believes he is being persecuted because he stood
> up to
> > NATO, refusing to sign a power-sharing deal with
> > Kosovo Albanians in 1999.
> >
> > Milosevic's crackdown on ethnic Albanians
> triggered a
> > 78-day NATO bombing campaign against Yugoslavia,
> which
> > ended with the withdrawal of Yugoslav forces from
> > Kosovo and the handing over of the Serbian
> province to
> > the United Nations and NATO.
> >
> > In Belgrade up to 15,000 supporters gathered last
> > night to protest against his transfer outside the
> > federal government buildings.
> >
> > Ignoring a ban on the gathering the participants,
> > mainly members of 

Re: Fwd: Re: BIANCA JAGGER as a spokesperson for human rights? [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-07-14 Thread Richard Roper


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When will these people ever learn!

Part of the protest it turns out is over Mobil Exxon's
activities and a major factor in the attack on
Jugoslavia was the O-I-L and the utterly strategic oil
Caaaucasian pipeline.

I keep telling Americans this is much more obvious in
Britain were petrol is £3.60 a gallon and we have
30-40 m.p.g cars.
The conversion rate is £1:$1.40 so you can work it out
and you have gasguzzling cars.

So the chips are down to control those dwindling world
oil reserves!

--- Nancy Hey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
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> > To those of you who commented on my letter to the
> Indonesia Human Rights
> > Network re. Bianca Jagger, I thought you might be
> interested to see this
> > response that I received from Kurt Biddle.
> >
> > peacefully yours,
> > Nancy Hey
> >
> > >From: Kurt Biddle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > >To: "Nancy A. Hey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > >Subject: Re: BIANCA JAGGER as a spokesperson for
> human rights?
> > >Date: Tue, 10 Jul 2001 13:18:53 -0400
> > >
> > >Dear Nancy,
> > >
> > >Thanks for your letter of concern about Bianca
> Jagger.
> > >
> > >We did not choose Bianca Jagger, she chose the
> issue. We organized the
> > >demonstration and she called some of the
> Washington-area organizers to say
> > >she would be coming. I don't know about her
> political opinions around the
> > >Balkans.
> > >
> > >Actually, she earlier today decided to stay in
> London and join
> > >demonstrations there.
> > >
> > >I hope that you will join our demonstration or
> one in your area. There are
> > >many organizations participating with many points
> of view, but all
> > >targeting
> > >ExxonMobil for good reasons.
> > >
> > >Of course, I would love to have Noam Chomsky come
> to the demo. If you can
> > >invite him down, that would be great.
> > >
> > >Kurt Biddle
> > >  --
> > >Kurt Biddle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > >Washington Coordinator
> > >Indonesia Human Rights Network
> > >1101 Pennsylvania Ave. SE
> > >Washington, DC 20003
> > >(202) 544-1211 phone
> > >(202) 544-6118 fax
> > >
> > >
> > > > From: "Nancy A. Hey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > > Date: Tue, 10 Jul 2001 13:04:59 -0400
> > > > Subject: BIANCA JAGGER as a spokesperson for
> human rights?
> > > >
> > > > Mr. Kurt Biddle
> > > > Indonesia Human Rights Network.
> > > >
> > > > Dear Mr. Biddle:
> > > >
> > > > I am extremely disappointed that you have
> chosen BIANCA JAGGER to speak
> > >at
> > > > your International Day of Action against Exxon
> Mobile.  I believe it is
> > >the
> > > > height of hypocrisy for Ms. Jagger to speak
> about human rights at your
> > > > demonstration, when she so enthusiastically
> supported NATO's bombing of
> > > > Yugoslavia in 1999!
> > > >
> > > > NATO's air war resulted in the deaths of over
> 2,000 civilians in
> > >Yugoslavia,
> > > > many of them children.  During the 78 days
> that NATO forces attacked
> > > > Yugoslavia, they used such weapons of mass
> destruction as cluster bombs
> > >and
> > > > depleted uranium.  Unexploded cluster bombs
> can scatter a landscape only
> > >to
> > > > explode like landmines killing whatever
> unfortunate person or animal
> > >happens
> > > > to inadvertently step on them.  The depleted
> uranium used on NATO's
> > >missile
> > > > tips can pollute the environment with
> radioactivity for generations to
> > >come.
> > > > We have already seen increases in the
> incidence of childhood cancer in
> > > > Iraq resulting from the use of depleted
> uranium in the 1991 Gulf War,
> > >and DU
> > > > is even suspected of causing the dreaded "Gulf
> War Syndrome" in American
> > > > soldiers.
> > > >
> > > > When you consider the lasting effects of
> things like cluster bombs and
> > > > depleted uranium, it is predictable that the
> toll from NATO's aggression
> > > > against Yugoslavia will reach far higher than
> the 2,000 + civilians
> > > > initially killed during the 78 days of
> bombing.
> > > >
> > > > I believe Ms. Jagger's support for this
> destructive policy makes her an
> > > > unsuitable candidate to speak about the human
> rights and environmental
> > > > violations committed by Exxon Mobile.  Your
> organization would do itself
> > >a
> > > > better service by choosing someone with far
> more integrity, such as Noam
> > > > Chomsky, Ramsey Clark, or Alexander Cockburn
> as your s

Re: Update: 10 British Soldiers Killed Botched Karadzic Raid [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-07-14 Thread Richard Roper


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Hey guess what Rick and folks,

This story is CENSORED in Britain, and no media outlet
is carrying the story.

The reason being Master Tony and his side kick Hoon
were particularly keen of this little jaubt and it
would really be the end if they had to announce

Shades of 1984 and dr.Goebbels' Ministry of Propaganda
and Public Enlightenment.

--- Rick Rozoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
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> BELGRADE, July 14 /from RIA Novosti's Raiko
> Doskovic/
> - The British special services made an alleged
> attempt
> Friday to arrest former Bosnian Serb leader Radovan
> Karajic, reports the Montenegrin newspaper Den.
> According to the report, the incident occurred in
> northern Montenegro. 
> The reporter alleges that in the ensuing shoot-out
> Karajic's guards killed ten and wounded two British
> servicemen, members of an elite SAS special service
> unit. The unit is part of a special task group set
> up
> by a number of Western countries to arrest Karajic,
> the Den daily points out. "This fact accounts for
> the
> absence of any reports on the death of the group's
> ten
> servicemen," alleges the newspaper. 
> No official confirmation of this information has
> come
> either from Bosnia and Herzegovina or Montenegro.
> 2) Karadzic, Mladic to face imminent arrest by NATO
> elite commandos  
> Berlin, July 13, IRNA -- Bosnian Serb leaders,
> Radovan
> Karadzic and  General Ratko Mladic, face imminent
> arrest by NATO elite troops on
> genocide and war crimes charges, the daily Berliner
> Morgenpost said  here Friday.   
>NATO elite soldiers, including Germany's top
> secret
> special KS  unit, are apparently close to tracking
> down the hide-outs of Karadzic and Mladic who are
> responsible for the massacres of Muslims in
> Srebrenica
> in July of 1995.
>   The UN war crimes tribunal in The Hague charged
> them
> both with  genocide and crimes against humanity in
> 1996. The head of the government in the Serbian
> Republic of Bosnia,  Mladen Ivanic had reportedly
> agreed to extradite Karadzic and Mladic. 
>Both are heavily guarded by their bodyguards and
> are constantly changing their hide-outs.
>The German KSK elite commando, has around 1,000
> soldiers and was involved in the arrest of at least
> 20
> war criminals in the former   Yugoslavia since 1998.
>The German defense ministry refused to comment on
> the KSK activities, citing its "secretive nature."  
> OT/MHJ/JH   
> Islamic Republic News Agency   
> __
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Re: Imperialist Conquest & Exploitation Are Good For You [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-07-15 Thread Richard Roper


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It has to be relaised none of this is really new.

The colonial empires of Britain and France peddled a
similar ideology, almost identical but for details.

i was astounded to find a real ideology lay behind the
British Empire, Americans may have been unconvinced.,
but the British liberal establishment totally bought
These territories were backward, politically,
culturally and economically. We were trustees, ruling
the natives in trust for the day when they would be
able to handle their own affairs. The Trustee Theory.
Economically, it was all done for the good of all, a
sort of benevolent society, where the advanced races
made economic decisions for those more backward.
This is why we get the hrad of Colonial office
recruitment saying "we wnat to make this a real
missionary service" and why the question kept being
asked at the end of colonialism, that so many
Governors were liberals. Answer - of course you can be
a liberal if you accept the assumptions.

But it enslaved culturally and interlectually as well,
defining reality and rewriting history. So we got the
phenomenon of the 2brown Englishman" - an elite who
completely accepted the Imperial culture as to be
emulated as a sign of status and completely believing
it. This has been the subject of not a few British

I could go on and on.

--- Rick Rozoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
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> [I don't know how to begin to take this advertizing
> blurb for the new global imperialism apart, except
> to
> speculate what similar pseudo-post-structuralist
> gibberish might be applied to the reigns of Attila
> the
> Hun and the Third Reich. Change a few namesJim,
> Les, Kole and others please help.] 
> Observer Comment Extra
> Empire 
> This extract from 'Empire', drawn from the book's
> preface, argues that the transformations of the new
> global order make the emerging Empire quite
> different
> from previous eras of imperial dominance and
> capitalist expansion, opening new spaces for
> political
> projects seeking to construct a truly democratic
> global society
> Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri
> Sunday July 15, 2001
> The Observer
> Empire is materializing before our very eyes. Over
> the
> past several decades, as colonial regimes were
> overthrown and then precipitously after the Soviet
> barriers to the capitalist world market finally
> collapsed, we have witnessed an irresistible and
> irreversible globalization of economic and cultural
> exchanges. 
> Along with the global market and global circuits of
> production has emerged a global order, a new logic
> and
> structure of rule - in short, a new form of
> sovereignty. Empire is the political subject that
> effectively regulates these global exchanges, the
> sovereign power that governs the world.
> The passage to Empire emerges from the twilight of
> modern sovereignty. In contrast to imperialism,
> Empire
> establishes no territorial center of power and does
> not rely on fixed boundaries and barriers. It is a
> decentered and deterritorializing apparatus of rule
> that progressively incorporates the entire global
> realm within its open, expanding frontiers. Empire
> manages hybrid identities, flexible hierarchies, and
> plural exchanges through modulating networks of
> command. The distinct national colors of the
> imperialist map of the world have merged and blended
> in the imperial global rainbow. 
> Most significant, the spatial divisions of the three
> Worlds (First, Second, and Third) have been
> scrambled
> so that we continually find the First world in the
> Third, the Third in the First, and the Second almost
> nowhere at all. Capital seems to be faced with a
> smooth world - or really, a world defined by new and
> complex regimes of differentiation and
> homogenization,
> deterritorialization and reterritorialization. 
> Many locate the ultimate authority that rules over
> the
> processes of globalization and the new world order
> in
> the United States. Proponents praise the United
> States
> as the world leader and sole superpower, and
> detractors denounce it as the imperialist oppressor.
> Both these views rest on the assumption that the
> United States has simply donned the mantle of global
> power that the European nations have now let fall.
> If
> the nineteenth century was a British century, the
> twentieth century has been an American century; or
> really if modernity was European, then postmodernity
> is American. The most damn

Re: Question about the list, response to Mr. Beale [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-06-02 Thread Richard Roper


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This shouldn't surprise us. This was the concept of
"Human Rights" marketed by Eleanor Rooseveldt in her
address to the UN. General Assembly in 1947 and
subsequent pushing of a Human Rights Declaration by
the US. government.

It was of course intended to aid its push to move into
and dominate various parts of the world, and minimise
poular opposition to it.

In particular Operation Rollback, which Eisenhower had
the sense to put on hold, the destabilisation and
take-over of Eastern Europe.

How would this be accomplished? It's here you want to
throw up - by what's called The Original Sin, the
bringing out of various nazi and nazi collaborator
groups, waffen-SS etc. and their organising for such a
task. They would accomplish this by guerrilla warfare
and covert operations , using the methods we were
later to beome familiar with in various other parts of
the world.   

> Let's see if Mr. Beale is about to run his
> cowardly "both sides are 
> wrong" number about China. Because if he is, we're
> ready.
> The same demonization and militarization and
> hypocritical "human rights 
> campaign" is being orchestrated about the new
> enemies of the West, the 
> Peoples Republic of China. Mr. Beale is probably
> wringing his clean hands 
> about the suppression of the Fulan Gong mystics
> whose expensive executive 
> offices are located in New York City. He is probably
> getting wild with 
> concern for the 1500 Chinese Human Rights
> "prisoners," while 2,000,000 mostly 
> Black prisoners languish in American jails without
> his or the so-called 
> "humanitarians'" slightest regard. He is probably
> weeping gallons of 
> crocodile tears over the poor (millionaire) old
> Dalai Lama who met with 
> George Bush to discuss how to destabilize and break
> up China. Mr. Beale's 
> myopic views of nationalism probably oppose China's
> historical claims to 
> Taiwan, Tibet and Xinjiang province (rich in oil,
> according to the New York 
> Times, and filled with Moslems Uighurs, a "Muslim
> majority [which) lives 
> restively under Chinese rule, " They "are well
> versed in the NATO bombing of 
> Yugoslavia last year which some celebrate for
> liberating the Muslims in 
> Kosovo." Maybe he is going to start to worry that
> China controls 50% of its 
> state assets, and that could stand in the way of the
> human rights of the 
> Western INVESTORS who want to make ALL of China one
> big sweatshop. Perhaps 
> Mr. Beale will soon see his way to accepting the new
> Star Wars, NMD, which 
> will target China as a dangerous "rogue" power that
> has to be neutralized by 
> the mighty humanitarian American missile defense
> system. Humanitarian bombing 
> can go nuclear! 
> STOPNATO readers are wise to the manipulations
> of the combined power of 
> the Western Media and our governments, Mr. Beale.
> Why aren't you? Do you 
> really believe the West is genuinely concerned about
> Human Rights in this 
> world?  
> Oh! The West was madly concerned about the human
> rights of the USSR, as I 
> bet you were. But in the New York Times, last June
> we read that," that in the 
> (former) Soviet Union women have:
> "Borne the brunt of the changes . . . since the
> fall of communism . . . 
> health care and child care have collapsed . . .
> Between 1985 and 1997 a 
> UN study found the  transition to a market economy
> meant that the number of 
> working women fell by   40% in Hungary, 21% in
> Russia and 24% to 31% in the 
> Baltic states. . . .  Tomake ends meet while
> caring for children. . . 
> some are forced into prostitution." This article
> notes that in the former 
> Yugoslavia pimps scoured, "the war-devastated
> villages, taking girls as young 
> as 14, [to] become prostitutes."
> How come you don't concern yourself with these
> human rights, Mr. Beale?
> And where was your tender concern when it was
> reported in the Associated 
> Press in October 2000 that at least 50 million
> children in Eastern Europe and 
> the former Soviet Union live in poverty and are
> exposed to tuberculosis 
> levels usually associated with the third world. A
> group called the European 
> Children's Trust found that poverty had increased
> more than TENFOLD since the 
> fall of communism.  This is a massive attack on
> millions of peoples' basic 
> human rights, yet you are so silent about this. How
> come?
>  There you sit, sadly shaking your wise head at
> those of us who mourn the 
> death of Yugoslav socialism wherein 65% of the
> economy was run by the

Re: FW: We don't know if there were women and children, we just blew [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK] them up

2001-06-06 Thread Richard Roper


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A previous documentart on British TV showed sequences
of GI's leading Japanese children past furious
officers and field guns loaded with phosphorous shell
on Saipan and Tinian, where most of the civilian
settler population were wiped out. Many had hidden in
caves and phosporous shell was to be fired into the
cave mouths, the gun crews refusing to fire.

The "official history" states that for inexplicable
rerasons the civilian poulation committed suicide by
jumping over cliffs.  
> > 
> > And yet... And yet!... they have the gall to strut
> > around 
> > the world as if they
> > owned it - laying down the law and lecturing
> > everyone else
> > about "humanitarian"
> > principles. Even stirring up trouble, engineering
> > wars,
> > bombing and/or depriving
> > others of life-preserving essentials most
> Americans
> > couldn't
> > endure a single day
> > without themselves, just to drive the point
> home...!
> > 
> > Washington's is not a New World Order - certainly
> > it's no
> > model for the future...
> > In principle it's as old as the hills and very,
> very
> > primitive.
> > 
> > Essentially, modern technological methods of
> > inflicting pain
> > and making money...
> > are all that distinguish present-day tyrants like
> > Clinton,
> > Bush and Bliar from cruel
> > excesses ancient Assyria's Sargon and Sennacherib
> > employed -
> > toward the same ends !
> > 
> > John Jay
> > 
> > --
> > From: "Pedja Zoric" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Subject: [yugoslaviainfo] We don't know if there
> > were women
> > and children, we just blew them up
> > Date: Mon, Jun 4, 2001, 6:45 pm
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 'We just blew it all up. We don't know if there
> were
> > women
> > and children or
> > whatever, we just blew them up,'
> > 
> > 'The truth is that war is an occasion when
> god-awful
> > things
> > happen,'
> > 
> > [The ultimate war crime is to start the war.]
> > 
> > Pedja Zoric
> > 
> > 
> >
> > 00.html
> > 
> > 
> > Film exposes Allies' Pacific war atrocities
> > 
> > Horrific footage shot during battle with Japanese
> > shows
> > execution of wounded
> > and bayoneting of corpses.
> > 
> > Jason Burke
> > Sunday June 3, 2001
> > The Observer
> > 
> > For more than half a century they have been
> > portrayed as
> > wholesome heroes who
> > fought in terrible conditions to save the Western
> > way of
> > life from Japanese
> > aggression. But now the savage acts that Allied
> > soldiers
> > were driven to
> > commit in the Pacific theatre are about to be
> > exposed.
> > Researchers for a TV series to be broadcast on
> > Channel 4
> > this month have
> > unearthed disturbing and previously unseen footage
> > from the
> > Second World War
> > which had languished forgotten in archives for 57
> > years.The
> > images are so
> > horrific senior television executives had to be
> > consulted
> > before they were
> > considered fit for broadcast.
> > 
> > The film, shot in colour, was taken by an unknown
> > combat
> > cameraman in 1944
> > during fighting on the Pacific Island of Peleliu.
> It
> > includes scenes of
> > American soldiers shooting Japanese wounded as
> they
> > lie
> > prone on the ground.
> > 
> > In another scene on the Japanese island of Okinawa
> a
> > year
> > later, a US soldier
> > is filmed dragging a wounded enemy from a hiding
> > place.
> > Although the man has
> > his ankles tied together, two bullets are fired
> into
> > his
> > knees and then,
> > while he is still moving, shots are fired into his
> > chest and
> > head.
> > 
> > Other footage from Hell in the Pacific shows
> > American
> > soldiers using bayonets
> > to hack at Japanese corpses while looting them.
> > Former
> > servicemen interviewed
> > by researchers spoke of the widespread practice of
> > looting
> > gold teeth from
> > the dead - and sometimes from the living.
> > 
> > Others spoke of units throwing away their bayonets
> > to avoid
> > being ordered by
> > 'over-enthusiastic' officers to charge, and of
> > machine-gunning villages full
> > of civilians and clubbing wounded Japanese
> soldiers
> > to death
> > as they tried to
> > surrender.
> > 
> > In an incident related by a former marine,
> soldiers
> > killed a
> > shell-shocked
> > comrade with a shovel for fear his screaming would
> > give away
> > their position.
> > 
> > The revelations will shock many accustomed to the
> > heroic
> > image of American
> > soldiers, particularly given the romantic myth
> > boosted by
> > blockbuster films
> > such as Pearl Harbor, which goes on general
> release
> > this
> > weekend.
> > 
> > Many cherished British military myths are
> > overturned.
> > Research