Re: Tomcat 4.0b7 and struts-example webapp

2001-08-31 Thread Ian Kallen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Informative error messages and docs generally hasten developer time
investment (and hoperfully adoption) of a new technology.  So I would say
yes! :)

On Fri, 31 Aug 2001, Remy Maucherat wrote:
> > leaving them in jasper.   Can someone point me to where I can discern the
> > differences between the different lib directories in Catalina?
> Also, one of the causes of these problems is that the error message printed
> out doesn't mention the XML parser at all (so people then think it's a
> Tomcat 4 problem). Wouldn't it be a good idea to fix that too ?


Ian Kallen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | AIM: iankallen

Re: Tomcat 4.0b7 and struts-example webapp

2001-08-30 Thread Ian Kallen &lt;[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Thanks!  For the record,
mv $CATALINA_HOME/jasper/crimson.jar $CATALINA_HOME/lib/crimson.jar
mv $CATALINA_HOME/jasper/jaxp.jar $CATALINA_HOME/lib/jaxp.jar
seems to have fixed it!

On Thu, 30 Aug 2001, Remy Maucherat wrote:

> > Does this mean that TC 4.0b7's web.xml parsing is not backwards
> > compatible to the older webapp format?  This sounds like a bug, not a
> > feature.  I'm using a webapp that just "runs" dropped into a TC 3.2.x
> > installation straight out of the struts distribution.
> I tried it, and the error is confusing. Actually, the problem is caused
> because there's no XML parser (which is only mentioned in the logs).
> After I add one, the app works fine, and the messages are displayed
> correctly (so the properties file gets correctly loaded).
> Remy


Ian Kallen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | AIM: iankallen

RE: Tomcat 4.0b7 and struts-example webapp

2001-08-30 Thread Ian Kallen &lt;[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Does this mean that TC 4.0b7's web.xml parsing is not backwards 
compatible to the older webapp format?  This sounds like a bug, not a
feature.  I'm using a webapp that just "runs" dropped into a TC 3.2.x
installation straight out of the struts distribution.

On Wed, 29 Aug 2001, Thinh Doan wrote:

> I got this same error running under Jrun.  Look into web.xml and make sure
> struts stuff is there (tlds etc..)
> T.
> -Original Message-
> From: Ian Kallen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, August 29, 2001 4:17 PM
> Subject: Tomcat 4.0b7 and struts-example webapp
> IIRC, the struts-example from struts 1.0 was happy with most of the recent
> Tomcat 3.2.x releases but with 4.0b7, it's not picking up the
> file.  yes, it's in
> /struts-example/WEB-INF/classes/org/apache/struts/webapp/example/Application
> and web.xml has:
> action
> org.apache.struts.action.ActionServlet
>   application
> org.apache.struts.webapp.example.ApplicationResources lue>
> right out of the war file...
> This is the error:
> javax.servlet.ServletException: Cannot find message resources under key
> org.apache.struts.action.MESSAGE
> So what's up?  Is there something extra to setup the classpaths inside
> webapps under Tomcat 4.0?
> cheers,
> -Ian
> --
> Ian Kallen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | AIM: iankallen


Ian Kallen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | AIM: iankallen

Tomcat 4.0b7 and struts-example webapp

2001-08-29 Thread Ian Kallen &lt;[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

IIRC, the struts-example from struts 1.0 was happy with most of the recent
Tomcat 3.2.x releases but with 4.0b7, it's not picking up the file.  yes, it's in
and web.xml has:



right out of the war file...

This is the error:
javax.servlet.ServletException: Cannot find message resources under key

So what's up?  Is there something extra to setup the classpaths inside
webapps under Tomcat 4.0?


Ian Kallen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | AIM: iankallen

unit testing struts classes

2001-06-30 Thread Ian Kallen &lt;[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Any techniques for unit testing Action and ActionForm subclasses folks could
share?  I've been wondering about creating fake container environments
and servlet contexts to support this but it seems like a big PITA, so if
someone's been down that road, please post what you've done :)


Ian Kallen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | AIM: iankallen

SOAP and struts

2001-06-12 Thread Ian Kallen &lt;[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Working on an architecture that has the business logic of the model running on
an external subsystem that is accessed by SOAP, we found that the SOAP client
doesn't want to serialize the ActionForm subclassed beans (not sure where in the
reflection voodoo it's choking yet).  Anybody else used the Apache SOAP
implementation's BeanSerializer with struts?  I'd be interested in how the
systems interacted :)


Ian Kallen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | AIM: iankallen

"Java Server Faces"

2001-06-08 Thread Ian Kallen &lt;[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

At JavaOne today, it seemed to be suggested that j2ee would have a MVC
framework join the recommendations.  Later in the talk ("scalibility in the web
tier with jsp blah blah" ridiculously long title), it struts was alluded to as
being part of j2ee in the future.  So is struts the ever mysterious "Java Server


Ian Kallen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | AIM: iankallen

Re: Cannot acces javax.sql.DataSource

2001-05-16 Thread Ian Kallen &lt;[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Get the JDBC 2.0 Optional API at

On Wed, 16 May 2001, Geoffrey Van Nuffelen wrote:
> I have a problem, I can't access the package javax.sql.
> Is it include into the lats JDK ( ??? Or somewhere else ???


Ian Kallen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | AIM: iankallen

Re: still fighting HTTP HTTPS problem

2001-05-11 Thread Ian Kallen &lt;[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Are you saying that an http request can be forwarded to an https
request?  That doesn't make sense; if the browser doesn't have an https
session setup, the server can do whatever it wants to resolve the request
translation.  You have to redirect to go from an http request to an https

On Fri, 11 May 2001, Ted Husted wrote:
> I'm using a standalone container, and I find that everything works
> transparently (only one session) if I resort to hard coding the scheme.
> Right now, I'm doing this in the Struts-config. 
>  path=""/>
>  path=""/>
> which are called with code like this in the action
>   String url = null;
>   if (secureMode) {
>   url = mapping.findForward("secure").getPath();
>   ActionForward actionForward = new ActionForward(url,true);
>   return (actionForward);
>   }
>   else return (mapping.findForward("standard"));
> where I'm tracking "secureMode" as a session attribute.
> If they login or register in secure mode, I end the process with a [[
> BIG LINK ]] that routes them back to the http scheme.
> Messy, but it gets me through the day. 
> I haven't had time to think about it, but it seems to me that we should
> be able to work this into the custom tags. Struts is very good about
> automagically converting the links when you switch schemes, so it seems
> to me we should be able to force the tags to one scheme or the other,
> when appropriate. 
> Michael Wilimsky wrote:
> > 
> > hello everyone...
> > 
> > i still couldn´t find a solution on how to switch from
> > 
> > let´s say http://localhost:myport/myapp/something.jsp to
> > https://localhost:mysecureport/myapp/somethingelsethatneedstobesecure_oreven
> > thesamepage.jsp
> > 
> > while retaining resp. cloning the content of my sessioncontext...
> > 
> > i am using the urlrewriting-method to manage my sessions
> > 
> > as far as my experience tells me i get two different sessionIDs for
> > 
> > http://localhost:myport/myapp/something.jsp
> > and the corresponding
> > https://localhost:mysecureport/myapp/something.jsp
> > 
> > how can i copy the sessioncontext to the secure side and vice versa?
> > 
> > michy


Ian Kallen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | AIM: iankallen

Re: filtering unwanted characters

2001-05-11 Thread Ian Kallen &lt;[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Apache 2.0 supports input filters, how about writing one that cleans the
data input before mod_jk/mod_webapp can hand it off to Tomcat?

On Fri, 11 May 2001, Nanduri, Amarnath wrote:
> I am looking for some open source code that deals with filtering
> technology. Basically i want to filter any unwanted characters from the user
> input data. The user might try to pass in some SQL quesries or try to run
> some shell scripts or put special characters which might be rejected by a
> database (or even corrupt it). If no such open source code is available then
> i want to write something like that. I was wondering if anyone has done some


Ian Kallen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | AIM: iankallen