form in UTF-8 doesn't work with weblogic

2001-03-22 Thread Juan Gargiulo


I have a form that is supposed to accept Japanese text. I set
enctype="utf-8" but my ActionForm is not getting any of these Japanese.
I'm not sure if this is a problem of WebLogic that is not parsing the
request stream with the right encoding or is it that I have to implement my
own multipart request handler with the encoding set to utf-8.

Thanks in advance,



2001-01-02 Thread Juan Gargiulo

Is there more documentation or examples on how to use the Multibox tag??



RE: file upload

2000-12-18 Thread Juan Gargiulo

Can I get at least a pointer to documentation about how to do this?

thank you in advance, 


-Original Message-
From: Juan Gargiulo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, December 15, 2000 5:58 PM
Subject: file upload


I'm trying to use the file upload features from struts. I know that this is
suppose to be easy to use. But I keep receiving a null form in my perform
method and I can't figure out the problem.

JSP code:
form:form action="" name="uploadForm" method="POST"
enctype="multipart/form-data" type="UploadForm"
form:file property="file" /
form:submit property="submit" value="Submit"/

UploadForm code:
public final class UploadForm extends ActionForm
private FormFile file;
public FormFile getFile() { return file;}
public void setFile(FormFile file) {this.file = file;}

UploadAction:perform() code:

ActionForward perform(ActionMapping mapping,
 ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse
throws IOException, ServletException
UploadForm fileForm = (UploadForm) form;== form is coming null
FormFile file = fileForm.getFile();

Any help will be appreciated.


file upload

2000-12-15 Thread Juan Gargiulo


I'm trying to use the file upload features from struts. I know that this is
suppose to be easy to use. But I keep receiving a null form in my perform
method and I can't figure out the problem.

JSP code:
form:form action="" name="uploadForm" method="POST"
enctype="multipart/form-data" type="UploadForm"
form:file property="file" /
form:submit property="submit" value="Submit"/

UploadForm code:
public final class UploadForm extends ActionForm
private FormFile file;
public FormFile getFile() { return file;}
public void setFile(FormFile file) {this.file = file;}

UploadAction:perform() code:

ActionForward perform(ActionMapping mapping,
 ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse
throws IOException, ServletException
UploadForm fileForm = (UploadForm) form;== form is coming null
FormFile file = fileForm.getFile();

Any help will be appreciated.


RE: org.apache.struts.action.MESSAGE exception with orion 1.4

2000-12-06 Thread Juan Gargiulo

I finally got it working by removing struts-config_1_0.dtd from the
struts.jar file. And locating this file under:

Also, instead of placing the file under
orion\lib, you can jar it and place it under \WEB-INF\lib

hope this helps,


 -Original Message-
 From: MacGill [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Wednesday, December 06, 2000 10:04 PM
 Subject: Re: org.apache.struts.action.MESSAGE exception with orion 1.4


 I am also working with Struts 1.0 and Orion 1.4 and having problems.

 The main thing that I have realised is that
 org.apache.struts.action.MESSAGE is the default web browser error
 for struts.

 To know what is going on in more detail I suggest studying

 So far I have over come some of the errors by placing struts.jar
 in orion\lib
 and the file in orion\lib under
 the directory
 set in struts-config.xml

 My current stumbling block in reading the struts-config_1_0.dtd
 I have tried all the suggestions on this mailing list but so far
 have had no


 Juan Gargiulo wrote:

  Did somebody found a work-around for the "Missing resources" problem in
  Orion 1.4?
  I tried several different potential solutions but none of them worked. I
  really need to get struts 1.0 working with Orion 1.4 ASAP.
  Thank you in advance,
  -Original Message-
  From: Craig R. McClanahan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Tuesday, November 21, 2000 9:53 AM
  Subject: Re: org.apache.struts.action.MESSAGE exception with orion 1.4
  "Douma, Ate" wrote:
   The two problems preventing the Struts example (build
 20001120) to work on
   Orion (1.4.0) can be solved as follows:
   1. javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: Missing resources attribute
   org.apache.struts.action.MESSAGE error
   The problem is caused by Orion not allowing access on
 resources (in this
   case a resourcebundle property file) in the WEB-INF/classes folder. It
   that the Servlet 2.2 spec. doesn't states clearly if this is
 allowed or
   the Orion team decided to not allow access.
   A simple solution is making the resources available through the
   its) classpath.
   By jarring the resources (e.g. the WEB-INF/classes folders)
 and putting
   jar in the WEB-INF/lib folder the resources can be found.
   I would suggest the Stuts team to implement this solution for
 the struts
   example as Orion is probably not going to change its behavior in this.
  I would suggest instead that Orion fix their buggy classloader.  This
  issue has nothing to do with the servlet specification -- Orion is not
  implementing the getResource() method of java.lang.ClassLoader, which is
  used by
  the ResourceBundle classes of the JDK, correctly.
   2. unknown protocol: jndi
   The solution to this problem is given by Olli Pyry yesterday in the
   with subject: Strugs  Orion  JNDI
  From:   Olli Pöyry[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent:   Tuesday, November 21, 2000 9:51:08 AM
  Subject:Strugs  Orion  JNDI
  The following error that occurs in ActionServlet's
 startup with the
  Struts nightly build and Orion:
  register('-//Apache Software Foundation//DTD Struts Configuration
  resolveEntity('-//Apache Software Foundation//DTD Struts
   Resolving to alternate DTD
  seems be caused from the following line in (about
  URL url =
  when this is replaced with:
  URL url =
  the dtd is found and everything works.
  However you have to rebuild struts.jar - but that is easy ant.
  Hope this helps!
  Olli Pyry, Essaim Oy, Helsinki, Finland
   As this requires changing the source, I kindly request that the Struts
   development team could fix this also.
  This statement again depends on the container correctly implementing the
  loader they are using for web applications.
  My understanding is that Struts has been working fine with
 previous versions
  Orion.  It sounds like they changed something in the latest
 code.  If so,
  should change it bac

Design question

2000-11-10 Thread Juan Gargiulo


I'm re-designing a web application that is mainly running with
I started using struts for prototypes, and I really like its architecture.
The new design has to  be robust and scalable because we expect considerable
traffic. It is clear that the data tier should be implemented with entity
beans, but I'm not sure yet about the web and business tier.
One idea is to use struts (action classes+jsps+xml+xsl) to implement the web
tier, and java beans and session EJBs for the business tier. But I have some
questions for this architecture:

1. Is struts doing object pooling for action classes? (it's designed for
high traffic?) If not, is there a way of doing this?
2. Is it right for action classes to use session EJBs as business beans? Is
there any downside on this?
3. In the j2ee sample app. (the pet-store app.), Sun propose a design based
on events and handlers for controlling the page flow. Is struts a valid
replacement for this?
4. If combining struts with EJBs is fine, which is the best way of doing it?

Thanks in advance for sharing your knowledge.

Juan Gargiulo

RE: Design question

2000-11-10 Thread Juan Gargiulo


My understanding from what you responded me about ActionForm being EJBs was
wrong, sorry about that. However, your explanation in the last email was
extremely useful.



-Original Message-
From: Craig R. McClanahan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, November 10, 2000 4:35 PM
Subject: Re: Design question

Juan Gargiulo wrote:


 Thanks a lot for your answer.
 I think that I'm very close of defining the architecture for my
 Using action classes as adapters and session EJBs for business logic


 Also using EJBs as actionforms is a good idea because they are a good
 target for object reuse. But it is not clear to me how do this. I don't
 how struts is going to know how to get one of this EJB-actionforms from
 context. How I specify the name of the home for the EJB-form to the action
 class (to the struts descriptor)?

Actually, I do *not* believe it is a good idea to re-use an EJB as an
ActionForm.  In fact, this will be somewhat more difficult in 1.0, now that
ActionForm is a class rather than an interface.

The reasoning behind my belief goes like this:

* An ActionForm is part of the view layer of MVC, not the model
  layer like an EJB (or a regular JavaBean that represents
  persistent data).

* The sole purpose of an ActionForm is to maintain the state of
  all the input variables on a particular form, so that you can
  reproduce the form pre-filled-in if the user made an error that they
  need to fix.  This matches the expectations of users who are used
  to GUI-based client server apps, that never make you retype any
  input except the stuff you did wrong.

* Because of the above, the "domain" of an ActionForm does not
  necessarily match any existing EJBs or model layer JavaBeans.
  It is not uncommon to have inputs from a single form that will
  ultimately cause updates to more than one undelrying EJB or
  model bean.

* Using a separate class for the ActionForm means you can
  change the underlying organization of your model beans or EJBs
  without impacting the view layer (although there might be modest
  impacts on the Action classes that copy things back and forth).

* In addition, most EJBs and model beans have validation rules
  internally that prevent them from accepting semantically invalid
  data.  Such rules would prevent you from accomplishing the
  primary purpose of an ActionForm -- storing all of the user's
  input fields, so that you can reproduce the input screen.

* Also, if your form is multiple pages and you were using the real
  EJB, let's say you start updating properties based on receiving
  the first page.  Now, you've potentially started locking resources
  in the underlying database -- and you have to deal with the fact
  that the user may never come back and finish this transaction.

So, my bottom line recommendation is that you plan on building simple
for your ActionForms.  Most of the time, an ActionForm will have just
and setters, with no error checking (other than a validate() method if you
to use it, plus the reset() method).  PropertyUtils also has a convenience
function that can copy properties with like names from your EJB to the
ActionForm bean (or vice versa), to reduce the amount of tedious code that
approach implies.  And, at some future point, it's reasonable to expect a
development tool to be able to auto-generate ActionForm beans for you.

Using an EJB as a bean that provides data values used in the presentation,
the other hand, is pretty easy.  Just store the client-side instance you get
back from the EJB server as a request attribute or session attribute -- from
perspective of the Struts custom tags, this EJB just looks like a JavaBean
getter methods, so they don't care that it is really an EJB.  NOTE:  If the
are really on a remote server this could have some performance impact -- you
might be better served to copy data into local beans in that case.


