RE: PLEASE HELP with Exception in error.jsp with Tiles

2003-08-28 Thread Hue Holleran
Hi Richard,

First things first - ditch 1.4.1 and get 1.4.2 - I've had endless unusual
problems with 1.4.1 - except the very latest release - but 1.4.2 seems
faster to me as well. Hmmm - lots to look through ... msanger - Microsoft
make you that mad, eh?

It looks to me like a further exception is being thrown in the error.jsp
(possibly relating to bean:message key=errorPage.heading - is this line

My advice would be to simplify the error.jsp significantly (i.e. start with
static content) and build it back gradually. I remember a post a while ago
about a gotcha in that when using tiles the error page appears after the
already committed content of the tiles - so you may need to consider this

Good luck!


 -Original Message-
 From: Richard Mixon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: 28 August 2003 06:06
 To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
 Subject: PLEASE HELP with Exception in error.jsp with Tiles

 Sorry to plead, but I have been fighting this for the better part of two
 days now. I've done a line by line review of just about all of my code.
 Cannot find anything that appears out of whack - compared to similar
 programs that are working.

 Would really appreciate any tips or suggestions on how to track this down.
 Let me know if there is additional documentation needed.

 First, I am running the regular Struts 1.1 production release on
 Windows XP
 using Sun Java 1.4.1.

 In my main JSP I'm running into some type of exception that is
 causing me to
 switch to my error.jsp. However it never makes it there and I get
 about 2/3
 of my original JSP page. This only occurs when I encounter an error in a
 multi-line update.

 I've turned on logging for the tiles and appropriate struts classes. The
 most I can see is that I'm getting an NPE in:

 Below is my error.jsp file and the exception stack trace (sorry, its long
 chain of exceptions). Each exception refers to the same line in my main
 JSP - 849 - which is this line, I've just finished the /tiles:put tag
 for an inline put, and am encountering the /tiles:insert to
 end my tiles
 structure (I've included several lines after it):

 /*line 849*/  if (_jspx_th_tiles_insert_0.doEndTag() ==

   out.write(!-- html-el:javascript formName=\subjectAspectsForm\
 dynamicJavascript=\true\ staticJavascript=\true\ htmlComment=\true\
 cdata=\false\/ --\r\n\r\n);
 } catch (Throwable t) {
   out = _jspx_out;
   if (out != null  out.getBufferSize() != 0)
   if (pageContext != null) pageContext.handlePageException(t);
 } finally {
   if (_jspxFactory != null)

 HERE'S the error.jsp:
 %@ page language=java isErrorPage=true %
 %@ taglib uri=;
 prefix=bean %
 %@ taglib uri=;
 prefix=html %
 %@ taglib uri=;

 !DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN;

 !-- I do not integrate this page as a tile, but rather as a
 standalone-page --
 titlebean:message key=errorPage.title//title
 link rel=stylesheet type=text/css media=all
 href=%=request.getContextPath()%/styles/default.css /

 div id=screen
 div id=content
 h1bean:message key=errorPage.heading//h1
 %-- Error Messages --%
 div class=error
 See error messages below
 %-- Success Messages --%
 logic:messagesPresent message=true
 div class=message
 See informational messages below
 %-- No Messages Message --%
 logic:messagesNotPresent message=true
 div class=message
 No messages
 -- Error Messages --
 div class=error
 html:messages id=error
 bean:write name=error filter=false/br/

 !-- Success Messages --
 logic:messagesPresent message=true
 div class=message
 html:messages id=message message=true
 bean:write name=message filter=false/br/
 if (exception != null) {
 } else {
 !-- only show this if no error messages present --

RE: PLEASE HELP with Exception in error.jsp with Tiles

2003-08-28 Thread Richard Mixon

Thanks. That did help as it showed it had nothing to do with the error.jsp.
Turned out to be a real rookie mistake - a mispelled message key. I'm
embarrassed, to say the least - but very, very happy to be on my way again.

 - Richard

-Original Message-
From: Hue Holleran [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, August 28, 2003 2:12 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: PLEASE HELP with Exception in error.jsp with Tiles

Hi Richard,

First things first - ditch 1.4.1 and get 1.4.2 - I've had endless unusual
problems with 1.4.1 - except the very latest release - but 1.4.2 seems
faster to me as well. Hmmm - lots to look through ... msanger - Microsoft
make you that mad, eh?

It looks to me like a further exception is being thrown in the error.jsp
(possibly relating to bean:message key=errorPage.heading - is this line

My advice would be to simplify the error.jsp significantly (i.e. start with
static content) and build it back gradually. I remember a post a while ago
about a gotcha in that when using tiles the error page appears after the
already committed content of the tiles - so you may need to consider this

Good luck!


 -Original Message-
 From: Richard Mixon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: 28 August 2003 06:06
 To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
 Subject: PLEASE HELP with Exception in error.jsp with Tiles

 Sorry to plead, but I have been fighting this for the better part of two
 days now. I've done a line by line review of just about all of my code.
 Cannot find anything that appears out of whack - compared to similar
 programs that are working.

 Would really appreciate any tips or suggestions on how to track this down.
 Let me know if there is additional documentation needed.

 First, I am running the regular Struts 1.1 production release on
 Windows XP
 using Sun Java 1.4.1.

 In my main JSP I'm running into some type of exception that is
 causing me to
 switch to my error.jsp. However it never makes it there and I get
 about 2/3
 of my original JSP page. This only occurs when I encounter an error in a
 multi-line update.

 I've turned on logging for the tiles and appropriate struts classes. The
 most I can see is that I'm getting an NPE in:

 Below is my error.jsp file and the exception stack trace (sorry, its long
 chain of exceptions). Each exception refers to the same line in my main
 JSP - 849 - which is this line, I've just finished the /tiles:put tag
 for an inline put, and am encountering the /tiles:insert to
 end my tiles
 structure (I've included several lines after it):

 /*line 849*/  if (_jspx_th_tiles_insert_0.doEndTag() ==

   out.write(!-- html-el:javascript formName=\subjectAspectsForm\
 dynamicJavascript=\true\ staticJavascript=\true\ htmlComment=\true\
 cdata=\false\/ --\r\n\r\n);
 } catch (Throwable t) {
   out = _jspx_out;
   if (out != null  out.getBufferSize() != 0)
   if (pageContext != null) pageContext.handlePageException(t);
 } finally {
   if (_jspxFactory != null)

 HERE'S the error.jsp:
 %@ page language=java isErrorPage=true %
 %@ taglib uri=;
 prefix=bean %
 %@ taglib uri=;
 prefix=html %
 %@ taglib uri=;

 !DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN;

 !-- I do not integrate this page as a tile, but rather as a
 standalone-page --
 titlebean:message key=errorPage.title//title
 link rel=stylesheet type=text/css media=all
 href=%=request.getContextPath()%/styles/default.css /

 div id=screen
 div id=content
 h1bean:message key=errorPage.heading//h1
 %-- Error Messages --%
 div class=error
 See error messages below
 %-- Success Messages --%
 logic:messagesPresent message=true
 div class=message
 See informational messages below
 %-- No Messages Message --%
 logic:messagesNotPresent message=true
 div class=message
 No messages
 -- Error Messages --
 div class=error
 html:messages id=error
 bean:write name=error filter=false/br/

 !-- Success Messages --