[Biofuel] Knee Replacement- The Cartilage Crisis

2009-03-13 Thread SurpriseShan2
s can bring 
about favorable responses  in pain, flexibility, and x-ray findings."
Cartilage Regeneration  with Human Growth Hormone
Despite  the majority of Orthopedic Surgeons doubting that cartilage can be 
regenerated,  one physician in their own ranks has shown that cartilage growth 
is possible.  Alan Dunn, M.D., is an orthopedist in private practice in North 
Miami, Florida,  who has been studying cartilage regeneration for 30 years. 
His innovative  approach involves the injection of Human Growth Hormone into 
deteriorated  joint. He reports, "In the rabbit studies that I conducted, 
just one injection  grew back the whole patello-femoral surface of the knee in 
five to six weeks.  These studies were biopsy confirmed."
He is  currently conducting a study on human knees using monthly _human 
growth hormone (HGH)_ 
injections into knee joints  with cartilage deterioration. Dr. Dunn says, "Over 
half of the knees show major  cartilage growth, and most of the rest have a 
good result. The most amazing  findings have been the near-complete relief of 
pain in these degenerated knees."  Dr. Dunn has been giving a total of three 
HGH injections into the knees at  monthly intervals.

_Prolotherapy and Knee  Pain Part 1 _ 
_Prolotherapy and Pes Anserinus Tendons_ 
_Knee Cap - Patella Disorders and Prolotherapy_ 
_Knee Injury and Cortisone_ 
_Knee Braces_ (http://www.prolonews.com/knee_braces.htm) 
-- next part --
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Re: [Biofuel] Probiotics & Immunity: A Beautiful Partnership

2009-03-13 Thread Keith Addison

>Your gut acts as a  huge immune
>organ, your first line of defense against infection, so you need an  ample
>supply of probiotics - beneficial bacteria that live in the 
>intestinal  tract and
>help guard it.

As they naturally do, until it all gets upset.

Aristotle said "worms are the intestines of the earth", but I think 
the living soil itself is an intestine, the worms are just a part of 
it. The soil's just the same as an intestine, only sort of inside-out 
(or maybe intestines are outside-in). It has the same beneficial 
microorganisms as a healthy gut, and the same solution when the 
healthy balance is upset and the pathogens take over: feeding sick 
soil well-made thermophilic compost is much the same as feeding 
probiotics to an ailing gut - but then you have to stop feeding it 
junk-food too (for the soil read chemicals). Healthy food is grown in 
healthy soil, and if that's what you eat you shouldn't need 
probiotics, and you shouldn't need vitamin and mineral supplements 
either. But we live in a toxic soup these days, we probably need all 
the help we can get, and probiotics, vitamins and mineral supplements 
definitely have their uses.

Anyway, I think your gut isn't only the first line of defence, it's 
also the first line of attack. It's not really part of the immune 
system, essentially it's outside the body - it's a big hole that goes 
right through you, without the immune system's protection that your 
organs and internal systems get. The whole lining of the alimentary 
canal is a sort of inner skin. Medically the whole thing is a huge 
vulnerability. The gut contains something like 2 oz of bacteria, 
busily digesting your food for you, and indeed providing your body 
with the building blocks a healthy immune system needs, but the 
bacteria aren't an integral part of the body's immune system. Nor is 
your outer skin ever faced with such a massive bacterial overload to 
contend with, along with a daily supply of decomposing food. All goes 
well nonetheless, just as long as you're living right and eating real 
food, which will greatly strengthen your resistance to the 
environmental toxic overload as well as to pathogens and disease.

>The body's defenses are centered in the digestive tract where  immune cells
>and probiotic bacteria team up to resist infection. Whenever we are 
>exposed to
>harmful bacteria, yeast or parasites, our immune cells in the  digestive
>tract can shield us. Probiotics aid this process by boosting the 
>and activity of these immune warriors.

There are immune cells in the digestive tract? What sort of immune cells?

We're constantly exposed to harmful bacteria, yeast and parasites, 
pathogens are a normal component of a healthy gut microflora, and 
many of them are ubiquitous in the environment anyway.

The "kill the pathogens" attitude just isn't the right approach, IMHO 
(and trying to kill pathogenic yeast might not be such a good idea, 
Herxheimer's resulting revenge is something to be feared). That's 
what antibiotics do, probiotics aren't just "safe" antibiotics (ie 
pesticides), they don't just kill stuff, they help to restore a 
healthy balance, which includes the pathogens.



>Probiotics & Immunity: A Beautiful  Partnership
>by Dr. Brenda Watson, ND*
>March 3, 2009
>**When you keep the gut well supplied with  probiotics, you make an
>invaluable contribution to your present and future  health.**
>If you want to stay well, you need a strong immune system to  protect you
>against disease and keep you from getting sick. Your gut acts as a 
>huge immune
>organ, your first line of defense against infection, so you need an  ample
>supply of probiotics - beneficial bacteria that live in the 
>intestinal  tract and
>help guard it.
>Your immune cells depend on their partnership with probiotics  to help them
>shield the body from harm.
>Billions of Immune Helpers
>While your body consists of about ten trillion cells, the  bacteria that live
>within us add up to close to a hundred trillion cells. The  vast majority of
>these bacteria live in the digestive tract. Accompanying them  are most of
>your immune receptors, which patrol the digestive tract, destroying  invaders
>that could make you ill.
>Along with probiotics and immune cells, the mucous membrane  lining in the
>digestive tract protects the body from invaders. When bacteria or  other
>microbes contact this wall, immune cells determine whether it is a  desirable
>probiotic - or an undesirable intruder.
>-- If accredited as friendly, the immune cells leave them  alone. In fact,
>friendly bacteria even get fed - your sticky mucous membranes  incorporate
>sugars that probiotics use for nutrition.
>-- But if the bacteria or microbes are seen as potential  sources of trouble,
>the mucous ensnar