Re: [symfony-users] Re: multiple problems with Symfony 1.4 installation - msg#00943

2011-02-09 Thread Jochen Daum

On 10 February 2011 06:26, Christophe COEVOET  wrote:
> Le 09/02/2011 17:57, Ryan Walker a écrit :
>> I am searching for a solution to an authentication problem and I see that
>> Serg had the same problem (#2 below) way back in May of last year before I
>> was on this list. As far as I can tell, no solution was posted to list.
>> In my development environment on Mac OS X, sfDoctrineGuardPlugin is
>> working properly. When I attempt to access a secure page, I get redirected
>> to login. When I enter valid credentials, I get redirected back to the
>> initially requested page.
>> In my test environment at DreamHost, it is not working properly. When I
>> attempt to access a secure page, I get redirected to login. When I enter
>> valid credentials, I get redirected back to the initially requested page,
>> but symfony loses my authentication status and (re-)redirects me back to
>> login once again with the form emptied. (In contrast, if I enter invalid
>> credentials, then I receive an error message on the login page and the
>> username remains filled in.)
>> In each environment, symfony does verify my credentials are valid and that
>> I have 'admin' privileges, but test forgets those credentials as soon as it
>> redirects me back to my requested page.
>> Nothing interesting shows up in the apache error log.
> This seems to be an issue with the session on your server. If the session
> variable are not stored, the authentication status cannot be saved.
> You should ask the Dreamhost support to know why session variables does not
> work.

This is not a symfony related suggestion.

I found often Session issues were caused by the suhosin module, which
comes with many Ubuntu based hosts. Try to turn session encryption off
and see if it helps. I found for example that sometimes the Document
Root is part of the encryption and it may not always work as expected.


Kind Regards,

Jochen Daum

"There is no shortcut to anywhere worth going" - Beverly Sills

Automatem Ltd
Phone: 09 630 3425
Mobile: 021 567 853
Skype: jochendaum

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[symfony-users] surprising Doctrine fix #1868 applied to query

2010-09-22 Thread Jochen Daum

I have a query which works as follows:

$query = Doctrine_Core::getTable('PeerEngagement')->createQuery('p')->
  innerJoin("p.PeerNumber pn")->
  where("pn.ps_number like '%".$q."%'")->

However, initially when I wrote it the other way around, it didn't
return any entries, instead the where clause would have is null
arbitrarily added.

$query = Doctrine_Core::getTable('PeerNumber')->createQuery('p')->
  innerJoin("p.PeerEngagement pe")->
  where("p.ps_number like '%".$q."%'")->

After 1.5h of debugging I found that this happens in
ff and I found this:

I don;t understand why it considers my code to have a subquery - it doesn't.

Any suggestions what the actual problem is here welcome. Please see
the schema.yml excerpt below:

id: { type: integer(4), notnull: true, unique: true, primary:
true, autoincrement: true }
peer_id: { type: integer(4), notnull: true }
ps_number_id: { type: integer(4), notnull: true }
service_organisation_id: { type: integer(4), notnull: true }
past_service_disengaged: { type: timestamp }
key_worker_id: { type: integer(4), notnull: true }
iss_clinical_service_id: { type: integer(4) }
iss_psychiatrist_id: { type: integer(4) }
iss_service_coordinator_id: { type: integer(4) }
iss_declined_courier_back_address: { type: string(255) }
waitinglist_support_suggestions_made: { type: clob(65535) }
waiting_psw_id: { type: integer(4) }
declined_waiting_what_support_avail: { type: clob(65535) }
referral_source_id: { type: integer(4) }
iss_referred_by: { type: integer(4) }
record_entered_by: { type: integer(4), notnull: true }
record_entered: {type: timestamp, notnull: true }
waiting_list_priority_id: { type: integer(4) }
assigned_psw_id: { type: integer(4) }
assigned: { type: timestamp }
assigned_by: { type: integer(4) }
assigned_effective: { type: timestamp }
last_reengaged: { type: timestamp }
last_reengaged_id: { type: integer(4) }
disengagement_started: { type: timestamp }
disengagement_target: { type: timestamp }
disengagement_type_id: { type: integer(4) }
disengagement_comments: { type: clob(65535) }
status_id: { type: integer(4) }
closed: { type: timestamp }
closed_by: { type: integer(4) }
is_intensive: { type: boolean }

Peer: { local: peer_id, class: Person }
PeerNumber: { class: PeerNumber, local: ps_number_id }
ServiceOrganisation: { class: Organisation, local:
service_organisation_id, foreignAlias: OrganisationPeerList }
KeyWorker: { class: Person, local: key_worker_id, foreignAlias:
KeyWorkerPeerList }
ClinicalService: { class: Organisation, local:
iss_clinical_service_id, foreignAlias: ClinicalServicePeerList }
Psychiatrist: { class: Person, local: iss_psychiatrist_id,
foreignAlias: PsychiatristPeerList }
ServiceCoordinator: { class: Person, local:
iss_service_coordinator_id, foreignAlias: ServiceCoordinatorPeerList }
ReferralSource: { local: referral_source_id }
ReferredBy: { class: Person, local: iss_referred_by, foreignAlias:
ISSReferrerPeerList }
RecordEnteredBy: { class: Person, local: record_entered_by,
foreignAlias: RecordEntererPeerList }
WaitingPSW: { class: Person, local: waiting_psw_id, foreignAlias:
PSWWaitingPeerList }
WaitingListPriority: { local: waiting_list_priority_id }
AssignedPSW: { class: Person, local: assigned_psw_id,
foreignAlias: PSWPeerList }
AssignedByStaff: { class: Person, local: assigned_by,
foreignAlias: AssignerPeerList }
LastReengagedRecord: { class: PeerNumber, local: last_reengaged_id }
DisengagementType: { local: disengagement_type_id }
Status: { local: status_id }
ClosedByStaff: { class: Person, local: closed_by, foreignAlias:
CloserPeerList }

id: { type: integer(4), notnull: true, unique: true, primary:
true, autoincrement: true }
    ps_number: { type: string(5), notnull: true }
contract_id: { type: integer(4), notnull: true }
Contract: { local: contract_id }

Kind Regards,

Jochen Daum

P.S.: If you made it down here, why not connect with me on LinkedIn

Chief Automation Officer
Automatem Ltd

Phone: 09 630 3425
Mobile: 021 567 853
Skype: jochendaum

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Re: [symfony-users] demo site - seperate db connection?

2010-09-10 Thread Jochen Daum
Hi John,

On Thu, Sep 9, 2010 at 9:46 PM, Tofuwarrior  wrote:
> Hi,
> I want to do a demo of our site and to reset the database every 30
> minutes.
> Would it be better to run the demo using a different database
> connection and a separate database or can anyone think of a way to do
> it within the same DB as the rest of the site.
> I am guessing separate but does anyone know how best to do this? Can
> we do it through the same symfony install and set it by using a
> different controller or something?
> We are running propel 1.5 Symfony 1.4.5
> I don't really want to have to duplicate the site completely if I can
> help it
- Hide quoted text -
We do it by duplicating the site, but in this specific case you could
also use 2 environments. If you use subversion to deploy, then you
only need to run

- svn update
- doctrine migration
- symfony cc

for each change. This can be easily scripted through a separate PHP script.

We put everything into SVN apart from client files and cache.

The comment about your demo site being hit is valid, its just that we
work mainly with online-software/Intranet sites, so a demo is always
internal for us.

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Re: [symfony-users] Re: How to remove "send.x" and "send.y" parameters from GET url?

2010-09-10 Thread Jochen Daum

On Fri, Sep 10, 2010 at 7:20 AM, ScherlOMatic
> Thanks for the info.
> So as I guess it's impossible to remove them.
> Do you know if the problem is the same with 'button' tag?

The button tag won't have the problem

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[symfony-users] Re: find out if user has credentials for route

2010-09-08 Thread Jochen Daum

On Wed, Sep 8, 2010 at 2:01 PM, Jochen Daum  wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have a backend application with various access cerdentials for a
> variety of modules.
> I'd like to build a navigation list, which should obviously be
> adjusted depending on what access rights you have. Is there a
> reasonably easy way to find out if the current user can access a
> route? If it is easier, it may be sufficient to figure out if the user
> has rights to "index"

Solved this myself with:

$action = sfContext::getInstance()->getController()->getAction($module,
$sec = $action->getSecurityConfiguration();


HTH, Jochen

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[symfony-users] find out if user has credentials for route

2010-09-07 Thread Jochen Daum
Hi all,

I have a backend application with various access cerdentials for a
variety of modules.

I'd like to build a navigation list, which should obviously be
adjusted depending on what access rights you have. Is there a
reasonably easy way to find out if the current user can access a
route? If it is easier, it may be sufficient to figure out if the user
has rights to "index"

Thanks for any pointers,


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[symfony-users] sfWidgetFormDoctrineChoice display lookup of a lookup

2010-09-03 Thread Jochen Daum

I got a table scheme which can be shortened to this:

id: { type: integer(4), notnull: true, unique: true, primary:
true, autoincrement: true }
user_id: { type: integer(20) }
name: { type: string(100), notnull: true }
contract_id: { type: integer(4) }
Contract: { class: Contract, local: contract_id }

id: { type: integer(4), notnull: true, unique: true, primary:
true, autoincrement: true }
organisation_id: { type: integer(4), notnull: true }
code: { type: string(3), notnull: true }

id: { type: integer(4), notnull: t rue, unique: true, primary:
true, autoincrement: true }
name: { type: string(100), notnull: true, unique: true }

I tried extending the query with an innerJoin:

$query = Doctrine::getTable('Person')->createQuery('p')->innerJoin('p.Contract

--> this leaves the select dropdown with empty strings

I was thinking about using table_method, but either way, how do I get
around the name conflict, ie. if I use 'getName', how can I choose
which table it comes from?

Thanks for any help,


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Re: [symfony-users] File Download too big for memory

2010-09-02 Thread Jochen Daum

if you create the file yourself, you just need to start browser output
while you are working on the file and clear the memory of any lines
you have produced.

I had the same problem, using an array to store all CSV lines, so I
count how many lines I have and if it goes over a limit, I print them
out and restart.

On Thu, Sep 2, 2010 at 7:42 PM, Gareth McCumskey  wrote:
> Hi all,
> I need some assistance in creating an action that will generate a CSV file
> on the server and then push that file for download to the end user. I have
> written the code to build the csv file and that works no problem. I have
> found plenty of stuff online about altering the response headers, etc in
> preparation for the download but they all end up loading the file to
> download into memory (using readfile()) and I would rather not do that as
> these CSV could get very very large potentially. Any tips anyone can share?
> --
> Gareth McCumskey
> twitter: @garethmcc
> --
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[symfony-users] overriding model->createQuery causes "The "default" context does not exist." on doctrine:data-dump

2010-09-02 Thread Jochen Daum

in an application I'm building here we use a person table for staff,
3rd parties as well as patients. Because of the sensitivity of the
data, I thought it makes sense to control the access rights to this
table at model level, so I wrote this:

class PersonTable extends Doctrine_Table

public static function getInstance()
return Doctrine_Core::getTable('Person');

public function createQuery($alias = '')

$query = parent::createQuery($alias);

try {
$user = sfContext::getInstance()->getUser();
}catch(Exception $e){
if ($e->getMessage() == 'The "default" context does not
exist.'){  // note this 
return $query;
throw $e;
if ($user->hasGroup('Peer Support Worker')){

$user_id = $user->getGuardUser()->getStaff()->getId();
$alias = $query->getRootAlias();
$query->innerJoin("$alias.PeerEngagement pe")
->where("$alias.type='mhworker' or ($alias.type='peer' and
((pe.waiting_psw_id=$user_id and pe.assigned_psw_id is null)
or pe.assigned_psw_id=$user_id) or
($alias.type='staff' and $$user_id)) ");


But we found that dumping the fixtures would now throw an error "The
"default" context does not exist."

We couldn't come up with a way to figure out the context in this
function, so we added the try-catch block.

Any idea how this can be done better? Can we find out the context in
this function?

Kind Regards,


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[symfony-users] Re: sfValidatorDate for accepting 11.12.1973 and 11 Dec 1973 from sfWidgetFormInput()

2010-09-01 Thread Jochen Daum
Actually, answering my own question:

On Thu, Sep 2, 2010 at 3:14 PM, Jochen Daum  wrote:
> Hi,
> I'd like to collect a birth date from a normal input field (I *hate*
> date dropdowns, especially for birthdays)

$this->setValidator('dob', new sfValidatorOr(array(
new sfValidatorDate(array('required'=>true,
  'date_format' => "=(?P[0-9]{1,2})(\.|/|\s)".
new sfValidatorDate(array('required'=>true))

> Kind Regards,
> Jochen

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Re: [symfony-users] Re: CLI sf Task, allowed memory issue

2010-09-01 Thread Jochen Daum

We've implemented a number of crawlers ourselves and the benefit of
using PHP is that they are easier to maintain if they are built in a
language a larger range of people cah use.

To solve your specific problems build a queue system.

Create a list table, which lists urls that you want to scrape. This
may include details on how to log in to these and what method (POST,
GET) to use.

Then create a daemon by doing the following:

- create a cron job that runs every minute:
 - set-time_limit(58+$time_of_curl_request+$a_bit);
 - get next url from list
 - get contents
 - scrape out data you need - this may include generating new list urls
 - remove from list table
 - measure time, if 58 seconds have passed terminate.

If you have to manage load on the target site and have certain
turnaround times for scrape data, you may also need a scheduler, which
decides what url gets scheduled for scrape when.On Thu, Sep 2, 2010 at
2:20 PM, Dennis  wrote:
> Also, I listened to a conversation with Justin Wage and some one from
> Digg. They use daemons for various things (kind of what you need to
> do). They kept a counter for each daemon and when the counter was at
> some magic number of times the daemon had been assigned and completed
> a task, it was killed, and a new one started to replace it. This was
> more of a 'top level' garbage collection scheme IN PRODUCTION right
> now.
> On Sep 1, 11:17 am, pghoratiu  wrote:
>> Hi!
>> My suggestion is to use PHP 5.3.X, it has improved garbage collection
>> and it should help with reclaiming unused memory. Also you should
>> group the code that is leaking inside a separate function(s), this way
>> the PHP runtime knows that it can release the memory for variables
>> within the scope.
>>     gabriel
>> On Sep 1, 12:11 pm, "PieR."  wrote:
>> > Hi,
>> > I have a sfTask in CLI wich use lot of foreach and preg_matches, and
>> > unfortunatly PHP return an error "Allowed memory size" in few
>> > minutes.
>> > I read that PHP clear the memory when a script ends, so I tried to run
>> > tasks inside the main task, but the problem still remains.
>> > How to manage this memory issue ? clear memory or launch tasks in
>> > separate processes ?
>> > The final aim is to build a web crawler, wich runs many hours per
>> > days.
>> > Thanks in advance for help,
>> > Regards,
>> > Pierre
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[symfony-users] sfValidatorDate for accepting 11.12.1973 and 11 Dec 1973 from sfWidgetFormInput()

2010-09-01 Thread Jochen Daum

I'd like to collect a birth date from a normal input field (I *hate*
date dropdowns, especially for birthdays)

So I've tried this regex for the date_format, but it doesn't work:

$this->setValidator('dob',new sfValidatorDate(array('required'=>true,

'date_format' => "=(?P[0-9]{1,2})(\.|/|\s)".


This one works:

$this->setValidator('dob',new sfValidatorDate(array('required'=>true,

'date_format' => "=(?P[0-9]{1,2})(\.|/|\s)".

Alternatively, sfValidatorDate is supposed to recognise strtotime
compatible strings? How can I make it look at that as well?

Kind Regards,


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Re: [symfony-users] Can't get app.yml working for me

2010-09-01 Thread Jochen Daum
Michael, Sid,

thanks very much for the quick response.

Its was a combination of typo (thanks for making a typo Michael!), not
using the full path and symfony cc

app.yml is now:

organisation_id: 1

Code is now:

$x = sfConfig::get('app_mbc_organisation_id');

Thanks again!

Sid, good to see you here.

On Thu, Sep 2, 2010 at 1:21 PM, Michael Dichirico
> I had a typo. should be an 's', not a 'z':
> $x = sfConfig::get('app_mbc_organisation_id');
> On Wed, Sep 1, 2010 at 6:19 PM, Michael Dichirico 
> wrote:
>> Untested, but I believe this is what you need:
>> # default values
>> all:
>>   .mbc:
>>     organisation_id: 1
>>   .mail:
>>     method: native
>> and then:
>> $x = sfConfig::get('app_mbc_organization_id');
>> On Wed, Sep 1, 2010 at 6:10 PM, Jochen Daum  wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I have /config/app.yml:
>>> # You can find more information about this file on the symfony website:
>>> #
>>> # default values
>>> all:
>>>  mbc:
>>>    organisation_id: 1
>>>  mail:
>>>    method: native
>>> and in a doctrine form class, use:
>>> $x = sfConfig::get('app_mbc');
>>> But $x is always null, what do I do wrong?
>>> Kind Regards,
>>> Jochen
>>> --
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[symfony-users] Can't get app.yml working for me

2010-09-01 Thread Jochen Daum

I have /config/app.yml:

# You can find more information about this file on the symfony website:

# default values
organisation_id: 1

method: native

and in a doctrine form class, use:

$x = sfConfig::get('app_mbc');

But $x is always null, what do I do wrong?

Kind Regards,


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[symfony-users] difference of route_prefix on apps/app/config/routing.yml and apps/app/modules/module/config/generator.yml

2010-09-01 Thread Jochen Daum

out of interest, why does a generator.yml driven module ignore the
route settings in config/route.yml and needs the settings defined in
apps/app/modules/module/config/generator.yml - also the setting in
generator.yml appears to be somehow wrong


I have in


  class: sfDoctrineRouteCollection
module:   staff
prefix_path:  /staff
column:   id
with_wildcard_routes: true

But when I go to I get an error message:

The route "_new" does not exist.

Only when I add

route_prefix to generator.yml of the module

  class: sfDoctrineGenerator
model_class:   Person
theme: admin
non_verbose_templates: true
with_show: false
singular:  ~
route_prefix:  person_staff
with_doctrine_route:   true

it works.

Any help with understanding this appreciated

Kind Regards,


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Re: [symfony-users] Re: How to validate: "required: true" for foreign key

2010-08-26 Thread Jochen Daum
Hi Raphael,

On Thu, Aug 26, 2010 at 11:07 PM, Raphael Schumacher
> This is quite easy. The validator that the (Doctrine-generated) class
> BaseOrganisationForm is setting up, is fine and doesn't need to be
> replaced. Just add the required option to that validator, such as
> follows:
> In the configure() method of your form class:
> true);
wicked, I shall look at Base classes first!

Kind Regards,


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Re: [symfony-users] Re: missing field names in posted form --> Unexpected extra form field "0" ...

2010-08-26 Thread Jochen Daum

this could have to do with the suhosin patch that ships with Ubuntu
and Debian systems. It may be configured stricter on your server than
on your dev PC. Or, if you somehow manually installed PHP on your dev
machine, you may not have it ay all.  I can;t recall your error
message though from running into it.

On Thu, Aug 26, 2010 at 6:09 PM, Lutz  wrote:
> Just in case somebody read my question and was wondering 
> The problem seems to be related to access rights on the Sever and does
> not seem to have
> anything special to do with Symfony.
> I was able to reproduce and show the mysterious behaviour by just
> printing the received $_POST and without
> any involvement of Symfony in the reception.
> Still wondering how to fix this reliably ...
> Cheers,
> Lutz
> On 23 Aug., 22:40, Lutz  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I do have a problem in processing forms on my hosts server.
>> I am using the sfDoctrineApply-Plugin and stumbled over the problem
>> with the sfApplyForm and the execute apply action. These files are
>> unmodified with respect to a fresh plugin installation.
>> The processing of the posted form works fine on my development PC.
>> The very same project copied to my hosts server leads to a message
>> 'Unexpected extra form field "x"' where the x stands for the position
>> of the parameter in the parameter array.
>> Checking the Request Details in the Debug Toolbar shows a difference
>> between the two systems:
>> Result on my dev-PC (works perfectly fine, the index names are
>> correctly set):
>> ...
>> parameterHolder:
>>   action: apply
>>   module: sfApply
>>   sfApplyApply: { username: usr_name, password: pwdpwdpwd, password2:
>> pwdpwdpwd, email: email1, email2: email2, fullname: 'full name', id:
>> '', _csrf_token: 8909056ff9b94213c66e5b9554d233f5 }
>> ...
>> Result on the host-server (failing, the index names are not set, so
>> the binding fails ... I guess)
>> ...
>> parameterHolder:
>>   action: apply
>>   module: sfApply
>>   sfApplyApply: [usr_name, pwdpwdpwd, pwdpwdpwd, email1, email2, 'full
>> name', '', 073aae6e16feaa1de4ea0be45d73fb94]
>> ...
>> I wonder why the host-server somewhere loses the index-names? Btw. I
>> don't have access to the php.ini on the host-server.
>> Has anybody an idea what is going wrong?
>> I use Symfony version: 1.4.3 .
>> PHP-version on my Dev-PC is:
>> php: 5.3.2-1ubuntu4.2 (as you see Ubuntu 10.04 with Apache)
>> PHP-version on server:
>> php: 5.3.2 (I don't know which Hardware/OS/Web-Server)
>> With best regards,
>> Lutz Pape
> --
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[symfony-users] How to validate: "required: true" for foreign key

2010-08-26 Thread Jochen Daum

I have schema.yml (extract) as follows:

id: { type: integer(4), notnull: true, unique: true, primary:
true, autoincrement: true }
name: { type: string(100), notnull: true }
hnr_street: { type: string(200), notnull: true }
suburb: { type: string(50), notnull: true }
city: { type: string(50), notnull: true }
postcode: { type: string(5), notnull: true }
email: { type: string(120) }
organisation_id: { type: integer(4) }
Organisation: { local: organisation_id, foreignAlias: StaffMemberList }

id: { type: integer(4), notnull: true, unique: true, primary:
true, autoincrement: true }
name: { type: string(100), notnull: true, unique: true }
primary_address: { type: string(255), notnull: true }
postal_address: { type: string(255), notnull: true }
phone: { type: string(25), notnull: true }
fax: { type: string(25) }

Organisation_id allows for null, because there will be 3 types of
people stored in there with 3 forms attached to it.

In one form, I need to make organisation_id required. What validator
would you recommend. Do I need to use sfValidatorChoice and load all
data from the Organisation table? Or should I check for a number?

Thanks for any help.

Kind Regards,


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[symfony-users] Please advice code structure for Google Maps auto-correct of address

2010-08-23 Thread Jochen Daum

for my application here I need to "auto-correct" an address with
Google Maps. What I mean by that is someone may enter

1 Wellington street, Herne bay, Auckland

but because of suburb dependent business logic I need

1 Wellington Street, Freemans Bay, Auckland, 1011

which would be returned from Google Maps.

So I want my textarea to send the request to Google Maps onBlur. How
do I structure my code for this, if I need this functionality in
multiple modules. Do I create a plugin, but what url do I call then?
How is access control handled? Is there jquery already bundled
somehow, or where do I put that?

Thanks for any pointers,


P.S.: I don't need help with the Google API

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Re: [symfony-users] Re: Doctrine/MySQL: double up of id index

2010-08-23 Thread Jochen Daum

On Tue, Aug 24, 2010 at 11:08 AM, pghoratiu  wrote:
>> this may sound quite minor, but I'm just getting into Symfony and am
>> interested in some of the details.
>> When I run symfony doctrine:insert-sql, the tables created always have
>> a duplicate index, one called PRIMARY and one called id. Normally this
>> wouldn't matter much, I'm just wondering for big tables, if the index
>> wouldn't eat up unnecessary buffer space. Can this be configured to
>> create only the PRIMARY index?> Post the schema you use.
> Usually a PK ID is autogenerated for a given table if none was
> specified.

for example this:

   id: { type: integer(4), notnull: true, unique: true, primary:
true, autoincrement: true }
   name: { type: string(100) }

Kind Regards,

Jochen Daum

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Re: [symfony-users] Send Mails

2010-08-23 Thread Jochen Daum

On Tue, Aug 24, 2010 at 10:51 AM, vero  wrote:
> I have tried configuring my computer to use the fuction mail() .
> I have tried use Zend Framework,, exactly like in jobeet.
> But nothing works. The code was compiled, but no email was send.
> Please, help me! I need e-mails in my project.



What operating system? Windows: Does your ISP require authentication?
(if yes, need to install a local Mail server, try Hamster) Linux:
Postfix installed?

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[symfony-users] resubmit login on certain module actions, every x minutes

2010-08-23 Thread Jochen Daum

I have an application that requires an additional resubmission of
login, if you are accessing certain personal information - similar to
some online banking when you make certain transactions. I'd like it to
prompt a login, if you haven't accessed specific sections for say 5

Is there a plugin for this? If not, do I simply access the session
directly and display the login page? I don't want to log people out
per se, rather to show the login page if they access certain actions.

Thanks for any pointers,


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[symfony-users] Doctrine/MySQL: double up of id index

2010-08-23 Thread Jochen Daum

this may sound quite minor, but I'm just getting into Symfony and am
interested in some of the details.

When I run symfony doctrine:insert-sql, the tables created always have
a duplicate index, one called PRIMARY and one called id. Normally this
wouldn't matter much, I'm just wondering for big tables, if the index
wouldn't eat up unnecessary buffer space. Can this be configured to
create only the PRIMARY index?

Kind Regards,

Jochen Daum

Chief Automation Officer
Automatem Ltd

Phone: 09 630 3425
Mobile: 021 567 853
Skype: jochendaum

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Re: [symfony-users] Application Desktop

2010-08-23 Thread Jochen Daum

On Mon, Aug 23, 2010 at 6:26 PM, Christopher Schnell
> Hi,
> could you name some of those commercial solutions?

I'm unsure if you want me to repeat my email or are you looking for
other options?

Kind Regards,


> Regards,
> Christopher.
> Von: []
> Im Auftrag von Benoit Montuelle
> Gesendet: Freitag, 20. August 2010 16:22
> An:
> Betreff: RE: [symfony-users] Application Desktop
> You could achieve this with various commercial solutions, like those quoted
> by Jochem. Others exists but as far as I know none for free or opensource.
> Another option is to go with a redistribuale VM (appliance) or create a
> custom ubuntu bootable cd that start servers and browser...
> Good luck
> From: Jochen Daum 
> Sent: vendredi 20 août 2010 12:05
> To:
> Subject: Re: [symfony-users] Application Desktop
> Hi,
> On Fri, Aug 20, 2010 at 7:43 PM, Christopher
> Schnell  wrote:
> This would be also very interesting to me.
> What I like to know is: Is there a way to transfer a symfony app (online
> running on apache with MySQL) with small efford to a small local webserver
> distributed on cd with sqlite or something? has someone done such a thing
> already?
> I've used Microweb in 2001 for this
> purpose. Well worth the money for the developer licence and super easy to
> set up.
> The biggest problem was to get DNS sorted for the CD, in the end we settled
> to run on
> Hope this helps,
> --
> If you want to report a vulnerability issue on symfony, please send it to
> security at
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
> Groups "symfony users" group.
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> --
> If you want to report a vulnerability issue on symfony, please send it to
> security at
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
> Groups "symfony users" group.
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> --
> If you want to report a vulnerability issue on symfony, please send it to
> security at
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> Groups "symfony users" group.
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[symfony-users] Re: correlated subquery in orderbY()

2010-08-21 Thread Jochen Daum

figured it out myself.

Couple of lines before my ->orderBy(), there is a line creating the query:

$query = Doctrine::getTable('Supplier')

> $query->orderBy("(SELECT AVG( supplier_rating_id ) FROM rating WHERE
> rating.supplier_id = DESC");

The table alias in the orderBy needs to match the alias specified in
createQuery('a') (alias is 'a'):

$query->orderBy("(SELECT AVG( supplier_rating_id ) FROM rating WHERE
rating.supplier_id = DESC");

At least that is what works, I guessed the answer.

Thanks again for reading.


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Re: [symfony-users] headers already sent

2010-08-20 Thread Jochen Daum
> Hi,
> On Sat, Aug 21, 2010 at 1:13 AM, bibob  wrote:
>> Bonjour,
>> lors du lancement d'un rapport d'administration au format .csv dans
>> l'actions.class.php du module concerné, j'ai le message, en fin de
>> fichier, "cannot modifiy header information - headers sent in /lib/
>> vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php" puis un paquet de
>> commandes HTML
>> J'ai vérifié la présence d'espace dans les scripts que j'ai modifiés,
>> j'ai retapé toutes les lignes, sans résultat. quelqu'un a-t-il une
>> solution ? Merci
> its nearly always some characters after the closing ?> of the file. I
> think this happens because of transmission/charset problems most of th
> time.
> Short term solution is to find the file which has the additional space
> characters. Long term remove ?> at the end of files. I don't know what
> Symfony's policy is for that.
> Kind Regards,
> Jochen Daum
> P.S.: My french is very weak.

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[symfony-users] correlated subquery in orderbY()

2010-08-20 Thread Jochen Daum
Hi all,
here is a problem I am stuck with:

I have a table supplier and would like to use a correlated subquery
for ordering of the results from this table:

$query->orderBy("(SELECT AVG( supplier_rating_id ) FROM rating WHERE
rating.supplier_id = DESC");

Doctrine rewrites this to
SELECT AS s__id, s.user_id AS s__user_id, s.company_name AS
s__company_name, s.supplier_name AS s__supplier_name,
s.physical_address AS s__physical_address, s.physical_town AS
s__physical_town, s.physical_postcode AS s__physical_postcode,
s.country_id AS s__country_id, s.full_postal_address AS
s__full_postal_address, s.telephone_1 AS s__telephone_1, s.telephone_2
AS s__telephone_2, s.telephone_3 AS s__telephone_3, s.fax AS s__fax,
s.email_1 AS s__email_1, s.email_2 AS s__email_2, s.email_3_paypal AS
s__email_3_paypal, s.instant_messaging_1 AS s__instant_messaging_1,
s.instant_messaging_2 AS s__instant_messaging_2, s.instant_messaging_3
AS s__instant_messaging_3, s.website_1 AS s__website_1, s.website_2 AS
s__website_2, s.type_of_supplier_id AS s__type_of_supplier_id,
s.type_other AS s__type_other, s.supplier_expertise_keywords AS
s__supplier_expertise_keywords, s.native_language_id AS
s__native_language_id, s.is_specialised_in_personal_doc AS
s__is_specialised_in_personal_doc, s.is_complete AS s__is_complete,
s.created_at AS s__created_at, s.updated_at AS s__updated_at FROM
supplier s ORDER BY (SELECT AVG(r.supplier_rating_id) AS r__0 FROM
rating r, supplier s2 WHERE (r.supplier_id = DESC

Can I somehow tell doctrine to make supplier correlated?

Thank you for any help.


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[symfony-users] Introduction

2010-08-20 Thread Jochen Daum

my name is Jochen Daum, I just wanted to introduce myself before I start to
deluge everyone with posts here.

I run a small web development here in Auckland, New Zealand and only have
minimal Symfony experience. I have however build and run my own in house
development framework which does some of the CRUD behaviours Symfony
provides. I've decided a while ago to ditch it in favor of Symfony and was
lucky enough someone on my team has extensive Symfony experience. So I have
done some maintenance on two projects and learned so far: adding fields to
models and forms incl. migration tasks and changing form layouts and other
bits and pieces.

Is there an FAQ for this mailing list or any other specific rules I should
be aware of?

Is there any resources apart from the documentation that
I can look at to get an overview of detail settings. So far I found them a
good introduction, but there are immediate detail questions (for example how
do --themes work). Also, searching on Google I find it hard to find 1.3/1.4
information, information about 1.0 seems to always come out on top.

Finally, it is appropriate to cross-post from/to time delay for unanswered issues?) or
are the audiences the same?

Kind Regards,

Jochen Daum

Chief Automation Officer
Automatem Ltd

Phone: 09 630 3425
Mobile: 021 567 853
Skype: jochendaum

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Re: [symfony-users] Application Desktop

2010-08-20 Thread Jochen Daum

On Fri, Aug 20, 2010 at 7:43 PM, Christopher Schnell <> wrote:

> This would be also very interesting to me.
> What I like to know is: Is there a way to transfer a symfony app (online
> running on apache with MySQL) with small efford to a small local webserver
> distributed on cd with sqlite or something? has someone done such a thing
> already?

I've used Microweb in 2001 for this
purpose. Well worth the money for the developer licence and super easy to
set up.

The biggest problem was to get DNS sorted for the CD, in the end we settled
to run on

Hope this helps,

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[symfony-users] Re: sfGuardUser module - updating a user will blank users profile(unless you modify the generator.yml)?

2009-10-09 Thread Daum is the ticket fyi.

On Oct 9, 10:47 am, Daum  wrote:
> Yep just saw another person with the same problem.  Wanted to see if
> anyone else had the trouble before too.
> Daum
> On Oct 8, 1:46 pm, Alexandru-Emil Lupu  wrote:
> > Daun, i do not want to be impolite: I haven't notice this behavior yet, but
> > i would suggest you to create a ticket on plugin's repository.
> > Alecs
> > On Thu, Oct 8, 2009 at 4:29 PM, Daum  wrote:
> > > I recently noticed that if you are using the sfGuardUser module
> > > without any modifications and in your app.yml you have defined the
> > > user profile class it will blank the users profile whenever you update
> > > the users password(or permissions) via the module.
> > > I looked into this a bit more.  I believe it is occurring because the
> > > plugin's form sfGuardUserAdminForm checks to see if the profile class
> > > exists, if so it will merge the form into the user form.  However the
> > > generator.yml has the following display line:
> > >          "NONE":                   [username, password,
> > > password_again]
> > >          "Permissions and groups": [is_active, is_super_admin,
> > > sf_guard_user_group_list, sf_guard_user_permission_list]
> > > So the problem here is then the extra form fields from the user's
> > > profile are not shown.  When it posts, the user profile fields do no
> > > post(as they are not displayed), it again merges the form and then
> > > does a save on the profile(thus blanking it).  If you have a required
> > > profile field it will never allow you to save and return you with the
> > > generic error The item has not been saved due to some errors.  The
> > > error will not show you which field is the problem as the profile is
> > > not displaying.
> > > Has anyone noticed this?  I am not sure of the best solution as if you
> > > drop the display list in the generator.yml you'll lose your labels,
> > > however it needs to be altered to allow the profile fields to be
> > > displayed.
> > > Daum
> > --
> > As programmers create bigger & better idiot proof programs, so the universe
> > creates bigger & better idiots!
> > I am on web:
> > I am on twitter:
> > I am on linkedIn:
> > Tel: (+4)0748.543.798
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[symfony-users] Re: sfGuardUser module - updating a user will blank users profile(unless you modify the generator.yml)?

2009-10-09 Thread Daum

Yep just saw another person with the same problem.  Wanted to see if
anyone else had the trouble before too.


On Oct 8, 1:46 pm, Alexandru-Emil Lupu  wrote:
> Daun, i do not want to be impolite: I haven't notice this behavior yet, but
> i would suggest you to create a ticket on plugin's repository.
> Alecs
> On Thu, Oct 8, 2009 at 4:29 PM, Daum  wrote:
> > I recently noticed that if you are using the sfGuardUser module
> > without any modifications and in your app.yml you have defined the
> > user profile class it will blank the users profile whenever you update
> > the users password(or permissions) via the module.
> > I looked into this a bit more.  I believe it is occurring because the
> > plugin's form sfGuardUserAdminForm checks to see if the profile class
> > exists, if so it will merge the form into the user form.  However the
> > generator.yml has the following display line:
> >          "NONE":                   [username, password,
> > password_again]
> >          "Permissions and groups": [is_active, is_super_admin,
> > sf_guard_user_group_list, sf_guard_user_permission_list]
> > So the problem here is then the extra form fields from the user's
> > profile are not shown.  When it posts, the user profile fields do no
> > post(as they are not displayed), it again merges the form and then
> > does a save on the profile(thus blanking it).  If you have a required
> > profile field it will never allow you to save and return you with the
> > generic error The item has not been saved due to some errors.  The
> > error will not show you which field is the problem as the profile is
> > not displaying.
> > Has anyone noticed this?  I am not sure of the best solution as if you
> > drop the display list in the generator.yml you'll lose your labels,
> > however it needs to be altered to allow the profile fields to be
> > displayed.
> > Daum
> --
> As programmers create bigger & better idiot proof programs, so the universe
> creates bigger & better idiots!
> I am on web:
> I am on twitter:
> I am on linkedIn:
> Tel: (+4)0748.543.798
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[symfony-users] sfGuardUser module - updating a user will blank users profile(unless you modify the generator.yml)?

2009-10-08 Thread Daum

I recently noticed that if you are using the sfGuardUser module
without any modifications and in your app.yml you have defined the
user profile class it will blank the users profile whenever you update
the users password(or permissions) via the module.

I looked into this a bit more.  I believe it is occurring because the
plugin's form sfGuardUserAdminForm checks to see if the profile class
exists, if so it will merge the form into the user form.  However the
generator.yml has the following display line:

  "NONE":   [username, password,
  "Permissions and groups": [is_active, is_super_admin,
sf_guard_user_group_list, sf_guard_user_permission_list]

So the problem here is then the extra form fields from the user's
profile are not shown.  When it posts, the user profile fields do no
post(as they are not displayed), it again merges the form and then
does a save on the profile(thus blanking it).  If you have a required
profile field it will never allow you to save and return you with the
generic error The item has not been saved due to some errors.  The
error will not show you which field is the problem as the profile is
not displaying.

Has anyone noticed this?  I am not sure of the best solution as if you
drop the display list in the generator.yml you'll lose your labels,
however it needs to be altered to allow the profile fields to be


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