[Tails-dev] Check out Zello

2016-02-10 Thread forhadsajib1
It's a free push-to-talk app and I'd like to try it with you. My Zello username 
is fohad...@gmail.com. Click http://i.zello.com/DGUTOP to accept my invitation.

Sent from my symphony___
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[Tails-dev] Check out Zello

2016-02-10 Thread Forhad Sajib
It's a free push-to-talk app and I'd like to try it with you. My Zello
username is fohad...@gmail.com. Click http://i.zello.com/ICBIGG to accept
my invitation.
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[Tails-dev] Physical Ethernet Adapter

2016-02-10 Thread Spencer

> intrigeri:
> I'm sorry but there's nothing we can do 
> with this little info.


> bug report

No need (:

> usage questions.

It's a development question. 

I figured there was documentation; searched crickets.

My apologies.


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Re: [Tails-dev] vpwned + greeter

2016-02-10 Thread intrigeri
Jurre van Bergen wrote (11 Feb 2016 00:20:58 GMT) :
> On 02/11/2016 12:06 AM, intrigeri wrote:
>> Anyone wants to try out Subgraph Application Firewall (fw-daemon) in
>> the context of Tails?
> Let's see if I can do something here. I'll document a long the way.

Woohoo! I suggest starting with a very rough approach (instructions to
set it up manually from inside a running Tails), to evaluate how hard
it could be to use the thing in our context. I guess you'll need to
enable the GNOME Shell extension to make it work.

Then someone more at ease with Tails source tree can look into
integration, packaging, etc. further down the road, or help you do it.

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Re: [Tails-dev] vpwned + greeter

2016-02-10 Thread Jurre van Bergen

On 02/11/2016 12:06 AM, intrigeri wrote:
> Anyone wants to try out Subgraph Application Firewall (fw-daemon) in
> the context of Tails?
Let's see if I can do something here. I'll document a long the way.

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Re: [Tails-dev] Reducing attack surface of kernel and tightening firewall/sysctls

2016-02-10 Thread intrigeri

intrigeri wrote (05 Mar 2015 21:14:50 GMT) :
> intrigeri wrote (18 Jan 2015 21:45:15 GMT) :
>> I see this thread has been quiet for a bit more than a month.

>> Maybe it's time for someone to sum up whatever consensus was reached,
>> and whatever disagreement may still be remaining?

>> Jake, maybe?

> Ping?

OK, OK, here we go :)
Thank you all for your contribution!

I have compiled everything that everybody seemed to agree in this
thread, into a Git branch (feature/various-firewall-hardening).
I'll build it and run our automated test suite on it.

There's one question below, mainly for Oliver-Tobias, but anyone else
is free to have a look.

Anyone who participated in this thread, please consider checking my
summary below. This is _not_ my area of expertise, and it may very
well be that I got something wrong from your discussion, which is why
I was asking for someone else to sum it up a year ago.
Thanks in advance!

Note that all patches pasted below are entirely untested.

Regarding the firewall rules, I think the agreement that was reached

--- a/config/chroot_local-includes/etc/ferm/ferm.conf
+++ b/config/chroot_local-includes/etc/ferm/ferm.conf
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ domain ip {
 policy DROP;
 # Established incoming connections are accepted.
+mod state state (ESTABLISHED) ACCEPT;
 # Traffic on the loopback interface is accepted.
 interface lo ACCEPT;
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ domain ip {
 policy DROP;
 # Established outgoing connections are accepted.
+mod state state (ESTABLISHED) ACCEPT;
 # White-list access to local resources
 outerface lo {

So far, so good. Except one problem was raised about this change, i.e.
the potential for breaking stuff if a link along the way has a small
MTU. On this we have two messages from Oliver-Tobias:

Oliver-Tobias Ripka wrote (04 Dec 2014 01:06:11 GMT):
> there are some cases where TCP also depends on
> ICMP. What comes to mind is PATH MTU discovery. As TCP always has the DF
> bit set it, packets might get rejected by routers on the path that only
> allow for a small MTU. This results in an ICMP destination
> unreachable/fragmentation needed(DU/FN) message that has the "next hop mtu"
> value set.

> [...]

> The bottom line is that we should test if this theory above actually
> results in problems when sending large packets in these circumstances.

> Possible solutions would be to tweak the sysctls to allow the Kernel to
> determine an efficient MTU via black hole router detection and MTU
> probing.

If I understand correctly this means settig net.ipv4.tcp_mtu_probing=1.

I've tested this 9 months ago and at least it didn't break our
automated tests (https://labs.riseup.net/code/issues/9268#note-10).

> Another solution would be to explicitly allow this specific
> type of ICMP packet from the outside.

I'll go with the 1st solution for now, since if I got it right what
you meant, I have put time into understanding it meanwhile, and have
an implementation ready and tested. As opposed to this 2nd option,
which has no code yet, let alone tested code :)

> Maybe this may also be considered not to be an issue because small MTUs
> are not so common (mostly only if you are somewhere behind a Tunnel,
> VPN, 6in4,4in6...).

Oliver-Tobias Ripka wrote (09 Dec 2014 22:40:32 GMT):
> For the potential PATH MTU problem I saw Tor using fixed sizes segments
> that are quite small (about 500bytes). Thus PATH MTU should not be a
> problem besides extreme cases of network misconfiguration.

> Actually it might be a good idea to block these messages because if the
> network stack reacted to these ICMP messages it might allow a remote
> attacker to artificially lower the MTU of the segments sent. This may
> potentially make it easier to deanonymize a Tor user, I guess. Not sure
> if Tor can protect against this kind of attack as this may happen on
> the Kernel layer.

> You asked how to test it. Well I currently don't have a real router
> which I can configure to provide such a low MTU. But using software
> tools it is possible to simulate this: 1. route Tails through a Linux box
> with low MTU on the WAN interface. (Linux should send ICMP DF) 2. route
> Tails through Linux box with iptables rule dropping large packets and
> scapy script sniffing an sending ICMP DF for each large packet.

Note that we had a discussion about MTU earlier, that suggested that
current Tails might not be supporting low MTU already:

So my take on this is that we should not bother too much about low
MTU, that seem uncommon and possibly already broken; and still, enable
MTU probing (Packetization Layer Path MTU Discovery, RFC 4821) as done
in our bugfix/9268-deal-with-smaller-MTU branch, in case it may help.
IMO this should 

Re: [Tails-dev] minimalist/anonymity-preserving DHCP clients

2016-02-10 Thread intrigeri

Jake, Daniel: any status update on this front?

Re-reading this sub-thread while killing some old email backlog made
me curious!

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Re: [Tails-dev] Hacking Team looking at Tails

2016-02-10 Thread intrigeri

intrigeri wrote (13 Jul 2015 08:24:36 GMT) :
>> o   Infecting USB device which appears to be a bootable disk (Antonio +
>> Giovanni)§ It will drop (release) the scout, then it will run
>> a wipe.

> Seems to be the same, but from a running and already infected
> non-Tails OS, when a Tails USB stick is plugged in it. That's more
> concerning. We should check if we're communicating clearly enough
> that:

>  * the OS used to install or upgrade a Tails device can corrupt it
>  * plugging one's Tails device in an untrusted OS is dangerous

I don't think this has been checked. This thread teaches us that such
targetted attacks against Tails are not theoretical, so I think we
should warn our users against it ⇒ I've created
https://labs.riseup.net/code/issues/11102 so it's tracked somewhat
better than in our inboxes.

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Re: [Tails-dev] vpwned + greeter

2016-02-10 Thread intrigeri

[given this is an old thread, I'll be quoting more widely than usual.]

anonym wrote (02 Dec 2014 13:10:53 GMT) :
> I think there arguments both for and against allowing post-session
> security decisions (and I'm trying to be a bit more general here):

> * Pro 1: if people are frequently frustrated by some security decision,
> they will train a tendency to always pick the less secure option without
> thinking. Having to reboot to redo the decision is frustrating. Allowing
> it to happen during the session removes that frustration, and may make
> the user more happy to pick the default, more secure option.

> * Pro 2: with post-session decisions, the insecure option can be enabled
> temporarily, only when needed, reducing the duration of exposure. At
> least it is much less frustrating compared to yet another reboot. (This
> doesn't make sense in some cases, like compromised hardware with DMA
> access, which presumably would run it's attack immediately.)

> * Con 1: if the Live user account is compromised during the session, the
> attacker can make these decisions, potentially deepening the compromise
> further.

> * Con 2: at least some things are much harder to implement in such a
> dynamic way (allowing/disallowing LAN ports is easy, though).

I'm curious how it is "easy" to implement this with good UX.

> I'm sure there are more pros and cons, and I think we need to identify
> these and weigh them against each other. As for the feature in question,
> I think "Pro 1" and "Pro 2" are individually stronger than "Con 1", and
> "Con 2" doesn't even apply.

It seems to me this call for something like

... that now has some Debian packaging:

for more pointers on this topic.

I wonder if we should go directly this way, or if it's still worth
getting ourselves safer (but static) defaults, as suggested a year
+ the Gobby idea:
(the captive portal idea from this last mail makes me think we should
simply give the Unsafe Browser full access to the LAN)

Anyone wants to try out Subgraph Application Firewall (fw-daemon) in
the context of Tails?

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Re: [Tails-dev] About the download and verification of test images

2016-02-10 Thread intrigeri

first of all: thanks a lot for working on improving this key step of
Tails user experience, and in particular of first-time UX!

I'm sorry it took me a month to reply. I've been busy with work, and
also with spending great time to avoid working too much.

Also, I'm concerned that so few of us have time to spend on this
questions from the technical/security PoV, which hasn't been
motivating me to reply promptly. I'll be the one to do it once more,
because hey, our dear UX/web/design/doc people will have to make
a decision anyway, so better have at least another pair of eyes with
a different skillset look at it. I'd love to see us improve the UX/dev
interface in the future, though. I think that all parties have
something to learn, something to gain, and some things to improve on
this topic. Time to re-read the notes from our 2015 summit about
it? :)

sajolida wrote (12 Jan 2016 15:47:16 GMT) :
> As part of our work on integrating the new installation assistant and
> ISO verification extension in the rest of the website, we need to decide
> how to advertise the download and verification of test ISO images as
> these ones won't be available through the ISO verification extension
> (the extension only allows downloading the latest official ISO image).

> Until now we were using buttons to the direct download of ISO images and
> their signature. See for example
> https://tails.boum.org/news/test_2.0-beta1/index.en.html.

[snipping bits about OpenPGP verification -- anyone who cares, this is
now #11027, that is a related but quite broader topic]

> Does this sound reasonable to you for test images?

When reading this initially I didn't understand what was the actual
proposal, and am still struggling to find it in the message I'm
replying to. But it's my bad in the end: I've asked clarifications to
sajolida last month about it, and failed to take note of his reply, so
I'm kinda back to square one. Oops, sorry!

So please take my comments with a grain of salt, it's entirely
possible that I misunderstood what is the exact proposal we
should discuss.

In principle, I'm totally fine with _not_ integrating test images into
the installation assistant (IA). I have three half-good reasons to think
it's OK:

 * We clearly state that such images are not as trustworthy as actual
   releases, which (I guess) implies that most users who choose to
   test them entrust them with sensitive data, which implies that
   a poor verification process is no big deal in most cases.

 * Our dear IA/DAVE team has already spent much more time than planned
   on producing the great thing that is live on our website.

 * I expect mostly power-users to try our test images, so hopefully
   they will be able to download, verify and install them in some
   other way:
- download: direct link to the ISO is enough
- verify: see below
- install: I think it's fair enough to assume that the majority of
  thetarget user base of these test images will know how to do
  this; I'll leave it as an exercice for our dear sajolida to find
  out how to nicely convey this message in calls for testing we
  issue :)

>From my perspective, none of these reasons would be fully convincing
in itself, but all added up the conclusion totally makes sense to me.

I find it important that we preserve the ability, for skilled users
who desire so, to verify such an image with a proper cryptographic
trust path leading from Tails developers to the end-user. I don't mean
to interfere with the IA/DAVE team's work, in terms of how exactly
this is implemented, so I'll stick to phrase what I think we should do
at this abstraction level. For the mere purpose of illustrating why
I say "preserve" above, not meaning the need has to be satisfied
exactly this way forever and ever: currently we provide this ability
thanks to a detached OpenPGP signature, made with a key whose security
and usage policy is well thought and advertised, and that is pretty
well linked to the OpenPGP web-of-trust.

> As an improvement, shall we point people to
> https://archive.torproject.org/ when downloading these?

If the administrators of this service are fine with it, why not: it
will give better download verification for non-power-users. But then
these very same people might be stuck with a nice ISO image and no
documentation about how to install it (see above). There's certainly
a set of Tails users who know by heart how to install an ISO without
any doc, but don't know how to use the WoT, and are keen to try our
test images, but all in all I'm not sure the advantage it's worth the
effort. I say: your time+energy, your call.

Minor implementation detail: last time I checked carefully, only one
of the two mirrors behind this hostname was serving our stuff, which
is why (last time I checked) only one of those was in our round-robin
pool of HTTP mirrors. If it's still the case, then we cannot do what
you propose. This situation may very well have changed, I dunno.

sajolida w

Re: [Tails-dev] Static Tor guards across restarts of Tails

2016-02-10 Thread intrigeri

sajolida wrote (13 Jan 2016 11:38:11 GMT) :
> Jesse V:
> Hi Jesse, thanks for brainstorming on this.

Yay, thanks a lot!

>> However, what if Tails prompted the user for a passphase or a series of
>> words that was then used to select the Tor guards? If the user types in
>> a string X, then we can seed a PRNG with the hash of X, then use the
>> PRNG to select a set of Tor guard nodes. It's probably possible to
>> define the guards by communicating with Tor's control port, or you could
>> also write them directly into Tor's state file before starting Tor.
>> For example, if the user types in "correct horse battery staple",
>> then we can run this through SHA-256, producing
>> 73fe04e5a7a16dbe16492a8773036db1646d87e22337b1c64aae0afab788b626
>> This hash then initializes the Mersenne Twister PRNG, which then
>> scrambles the list of Tor relays with the Guard flag. The first three
>> nodes are then written for Tor to use. I'm sure there's a way to weigh
>> the selection by consensus weight in the normal Tor fashion, but this
>> should basically work.
>> I think it's important that a hash is used in order to mask any
>> identifiable words that are in the initial seed. It also has the
>> advantage of avoiding some of the (potential) problems with certain
>> seeds of Mersenne Twister, so I think this is a good idea in general.
>> What do you guys think? Has this been proposed before?

> This looks like what has been considered in the second bullet point of
> "Discarded ideas" on this blueprint. Note that if I understand the
> blueprint correctly, it has been "discarded" as a good option for the
> entropy pool but not for the persistent Tor state.

Well, no, this is not what we meant on the blueprint. Let me explain.

What has been discarded is "requesting user input once, both to
parameterize Entry Guard selection, and for seeding the entropy pool".
The key word here is "both", as explained later in this bullet point.

However, we did not reject the idea of making Entry Guard selction
a function of some user input, quite the contrary: the "Third
iteration (low-priority)" section has provision to do so, "for people
who don't use persistence".

As stated on the blueprint, this idea is an early draft. It may be
flawed or suboptimal, and Jesse V's idea might be very useful to
improve this 3rd iteration of our plan. I'm very happy if people work
on refining this 3rd iteration. Personally, I'll try to focus on
getting the 1st and 2nd iterations implemented before I dive too
deeply into the 3rd one.

Jesse: you might be interested in reading the criticism that Patrick
Schleizer posted on this list, about our proposal for the 1st
iteration, though. I would love to get some help on this!
The corresponding thread is "Persistent Tor start in Tails vs location
aware Tor entry guards (LATEG)". I haven't had time to put much
thought into it lately, and it seems that Patrick has
a) one major concern about us OS integrators tweaking the Entry Guard
selection _at all_, that I happen to disagree with; b) at least one
possible attack scenario that is worth analyzing to see if/how it
affects our proposed design. I won't elaborate more here, since we
have an ongoing dedicated thread on this topic :)

> So, maybe you're option would be good as a fallback for when there is no
> persistent storage. 

This looks like what I'm pointing to above :)

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Re: [Tails-dev] #10972 Port tails to arm platforms

2016-02-10 Thread intrigeri

Tails wrote (31 Jan 2016 17:59:43 GMT) :
>>> > But isn't there a tails test repro, where I can upload arm packages to 
>>> > test?

I'm sorry, I think I don't understand what you mean to test, exactly.

>>> > BUT isn't there anybody who has a more pwoerfull test environment?
>> I could provide you with a Debian VM if you want!
> Thanks & good to know, could be a way if I don't find a suitable "place"
> ... anyhow if possible I would prefer an environment I can access
> physically. It's not built/made up over night.

What do you want to do with this "test environment"?
How should it be specified?

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Re: [Tails-dev] Physical Ethernet Adapter

2016-02-10 Thread intrigeri

Spencer wrote (09 Feb 2016 18:21:15 GMT) :
> Trying to use ethernet adapter on device with no ethernet port.

> Ethernet is supported on 2.0, it seems, with a device that has an ethernet 
> port.

> Ethernet adapter is for linux kernel.

> Tried, what I understood, from #10522 and #9012 but didn't get very far.

I'm sorry but there's nothing we can do with this little info.

Please send a complete bug report, that should include all the info
our frontdesk people will need to help you debug the problem:

Note that this mailing-list is not suitable for usage questions.

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Re: [Tails-dev] Allowing all people with Redmine "Contributor" status to edit ticket description?

2016-02-10 Thread u

> Is it fine with you folks if I give the right to these people to edit
> ticket descriptions? I'll go ahead in a few days unless there
> are objections.

I agree. People who have the Contributor status currently have somehow
requested it or entered in contact with us, so I'm fine with this.

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[Tails-dev] Allowing all people with Redmine "Contributor" status to edit ticket description?

2016-02-10 Thread intrigeri

currently, most of us have the "Contributor" role in Redmine, and
have thus fairly limited credentials. E.g. until a few days ago they
could not add watchers, and they still cannot edit a ticket's description.

Note that the power associated with a given Redmine user role are
global on this Redmine instance, and thus shared with other projects,
so we can't just take over what "Contributor" means.

I will then create a new user role called "TailsContributor", based on
the "Contributor" one, that will give us more flexibility to give more
permissions to our contributors, as we wish.

Is it fine with you folks if I give the right to these people to edit
ticket descriptions? I'll go ahead in a few days unless there
are objections.

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