Re: [OSM-talk] Student Project Ideas?

2010-03-10 Thread Tom Hughes
On 10/03/10 21:14, Graham Jones wrote:

>5. An interesting suggestion to improve the 'History' list, which
>   would also help the rendering process - I liked the sound of this
>   as this is one of the few suggestions for projects involving the
>   'core' of OSM.  The reply suggested that this was already being
>   worked on - is the solution actually progressing, or would it be
>   useful to see if a student was interested in looking at it?  It is
>   an opportunity to nurture someone to understand the innards of OSM?

The backend technology exists and is running on the dev server - it is 
what drives the dupe nodes map. Work on user interfaces is ongoing.

> On this I did just try to look for the API 0.7 feature list, but can't
> find it - is anyone thinking about what the next version of the API will
> do, or do we think we are about there, and we are actually using 1.0?
> If there are features to add, then these could be potential projects?

It's in the wiki somewhere but I don't think there's anything very 
useful or helpful there.


Tom Hughes (

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Re: [OSM-talk] Student Project Ideas?

2010-03-10 Thread Bernhard zwischenbrugger

I have a project:
If you have nothing else just copy/paste from snip to snap and correct 
my bad english.

title: It's about zooming the browser maps...

The javascript map library khtmlib is a free library to display maps in 
It has a simple API to display map tiles at the browser window in a very 
fast way.
Also the simple vector graphics circle, path and area are supported.
The API provides a complete WGS84 cordinate system and frees programmers
of thinking in screen x,y coordinates.

Browsers like webkit or opera are doing this job quiet well but  webkit 
has a bad bugs with  image loading.
Firefox is slow, but I'm sure it will change.

To have a fast javascript browser map that can easily compete with 
google or bing map will be the result of this project.

The way to get a fast map is  benchmarking and that is this GsoC Projekt

Our unit is frames per second!
Most of the map libs and browsers are able to move the map
in a usable or smooth way.
To win a new dimension in map browsing we need the z-Axis. Also smooth 
A nice, responsive, smooth zoom opens a new intuitive way to explore the 

Like in video games we have a more usable map if we have more frames per 
Most of the computers have the hardware to show perfect frame rates.
 From javascript to the screen, there are some problems.

This library has an interface to measure frames per seconds. It was used 
to opitimice speed while developing.

the project details===

Automatic Banchmark tests:
Calling the API in a loop is easy done in a for loop. Counting from 
1..18 in small steps can result in a zoom and 1000 frames.

o moving the map
o zooming the map
(o caching)

10,100,1000,1 vektor lines, areas, circles
Map size on screen
Browser (navigator.userAgent)

Visual feedback:
The tester should see the map and should be able to judge about the 
behavior of the browser.
Is flickering...

Some browsers are cheating. Pointer devices deliver lots of events and 
every event is a task. Now it's programming with parallel tasks and to 
have good speed, serializing is nesessary. To serialize this tasks is 
not easy. Firefox starts extra tasks to render images and gives a 
success message bevor the work is done.
It can result in flickering image or speed penalty  the automatic test 
does not recognice.

API Dokumentation
The API should be documented in a half automatic way. (grep 
this.xyyx=function in js)

Collecting results:
Like other browser benchmark tests, this test can be done by many users.
For collecting results, there must be an AJAX feedback collector.
This feedback should be generated without user action.
The user must be able to add more information and send it to a central 
db (one click).
As a result of this action, the result will be displayed on a ranking.
There must also be an administrator option to delete entries.
A Highscore in gameboy or what ever design! would be ok.

If there are many Chrome on the  top of the list, it's very likely that 
Chrome is the fastest browser.
To prevent manipulation a simple ip based system should be ok. 1 IP == 1 
(ignoring proxys,...)
If the test provides a faster benchmark result on this IP adress, the 
faster result overwrites the slower.


Display vector data on browser is not widly used because of Internet 
Explorer is blocking SVG.
For map data it is essential.
There must be a diagram that showed the framerate and the number of 
lines in an x,y diagram.

The library:
(I made this library and did put it under GPL)

The library khtmlib is not perfect at all. It's buggy but fast.
At least it is a prove of concept.

To see it live go to:

Please use Chrome 5 (faster than 4), Safari or Opera 10.50 (windows). 
Try to zoom on cached tiles.

Project Home:


Firefox does not provide the same speed at the moment. Internet Explorer 
does not work at all (evt.pageX).
I'm working here on a netbook and have no idea how it works in 
fullscreen on a 24" monitor.

That's my project idea. A benchmark test for my map lib.
Maybe it's also help for the programmer of this lib to make it really good.
In a few days I hope to have some more documentation and I will give 
more informations about the khtmlib.

Btw. I'm still in Phnom Penh but in a few days I will continue traveling 
to Laos.


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Re: [OSM-talk] Student Project Ideas?

2010-03-10 Thread Tom Hughes
On 10/03/10 17:30, Steve Hosgood wrote:

> What you need is to generate a "dirty-tiles" list for every edit-session
> in the database and only display the edit-sessions whose "dirty-tiles"
> list includes tiles that you're looking at with slippy-map at that time.
> Obviously, this is a crude description of a solution - many
> optimisations would be needed if it was to be implemented for real.
> Does that sound worthy?

Yes, which is why somebody is already working on it.


Tom Hughes (

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Student Project Ideas?

2010-03-10 Thread Stefan de Konink
Op 10-03-10 17:50, Tom Hughes schreef:
> Um... It's the Summer of CODE not the Summer of Writing Reports?

Interestingly there were projects in the past such as the kornshell 
project mentored by Sun that actually was not about coding, but about 
management task to facilitate the placement of some new code.

So it is not about writing C(ode) per se, anything that helps the open 
source development could be in the summer of code project.


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Re: [OSM-talk] Student Project Ideas?

2010-03-10 Thread Ian Dees
On Wed, Mar 10, 2010 at 10:50 AM, Tom Hughes  wrote:

> On 10/03/10 16:31, Ian Dees wrote:
>  For example, one of the requirements in the "simple editor" that I've
>> been sketching in my doodle-notebook is to have an extremely fast
>> "nearest way" lookup. I imagine something like that could be written,
>> documented, and demonstrated in one Summer.
> We've had lots of projects in previous years that were written, documented
> and demonstrated. Then they sat in svn slowly rotting for evermore...
> I'm not quite sure what you're actually suggesting here - if you're talking
> about a new API call for the rails port to return the nearest way to a point
> then that is certainly not a big enough project to be GSOC worthy - it's
> little more than a few hours work.

The point I was trying to make was to break down big projects into smaller
more manageable pieces and to bring those up as suggestions rather than
saying something like "let's not do GSoC because we only have ideas for huge
talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Student Project Ideas?

2010-03-10 Thread Tom Hughes
On 10/03/10 16:31, Ian Dees wrote:

> For example, one of the requirements in the "simple editor" that I've
> been sketching in my doodle-notebook is to have an extremely fast
> "nearest way" lookup. I imagine something like that could be written,
> documented, and demonstrated in one Summer.

We've had lots of projects in previous years that were written, 
documented and demonstrated. Then they sat in svn slowly rotting for 

I'm not quite sure what you're actually suggesting here - if you're 
talking about a new API call for the rails port to return the nearest 
way to a point then that is certainly not a big enough project to be 
GSOC worthy - it's little more than a few hours work.

> How about we ask a student to conduct a UX review (sit down with random
> people and have them interact with OSM and observe) and write a report?

Um... It's the Summer of CODE not the Summer of Writing Reports?


Tom Hughes (

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Student Project Ideas?

2010-03-10 Thread Karl Guggisberg


regarding JOSM the following would be interesting:

* graphical visualization of object history
   JOSM currently provides a very simple and crude view on an objects 
history. A graphical visualization would provide a more intuitive view
   on an objects history and the evolution of its key attributes on a 
  - the objects "weight", how it grew and shrinked in the past 
(with respect to number of tags or number of children like nodes and 
relation members)

  - the objects "churn", i.e. how often and when it was modified
  - the objects "ownership",  i.e. who was editing the object
   A "watch list" for interesting objects (i.e. large relations) would 
be interesting too.

* user interface for reverting individual objects to a previous version
* user interface for reverting a changeset (similar to what the perl 
scripts currently do, but with a nice user interface)

* next generation support for resolving conflicts:
  - classify conflicts according to "type of conflict" (state 
conflict, tag conflict, position conflict, etc.)

  - classify conflicts according to "severity"
  - visualization and manipulation of these conflict classes
  - provide functionality to select and resolve batches of 
conflicts with a certain type and a certain severity

* detecting, visualizing and resolving "map anomalies"


Am 10.03.2010 09:52, schrieb Graham Jones:

Hi Folks,

We have submitted an application for OSM to participate in this year's 
Google Summer of Code, so next week the people from Google will be 
reviewing the application and our project ideas list to chose which 
organisations to include in the programme.

Looking at the project ideas list 
( I am a 
bit surprised that there are no suggestions for student projects on 
the 'core' OSM databases.  The things I wondered are:

* Are there any areas for development of API version 0.7 that
  could be turned into a project for someone to work on?
* Would it be worth working on the XAPI server?  We had trouble
  last year with them being down, so I wondered if it would be
  worth developing a more 'conventional' postgresql version of the
  server that we could start-up easily if the others fail again? 
  I started to look at this at the time, but didn't get far

  because I got tied up in regular expressions rather than writing
  a parser myself.
* Without wanting to re-open the acrimonious debate again, could
  we turn development of the OSM web site into a project? (would
  have to check the GSoC rules for this, because there might not
  be much 'code' involved).
* How about the main editors - JOSM and Potlatch - are there any
  potential projects there?

Please give this a bit of thought, and add any ideas to the Wiki 
page!   If you don't have chance to do that, an email to me will do 
and I will add it.



Graham Jones
Hartlepool, UK

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