Forwarding HTML attachments

2010-07-30 Thread Jack S. LaRosa
Hello Bats!

I receive daily comic strips in the form of HTML.  Although TB! now
allows me to view these from within TB!, they each come with an HTML
attachment called MESSAGE.HTML. These attachments are represented as
FireFox icons and if you click on one, FireFox gets launched and goes
straight to the URL which contains the comic.

As a test I forwarded one of these to my GMAIL account and saw that,
prior to sending, the FireFox attachment was replaced by an attachment
called 1.EML.  The email I received in GMAIL showed that there *was*
an attachment (called 1.EML) but when I clicked on it, a screen full
of HTML code appeared.

Am I somehow not viewing the message properly from GMAIL or, since the
FireFox icon attachment is nowhere to be found when the message is
forwarded, cannot properly view the attachment?

Jack LaRosa

Using The Bat! ver:
Running Windows XP Pro ver 5 build 2600 Service Pack 3

Current version is 4.2.23 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Automatic backups

2010-07-30 Thread MFPA

On Thursday 29 July 2010 at 6:09:04 PM, in
, Costas Papadopoulos

> Please note that I never tried or tested the suggested backup
> method.

I use something very similar, having got the idea from this list but
since lost the reference - probably indirectly attributable to the
same source.

I export the registry key to the program directory and then use 7-zip
to create archives of the program directory and the mail directory;
the fourth most recent backup is deleted before creating the new one.
I don't run the batch file every time I run TB! because creating the
backup of my mail directory takes over 30 minutes and massively slows
my computer; the program directory backup only takes a few seconds. 
Than wrinkle aside, this system works very well.

Best regards

When you're caffeinated, all is right with the world

Using The Bat! v4.0.38 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600  

Current version is 4.2.23 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Forwarding HTML attachments

2010-07-30 Thread MFPA

On Friday 30 July 2010 at 3:16:20 PM, in
, Jack S. LaRosa wrote:

> Am I somehow not viewing the message properly from
> GMAIL or, since the FireFox icon attachment is nowhere
> to be found when the message is forwarded, cannot
> properly view the attachment?  

I can't answer your specific question about gmail but can report that
forwarding HTML emails in the normal way is unreliable for me. If I
forward the message as an attachment, it generally gets there intact.
For clarity, I mean that I attach the *entire* message to my outgoing 
email and not just the HTML attachment.

Try forwarding to an account you access through TB! and see if it can
be viewed properly. Better still, use POP or IMAP to look at your
gmail account; that might possibly show it was received properly but
the web interface has a problem.

Best regards

Always borrow money from a pessimist - they don't expect it back

Using The Bat! v4.0.38 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600  

Current version is 4.2.23 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Forwarding HTML attachments

2010-07-30 Thread Jack S. LaRosa
Hello MFPA,

On Friday, July 30, 2010 you wrote:

M> Hi

M> On Friday 30 July 2010 at 3:16:20 PM, in
M> , Jack S. LaRosa wrote:

>> Am I somehow not viewing the message properly from
>> GMAIL or, since the FireFox icon attachment is nowhere
>> to be found when the message is forwarded, cannot
>> properly view the attachment?  

M> I can't answer your specific question about gmail but can report that
M> forwarding HTML emails in the normal way is unreliable for me. If I
M> forward the message as an attachment, it generally gets there intact.
M> For clarity, I mean that I attach the *entire* message to my outgoing 
M> email and not just the HTML attachment.

M> Try forwarding to an account you access through TB! and see if it can
M> be viewed properly. Better still, use POP or IMAP to look at your
M> gmail account; that might possibly show it was received properly but
M> the web interface has a problem.

Prior to my installing v4.2.36.4 yesterday, FORWARDing an HTML email
always included the FireFox HTML attachment automatically in the
forward.  That feature was lost or misplaced in the latest version.

Upon receipt of your reply I started experimenting based on what you
wrote.  It never would have occurred to me to include the original
email from the comic strips as an attachment to my recipient. Before I
was successful in figuring out *how* to attach an entire email to an
outgoing email, I discovered that by right-clicking on the FireFox
attachment contained in the original email, I was presented with an
option to RESEND TO... Clicking on that drop-down menu option starts a
blank email with the FireFox attachment...attached.

Since I didn't care about the body of the original comics email,
resending the HTML attachment is really all I need.

But just out of curiosity, how *DO* you attach an entire email to
another outgoing email?

Jack LaRosa

Using The Bat! ver:
Running Windows XP Pro ver 5 build 2600 Service Pack 3

Current version is 4.2.23 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Forwarding HTML attachments

2010-07-30 Thread MFPA

On Friday 30 July 2010 at 5:32:03 PM, in
, Jack S. LaRosa wrote:

> Hello MFPA,

> On Friday, July 30, 2010 you wrote:

M>> Hi

M>> On Friday 30 July 2010 at 3:16:20 PM, in
M>> , Jack S.
M>> LaRosa wrote:

>>> Am I somehow not viewing the message properly from
>>> GMAIL or, since the FireFox icon attachment is
>>> nowhere to be found when the message is forwarded,
>>> cannot properly view the attachment?

M>> I can't answer your specific question about gmail but
M>> can report that forwarding HTML emails in the normal
M>> way is unreliable for me. If I forward the message as
M>> an attachment, it generally gets there intact. For
M>> clarity, I mean that I attach the *entire* message to
M>> my outgoing  email and not just the HTML attachment.

M>> Try forwarding to an account you access through TB!
M>> and see if it can be viewed properly. Better still,
M>> use POP or IMAP to look at your gmail account; that
M>> might possibly show it was received properly but the
M>> web interface has a problem.

> Prior to my installing v4.2.36.4 yesterday, FORWARDing
> an HTML email always included the FireFox HTML
> attachment automatically in the forward.  

In 4.0.38 my experience when manually forwarding is that nearly always
happens but very occasionally the HTML attachment (or any other
attachment) isn't sent. When automatically forwarding by filter
actions the other attachments are not sent over half the time and the 
HTML one not sent 10-20% of the time unless I tick "use MIME envelope 
for original message".

> That feature was lost or misplaced in the latest version.

I've not got there yet...

> Upon receipt of your reply I started experimenting
> based on what you wrote.  It never would have occurred
> to me to include the original email from the comic
> strips as an attachment to my recipient. Before I was
> successful in figuring out *how* to attach an entire
> email to an outgoing email, I discovered that by
> right-clicking on the FireFox attachment contained in
> the original email, I was presented with an option to
> RESEND TO... Clicking on that drop-down menu option
> starts a blank email with the FireFox
> attachment...attached.

That never occurred to me!

> Since I didn't care about the body of the original
> comics email, resending the HTML attachment is really
> all I need.

Fair enough.

> But just out of curiosity, how *DO* you attach an
> entire email to another outgoing email?  

Method One

   Open a new email

   Drag the message you are forwarding from the message list to
   the new message window you just opened and drop it.
   This works for most email clients I've used.

Method Two

   "Alternative Forward" from the "Specials" menu 
   (or Shift+Alt+F5)
   The body to which the forwarded message is attached will have 
   whatever content is created by the forwarding template being 

Method Three

   Go to Account Properties | Templates | Forward 
   Place a tick in the box labelled 
   "Forward messages as attachments (MIME standard)"
   This has the effect of switching around the "Forward" and 
   "Alternative Forward" functions so that selecting "Forward" 
   (or CTRL+o) creates a new message with the message attached 
   that you wish to forward. 

Best regards

Wise men learn many things from their enemies.

Using The Bat! v4.0.38 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600  

Current version is 4.2.23 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Forwarding HTML attachments

2010-07-30 Thread Jack S. LaRosa
Hello MFPA,

On Friday, July 30, 2010 you wrote:

-- SNIP -

>> But just out of curiosity, how *DO* you attach an
>> entire email to another outgoing email?  

M> Method One

M>Open a new email

M>Drag the message you are forwarding from the message list to
M>the new message window you just opened and drop it.
M>This works for most email clients I've used.

This method doesn't seem to work for me. Although I can drag the
original message I'm trying to forward into the new blank message, the
resulting attachment becomes 1.eml and when received in my Gmail
account, contains nothing but HTML code.

M> Method Two

M>"Alternative Forward" from the "Specials" menu 
M>(or Shift+Alt+F5)
M>The body to which the forwarded message is attached will have 
M>whatever content is created by the forwarding template being 

Here's the kind of thing that gives me an attack of the vapors (You
might need to look that up. Your photo looks youthful.)

If in AccountProperties-Templates-Forward, the
Forward-messages-as-attachments (MIME standard) is ticked, then
SHIFT-ALT-F5 generates a forward with the with the HTML attachment
intact. However, clicking on the FORWARD arrow at top generates a
forward with the HTML attachment replaced with the 1.eml attachment.

If on the other hand in AccountProperties-Templates-Forward, the
Forward-messages-as-attachments (MIME standard) is UN-ticked, then
SHIFT-ALT-F5 now produces a forward with 1.eml replacing the original
HTML attachment. However, clicking on the FORWARD arrow at top
generates a forward *WITH* the HTML attachment *JUST AS IT USED TO BE*
before I upgraded to

I was sure I tried every possible combination of generating forwards
before I asked for help but I see now this old addled brain must be on a
downward, slippery slope towards senility.

M> Method Three

M>Go to Account Properties | Templates | Forward 
M>Place a tick in the box labelled 
M>"Forward messages as attachments (MIME standard)"
M>This has the effect of switching around the "Forward" and 
M>"Alternative Forward" functions so that selecting "Forward" 
M>(or CTRL+o) creates a new message with the message attached 
M>that you wish to forward.

See above.

Thanks M.

Jack LaRosa

Using The Bat! ver:
Running Windows XP Pro ver 5 build 2600 Service Pack 3

Current version is 4.2.23 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Forwarding HTML attachments

2010-07-30 Thread MFPA

On Saturday 31 July 2010 at 12:56:56 AM, in
, Jack S. LaRosa wrote:

M>> Method One

M>>Open a new email

M>>Drag the message you are forwarding from the
M>>message list to the new message window you
M>>just opened and drop it.

M>>This works for most email clients I've used.

> This method doesn't seem to work for me. Although I can
> drag the original message I'm trying to forward into
> the new blank message, the resulting attachment becomes
> 1.eml and when received in my Gmail account, contains
> nothing but HTML code.

That "1.eml" attachment *is* the entire original message; open the
forwarded message in your sent mail folder and check it out. 

It isn't a problem with what the Gmail account receives; the problem
is a "feature" of Gmail's web interface. I just tried forwarding a
message like that to a Gmail account and to a Yahoo account; in both
cases, the message I downloaded via POP access had the attached
message "1.eml" with all its attachments intact and functional.
Yahoo's web interface displays it properly but Gmail's does not. And
downloading or opening the attached message "1.eml" in Firefox from
the web interface works properly from Yahoo but not from Gmail.

M>> Method Two

M>>"Alternative Forward" from the "Specials" menu
M>>(or Shift+Alt+F5)

> Here's the kind of thing that gives me an attack of the
> vapors (You might need to look that up. Your photo
> looks youthful.)

Thanks (-; 

> If in AccountProperties-Templates-Forward, the
> Forward-messages-as-attachments (MIME standard) is
> ticked, then SHIFT-ALT-F5 generates a forward with the
> with the HTML attachment intact. However, clicking on
> the FORWARD arrow at top generates a forward with the
> HTML attachment replaced with the 1.eml attachment.

That is correct. SHIFT-ALT-F5 is "alternative forward" so whichever of
the two methods is set as your normal forwarding method, SHIFT-ALT-F5
uses the other method. The forward arrow at the top is the same action
as CTRL-o (or right-clicking the message and selecting "forward".

The 1.eml attachment is not a replacement for the message.html
attachment; the 1.eml attachment is the original message, complete
with all attachments including message.html. (It is less confusing to
get the head around what's going on if you forget about HTML messages
for a bit and test it out with a simple plaintext message, and then
with plaintext message that has a picture or document attached.)

> If on the other hand in
> AccountProperties-Templates-Forward, the
> Forward-messages-as-attachments (MIME standard) is
> UN-ticked, then SHIFT-ALT-F5 now produces a forward
> with 1.eml replacing the original HTML attachment.
> However, clicking on the FORWARD arrow at top generates
> a forward *WITH* the HTML attachment *JUST AS IT USED
> TO BE* before I upgraded to

And that was the aim, of course. (-;

> I was sure I tried every possible combination of
> generating forwards before I asked for help but I see
> now this old addled brain must be on a downward,
> slippery slope towards senility.

I think it's just HTML's propensity to add confusion to all things 

Best regards

Don't learn safety rules by accident... 

Using The Bat! v4.0.38 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600  

Current version is 4.2.23 | 'Using TBUDL' information: