Re: TB! and Windows Explorer

2001-10-31 Thread Allie C Martin

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@ 09:57:51 +1300 [ Thu, 1 Nov 2001], Carren [C] contributed this to
our collective wisdom:
C> It would appear, after much tearing out of hair, that Windows
C> Explorer has not been updating it's TB! information according to
C> changes I have made over time within TB! For instance - at various
C> times I have rearranged my accounts and folders - TBUDL mail once
C> went to Account A and now goes to Account B. For some reason these
C> changes have not been mirrored in Explorer...and consequently when
C> I have attempted to load my TBUDL mail for archiving
C> purposesMailbag Assistant has become confused.

For me, I've noted that TB! will not rename account folders when you
rename the accounts via the TB! interface. However, I've been making a
lot of changes *within* accounts for the last couple weeks and all
folder names and movements have been exactly reflected in the explorer
folder tree. I even moved three folders from one account to another
and this was accurately reflected in explorer.

But hold on. If you move folders around in TB!, it *will* break any
shortcuts that you may have created in Mailbag Assistant, since the
shortcuts are pointing to the folders original location and not where
you moved them to.

I don't see how Mailbag Assistant would get confused unless you're
referring to bookmarks/shortcuts that you created. Otherwise it's you
who have to manually navigate to the message bases.

C> I seem to have corrected the problem by deleting one account and
C> re-creating it, re-creating my TBUDL folders, and emptying trash
C> and re-booting between all these operations. Explorer *now* appears
C> to be in synch with TB! Hopefully, things will now work as they
C> should.

C> My question really is, why has Explorer *not* been keeping up with
C> changes I have made with TB! Is this an Explorer issue or a TB!
C> one?

TB! seems to keep up here at my end. If the changes aren't being
reflected in Explorer then it's TB!'s fault.

- --
©Allie C Martin  --  List Moderator and fellow end-user
 PGPKey - mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?Subject=PGPPubKey1
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Re: TB! and Windows Explorer

2001-10-31 Thread Allie C Martin

Hash: SHA1

@ 16:20:21 -0600 [ Wed, 31 Oct 2001], Dwight A Corrin [DAC] wrote
these words of wisdom:
>> For me, I've noted that TB! will not rename account folders when you
>> rename the accounts via the TB! interface. However, I've been making
>> a lot of changes *within* accounts for the last couple weeks and all
>> folder names and movements have been exactly reflected in the
>> explorer folder tree. I even moved three folders from one account to
>> another and this was accurately reflected in explorer.

DAC> what does that do to filters?

The filters update themselves to reflect the changes. :-) This can be
thrill to behold since I tend to move folders around and extensively

** I think TB! may be having problems with updating the filters when
nested folders are relocated. However, I'm using a beta version and
this may just be the problem. It however makes the changes when you
change folder names, account names or change the target folder
locations when you move them, even when you move them across accounts.

- --
©Allie C Martin  --  List Moderator and fellow end-user
 PGPKey - mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?Subject=PGPPubKey1
 [MUA: TB! v1.54/10  (*)  OS: Win2K SP 2]
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Re: TB! and Windows Explorer

2001-10-31 Thread Dwight A Corrin

On Wednesday, October 31, 2001, 4:02:21 PM, Allie C Martin wrote:

> For me, I've noted that TB! will not rename account folders when you
> rename the accounts via the TB! interface. However, I've been making
> a lot of changes *within* accounts for the last couple weeks and all
> folder names and movements have been exactly reflected in the
> explorer folder tree. I even moved three folders from one account to
> another and this was accurately reflected in explorer.

what does that do to filters?

Dwight A. Corrin
P O Box 47828
Wichita KS 67201-7828
316.263.9706  fax 316.263.6385
Using The Bat! 1.54/10 on Windows NT version 5,1


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