Re: Problem running servlets on Apache/Tomcat

2001-07-06 Thread Boris Niyazov

If you use packages as jar files you should place them ether in 
WEB-INF/classes/lib (for a particular webapp) or $TOMCAT_HOME/lib. The latter 
will assure that all your webapps will have access to the classes in the jar.

* Boris NiyazovPh:  212-854-4094  Fax: 212-854-1749 *
* Systems Manager  Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  * 
* Columbia Law School  URL: *

  This query has been posted on this list quite a no.
of times and even after going through the archives I'm
still stuck up with this problem!
  To start with the configuration... I'm working
Windows 2000 professional with Tomcat 3.2.2 and Apache
1.3.20. The backend is Oracle 8.1.6.
  I have an application called 'portfolio' for which I
created a folder in C:\TOMCAT_HOME\webapps called
portfolio with a hierarchy of other directories
required, like
C:\TOMCAT_HOME\webapps\portfolio\WEB-INF where I
copied the web.xml and
C:\TOMCAT_HOME\webapps\portfolio\WEB-INF\classes where
I put all the servlet classes. I have put all the
other files like htmls, images etc. in the
C:\TOMCAT_HOME\webapps\portfolio directory! and not to
forget the C:\TOMCAT_HOME\webapps\portfolio\lib dir.
for all the jar files and Orcale driver...
   I have made changes to my servlet.xml file also to
let tomcat recognize my application! Putting in the
'context-path' stuff and have edited the web.xml file
to map the servlets
   Now I can execute my servlets but cannot run
them... coz when I try exceuting them I get an error
'ClassDefNotFound: ConnectionPool/ConnectionPool'
   Now CoonnectionPool is actually a package(as the
name impies) that i created to make a connection to
the database. Its also in the classes dir. When I
execute the servlets I dont get any errors as to
unable to find ConnectionPool, so I presume that
they are in the Path.
   Now I'm really stuck up and am unable to find the
real problem! May be someone out there whos done
something similar can help me solve this
Thanks a lot in advance

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Tomcat + Apache on NT

2001-07-06 Thread Gregory Guthrie

It is not clear (to me) that I have to manually start both Tomcat and
Apache servers on  NT (Win2K Pro). I expected Apache to start Tomcat
as/if needed, but that fails, but everything works fine for Tomcat
standalone, or if it is manually runing, and then Apache just connects
to it.

Is this correct? Is this documented somewhere? The closest thing I found
was in the Tomcat-Apache HowTo setup where it says: 
  This step sets various JServ internal parameters, in order:
   Instruct JServ not to start the Tomcat process. Automatically
   Tomcat is not implemented yet. 

And then does: 
ApJServManual  on

Is this correct understanding?


RE: Tomcat + Apache on NT

2001-07-06 Thread Emir Alikadic (ADNOC IST)

Use mod_jk rather than mod_jserv.

Provided that you properly configured the Apache/Tomcat combo (with
appropriate entry in the httpd.conf, as described in Tomcat docs), you'll
have to start Tomcat first and then start Apache. Manually.

-Original Message-
From: Gregory Guthrie [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Saturday, July 07, 2001 7:57 AM
Subject: Tomcat + Apache on NT

It is not clear (to me) that I have to manually start both Tomcat and
Apache servers on  NT (Win2K Pro). I expected Apache to start Tomcat
as/if needed, but that fails, but everything works fine for Tomcat
standalone, or if it is manually runing, and then Apache just connects
to it.

Is this correct? Is this documented somewhere? The closest thing I found
was in the Tomcat-Apache HowTo setup where it says: 
  This step sets various JServ internal parameters, in order:
   Instruct JServ not to start the Tomcat process. Automatically
   Tomcat is not implemented yet. 

And then does: 
ApJServManual  on

Is this correct understanding?


other files than jsp not processed by tomcat+mod_jk+apache

2001-07-06 Thread Carlos Ferrão

Hello list,

I'm running Tomcat3.2.2 embedded in JBoss.
I integrated tomcat with apache through mod_jk in order to avoid
http://url:8080 port specification and to make apache process the html.

My problem is that under a context in Tomcat only the jsp files are
processed. It doesn't find any images or html files and it doesn't process
them. How should I configure tomcat so .jsp files are processed by tomcat
but html/images files under my tomcat context are processed by apache??

If I access to my context through http://url:8080/mycontext, tomcat's http
port everything runs fine.
My war file is deployed in Jboss's deploy dir but this shouldn't be a

Yours desperate,
Carlos Ferrao

need some help on tomcat-oracle

2001-07-06 Thread praveen

I am very new to linux 
environment..Recently i downloaded tomcat and installed on my linuxbox...Now i 
want to configure connectivity between tomcat and oracle database...Anybody pls 
help me out how to do this and the classpath variables and any other settings to 
Pls do needful...

Thanks  Regards

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