Re: Re: Re: Re: Installation Help Needed

2004-04-01 Thread Stormblade
> No offense but sometimes we get burned by the silly little things.

No offense taken. As a programmer I definitely have been bitten by 
the silly little things often enough that I'll try whatever.

> Everything seems to point to a firewall/router ACL issue.

> Are there any devices between the client and server?


> Doug

Yup and it was. After I determined that tomcat was running and that I 
was able to view the start page with lynx (Man how could I have 
forgotten about lynx) I knew then it had to be firewall but I also 
knew it wasn't a blocked port. Everytime my firewall rules block 
something I log it and there was nothing there so I knew I opened the 
port up properly.

Upon further inspection I realized that it was being redirected. One 
single line, easy to miss but it was me being lazy a while back. 
Basically my script closes every single port then I open up specific 
ones. Well I got tired of that and made a rule that redirected a 
group to another machine and 8080 (Which I never used before) was in 
that range. I took it out and voila it worked like a charm.

Thanks for your help. I just know I'll have some other issues as I'm 
still new to tomcat. I have a client right now waiting to see 
something and I need to put something up there. I believe I have to 
create a context in server.xml so that he can do www.mydomain.

I've not done this before though. On my development machine I've used 
Netbeans to test and deploy stuff for me. Ah the learning never ends. 


Stormblade (Shaolin Code Warrior)

Software Developer (15+ Years Programming exp.)

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Composed with Newz Crawler 1.7

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Installation Help Needed (Solved)

2004-04-01 Thread Stormblade
Thank you much for your trouble-shooting help. I was able to get 
things working thanks to you. In the end it was my firewall script. 
The port was open as I said, however, I forgot that I had specified a 
port range for re-direction and yup 8080 was in that range. So I 
changed it to exclude 8080 and voila it all worked fine.

I'd forgotten all about lynx heh. Lynx worked just fine on the 
machine as did telnetting to the 8080 port from the host machine. 
Which narrowed it down. So thanks again for helping me pin point it. 
I know someone else suggested that it was a firewall issue and I 
suspected they were right but I needed to find a way to determine 
that for sure and for the life of me I couldn't figure out what the 
deal was. I'd checked my script before but since I wasn't sure it was 
the culprit I didn't examine it as strongly as I just did. :)

So thanks again.

> On Thu, Apr 01, 2004 at 11:07:21AM -0500, Stormblade wrote:

> : java19217 root5u  IPv4 811539   TCP *:webcache 


> OK, so Tomcat is up and listening.

> (I'll assume that "webcache" = 8080; that's for you to confirm.)



> Next step: from the Tomcat host, try to interact with the port.

> Use Lynx if it's available; otherwise send raw HTTP requests to the

> port, e.g. "telnet localhost 8080"


> Don't worry about specifying valid webapp paths and such: IIRC 

> doesn't even send an error page when you connect from the browser,

> right?



> If that works -- even a tomcat error page -- try the same technique 

> your other machine.

> (telnet tomcat-host 8080 or lynx http://tomcat-host:8080/something)


> If that fails, then you're pretty much down to a networking problem

> (fw/router/host file/DNS mixup).


> Run ifconfig on the tomcat server to confirm the IPs are what you 

> they are.  Issue requests to the IPs, if need be.


> -QM


> -- 


> software  --

> tech news --


Stormblade (Shaolin Code Warrior)

Software Developer (15+ Years Programming exp.)

My System:

Composed with Newz Crawler 1.7

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Re: Re: Re: Installation Help Needed

2004-04-01 Thread Stormblade

INFO: Processing Context configuration file URL 

Apr 1, 2004 9:35:19 AM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHostDeployer 

INFO: Processing Context configuration file URL 

Apr 1, 2004 9:35:19 AM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHostDeployer 

INFO: Installing web application at context path  from URL 

Apr 1, 2004 9:35:19 AM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHostDeployer 

INFO: Installing web application at context path /jsp-examples from 
URL file:/usr/local/jakarta-tomcat-5.0.19/webapps/jsp-examples

Apr 1, 2004 9:35:20 AM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHostDeployer 

INFO: Installing web application at context path /servlets-examples 
from URL file:/usr/local/jakarta-tomcat-5.0.19/webapps/servlets-

Apr 1, 2004 9:35:20 AM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHostDeployer 

INFO: Installing web application at context path /tomcat-docs from 
URL file:/usr/local/jakarta-tomcat-5.0.19/webapps/tomcat-docs

Apr 1, 2004 9:35:20 AM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHostDeployer 

INFO: Installing web application at context path /webdav from URL 

Apr 1, 2004 9:35:21 AM org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Protocol start

INFO: Starting Coyote HTTP/1.1 on port 8080

Apr 1, 2004 9:35:21 AM org.apache.jk.common.ChannelSocket init

INFO: JK2: ajp13 listening on /

Apr 1, 2004 9:35:21 AM org.apache.jk.server.JkMain start

INFO: Jk running ID=0 time=3/56  config=/usr/local/jakarta-tomcat-5.0.

Apr 1, 2004 9:35:21 AM org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina start

INFO: Server startup in 8557 ms


Stormblade (Shaolin Code Warrior)

Software Developer (15+ Years Programming exp.)

My System:

Composed with Newz Crawler 1.7

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Re: Re: Installation Help Needed

2004-04-01 Thread Stormblade
> On Thu, Apr 01, 2004 at 12:16:49AM -0500, Stormblade wrote:

> : Then I tried to access my box from another machine and there

> : is no answer. www.mymachinedomain:8080 doesn't even give me the 

> : page.



> What's the result of


>  lsof -i -a -u {tomcat user}


> ?


> -or better still,


>  lsof -n -i -a -u {tomcat user}  ## show IP addresses

lsof: can't get UID for {tomcat

lsof 4.63

 latest revision:

 latest FAQ:

 latest man page:

 usage: [-?abhlnNoOPRstUvV] [-c c] [+|-d s] [+D D] [+|-f]

 [-F [f]] [-g [s]] [-i [i]] [+|-L [l]] [+|-M] [-o [o]] [-p s]

 [+|-r [t]] [-S [t]] [-T [t]] [-u s] [+|-w] [--] [names]

Use the ``-h'' option to get more help information.

Forgive me but I'm unfamiliar with that command. I typed it exactly 
as you had it above. Copy and paste even.

I did do a lsof -i -a and got a listing. I didn't see tomcat user or 
anything that said tomcat even. Was I supposed to create a tomcat 
user? I installed tomcat from the rpm.


> Does that IP address match what your workstation (browser) thinks 

> www.mymachinedomain? e.g. do you have some sort of split-domain DNS

> going, or a rogue hosts file?


> -QM


> -- 


> software  --

> tech news --


Stormblade (Shaolin Code Warrior)

Software Developer (15+ Years Programming exp.)

My System:

Composed with Newz Crawler 1.7

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Re: Re: Installation Help Needed

2004-04-01 Thread Stormblade
Woo almost missed this one cuz it wasn't threaded under the others in 
my newsreader. Anyway, thanks for the reply.

I have opened the port. I have done this for several other 
applications over the years. Games too so I know what I'm doing in 
that respect. However, I'm still not sure about Tomcat. I don't know 
if I configured things correctly or anything like that.

What do you mean change the port in the admin console. The only 
changing of ports I saw was to edit the server.xml file directly 
which I didn't do since port 8080 works just fine for my purposes 

> read on linux site about opening port :server port on the firwall  
or change 

> the port in the

> admin console off tomcatl





> administrateur


Stormblade (Shaolin Code Warrior)

Software Developer (15+ Years Programming exp.)

My System:

Composed with Newz Crawler 1.7

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Re: Re: Installation Help Needed

2004-04-01 Thread Stormblade
> This is almost certainly because you're running a firewall. It's 
kind of 

> an involved topic, and not one I'm an expert on anyway, so you 

> check out this:



Thank you for the reply. Yes I am running a firewall but I am 
familiar with it as I have been running it for years. I have opened 
port 8080 as I have other ports when I needed to. 

> > Beware: many distros have customized firewall software. Anyway, 

> isn't a tomcat problem.

I run iptables. I suppose it could be a firewall problem, however, I 
am able to run other servers like Apache just fine but yet Tomcat is 
not. Perhaps there is some configuration that I failed to do with 
Tomcat or should it work right out the box with no modifications 


Stormblade (Shaolin Code Warrior)

Software Developer (15+ Years Programming exp.)

My System:

Composed with Newz Crawler 1.7

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Re: Re: Installation Help Needed

2004-04-01 Thread Stormblade
> Back to basics.


> Is it running?

> Look at your processes with something like  >ps -ax

As far as I can tell yes. There is a line which I believe indicates 
it's running but it gets cut off and I don't remember how to make it 
word wrap. Re-directing it to a file is worse.

/usr/java/j2sdk1.4.2_04//bin/java -Djava.endorsed.
dirs=/usr/local/jakarta-tomcat-5.0.19/common/endorsed -classpath


> Do you have a firewall running?

Yes I use iptables and I run my own customized script. I have opened 
port 8080.


> Can you ping the machine?

No because I drop those packets. Part of my firewall script, however, 
this machine is definitely accessible from the outside. Apache is 
running happily there as is a Cold Fusion Application server. I can 
get to my web pages just fine.


> Do a  netstat -an  and see if port 8080 is active.

tcp0  0*   

If I'm reading this right then yes it's active.


> Doug


Stormblade (Shaolin Code Warrior)

Software Developer (15+ Years Programming exp.)

My System:

Composed with Newz Crawler 1.7

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Installation Help Needed

2004-03-31 Thread Stormblade
Hey all,

Having trouble installing Tomcat 5 on my Linux box. I've installed the
Windows version without any trouble but the Linux one seems not to be
working and I'm not sure why.

I downloaded and installed the JRE and J2SDK. I've set the JAVA_HOME
variable. I installed Tomcat and ran the Everything seemed to
be going fine. Then I tried to access my box from another machine and there
is no answer. www.mymachinedomain:8080 doesn't even give me the default

Can someone walk me through this or something? All the installation notes
I've seen weren't very detailed. Any help would be appreciated.
Stormblade (Shaolin Code Warrior)
Software Developer (15+ Years Programming exp.)

My System:

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