Re: Topband: Out-of-Turn Callers DX Expedition finances

2015-02-06 Thread Dragoslav Balaban
It appears to be the case that NA finances the big trips and EU gets the
Q's. That needs to be ironed out.



while EU hams are very demanding, they don't do much to contribute to the

 73, Jim K9YC


Funny that there is no comment abt this???

I also don't think something like that deserve any comment, but cant hold...


I suggest that for those, who support this Opinion, 

that DX Mart or DX Supermarket  should be started, so only one who pay get
QSO, its a true HAM spirit.  and then pay again for QSL...


Maybe expedition even need not to go to the entity at all, why make cost,
waste time and money, etc???


also, who pay more should get QSO first, and/or more QSO, maye to charge by
Band / Mode...

and maybe, as Premium service, no need to work DX Exped at all, QSO would be
entered in LOG automatically, 

and VIP QSL send, plus  LoTW confirmation and eQSL as free Bonus


I promise, will not call such Expedition ever, and I will not be angry and
make DQRM for sure...

I also promise, I will not charge for any QSO with E74AW, or QSL , except
usual practice, and will work as good DX Operating practice demand, 

mean,  will not wait for daylight in NA, to call NA, and will not call EU in
my SR when is time to work NA, or will not work EU when is JA SR etc...


Its just my humble opinion, I do not ask anyone to agree or disagree with

And Im not angry to anyone, ...


gl to all who think this kind of HAM radio should be


73 dado E74AW


-Original Message-
From: Topband [] On Behalf Of Larry
Sent: Friday, 06 February, 2015 04:28
Subject: Re: Topband: Out-of-Turn Callers


Someone did a more extensive analysis of several DXpeditions maybe 2 or 3
years ago. Basically the same conclusion. Typically  NA puts up the largest
percentage of the funds but doesn't get that percentage in Q's. I forget
which group it was posted in.


73, Larry  W6NWS


-Original Message-

From: Garry Shapiro

Sent: Thursday, February 05, 2015 8:43 PM


Subject: Re: Topband: Out-of-Turn Callers


It appears to be the case that NA finances the big trips and EU gets the
Q's. That needs to be ironed out.




On 2/5/2015 11:32 AM, Jim Brown wrote:

 On Thu,2/5/2015 8:29 AM, Fortra wrote:

 jeez those numbers are worrying.


 So are the numbers for contributions to the cost of DX trips that have 

 gotten increasingly expensive. The only way to get on the island is 

 via a helicopter, and they have had to make many trips.


 Some of my friends go on these trips (three are on Navassa), and all 

 of them complain that while EU hams are very demanding, they don't do 

 much to contribute to the cost. Take a look at the News tab on this 

 link, then the Our Sponsors tab, noting the breakdown by continent 

 for contributions from Clubs and individual hams.


 All of that notwithstanding, some of the key players on this 

 expedition were also part of FT5ZM, which did a spectacular job of 

 filling logs everywhere, taking advantage of propagation and great station

 AA7JV and HA7RY are part of this trip. Their topband record is excellent. 

 And they're not the only guys who know how to work topband.


 73, Jim K9YC



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Re: Topband: Remote Operation

2015-02-02 Thread Dragoslav Balaban
Absolutly agree,

 It makes absolutely NO difference where the operator is sitting.  The
contact is between the two physical stations.

I send same statement few days ago, and its VERY CLEAR, except someone
deliberatly dont want to make it clear

Callsign is assigned to HAM for Station, and Station have physical /
geographic Location , Latitude/Longitude... 
if Op not operating from that location, then there is /p /m /mm /am etc,  /
ctry pfx if in other ctry,  and its perfect system

then only question remain is how far RX Antenna/ Antennas can be from TX ,
as we taking TX Location as Station location
(is remote Acces by dedicated IP Link, public  Interent, RF Link, make no
diffrence at all...)

All this is self understandable, so I think no need for any wide discussion,
I just repeat my Opinoin

73 all dado E74AW

-Original Message-
From: Topband [] On Behalf Of m.r.
Sent: Monday, 02 February, 2015 06:07
Subject: Re: Topband: Remote Operation

To me the remote operation ethics have always been clear, and still are.

It makes absolutely NO difference where the operator is sitting.  The
contact is between the two physical stations.

Any station - remotely controlled or not - must identify legally under the
rules of the county in which the RF transmitter and receiver are located.
This includes properly identifying the zone, state, section, grid square,
whatever the current activity requires. 
When it is just the country, that must also be clear.

In this case, if OE1AZS was using the W4ABC station, he could legally
identify in two ways, Just W4ABC, or W4/OE1AZS.  It is NOT legal for a
transmitter in the W4 district of the US to be identified ONLY as OE1AZS.

It does not matter if the person, OE1AZS, is sitting at the knobs at W4ABC,
or is sitting at home controlling the W4ABC station by remote control.

But, folks who can, will cheat just to be first in a log. They really only
cheat themselves, to the DX station, its just one more contact  Claming the
contact for DXCC or any other kind of award credit is cheating.  Again, the
person most cheated is the individual who submits the contact for the award.

Robin Critchell

- Original Message -
From: Doug Renwick
Sent: Sunday, February 01, 2015 20:13
Subject: Topband: Remote Operation

 Listening to K1N on 7023 and to stations calling this evening.  OE1AZS was
 calling and boy was he loud here.  Obviously not calling from Europe and
 wasn't signing portable.  My beam was pointed at K1N and the eu stations
 was working were weak off the side of the beam except for OE1AZS.  What
 would be his ethics limits?


 There are some ideas so absurd that only an intellectual or lawyer could
 believe them. - George Orwell, 1984

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Topband: SAL-30 EZNEC Model

2014-12-23 Thread Dragoslav Balaban
anyone can provide SAL-30 EZNEC model? 

(geometry, and phasing delay? )


73 dado E74AW

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Re: Topband: AM broadcast tower and 160m dxpedition

2014-06-10 Thread Dragoslav Balaban
hi all,

As I can can see in EZNEC, simple model, Tower 2 Ft over average ground, 242
Ft high, 
best and simplest solution is to put sloping Dipole, K8UR style, Arch shape,
from top of the Tower, 

Gain in dipole direction can be as much as 3.84 dBi at 17 degrees Vertical

one Dipole toward EU 60-90 degrees,  and  maybe other to west 270-300

that would cover all 360 degrees , with F-S 90 degrees  less then 3 dB
difference, but 90 degrees from HH north is NA, south SA, and thats
close-almost local,  so should be no problem...

73 gl,looking forward HH , would be new one 160m hi

dado E74AW

-Original Message-
From: Topband [] On Behalf Of Carl
Sent: Wednesday, 26 February, 2014 01:44
Subject: Re: Topband: AM broadcast tower and 160m dxpedition

Make them shorter and they will often do well over tidal marshes but not
over open water.

For a 240' tower Id suggest gamma feeding it up at the 1/4 wave point and
use 4 elevated radials. It the AM BCB radials are installed they will make
an excellent ground screen but do not connect them to the 160M feedline.


- Original Message -
From: Charlie Cunningham
Sent: Tuesday, March 25, 2014 5:24 PM
Subject: Re: Topband: AM broadcast tower and 160m dxpedition

 That's not so surprising Gary !!  te Way the Beverages and similar 
 antennas work is that they depend on the lossy GND  underneath for their
 operation, so a salt marsh would not be a very beneficial GND structure
 under a Beverage!

 Charlie, K4OTV

 -Original Message-
 From: Topband [] On Behalf Of Gary
 Sent: Tuesday, February 25, 2014 5:09 PM
 Subject: Re: Topband: AM broadcast tower and 160m dxpedition

 My Inv-L is on a salt marsh on Long Island Sound in Connecticut  I
 ran two bidirectional 860' beverages over the salt marsh. I had
 terrible results with the beverages, very noisy and hardly any
 improvement over the Inv-L, much of the time the Inv-L was more
 effective on Rx. With that, my experience of beverages  salt marshes
 says to avoid this route.

 I ended up with a HI-Z Triangular array for Rx and it works very well
 at the same location.


 No, I don't believe 240' is too high - especially if the tower has a base
 insulator!  It would be so close to 1/2 wave on 160, that it could be fed
 very well as a 1/2 wave radiator on 160, either via a parallel tuned tank
 a 1/4 wave of perhaps 450 oh ladder line. A 1/2 wave radiator wis an
 excellent transmit antenna, and, because of the high feed-point impedance
 can be driven against a very modest ground arrangement

 Like you, though, I believe they would do well to put up some terminated
 loops, or perhaps a Beverage (or 3?) for receive antennas! A 240' 
 would, I think,  be a VERY noisy receive antenna. If they put up a KAZ
 terminated loop that only requires one overhead support, they could steer
 around with ropes and weights on the ground. The KAZ is like ON4UN's
 160 receive loop.

 Charlie, K4OTV

 -Original Message-
 From: Topband [] On Behalf Of 
 Sent: Tuesday, February 25, 2014 3:38 PM
 Subject: Re: Topband: AM broadcast tower and 160m dxpedition

 Congratulations on your adventure.

 In the past, I have seen some of these AM tower efforts
 ruined by lousy receive conditions.  I suggest you
 get an advance team out to the site to check
 out the noise level etc. and maybe put up some
 temporary beverages, loops, whatever and LISTEN
 on them.  Use WWV and WWVH on 2.5 MHz as a beacon.

 Others can comment on whether 240 feet is too high.

 Rick N6RK
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