Topband: NCC-2 remarks

2023-12-16 Thread Ralph Matheny
I have one here and would not be able
to do much on 160 without it.

Patterns depend mostly on what antennas
you hook to it.  I have tried short verts, was
not happy.  Now use 2 aperiodic loops which
look toward Europe.  They are 100 feet or so
apart.  Works well, and I use this setup as

I watch the baseline on my P4 scope and
adjust the NCC for the lowest baseline, which
is my overall noise level.  That often cuts both
local and distant crud.  This gives me the best
chance of hearing in any direction and almost
always is a big help.  I compare signals between
the NCC2 and a regular K8AY loop setup.

If I had a better location I'd make a set of loops
looking various directions but that is not possible

The NCC2 is great mostly because it is very stable
and can be set for repeatable results.  I've messed
with it on local BC stations and what one can do
with it is often amazing, but mostly on ground wave
signals in daytime.  Nulls may be deep but arrival of
signals via higher angles keeps things in flux.  The NCC
seems to be almost overload-proof.

Yes, if the signal you want is in the same direction
as your QRM/QRN you are working  against yourself
so to speak.  That's true of all RX antenna setups.

de K8RYU

Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Re: Topband: Hi Z amplifiers for 160m

2020-03-12 Thread Ralph Matheny
Lankford's stuff works great.

I have used his antenna which does NOT use
a's only suitable for situations
where match to the feedline isn't critical, but
it sure is great to not have any preamp outside.

de K8RYU

From: Topband  on behalf 
of Mikek 
Sent: Thursday, March 12, 2020 7:29 PM
Subject: Topband: Hi Z amplifiers for 160m

  I'll stick my neck out and suggest Dallas Lankford's '2 FET amp'.
  He designed it for phased loop antennas for the MW band.
  I believe it will work to at least to 9 MHz and maybe to 30 MHz.
The specs High input Z, ~100 ohm output Z. He lists input intercepts:
IIP2 = ~ +88dbm and IIP3 = ~+41dbm in the MW band.
  The webpage has some noise measurements on pages 3, 4, and 5 that were
over my head.

   This page has more than just his amp but enough so you can understand it.
  If anyone has an interest, I have some more files in my computer.


I have a plan to put a matching transformer and a Hi Z amp on my antenna
with relay switching,
so I can do a real A, B, comparison. If you have any advice on
implementing that or advice about
common mode filtering, I'm listening. Better relay suggestions would be

  Mikek KF4ITA
Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector
Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Topband: 160 Activity

2018-10-17 Thread Ralph Matheny

QRN still at summer levels here in Ohio.

Has been especially bad with the storms

that have passed thru the south.  The lightning

static from them is single hop to most of the

eastern US.

de K8RYU

Topband Reflector Archives -

Topband: Desktop power supplies

2013-07-21 Thread Ralph Matheny K8RYU

It is my opinion that there are two kinds of switching power
supplies---the kind that are messing up your radio today and 
the ones that will at a later time.  I believe they are not
compatible with HF radio at a fundamental level, thought we
must learn to live with them.

Two noise related, the other not.  A few years
back I setup a packet node at a remote BC location, and was 
blessed with a high quality switching supply.  Every time the 
radio was keyed, the supply would sense the load increase as
a short and briefly pulse the DC output.  This reset the packet
controller, which created several trips to the site before I 
scoped the DC and figgered  out what was going on.  In the second
instance, this past field day somebody managed to get a switcher 
hooked up to our 6M radio without my knowledge.  When the radio 
was keyed, the noise from the normally quiet supply clobbered 
the adjacent SSB station.  Reason:  The supply did not like the
square wave from our generator (rather than the utility sine wave)
and the switcher would panic when the load was high. Problem
not apparent on the 6M or HF radio while 6M was receiving...only
a couple amps load.

Never would have thought of those problems.  Switching power 
supplies are very sneaky as well as potentially noisy.  They 
work well with steady loads under ideal conditions.  They work 
well when new when all the line-filter caps are in tact, but the
quality of those little caps isn't always the best and they get
popped at the worst time. 

Switchers are a fact of lifebut any time you can avoid one 
on your operating table, I say do it.  Same is true of the little
curley-Q lightbulbs (with a switcher inside)...

One man's opinion

de K8RYU

Topband Reflector

Topband: BOG Rx antennas

2012-12-31 Thread Ralph Matheny K8RYU

I have a couple of those here, about 150 feet long and they have
at times surprised the heck out of me.

My best one is made with very fine wire...2 strands of #26 I think
it is, maybe #24, telco crosscut wire it was.  It is about 150
feet long and has given better results than those I have had made
with heavier wire.  My reference is a K9AY loop, which I have been
using for years.  Soil conductivity here is about as bad as it gets.
I have to replace the wire every year or so when something breaks

All the BOG's have very low signal output, require braid breakers
to keep the power line away, and fail to work at all if the ground
is snow covered or very wet.

I have a theory:  I think the fine wire works better because of less
capacity to the soil.

I also think that if the fine wire were installed in a plastic tube,
say thin-walled water tubing, the things would work even better.
That would put the wire, on average, say a half-inch above ground.  I
have never tried that design, but maybe I will some day.

de K8RYU

Stew Perry Topband Distance Challenge coming on December 29th.