Topband: VK3ZL

2014-03-22 Thread Robert Briggs
Hi all..I have been completely overwhelmed with all the best wishes 
emails and just want to humbly thank you all..

I am in a very critical situation at present..The tumor was discovered 
last November and I had surgery prior to Christmas to stabilise it and 
give me time to pick up a bit of strength for major surgery..

Unfortunately the tumor decided to move up to my right kidney 
effectively blocking it..I had more surgery a week ago to save the 
kidney and they have put a stent between the kidney and bladder as a 
temporary fix..

I am extremely unwell and naturally apprehensive about the future but I 
will do my best..I have to face removal of my bladder, prostate and 
lymph nodes and I will have an artificial bladder made from a section of 
small bowel and a stoma for drainage.

I am home again for a while and have my radio always listening on 
1.824.5 and I will try and get back on air...I can always be found on 
the ON4 topband chat also..

Once more I thank you all, more than 250 pm's, and Dave WoFLS one of my 
numerous Topband contacts..

Topband Reflector Archives -

Re: Topband: Anyone purchased the ARRL book on Short Antennas for 160???

2014-01-21 Thread Robert Briggs
I will have to put that book on my wish list..I have been using a short 
43 foot high vertical antenna for quite a few years now...It is based on 
the Minooka design, A spoked Top Hat with a Loading coil just below the 
Hat..I use another inductor series to ground to resonate the antenna and 
match into 50 ohms...Bottom coil is 10 turns of 5/8 dia copper tube 
1TPI...The Heliax LDF 4/50 is tapped in about 2 turns up from ground and 
the mast tapped down a couple of turns to resonate the antenna around 
1.825mhz..There are around 40 150 foot and random length radials pinned 
to the ground..

I have used this antenna for many years now very successfully..As I only 
operate CW the narrow 2-1 vswr points give me about 25khz of operating 
bandwidth..I have an inverted V on an 85 foot mast and the short 
vertical is 3-8db better on long haul DX average..I only use the V for 

Short verticals work surprisingly well if one puts some thought into 
it's construction...

Topband Reflector Archives -

Topband: Vacuum variable capacitors.

2013-10-23 Thread Robert Briggs
Steve, you can purchase excellent quality vac variable caps from Dr Alex 
Gavva UR4LL for a very reasonable price

Topband Reflector

Topband: 160 meter activity.

2013-08-26 Thread Robert Briggs
Comments noted regarding signal reports on 160 meters..I often give dx 
stations 599 reports, even plus 10 occasionally..The report is the 
reading indicated on the S meter on my receiver...S meters are just a 
relative indication of signal strength for the average ham and I doubt 
anyone is really going to bother much about the fine technicality's of 
day to day DX signal reports..

I have had years of experience listening to Topband noise and 
signals...On the whole average signals on a day to day basis with the 
band conducting will generally be above the qrn noise..If one is not 
watching an S meter many signals are perfect Q5 readability...If one had 
no meter to monitor signal strength then I guess that signal would be 
called 599...However one way or the other it isn't a point to get all up 
tight about...To go a bit further contester's and dxpedition's mostly 
always give a 599 report regardless for quick convenience...Rarely hear 
anyone complaining about that...


Topband Reflector

Topband: 160

2013-07-28 Thread Robert Briggs
Thanks John for the post re 160 meters being open to VK...This year 
there has been a real lack of activity on the band..I am always in the 
shack qrv around 1824.5...It is unusual not to have few contacts into 
the Pacific, US/VE, JA and UA2 during the week..I have noticed an 
absence of what was the regular operators over the years..Similar in VK 
where you can count the regulars on one hand...

There is no real "Season" for the band to be "Open" , more, that summer 
qrn etc keeps many from operating..This of course is reversed as the 
North and South seasons change...Sunrise and Sunset times also play a 
big factor on what paths are likely to be open..

For us diehards the band produces unexpected dx rewards quite often and 
that is what keeps us there...Others appear on the band briefly only if 
there is a rare dx entity operating from some remote location..They 
rarely contribute to the band as regular operators do, rather, they just 
want that bit of wallpaper..

Anyhow I guess horses for courses..

Topband Reflector

Topband: Mile, VK6HD.

2013-04-13 Thread Robert Briggs
I am very sad at the passing of Mike..He was an excellent Topband 
operator, and an inspiration to all..

All good topband ops know fine whiskey is a daylight beverage.
Topband Reflector

Topband: GI-46B Revisited..

2013-01-16 Thread Robert Briggs
Thanks for the reply Tom..This subject was supposed to be in the 
amps@contesting thread...Sorry all..HNY..Bob..VK3ZL..

Topband Reflector

Topband: GI-46B Revisited..

2013-01-14 Thread Robert Briggs
Gidday all..I have built around 25 aVHF amplifiers over the past three 
years using the Russian triodes, GS-35 and 31B tubes as well as GI-6 and 
7B tubes..All of these amplifiers are in daily service on 6 and 2 meters 
and trouble free..

I have looked through all the information on the GI-46B tube and a few 
things don't add up..A company in Europe uses these tubes in their 
amplifier product's...I see many retro fits in UTube clips for TL922 and 
Heathkit amplifiers replacing the 3-500Z and supposed power outputs of 
1600 watts..

Just taking the TL922 conversion to GI-46B tubes as an example the tubes 
are openly mounted with GI-7B coolers in place of the original 46B 
cooler...The film clip shows the TL922 cooling fan retained blowing 
against the tubes...I question how are they getting rid of all the heat 
produced with such a pissy setup..I would have thought the tube should 
be mounted in a box construction with a good blower and chimneys etc...

According to the Russian GI-46B specs the tube is only rated at 350 
watts anode dissipation...Most of these conversions will be running at 
close to 3kv and to produce 1600 watts output even at 50% efficiency a 
pair of tubes will have to be dissipating a lot more than the tube anode 

Obviously the sketchy information for the GI-46B supplied on the Russian 
spec sheet  must be very conservative...

I am wondering if there are any members on this reflector have used the 
GI-46B triode and what the real results are and also the cooling used..I 
am about to do a 46B 6 and a 2 meter amplifier for a client using these 
tubes..I am confident that with proper attention to the cooling etc that 
the amplifiers will turn out ok..It has been suggested that the GI-46B 
is a substitute for a 3CX800 tube..

Topband Reflector

Topband: one- way propagation

2012-12-04 Thread Robert Briggs
Interesting theories and observations regarding one way propagation..My 
take is that most of the seemingly one way prop is more dependent on 
operator skill and the local qrn at one end of the circuit..With the 
current conditions this past 12 months most usually strong signals on 
the band are often attenuated due to less than a reliable path..I hear 
many signals that may be only S1-3and few hear a station calling 
them..These conditions may give the impression of "one way" prop but it 
is more likely due to qrn conditions at the listening end...I am looking 
at this from the VK cross the Equator Summer/Winter differences which 
have a big influence on making a contact..My observations over 35 years 
show that there is propagation most of the time all year if stations 
take the time and patience to listen for DX..

Topband reflector -

Topband: Spark Gaps..

2012-07-29 Thread Robert Briggs
Thank you to all the email's received re my use of trailer balls for a 
spark gap..It is a simple answer to a big problem and it works..

It pays to think outside the box at times when presented with a problem 
and be a bit innovative..

I also use a trailer ball at the bottom of the 90 foot mast and on my 
160 meter vertical antenna...Using triangular mast section I have 
tapered the three bottom sides of a triangular section and welded a 
trailer ball on the bottom ...I used a 66kv three skirted Electric 
supply insulator which has a galvanised metal plate on the top with four 
1/2 inch studs about 4 inches longI cut out a 1/2 inch metal plate 
to fit on top of the insulator mounting plate..I then used a piece of 
heavy 2 inch tube 3 inches long and welded it to my mounting plate..I 
reinforced the tubing on four sides with some 1/2 inch plateThis 
mounting socket is strongI drilled a couple of holes at the bottom 
of the tube as a water drain and also added a grease nippleI then 
bolted this assembly on to the insulator top plate...The insulator is in 
a 2 cubic meter concrete block in the ground with four copper clad earth 
rodsThe mast with the trailer ball sits into my home made socket and 
is well insulated from the ground..

So there you areAll you need to do is use the old noggin and many 
mechanical problems are easily solved...

UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK

Topband: Spark Gaps..

2012-07-28 Thread Robert Briggs

Has anyone thought about using two trailer towing balls set up for a 
spark gap?  I use this on a 90 foot insulated mast in a very lightning 
prone environmentTo date "(25)" years, with many direct hits, I have 
sustained no damage...Mast is located 20 feet from my lounge room..

UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK

Topband: Monopole Radiation Patterns, Takeoff Angles etc,

2012-05-07 Thread Robert Briggs
Hi all..

This thread has been very interesting and educational...I guess we all 
strive to make our installation as efficient as we possibly can...Much 
of the radial theory has to go out the window for those who don't have 
the room, (acres)  to install a good radial field and have to compromise 
with whatever can be fitted into a given small space...That being the 
case probably for the larger majority of Topband operators, doesn't 
always mean that their station will be insignificant compared to those 
whom have the room and money to put in a large installation, 4sq and big 
radial fields..

I hear too many Topband operators complaining that they can't compete 
with the so called "Big Guns" and many probably don't give it a serious 
go for that reason...

Well, I have news for you...I have been a consistent operator from VK 
for 35 years being a keen CW dxer...My observations over the years 
working thousands of dx stations world wide have showed a few definite 
observations...Given an average evening dxing and the band conducting 
shall we say signals are generally averaging S5 to S7...Many of these 
signals are those whom only have a wire antenna and whatever radials 
they can fit in their qth with no real to the book installations...In 
amongst these signals there will be a few of the better installations, 
most whom will be no better than the average 5-7 signal...Occasionally 
one or two signals will pop up 1-2 S units above the crowd..This may be 
a bigger antenna installation but more likely hit the propagation on a 
peak...You have to remember that the band is very dynamic and changing 
by the minute...

We always hear about the so called big contest stationsLet me tell 
you that on an average their signals are not always any better than the 
average signals...I have heard of and seen written many tines about 
these so called super stations and can assure you that most don't rate 
any better in the long haul to VK than the average JoeI can name 
about five dxers from the US who have signals consistently above the 
average and most of these are fairly ordinary installations..

I think that much of it is the luck of the draw, location, and a bit of 
thought put into your antenna installation..Operating methods are also a 
big part of being successful...No point in having the biggest and best 
installation if your operating habits aren't up to scratch...The best 
Topband operators spend more time listening than banging away making 
lots of qrm...

So I take my hat off to all those who have to really struggle to get a 
reasonable antenna system runningNever give up or feel intimidated 
by the "Big Guns"..I can assure you that if I hear you in the qrm and 
qrn I will always try to give you VK...

73 allBob..VK3ZL..
UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK