Re: [topbraid-users] Message returned by spin:constraint?

2014-08-01 Thread Holger Knublauch

On 8/1/2014 2:00, wrote:
I'm working with spin constraints (spin 1.4.0 via Maven).  I have them 
firing but I'm confused about how to label them so I can see which 
constraint has failed.  The full code (and data) is 
at (

This is very cool. I am glad to see more projects using SPIN, some of 
them with Turtle files edited by hand. If you do edit these files by 
hand, I would still recommend to make them easier to open with TopBraid 
(Free Edition) and similar RDF tools. All you would need to do is add 
some owl:Ontology into every file and define explicit owl:imports so 
that when you load the example file, it will pull all other necessary 
files into TopBraid. This may help you get more feedback because more 
people could understand what's going on (without stepping through Java 
code). Just an idea.

may be some local paths in there, sorry!) and I run the constraints 
via mvn -Dtest=AppTest#testSPINConstraints test

I'm using the output code from the Kennedy's example, edited to use 
getCustomizedLabel rather than getLabel (although using just getLabel 
doesn't work as I'd expect either):

for(ConstraintViolation cv : cvs) {
System.out.println( - at  + 
SPINLabels.get().getCustomizedLabel(cv.getRoot()) + :  + 

I've tried to follow the code through cv.getMessage() but I got lost 
in abstract interfaces somewhere :)

This is the constraint:

bioj:SoftwareMention a rdfs:Class ;
  [ a   spl:Attribute ;
rdfs:comment Must have one and exactly one 
classification ^^xsd:string ;

spl:predicate citec:mention_category ;
spl:minCount 1 ;
spl:maxCount 1 ;
# spl:valueType citec:MentionClassification ;
   # spl:defaultValue ex:Red
  ] ;

Originally I was working with 1.3.1 and I was getting the Resource ID 
but no message:

- at citec:a2007-36-BMC_PLANT_BIOL-B03-mention:

Now I've upgraded to 1.4.0 and I'm getting a generic message (progress!):

- at citec:a2007-36-BMC_PLANT_BIOL-B03-mention: Attribute 
citec:mention_category :  [1,1]

Yes I had fixed this bug in 1.3.3 because several users complained that 
the message was empty. It now behaves more consistently with TopBraid. 
If the template has a spin:labelTemplate then it will use that.

But how would I output the rdfs:comment from the constraint?

As a secondary, but likely related question, I have this constraint:

bioj:ArticleSoftwareLink a rdfs:Class ;
   [ a   sp:Ask ;
# Can only find versions if they exist
 ?this a bioj:ArticleSoftwareLink ;
citec:has_version_indicator false ;
citec:version_is_findable true .
   ] ;

That outputs the generic:

- at bioj:a2003-44-BBA-GEN_SUBJECTS-SWISS-MODEL: SPIN constraint at 

But I'd like it to output the comment in the query (  # Can only find 
versions if they exist ), I understand that the sp:text gets parsed 
and that should end up as an rdfs:comment property on the constraint, 
not sure if that's actually right.

In the SPIN RDF syntax (without sp:text), the RDF syntax tree would have 
an rdfs:comment triple at the sp:Ask. So you could try to move the # 
into an rdfs:comment triple and see if it works better. It is difficult 
to rely on the # comment in the sp:text syntax because this information 
is thrown away by the SPARQL parser. The sp:Ask object is there to allow 
to attach exactly that kind of explicit metadata.

I would also suggest you switch to CONSTRUCT, which gives you more 
options, especially to also specify a spin:violationPath. When you 
CONSTRUCT the spin:ConstraintViolation, you can freely chose an 
rdfs:label, and that label could be the result of your own CONCAT string 
operations in the WHERE clause.

In any case (and perhaps more confusingly) I'd tried having the 
comment as rdfs:comment or rdfs:label for the constraint, but having 
either of those there produces a NullPointerException:

at org.topbraid.spin.util.JenaUtil.getStringProperty(

The NullPointer is because the ConstraintViolation has no root resource, 
so this problem is IMHO unrelated to the constraint violation's message.

I will try look into your example more next week, as it is quite 
possible that you are pointing at things to improve. Meanwhile: would it 
be possible for you to make the files a bit more TopBraid-friendly so 
that they are easier to open and study?


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Re: [topbraid-users] Re: Viewing a Resource as an SWP hangs TBC 4.3.1

2014-08-01 Thread Tim Smith
To close the loop on this...

I tried the same tests using a fresh install of TBC 4.5.0.  I experienced
none of the problems of 4.3.1.  I did import all the projects from the
4.3.1 workspace so on one hand, that should have duplicated the problem if
it still exists.  On the other hand, if letting TBC look through the triple
store checked a box so to speak and that result was stored in the
workspace then that's a different outcome.

For now I'm just going to work in 4.5 and hope the problem doesn't come
back.  I don't relish the idea of trying to track down all the .ui. files
and check for references to the Oracle connectors (although there shouldn't
be any - only references in SM scripts serving as web services). :)

Thanks for all of the responses,


On Thu, Jul 31, 2014 at 6:56 PM, Holger Knublauch

  Hi Tim,

 I cannot see why it would even access the Oracle database if it has
 nothing to do with the rest of your graphs. Maybe some .ui. file has a
 reference to it?

 In any case, please make sure that Cache all is deactivated in the TBL
 Administration settings.


 On 8/1/14, 6:36 AM, Tim Smith wrote:

   Hi Mark,

  I thought of that so I had re-started TBC just prior to those tests.  It
 should have had full connectivity, if it didn't, it might have hung but I
 doubt the memory footprint would have grown much.

  I will download 4.5 and try the same thing in the next day or so.



 On Thu, Jul 31, 2014 at 4:29 PM, Mark Graham wrote:

 Hi Tim,

  One possible impact is the disconnect from the DB connection. If this
 occurs then restart of TBC needed. This is resolved in 4.5


 Mark Graham
 TopQuadrant Support

  On Thu, Jul 31, 2014 at 4:21 PM, Tim Smith

Third Update:

 Memory footprint of TBC is at 17,737,624KB.

  Apparently I waited long enough as the localhost SWP call has
 completed.  Now if use Resource -Show as SWP Page it works promptly.

 My guess is that TBC felt the need to download all the triples (nearly
 70 million of them).

  How do I keep this from happening?  I understand that it might be
 looking for relevant SWP views but I think it should only search in graphs
 that are directly related to the open file or its imports.

  Thanks for your input!

 On Thu, Jul 31, 2014 at 4:16 PM, Tim Smith

   Second Update:

  TBC memory footprint is over 17GB... it will max at 28GB so I'm going
 to kill it.

  Additional test:

 I deployed the same project to a TBL server that does not have the
 Oracle connector files and it returns the SWP in a second or so.

 On Thu, Jul 31, 2014 at 3:57 PM, Tim Smith


 I've tried to access the same resource using a browser via:

 localhost:8083/tbl/swp?_resource=resource URI

  My PC is chewing up a small amount of CPU and the memory footprint of
 TBC has grown from 1-2GB to over 10GB.  My guess is that it is downloading
 all the triples from the Oracle triple store.

 Any way to tell what is happening?

 On Thu, Jul 31, 2014 at 3:04 PM, Tim Smith

 I am having difficulty viewing a resource as an SWP page in TBC.

  My ontology file has no imports and no SWP definitions other than
 the default capabilities of TBC.  I select Resource - Open in SWP

  Once I do that, TBC sits and churns.  I've never let it run past 5
 minutes so maybe it would come back but 5 minutes to display a generic 
 page should be more than enough.

  I think this has to do with the fact that I have oracle connector
 files to the Oracle RDF store in my workspace.  My guess is that it is
 scanning the 70 million triples for something.


  Well, if I put my PC to sleep with TBC running, TBC will throw an
 error with it wakes up indicating that it has lost the connection to 
 - this happens even though I have nothing open in the workspace that uses
 the connector files.

  If I have the same ontology open and select Resource - Open in SWP
 Browser while TBC is in this state, I get a number of Java errors 
 to a failed Oracle connection (I can recreate and share the error if

  Any thoughts on why Open in SWP Browser would have anything to do
 with an Oracle back-end that is not referenced in any way in the open 

  Thanks for your input,


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Re: [topbraid-users] faceted search on classes rather than instances?

2014-08-01 Thread Jack Hodges
By 'instance-tizing' my classes (make them rdf:type my superclass), I can 
get facets. I am glad that I have made some progress, but that seems like 
the wrong approach since they are really classes.

Even when I do this, in 4.4 I get no search results. I migrated this 
'instancetization' back to 4.2 and I get facets and search results. So I 
must not have swa:FacetedSearchGadget and swa:SummarySearchResultsGadget 
wired up properly. Are they supposed to be related by arg:id or some such? 
In the demo, where swa:Window is used, they have arg:id values, but my 
div approach does not. Any comments would be welcome. Examples of the two 
approaches are provided below (the rest of the content is basically 
identical between 4.2 and 4.4).

4.2 version:

div class=ui-layout-center width=600px
swa:Header arg:label={= spl:object(?viewTemplate, 
ssfhtml:centerHeader) }/
td id=facetsCell valign=top width=450px
div id=facetsProgressIndicatorLoading 
{= ui:label(?treeRoot) }.../div

td id=resultsCell style=padding-left: 12px 
valign=top width=450px/

4.4 version:

div class=ui-layout-center width=600px
swa:Header arg:label={= spl:object(?viewTemplate, 
ssfhtml:centerHeader) }/
td id=facetsCell valign=top width=450px
arg:resourceType=biomed-symp:Symptom ui:args=*/
td id=resultsCell style=padding-left: 12px 
valign=top width=450px


On Friday, July 25, 2014 8:32:29 AM UTC-7, Jack Hodges wrote:

 Do you have a project upload mechanism that I can use. The workspace, 
 compressed, is 223 MB. I have sent a project description to your email 


 On Thursday, July 24, 2014 7:47:52 PM UTC-7, Holger Knublauch wrote:

  Hi Jack,

 sorry but I believe we will need to get hands on your example file to 
 help you further. Off-list is fine.


 On 7/25/2014 5:20, Jack Hodges wrote:
 Hello Irene,

 I checked all of the classes and they are all rdf:type owl:Class (they 
 subclass owl:Thing). I checked all of the properties I am using as facets 
 and the items in all of their domains and ranges are rdf:type owl:Class. 
 But no faceted search (I closed and opened the model and refreshed the 
 caches and the swp graphs).


 On Thursday, July 24, 2014 11:26:37 AM UTC-7, Jack Hodges wrote: 


 On Thursday, July 24, 2014 8:28:41 AM UTC-7, Irene Polikoff wrote: 



 I don’t believe sub-classing is either an issue or a requirement here. 
 Faceted search works over instances of a class. Classes are instances of 
 either rdfs:Class or owl:Class. So, you need to be faceting over either 
 rdfs:Class or owl:Class. And properties to select from as facets would 
 to be associated with these e.g., have owl:Class in their domain.




 *From:* [] 
 *On Behalf Of *Jack Hodges
 *Sent:* Thursday, July 24, 2014 11:17 AM
 *Subject:* Re: [topbraid-users] faceted search on classes rather than 

 I am trying to build faceted search across standard 
 models/repositories. In this case the classes are terminals for the 
 repository and contain all the information an instance would carry. For 
 example, in the obolibrary DOID, disease obo:DOID_9352 is fully populated 
 with content, and the disease is unlikely to be subclassed or instantiated.

 My understanding is that these classes can participate in faceted 
 search under certain circumstances. First, they have to subclassed under 
 one of my classes. Also, for classes to be facetable they need to carry 
 properties and look like resources.

 I created namespaces such as the following for Symptoms:

 and a prefix for it: biomed-symp. I created a class called Symptom and 
 then subclassed several (for the purposes of a demo) of the classes in the 
 obolibrary (e.g., obo:SYMP_455) to biomed-symp:Symptom. I did the same 
 for diseases (etc.). I created facets to bridge the repositories, such as 
 biomed-symp:involvesDisease, that I hung off biomed-symp:Symptom in the 
 defaultFacets property.

 In the vocabulary, I added these properties (e.g,. 

Re: [topbraid-users] faceted search on classes rather than instances?

2014-08-01 Thread Holger Knublauch
Would it work if you just start with the facetsapp (and its swa:Windows) 
and then add your tree component or whatever else you need into it? Yes, 
swa:Windows are needed to trigger the reload correctly, i.e. when you 
change the facets, the right hand side needs to reload.


On 8/2/14, 9:28 AM, Jack Hodges wrote:
By 'instance-tizing' my classes (make them rdf:type my superclass), I 
can get facets. I am glad that I have made some progress, but that 
seems like the wrong approach since they are really classes.

Even when I do this, in 4.4 I get no search results. I migrated this 
'instancetization' back to 4.2 and I get facets and search results. So 
I must not have swa:FacetedSearchGadget and 
swa:SummarySearchResultsGadget wired up properly. Are they supposed to 
be related by arg:id or some such? In the demo, where swa:Window is 
used, they have arg:id values, but my div approach does not. Any 
comments would be welcome. Examples of the two approaches are provided 
below (the rest of the content is basically identical between 4.2 and 

4.2 version:

div class=ui-layout-center width=600px
swa:Header arg:label={= 
spl:object(?viewTemplate, ssfhtml:centerHeader) }/

td id=facetsCell valign=top 
id=facetsProgressIndicatorLoading {= ui:label(?treeRoot) }.../div

td id=resultsCell style=padding-left: 
12px valign=top width=450px/


4.4 version:

div class=ui-layout-center width=600px
swa:Header arg:label={= 
spl:object(?viewTemplate, ssfhtml:centerHeader) }/

td id=facetsCell valign=top 
arg:resourceType=biomed-symp:Symptom ui:args=*/

td id=resultsCell style=padding-left: 
12px valign=top width=450px



On Friday, July 25, 2014 8:32:29 AM UTC-7, Jack Hodges wrote:

Do you have a project upload mechanism that I can use. The
workspace, compressed, is 223 MB. I have sent a project
description to your email address.


On Thursday, July 24, 2014 7:47:52 PM UTC-7, Holger Knublauch wrote:

Hi Jack,

sorry but I believe we will need to get hands on your example
file to help you further. Off-list is fine.


On 7/25/2014 5:20, Jack Hodges wrote:

Hello Irene,

I checked all of the classes and they are all rdf:type
owl:Class (they subclass owl:Thing). I checked all of the
properties I am using as facets and the items in all of their
domains and ranges are rdf:type owl:Class. But no faceted
search (I closed and opened the model and refreshed the
caches and the swp graphs).


On Thursday, July 24, 2014 11:26:37 AM UTC-7, Jack Hodges wrote:


On Thursday, July 24, 2014 8:28:41 AM UTC-7, Irene
Polikoff wrote:


I don’t believe sub-classing is either an issue or a
requirement here. Faceted search works over instances
of a class. Classes are instances of either
rdfs:Class or owl:Class. So, you need to be faceting
over either rdfs:Class or owl:Class. And properties
to select from as facets would need to be associated
with these e.g., have owl:Class in their domain.


[] *On Behalf Of
*Jack Hodges
*Sent:* Thursday, July 24, 2014 11:17 AM
*Subject:* Re: [topbraid-users] faceted search on
classes rather than instances?

I am trying to build faceted search across standard
models/repositories. In this case the classes are
terminals for the repository and contain all the
information an instance would carry. For example, in
the obolibrary DOID, disease obo:DOID_9352 is fully
populated with content, and the disease is unlikely
to be subclassed or instantiated.

My understanding is that these classes can