Re: [Trisquel-users] free save formats -- list

2014-05-18 Thread mikko . viinamaki
You still need to put the page in a category, so it can be found without  
knowing the URL before hand.

It's a bit weird how to get it there... hit edit on the page and select a  
"book". If you wish to select a subcategory (which is strongly suggested to  
not pollute the highest level), you need to select the parent cat and then  
hit that change book button. Then a new drop down appears to select a parent  
item. See I warned you it would be crazy! :)

You might want to repeat this song and dance for all the wiki pages you've  
done as needed.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Yet another wifi issue

2014-05-18 Thread mikko . viinamaki

>yes, 3.5 is older than 3.11, what was I thinking
Not a too crazy mistake to make, so not too much shame! :)

Glad it works.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Keyboard broken + HDMI

2014-05-18 Thread mikko . viinamaki

I don't know such combo but try this. First install xdotool and then run

xdotool key XF86Display

(Letter case is meaningful, like usually.) You might need to do that a few  
times perhaps.

You can find more funny stuff at

Re: [Trisquel-users] DRM, CDM, EME and Mozilla

2014-05-18 Thread chris

Signed it!

[Trisquel-users] Re : DRM, CDM, EME and Mozilla

2014-05-18 Thread magicbanana
An online petition:

Re: [Trisquel-users] "Get Add-ons" in Abrowser doesn't show any addon

2014-05-18 Thread firefoxbugreporter

Re: [Trisquel-users] "Get Add-ons" in Abrowser doesn't show any addon

2014-05-18 Thread legimet . calc

It works for me. Maybe create a new profile?

Re: [Trisquel-users] "Get Add-ons" in Abrowser doesn't show any addon

2014-05-18 Thread alubrutaru

cool, thanks a lot. hope it will get fixed...

Re: [Trisquel-users] DRM, CDM, EME and Mozilla

2014-05-18 Thread chris
I think was reading it wrong the first time. Thought you were saying it was a  
for-profit corporation with a non-profit subsidiary.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Free-as-in-freedom alternatives to iwlwifi-3945-2/1.ucode Wi-Fi drivers

2014-05-18 Thread chris
What your implying is extremely ignorant, offensive, and just plain wrong.  
Trisquel doesn't raise enough funds to cover trips for its lead developer to  
LibrePlanet let alone pay the lead developer. To say its somehow egregiously  
taking advantage of its users is wrong. The only people who would make such a  
claim don't understand what free software is or the reasons it exists.

The reason for replacing hardware is purely down to non-free software issues  
created by companies which think that they are gaining an advantage by  
keeping code secret. It's not just drivers and firmware that are removed from  
Trisquel. It's everything that is under a non-free license and any bits of  
code which link to or point out non-free software. Trisquel follows the free  
software's distribution recommendation guidelines and avoids promoting  
non-free software in any way, shape, or form. The project gets no money from  
the Free Software Foundation either. None of these decisions have had  
anything to do with fund raising. If Trisquel were purely about financial  
interests it would not be excluding non-free software. The exact opposite  
would probably be true. The leading distribution is hardly a 'free software'  
project, but it is significantly better off with sufficient finances to pay  
several full time developers.

I'm the CEO for ThinkPenguin and I can tell you whats been raised  
(approximately, it's public already). It's been a mere few thousand US  
dollars at best, from Trisquel/ThinkPenguin relationships, but to make a  
point, most of the money Trisquel's raised has been through direct donations  
and its associate membership program. The real value here is for the users as  
it reduces the amount of non-free software one is dependent on.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Free-as-in-freedom alternatives to iwlwifi-3945-2/1.ucode Wi-Fi drivers

2014-05-18 Thread chris
No. There are very few reverse engineered drivers. It appears you have an  
Intel wifi chipset and there are no free solutions for these chipsets. Such a  
feat requires significant energies and the results are generally poor.

Unfortunately many manufacturers today are also implementing digital  
restrictions that make moving to GNU/Linux near impossible. From digital  
restrictions on the mini PCIe card slot to technologies like secure boot. The  
best thing to do is be conscious of what your buying before you buy it.

HP, Toshiba, Sony, Apple, Lenovo/IBM, and Dell are particularly gregarious in  
use of digital restrictions and/or proprietary designs.

While there are still lots of potential issues with other manufacturers most  
of the others are not intentionally preventing users from installing third  
party parts. They are still doing things hostile to users though. For example  
they are forcing proprietary software licenses on users.

In most instances you can get around some of these issues with free software  
friendly USB dongles or by replacing the mini PCIe wifi card (if it's not one  
of the above companies).

If you purchase a replacement component from ThinkPenguin 25% of the profits  
go to the Trisquel project. Just visit via

Re: [Trisquel-users] "Get Add-ons" in Abrowser doesn't show any addon

2014-05-18 Thread onpon4
Huh, you're right, I didn't notice that. Well, one thing you can do in the  
meantime is go directly to the page:

Re: [Trisquel-users] Free-as-in-freedom alternatives to iwlwifi-3945-2/1.ucode Wi-Fi drivers

2014-05-18 Thread davidvargas1
Your QUESTION ARE LEGIT, but my past experience TAUGHT ME, That you EITHER  
QUIT USING CRAZY TRISQUEL OR YOU would end buying or replacing the WIFI Card.

I opt to replace the WIFI card on my old laptop, I don't regret it! but my  
own personal opinion is irrelevant to others.

 I still stand that any WIFI transmitting radio waves, the device is not  
secure. It does not matter, Either you are using proprietary binary code or  
such as the "Libre-binary code, when it comes to WIFI transmissions AND  
HANDSHAKE methods.

 In my opinion. is Just a strategic cliche to raise revenues used by the  
libre society in their advantage to raise revenues MAKING TRISQUEL COMPATIBLE  
only WITH CERTAIN BRANDS OF WIFI CARDS only. That does not justify their  
reason's in not allowing other WIFI CARD MANUFACTURES TO BE COMPATIBLE.

This is just my opinion.

[Trisquel-users] Free-as-in-freedom alternatives to iwlwifi-3945-2/1.ucode Wi-Fi drivers

2014-05-18 Thread vladimirvilimaitis
Currently, I am bound on using non-free Wi-Fi drivers on my laptop, which are  
iwlwifi-3945-2.ucode and iwlwifi-3945-1.ucode, what prevents me from  
installing Trisquel GNU/Linux on my machine. Are there reverse-engineered  
free-as-in-freedom alternatives for these drivers?

[Trisquel-users] "Get Add-ons" in Abrowser doesn't show any addon

2014-05-18 Thread alubrutaru


I'm trying to look for a new addon in the "Get Add-ons" section and it  
doesn't load any addon (Abrowser}. In the address bar it appears  

Does anybody have same problem  or knows how to fix it? (Abrowser updated -   


Re: [Trisquel-users] Court rules that API's are copyrightable

2014-05-18 Thread davidvargas1



 The American court system is going to be overwhelm and hands tie down with  
law suits and counter court lawsuits because of copyrightable API's  
issues.before they will declared a final veredict.

 This matter, the way I look at it, is going to redraw the copyrights laws to  
favor the powerful corporate.  I think this is going to be Google's, Samsung.  
and many telecom companies "Achilles tendon" injury.

 As for small telecom business is going to be a calamity..

 That is happening, when everyone has set of standards different from each  
 Just like bill Gates deliberately copy the MS-DOS on its primitive stages  
from Xerox. Bill Gates was never summon in court because on those days there  
was no software copyrights, everything was a lab testing. Corporate espionage  
at its best.

[Trisquel-users] Antwort: Any of you use Docker?

2014-05-18 Thread holger . beetz

Oh yes, one thing I forgot to mention:
Similar to other "enterprise" solutions Docker does not seem to make sense to  
me if you use it on the small scale. For setting up VMs / containers on your  
local PC there are simpler solutions with a less steep learing curve and less  
demanding infrastructure (e.g. local "registry"). One can easily set up a VM  
/ container with a SSH-key that allows remote login without passwort. If you  
set up the VM with a static IP in the first place, you can easily spawm  
multiple copies of the VM, start the VM, update the VM, assign another IP,  

The same applies to containers (OpenVZ, LXC) of course. Automating system  
setup is not really complicate and can be done with simple scripts (Bash,  
Python, Perl, etc). 

[Trisquel-users] Antwort: Any of you use Docker?

2014-05-18 Thread holger . beetz
I haven't spent any time playing around with Docker but experimented with  
Vagrant plus Virtual Box.

You need to understand that Docker is NOT any container-solution similar to  
OpenVZ, LXC, Jails, etc.

It's more like a layer between some container virtualisation or something  
like Vagrant plus VBox and the outer world. It enables you to use the  
virtualisation technology below to encapsulate your server / application.  
Then you can upload your server / application to some "repository" and spawn  
it everywhere (physical remote server, local host, clound).

Have a closer look here:

You can also use LXC for Docker as far as I understood from the few  
presentations I have watched on youtube.

Re: [Trisquel-users] free save formats -- list

2014-05-18 Thread adel . afzal
Thanks MB and Legimet.  I added your ideas to this page, under "free  
implementation of a proprietary specification"

I hope that I understood correctly -- please let me know if I got it wrong

And MB, you're right; I'll focus on free formats where there some kind of  
consensus/quality stamp

Re: [Trisquel-users] DRM, CDM, EME and Mozilla

2014-05-18 Thread jason
Sounds like you're describing exactly what Bradley described, so I'm not sure  
what you're trying to point out...

Re: [Trisquel-users] Court rules that API's are copyrightable

2014-05-18 Thread jason
"...most pundits are going to look at this in an overly contrasted way: NDCA  
said API's aren't copyrightable, and the Appeals Court said they are. That's  
not what happened here, and if you look at the situation that way, you're  
making the same kinds of oversimplications that the Appeals Court seems to  
have erroneously made."

Best go actually read the court decision and these things before before  

[Trisquel-users] Re : free save formats -- list

2014-05-18 Thread magicbanana
Well, the format LibreOffice understands from MS Office files is free. It is  
slightly different from the way MS Office itself understands it though.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Yet another wifi issue

2014-05-18 Thread sylvain . boussekey

Shame on me !

I installed an older kernel. (yes, 3.5 is older than 3.11, what was I  
Hopefully, after compiling the last linux-libre kernel 3.14 disabling  
powersave in wireless devices, it works like a charm ! (Made other things  
work as well)

Thank you everyone !

Re: [Trisquel-users] Court rules that API's are copyrightable

2014-05-18 Thread onpon4
Not to mention it's nonsense. If you can copyright an API, then you can  
copyright a method. Because that's what an API is: a method. It's a subject  
of patents, not copyright.

I really hope Google doesn't accept this bullshit copyright claim. It could  
be a massive legal headache for us, and there's no telling when a sensible  
court will shoot down this bizarre idea that methods are copyrightable if it  
doesn't happen now.

Re: [Trisquel-users] DRM, CDM, EME and Mozilla

2014-05-18 Thread onpon4
Netflix using EME is not a significant problem. They were already using  
digital restriction mechanisms before, and it's no surprise that they  
continue to do so. The big problem is this digital restriction mechanism  
being standardized, and the only major free/libre browser going on and  
accepting it, because that makes the problem of digital restriction  
mechanisms worse.

It's like Flash Player all over again, only this time it could be much worse  
and much more difficult to recover from.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Mozilla to adopt support for digital restrictions: help with the protest!

2014-05-18 Thread retro
It's a recurring pattern. A business gets big and successful by giving users  
what they want, then it starts telling them what they should have and looks  
for ways to make more money. Then it enters a long slow decline as it  
alienates more and more users who are motivated to look for alternatives.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Court rules that API's are copyrightable

2014-05-18 Thread davidvargas1

Re: [Trisquel-users] free save formats -- list

2014-05-18 Thread legimet . calc
An exception is when the free application reverse engineered the format, like  
how LibreOffice supports MS Office formats. Those are definitely not free  

Re: [Trisquel-users] free save formats -- list

2014-05-18 Thread legimet . calc
Of course, those are the default formats used by LibreOffice. (I can't edit  
my post)

[Trisquel-users] Court rules that API's are copyrightable

2014-05-18 Thread legimet . calc
Read here:

This is going to be dangerous for free software, especially.

Re: [Trisquel-users] DRM, CDM, EME and Mozilla

2014-05-18 Thread legimet . calc
It's not in the standard yet. But even if W3C rejects it, companies like  
Netflix have already started to use it :(

[Trisquel-users] Re : DRM, CDM, EME and Mozilla

2014-05-18 Thread magicbanana

EME being in the standard does not make it good.

Preventing somebody from using the video as she wishes (e.g., forcing her to  
watch ads, preventing her from saving the downloaded file, imposing a limit  
on the number of times the video is watched, etc.) clearly goes against  
freedom 0, the freedom to run the program, for any purpose.

DRMs are incompatible with free software. There is no such a thing as a free  
DRM. And, indeed, Firefox will download blobs to impose usage restrictions.

[Trisquel-users] Re : free save formats -- list

2014-05-18 Thread magicbanana
The format used by a free application necessarily is free. Anybody can study  
how it is implemented given the access to the source code. As a consequence,  
your questions become "what are the formats used by the free applications  

That said, and as andrew points out, your question may be about "free  
standards" (with some kind of quality stamp). For instance the mm file format  
(based on XML) of FreeMind and derivatives (the most famous mind mappers) is  
free but I doubt it is a standard.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Keyboard broken + HDMI

2014-05-18 Thread joaovlg
On my laptop's keyboard has a combination fn + f8. But don't is there the key  
"fn" at my usb keyboard. Is there a combination? For exemple ctrl + alt +  

When i plug the cable on TV shows the same image of laptop. The TV is  
mirrored at notebook on resolution 1024 x 768. I wish only see the  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Mozilla to adopt support for digital restrictions: help with the protest!

2014-05-18 Thread tegskywalker
I've emailed Mozilla and it has gone onto deaf ears with no reply. Mozilla is  
very set in their ways and extremely self righteous.

I've read responses from employees (like to Kuhn's recent post) and they give  
an arrogant response telling the users that they are making the right choices  
for you and the user is simply wrong if they disagree with the for profit  
interests of the Mozilla Corporation.

Re: [Trisquel-users] DRM, CDM, EME and Mozilla

2014-05-18 Thread tegskywalker
Firefox is more restrictive than Chromium because you have to rename it and  
rip out all the artwork since the Mozilla Corporation won't allow you to use  
the Firefox name.

With Chromium, you can modify it all you want (like turning off or disabling  
the Google features) and still use the name Chromium with the same artwork.

As for EME, isn't it an accepted web standard now by the W3C? I understand  
the concept of software without restrictions, but does it really matter with  
video? It is meant to consumed and not modified as it is copyrighted  
material. They are just making sure the transfer of copyrighted material  
stays in the control of the creator.