[Trisquel-users] Re : An alternative to gmail

2016-11-14 Thread lcerf
Well, it depends on where you live.  In Brazil, it actually is hard (though  
possible) to find a 3TB external drive for the equivalent of US$ 200.

Re: [Trisquel-users] An alternative to gmail

2016-11-14 Thread onpon4
Why are 3TB hard drives even being discussed? That's not even close to  
necessary, As your numbers show, even with tens of thousands of emails,  
that's less than 10 GB. The base OS never takes up more than around 16 GB, so  
anything 32 GB or more will do just fine.

Personally, I "only" use around 120 GB (out of a 500 GB hard drive), and  
almost all of that is videos. Emails don't even register.

[Trisquel-users] Re : An alternative to gmail

2016-11-14 Thread lcerf
You are right... but are external drives with less than 1TB of space still  
produced?  There are flash memories but the unit cost (i.e., the cost of one  
GB) is higher and they are not as reliable.

Re: [Trisquel-users] An alternative to gmail

2016-11-14 Thread onpon4
I don't know, but even if they're not, they're still available and much  
cheaper. On Amazon, I found multiple 250-320 GB hard drives being sold for  
less than $20. If it were me, and I needed a hard drive, this is what I would  
be getting; why spend $100 for an additional 700 GB of space I'm not even  
going to use?

Re: [Trisquel-users] An alternative to gmail

2016-11-14 Thread t8mf4nu6lizp

> I want to stop using anything related to google.

Congratulations, I hope more people will follow your example. We have to stop  
feeding these monsters.

Re: [Trisquel-users] An alternative to gmail

2016-11-14 Thread caleb
I just deleted my whole google existence a few weeks ago and it has been  
nice. :) I've been using fastmail for a few years now with no problems and  
life without google has been completely fine!

Re: [Trisquel-users] An alternative to gmail

2016-11-14 Thread greatgnu
>I just deleted my whole google existence a few weeks ago and it has been  

Implying they really delete anything, but good for you. :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] An alternative to gmail

2016-11-14 Thread john_harvey
As a layman I'm not sure if I'm following everything but: what about  
riseup.net as an alternative? 

Re: [Trisquel-users] An alternative to gmail

2016-11-14 Thread fenderbassist
I have been using Riseup for about a year now.  So far I'm very pleased,  
rock-solid service.  Be aware, they are a donation-based service and there's  
been a few times they had no choice but to ask everyone to donate something  
to help out (which I felt was quite reasonable).  Someone has to pay somehow  
for bandwidth, servers and such.

ProtonMail is a free alternative (as far as I remember).

Another alternative might be Startpage's StartMail  
https://www.startmail.com/, though it appears that it is fee-based.

An additional fee-based service is VFEmail.

Between the suggestions already made and these, I'm sure you can choose  
something that will suit you, best of luck :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] An alternative to gmail

2016-11-14 Thread caleb
Thanks! :) Haha yeah good point. I'm sure my data will forever be in one of  
google's data-centers buried secretly within some mountain. At least I'm not  
giving them any more data (well i think lol)!

[Trisquel-users] Question about EOMA68 Libre Tea Computer Card (RYF)

2016-11-14 Thread cyberdevoper


If you are not familiar with the product,please look down below.

I never used to own arm in miniPC form (except for non usable android  
phones).I thought that it would be a good idea to switch my off job  
computing(personal development)to total libre computing platform.
Now i never bought none of RYF laptops provided by GNU.org,simply they are  
old laptops that corroded long time ago(my opinion at least) and this is  
first time that we have a chance to have new manufactured RYF certified PC.

I am interested in web development with accent on JS(besides html/html5 and  
css/css3) and interested in performance of the components inside the board.I  
done various software in GUI game engines and didn't wanted to make mistake  
when deciding on code that i will spent most of my time on.I decided to go  
with web option simply because there are more than 1 runner for the code and  
more than 1 platform that more than 1 runner can be run on.

If MALI GPU opensource driver is not available in Libre Tea Computer Card how  
much would i be able to get on the performance?Now my target resolution would  
be half of the fullHD(960x540)for the JS games running in Canvas2D or  
WebGL(2D games mainly)with 30FPS.

Also if we do have only microSD card as an option how much would speed be  
degraded compared to eMMC chip or something similar?

Regards and have a nice day ;)

[Trisquel-users] How to clean the entire disk with Trusquel? USA and Russia FBI spy my PC

2016-11-14 Thread mail
Hello, my total disk space is 500 GB. I installed Trisquel but I see that my  
total disk space is 20Gb. Why? I used different ways for installation like a  
this: I created new table while I am installing Trisquel but it is not help  
me. I think that hard disk contains vulnerability which help FBI control my  

I want to clear all disk and install trisquel again. How to do clear all  
disk, all tables in disk?
I installed trisquel 2 days ago again. Total disk space was next to 500GB.  
But yestrday I see that total disk space 20 GB again. Look attachment.  
Sometimes I installed trisquel 5 times a day.

I am not use libreboot for motherboard but i used trisquel, virtual keyboard  
and I turned off JavaScript for browser.

p.s I use some popular english freelance website for job. In this website I'm  
turning on javascript so only USA fbi can add viruses in my hard disk for spy  
me or hard disk have vulnerability. I know that default motherboard can spy  
keyboard action and process in pc. Governmental virus can be added in pc via  
the Internet javasript from all websites. Then spy all user action like  
browser links etc.
p.s I was two years ago the Communist Party but then went out, i know that  
russia fbi spy me. They do not hide their actions because they sure that  
socialism will no longer be. 60% of the russian budget is the sale of Russian  
oil and gas to Europe. The average salary in Russia is $ 250 per month.

Re: [Trisquel-users] How to clean the entire disk with Trusquel? USA and Russia FBI spy my PC

2016-11-14 Thread noordinaryspider

Everything looks fine.

You have a 20 GB partition that holds your system files, a 6.3 GB swap  
partition, and a 473 GB home partition.

Your personal files and settings are in the home partition.