[Trisquel-users] Substitute fonts

2013-06-05 Thread ejectmail
Trisquel currently includes a few substitutes for famous typefaces, so I  
thought I'd contribute a few more:

Aroania is a near-clone of Verdana, with a few subtle differences and  
fantastic language support. The only thing Verdana has that this font doesn't  
have is italics, but they're not true italics so you'll hardly be missing  
anything. Like the many interesting fonts on Douros' site, "Fonts in [sic]  
this site are offered free for any use; they may be installed, embedded,  
opened, edited, modified, regenerated, posted, packaged and redistributed."

Have you ever heard of FF Meta? Even if you haven't, I'm almost certain  
you've seen it, seeing as it's one of the most popular commercial (yes, I do  
mean simply "for sale") typefaces of the past two decades. Here's a sample.  
However, not only is it commercial, it's proprietary. But for Ben Weiner's  
thesis project he produced a remarkably similar typeface, Puritan.

Calibri has become one of my least-favourite typefaces lately because of its  
overuse; Microsoft has made it the default font for everything and now it's  
seen everywhere because of lazy typographers. (Also, it's proprietary.)  
However, Omnibus Type has created a fantastic alternative to it, Asap, with  
the nice bonus that all glyphs are exactly the same width in all four styles.  
This font is under the OFL as well.

And now, the part of this post that everyone's going to hate: there is,  
believe it or not, a libre alternative to Comic Sans. It's even metrically  
compatible. Why anyone would need this, I don't know, but it's called Comic  
Relief, and released under the OFL. Please direct all vicious outpourings of  
rage to designer Jeff Davis and not me.

And one last thing: if you need some shorter names, or more language support,  
for your Liberation Sans/Mono/Serif, then you can get the Google Croscore  
versions of the fonts (respectively called the much more attractive Arimo,  
Cousine, and Tinos) by clicking here. I can't remember where I originally  
found these files (it was something like an OpenSUSE package mirror, but I  
could be wrong) so this is pretty much an exclusive download. The miracle of  
free software — what if I weren't able to share these fonts with you? :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Substitute fonts

2013-09-29 Thread darrenvenables
FF Meta Substitute from Firefox OS, Fira Sans:  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Substitute fonts

2013-09-30 Thread gramex

How are fonts installed in Trisquel?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Substitute fonts

2013-09-30 Thread darrenvenables
There is an easy way and a hard way to do it. The hard way is to open a  
terminal, enter sudo nautilus, enter your password, and copy the files into  
/usr/share/fonts. The easy way is to install the program Font Manager from  
add/remove applications, click the gear in the bottom left corner, click  
"Install Fonts", and navigate to the folder where you have the fonts. This  
has the downside of only installing the fonts for you and not for all users.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Substitute fonts

2013-09-30 Thread gramex

This worked, thank you!

Re: [Trisquel-users] Substitute fonts

2013-09-30 Thread mikko . viinamaki

>sudo nautilus

It's better to categorically teach people to use gksudo for graphical apps.  
Sure some gfx apps work with sudo but others will give you nasty permissions  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Substitute fonts

2013-10-14 Thread icarolongo

Now we have one free compatible Calibri font, the "Carlito":

[1] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Google_Crosextra_Carlito_fonts

I found here: http://blogs.gnome.org/uraeus/2013/10/10/a-thank-you-to-google/

Re: [Trisquel-users] Substitute fonts

2013-10-14 Thread darrenvenables
That looks nothing like Calibri. In fact, it's just Lato with better language  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Substitute fonts

2013-10-15 Thread icarolongo

Overpass[1] from Red Hat is a substitute for Interstate[2].

[1] http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Overpass_Fonts
[2] http://www.myfonts.com/fonts/fontbureau/interstate/


Re: [Trisquel-users] Substitute fonts

2013-10-15 Thread tegskywalker
Carlito is a sexy font and I may give it a shot down the road for work  
documents and web sites. The weight is not as heavy as Lato and the font  
glyphs seem smaller and tighter. I emailed the Font Squirrel guys to add it  
to their page and hopefully Google adds it to their web fonts service.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Substitute fonts

2013-10-15 Thread tegskywalker
Another font added by Google is Caladea, which is metric-compatible with  
Cambria font and also based on Lato:


Re: [Trisquel-users] Substitute fonts

2013-10-15 Thread tegskywalker
These fonts were a little harder to find, but I found them on a GitHub repo  
(https://github.com/axilleas/googlefonts). Here are the direct links and  
hopefully they are the latest versions too:

Caladea Regular

Caladea Bold

Caladea Italic:

Caldea Bold Italic:

P.S. These are licensed under Apache 2.0, so they are good to go.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Substitute fonts

2013-10-15 Thread darrenvenables
That's just Droid Serif with a few minor character changes that make the font  
slightly uglier.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Substitute fonts

2013-10-15 Thread tegskywalker
Yeah, I don't see myself using it but I wanted to put it out there as a new  
libre font commissioned by Google. I guess they were more concerned with it  
being compatible with the Microsoft fonts for their ChromeOS users that may  
get it referenced in Google Docs.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Substitute fonts

2013-10-15 Thread tegskywalker
The website and .zip files do not list a license, but it is SIL 1.1 according  
to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fira_Sans just others in this thread were  
wondering. :-P

Re: [Trisquel-users] Substitute fonts

2013-10-25 Thread gramex

Armworm, could you add some of these fonts to this[0] wiki page?
[0] https://trisquel.info/en/wiki/list-free-fonts

Re: [Trisquel-users] Substitute fonts

2013-10-25 Thread mikko . viinamaki

Your Aroania link on that wiki page is broken.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Substitute fonts

2013-10-25 Thread gramex

I just fixed it.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Substitute fonts

2013-10-25 Thread gramex

That link is broken. Attached is the license, available here[0].
[0] http://xrl.us/PFFL

Re: [Trisquel-users] Substitute fonts

2013-10-25 Thread gramex
I just noticed that that license doesn't explicitly grant permission to  
modify the fonts. I don't think this was done on purpose; this is a  
custom-written license by a (presumably) non-lawyer.

Maybe you could convince the author to use the OFL.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Substitute fonts

2013-10-26 Thread darrenvenables
The OFL information is contained in the font's license headers:  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Substitute fonts

2013-10-26 Thread darrenvenables


Re: [Trisquel-users] Substitute fonts

2013-11-01 Thread gramex
Are you sure Aroania is really free? I don't see the source file anywhere on  
the page.


Re: [Trisquel-users] Substitute fonts

2013-11-01 Thread darrenvenables
Fonts are how software would be if decompiling were reliable. Fontforge can  
open .otf and .ttf files and treat them as source files. Essentially, source  
code is always shipped with a font.

The exception is a few old CJK fonts for Windows, that didn't actually use  
outlines but only vague directions. But they were proprietary anyways.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Substitute fonts

2013-11-02 Thread mikko . viinamaki
It would be sweet if you guys could make previews of the fonts on that wiki  

All using some standard setup, e.g. the famous phrase "The quick brown fox  
jumps over the lazy dog" (contains all English alphabet) in 12 px size or  
whatever, I'm no fonts expert. You hash that out.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Substitute fonts

2013-11-04 Thread darrenvenables
Found another one! It's called Aileron, and it looks a lot like the famous  
Univers. But it has a twist to it; the lowercase L has a tail, distinguishing  
it from I. I like this font!

Re: [Trisquel-users] Substitute fonts

2013-11-05 Thread gramex

What does this say? I can't understand it. :-)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Substitute fonts

2013-11-05 Thread darrenvenables
This is a reply to comment #59, so you can add the following text to the   
tag: height="50%" width="50%"

The phrase is a Polish pangram, containing every letter of the Polish  
alphabet. It means "Come on, cast this sadness into the depth of a bottle!" I  
chose it because it shows off not only most letters of the alphabet, but  
basic language support as well.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Substitute fonts

2013-11-05 Thread c269824

I believe those fonts are included in Trisquel.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Substitute fonts

2013-11-05 Thread gramex
The pictures on the fonts page should be attached to the wiki, not on  
imgur.com; it reduces dependence on other websites. Also, couldn't the size  
of the picture be reduced, instead of reducing it in the browser? It makes  
the file size larger, which means more bandwidth is used.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Substitute fonts

2013-11-05 Thread tegskywalker

I've used Vegur in the past and it is a really nice font.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Substitute fonts

2013-06-05 Thread tegskywalker
Don't forget about Arimo for Arial. The font Tinos tries to be a Times New  
Roman replacement, but doesn't come close. I do like the FreeSerif font as a  
TNR replacement.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Substitute fonts

2013-06-05 Thread tegskywalker
My bad... didn't see your Arimo reference in the last paragraph. Btw, do you  
know of a Proximo Nova replacment? Lato tries to come close but it doesn't  
hit it exactly.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Substitute fonts

2013-06-05 Thread ejectmail
That's a tough one. Although I often search for free fonts, I haven't seen  
one that mimics those semi-grotesques very well. The closest I could find at  
Google Webfonts is Varela, which has only one style. If you recall from this  
thread, I tried to free one such typeface, but it seems it will remain  
proprietary forever.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Substitute fonts

2013-06-05 Thread ejectmail
Some lesser-known free typefaces on the web are the Permian typefaces and  
Heuristica, a version of Utopia with improved language support. (By  
lesser-known, I mean I haven't encountered them in all the blog lists of  
gratis fonts through which I trawl.)

To be honest, I think that the fonts currently included with Trisquel could  
really be expanded and improved. For example, there's a much more up-to-date  
version of Peter Baker's Junicode available, and there should be more serious  
fonts. Also, Font Manager should be installed by default, to give users an  
easy (non-terminal) way to install fonts.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Substitute fonts

2013-06-05 Thread tegskywalker
I think that future versions of Trisquel (or an upcoming respin) should  
include the Croscore fonts by default since it doesn't include Liberation.  
Croscore are pretty much the same fonts but more up to date.

The Roboto fonts located at http://packages.ubuntu.com/raring/fonts-roboto  
would be a good candidate to backport to 6 or as part of an updated ISO as  
mentioned above. They are very readable especially for icon text on the  
desktop and window text.

I'd also like to suggest Lato from  
http://packages.ubuntu.com/raring/fonts-lato and Open Sans and Raleway from  

I know that many of these can be installed manually, but having in .deb form  
can't hurt as well!

Re: [Trisquel-users] Substitute fonts

2013-06-05 Thread tegskywalker
Speaking of Elementary OS, their daily PPA at  
https://launchpad.net/~elementary-os/+archive/daily has another font called  
Khmer Mondulkiri which I haven't heard about until now:  

I haven't had a chance to try out these fonts from the daily PPA as they are  
new to me.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Substitute fonts

2013-06-06 Thread Andrew Roffey
On 06/06/13 13:43, ejectmail wrote:
> To be honest, I think that the fonts currently included with Trisquel
> could really be expanded and improved. For example, there's a much
> more up-to-date version of Peter Baker's Junicode available, and
> there should be more serious fonts. Also, Font Manager should be 
> installed by default, to give users an easy (non-terminal) way to 
> install fonts.

File a feature request at the bug tracker! :-)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Substitute fonts

2013-06-06 Thread ejectmail
Done and done, but no one ever seems to pay attention to the issues I've  
filed. I filed a bug mentioning that the homepage does not pass the validator  
and no one's said a word on it yet. :(

Re: [Trisquel-users] Substitute fonts

2013-06-06 Thread ejectmail
Oh, gosh. The Khmer/general foreign fonts are the absolute worst Trisquel  
includes. Ever noticed that one of them is called "Untitled1"?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Substitute fonts

2013-06-06 Thread tegskywalker
I added a comment to your bug request giving a link to the more updated  
Croscore fonts. I don't know how I found this page originally, but it is  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Substitute fonts

2013-06-06 Thread Andrew Roffey
On 07/06/13 00:36, ejectm...@me.com wrote:
> Done and done, but no one ever seems to pay attention to the issues 
> I've filed. I filed a bug mentioning that the homepage does not pass 
> the validator and no one's said a word on it yet. :(

Website bugs seem to take longer. We're still on Drupal 6, so maybe it
will be done during the upgrade to v7, when the theme is updated.


Re: [Trisquel-users] Substitute fonts

2013-06-07 Thread ejectmail
Note that for the Permian typefaces, I'm assuming their license (essentially  
a simplified version of the OFL) is a libre license. Only the first clause  
may cause some problems, but such a clause seems to be okay for the OFL.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Substitute fonts

2013-06-26 Thread ejectmail
New substitute fonts: Anton and Gabo Drive make good substitutes for Impact.  
So now free software users can post memes :).

Re: [Trisquel-users] Substitute fonts

2013-06-27 Thread ejectmail
Interesting news! Somebody is doing a survey on font licensing for their  
thesis here. Let's tell him about free software! Here's the text I used:

"Font licensing is a very simple issue. As fonts are software, all fonts need  
to be free software, or they are controlling their users. That is unethical.

"By 'free software', I am not referring to price, but the free software  
described at http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html. You must have the  
freedom to use fonts for any purpose, to modify them, and to copy and  
redistribute them for any price even with modifications.

"I currently use the free and open-source GNU/Linux operating system, and use  
only free and open-source fonts."

Re: [Trisquel-users] Substitute fonts

2013-06-27 Thread Stefano

maybe you can help me here, because I am not sure that I understand
why fonts are software.

I used to see proprietary fonts more like a patent-encumbered format:
I don't want to meddle with mp3, so I use ogg... I don't want to
meddle with Times New Roman, so I use FreeSerif. So, if you want to
use them you may need to pay a fee to the copyright holder, but that's
not exactly the same as software.

How is a font controlling a user? What is the difference from a
proprietary font and, say, the mp3 format?

Can you help me understand better?


Re: [Trisquel-users] Substitute fonts

2013-06-27 Thread Michał Masłowski
> maybe you can help me here, because I am not sure that I understand
> why fonts are software.

It's a legal trick: vector fonts are programs for drawing shapes of
letters.  The shapes cannot be copyrighted in the USA while the programs

Fonts clearly are works for practical use.  Some reasons to share them:
being a good neighbor, collaborating with friends on a document to be
printed, using them to make a document more legible (there are "special"
fonts for documents with mathematics or that might be photocopied),
being able to format a document for your paper format (this usually
needs more data than is embedded in the document).  Reasons to modify
them: supporting special symbols (math papers need many symbols),
supporting minority languages (like Charis SIL: it's based on a free
font), fixing bugs.

Description: PGP signature

Re: [Trisquel-users] Substitute fonts

2013-06-27 Thread tegskywalker
Speaking of fonts, I've been eyeballing both FreeSans and Nimbus Sans L and  
it has become a little hard to pick a favorite between the two. I know that  
FreeSans is in active development and both are pretty common on GNU/Linux  
installs. So from your preferences, which one do you prefer for personal use  
in your docs and/or web sites?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Substitute fonts

2013-06-27 Thread ejectmail
Nimbus Sans L. I've only ever used FreeSans once, and I found it was  
chock-full of tiny errors (for example, the lowercase s has a wider stroke  
width than the other letters). Nimbus Sans L is much closer to the original  
Helvetica and looks nicer on-screen.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Substitute fonts

2013-06-27 Thread tegskywalker
For print, I'm really keen on Caslon and Garamond, but there don't seem to be  
any decent substitutes that are libre. The typeface in the Steve Jobs book  
was Caslon (Adobe version?) and was VERY readable:  

Other books like the Harry Potter series use the Adobe Garamond "non-free"  
fonts and look great. EB Garamond is a LONG ways off.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Substitute fonts

2013-06-27 Thread ejectmail
Au contraire, have I got fonts for you! How about Libre Caslon and Crimson  
Text? I agree that there is a noticeable lack of old-style serifs in free  
typography, but these two do very nicely.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Substitute fonts

2013-06-28 Thread tegskywalker
I downloaded the Libre Caslon fonts and they seem to be optimized for web  
body text and headlines. I haven't personally tested this for print, but is  
Libre Caslon suitable for a book or magazine or will there be issues?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Substitute fonts

2013-06-28 Thread ejectmail
I tried Libre Caslon in print in a letter I set. It was a beautiful letter,  
so beautiful I almost didn't want to send it. I don't think you'll have any  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Substitute fonts

2013-07-03 Thread atilio . baroni
Armworm, first of all thank you very much for sharing this information about  
well made and libre fonts! For those of us who lack the knowledge to sift  
through everything you can find out there, it's a blessing!

I'm having a bit of trouble with the filedropper link with the Croscore  
versions of the fonts, though, it doesn't seem to be working. Is it necessary  
to sign up to download it?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Substitute fonts

2013-07-03 Thread ejectmail

Not a problem. I love fonts and I love to share that love!

Anyway, sorry about that Filedropper problem. I'm not sure why it's not  
working, so I've attached the files in this comment. I really had to compress  
it to get it under Trisquel's upload limit; if there's any information loss,  
let me know and I'll see what I can do.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Substitute fonts

2013-07-03 Thread ejectmail
Oops. For some reason they didn't attach. Here's a link that ought to work:  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Substitute fonts

2013-07-04 Thread Stefano
This thread looks very interesting. Could you "font gurus" create a
page on the Wiki with a list (and links) to the free/libre fonts
mentioned here? That would be a great thing to do.



Re: [Trisquel-users] Substitute fonts

2013-07-04 Thread mikko . viinamaki

And if you do, please include samples.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Substitute fonts

2013-07-04 Thread atilio . baroni

The wikisend link worked like a charm :) thanks a lot again!

Re: [Trisquel-users] Substitute fonts

2013-07-04 Thread ejectmail

Bingo! I hope that you will be satisfied with Montserrat.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Substitute fonts

2013-07-05 Thread punya
Thank you very much for sharing your fonts, Armworm! I also have a font to  
share which is called Gandhari Unicode. It is an improved version of Nimbus  
Roman No9 with additional support of diacritical marks, especially for the  
transliteration of Indic languages.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Substitute fonts

2013-07-05 Thread tegskywalker
I always nab the Croscore fonts (Arimo, Cousine, Tinos, and the newer Noto)  
from https://code.google.com/p/noto/wiki/FontList which I assume is always up  
to date by Google.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Substitute fonts

2013-07-10 Thread ejectmail
From now on, this topic will no longer be about purely substitutes, but new  
fonts I find in general.

And have I got a cool find! It's called Andada, and it's an awesome Spanish  
slab serif designed by Huerta Tipográfica (makers of "font of the decade"  
Alegreya [which is also awesome]). It's currently available only on  
FontSquirrel, and the site recommends a ton of non-free fonts as well as free  
ones, so I can't link to it. But you should be able to find it with your  
favourite search engine and then search the site for "Andada".

If you're interested in doing these searches yourself, the places I check for  
free fonts are:

Google Web Fonts (note: the Ubuntu typeface is not free software; do not  
download it

FontSquirrel (but always check the license)
A site called free.type.org.ua (again, can't link as they recommend lots of  
non-free fonts as well, but it's there that I found the aforementioned  
Permian Typefaces that are mentioned nowhere else)
Searching the web for "[adjective] free fonts 2013" brings up lots of blog  
collections of free fonts. I used this to find Roboto Slab even before Google  
had released it!
Designer Pablo Impallari's website, located at [his last name].com. I can't  
link to him as on his front page he recommends a proprietary font manager. He  
releases his projects as betas and they're often high quality even then.  
Check out the Encode superfamily he's working on now!

I don't recommend that you search sites like DaFont and 1001 Free Fonts.  
Someone, I can't remember who, said of fonts on those sites "Here's a bunch  
of useless junk you'll like because it's free" [gratis]. There are too many  
display faces and not enough styles/weights. But if you must browse them for  
serious fonts, use the "serif" category first; most display fonts are  
classified under sans-serif.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Substitute fonts

2013-07-10 Thread tegskywalker
I also find any libre fonts by Steve Matteson to always be top quality. As  
for the Ubuntu font, its a shame they didn't go with SIL but they had their  
reasons: http://font.ubuntu.com/ufl/ofl-1.1-ufl-1.0.diff.html

Re: [Trisquel-users] Substitute fonts

2013-07-11 Thread ejectmail
Please do not link to sites that recommend or promote non-free software.  
Steve Matteson would definitely be another champion of free typography; he  
has the next most fonts on GWF after Vernon Adams.

Every once and a while, sort the fonts on GWF by number of styles and scroll  
through them. Google doesn't bring fonts to the top when new styles are  
added. One of my favourite fonts, Eben Sorkin's Merriweather Sans (specimen)  
got its italics live and I only found out from the designer's blog.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Substitute fonts

2013-07-19 Thread peterjerry64
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