Re: [Tutor] associating two objects without ORM and processing a text file

2013-02-14 Thread eryksun
On Thu, Feb 14, 2013 at 4:33 PM, Prasad, Ramit
> My knee jerk response is a try/finally block, but I am sure there
> are better ways.

The atexit.register decorator hooks sys.exitfunc:

Registered atexit functions are run early during interpreter
finalization. Signal handling is still enabled (e.g. SIGINT), and you
can still import. In the standard lib, logging and multiprocessing use

In a C extension there's also Py_AtExit for registering a C function:

Calling the exitfuncs is the last task in Py_Finalize, after
everything has been torn down, so they should not use the C-API.


import atexit
from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
from ctypes import CDLL, pythonapi

def f():
print "shutdown: atexit"

# register a C function
with NamedTemporaryFile() as so:
p = Popen(['gcc', '-xc', '-shared', '-fPIC', '-o',, '-'], stdin=PIPE, stdout=so)
  void fc(void) {printf("shutdown: Py_AtExit\\n");}''')
fc = CDLL( # keep reference

raise RuntimeError
print "shutdown: finally"


shutdown: finally
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 20, in 
raise RuntimeError
shutdown: atexit
shutdown: Py_AtExit
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Re: [Tutor] associating two objects without ORM and processing a text file

2013-02-14 Thread neubyr
On Thu, Feb 14, 2013 at 4:05 PM, Dave Angel  wrote:

> On 02/14/2013 04:33 PM, Prasad, Ramit wrote:
>> Dave Angel wrote:
>>> On 02/14/2013 12:35 PM, Prasad, Ramit wrote:
 neubyr wrote:

> I am not sure how to save an object in memory to a file before exiting
> the program. Any examples or
> related documentation links would be really helpful. I am guessing it
> would be using some kind of
> before teardown method, but not sure about it. Any help?

 Look at the pickle or shelve modules.**PyMOTW/pickle/index.html**PyMOTW/shelve/index.html

>>> You miss the point.  The OP wants to make sure the text file is saved no
>>> matter how the program happens to exit.  He's not asking how to format
>>> the file.
>> Hmm. Good point Dave, I did miss that point.
>> My knee jerk response is a try/finally block, but I am sure there
>> are better ways.
>> stored_data = {}
>> try:
>>  stored_data = load_data()
>>  while True:
>>  #
>> except Exception:
>>  raise # reraise exception to keep trace and still
>># propogate error for attention
>> finally:
>>  store_data(stored_data) # Save data since we are exiting
>>  # (intentionally or not).
> That would be my reaction as well.  I would, however make it conditional
> on some changes having been made.  That way if this program run only made
> queries, the effort and risk of saving can be avoided.
> The other thing I'd recommend is to store the data in an alternate file,
> and only delete the original when the alternate is ready to rename. That
> way, you can't readily get into trouble if something crashes while saving.
Thanks Ramit and Dave!

I haven't had chance to code/learn further, but I will give play with this

I do have a doubt regarding this - e.g. how would I implement this if my
program/application is web based. For example, loading the text file during
web server start and stop.

Hope to try it out soon!

- N
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Re: [Tutor] associating two objects without ORM and processing a text file

2013-02-14 Thread neubyr
On Wed, Feb 13, 2013 at 1:55 PM, Alan Gauld wrote:

> On 13/02/13 19:14, neubyr wrote:
>  I am not sure how to save an object in memory to a file
>> before exiting the program. Any examples or related documentation links
>> would be really helpful. I am guessing it would be using some kind of
>> before teardown method, but not sure about it. Any help?
> If using class methods or standalone functions just call them explicitly
> at the start and end of your program. If you want to
> be sure it gets called use a try/finally
> try:
>Book.loadBooks(filename)  # load the data
># do your program stuff
> finally:
>Book.saveBooks(filename)   # save the data
> That ensures that even if there is an exception the data will always be
> saved.

Thanks Alan!

- N
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Re: [Tutor] use of variables in re.sub

2013-02-14 Thread Oscar Benjamin
On 14 February 2013 12:57, Eva Bofias  wrote:
> Helo,


> I need to do a substitution in a regular expression that depends on a
> variable. To simplify I want to be able to do this substitution:
> text2='XX. AA YY. DD'
> re.sub(ur"\. (AA|BB|ÇÇ","(.) \g<1>",text2)

There is a missing bracket in that expression. did you mean ur"\. (AA|BB|ÇÇ)"?

> this would give as a result:
> 'XX(.) AA YY. DD'
> Which is exactly what I want.
> But when I try to substitute AA|BB|CC for a variable I do not know how to
> make it work.

How about this?

>>> import re
>>> text2='XX. AA YY. DD'
>>> re.sub(ur"\. (AA|BB|ÇÇ)",r"(.) \g<1>",text2)  # ¡Note the r"" raw string!
'XX(.) AA YY. DD'

Or have I misunderstood?

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Re: [Tutor] Newbie Here -- Averaging & Adding Madness Over a Given (x) Range?!?!

2013-02-14 Thread bob gailer

On 2/14/2013 3:55 PM, Michael McConachie wrote:

I agree with dave angel - the specification is far from clear. please 
clarify. perhaps a simple example that goes from input to desired output.

Bob Gailer
Chapel Hill NC

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Re: [Tutor] Newbie Here -- Averaging & Adding Madness Over a Given (x) Range?!?!

2013-02-14 Thread Steven D'Aprano

On 15/02/13 07:55, Michael McConachie wrote:


1.  I have a list of numbers that already exist in a file.  I generate this 
file by parsing info from logs.
2.  Each line contains an integer on it (corresponding to the number of 
milliseconds that it takes to complete a certain repeated task).
3.  There are over a million entries in this file, one per line; at any given 
time it can be just a few thousand, or more than a million.


A million entries sounds like a lot to you or me, but to your computer, it's 
not. When you start talking tens or hundreds of millions, that's possibly a lot.

Do you know how to read those numbers into a Python list? Here is the "baby 
step" way to do so:

data = []  # Start with an empty list.
f = open("filename")  # Obviously you have to use the actual file name.
for line in f:  # Read the file one line at a time.
num = int(line)  # Convert each line into an integer (whole number)
data.append(num)  # and append it to the end of the list.
f.close()  # Close the file when done.

Here's a more concise way to do it:

with open("filename") as f:
data = [int(line) for line in f]

Once you have that list of numbers, you can sum the whole lot:


or just a range of the items:

sum(data[:100])  # The first 100 items.

sum(data[100:200])  # The second 100 items.

sum(data[-50:])  # The last 50 items.

sum(data[1000:])  # Item 1001 to the end.  (See below.)

sum(data[5:99:3])  # Every third item, starting at index 5 and ending at index 

This is called "slicing", and it is perhaps the most powerful and useful 
technique that Python gives you for dealing with lists. The rules though are not 
necessarily the most intuitive though.

A slice is either a pair of numbers separated with a colon, inside the square 


or a triple:


Any of these three numbers can be left out. The default values are:

end=length of the sequence being sliced

They can also be negative. If start or end are negative, they are interpreted as "from the 
end" rather than "from the beginning".

Item positions are counted from 0, which will be very familiar to C 
programmers. The start index is included in the slice, the end position is 

The model that you should think of is to imagine the sequence of items labelled 
with their index, starting from zero, and with a vertical line *between* each 
position. Here is a sequence of 26 items, showing the index in the first line 
and the value in the second:

|0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9| ... |25|
|a|b|c|d|e|f|g|h|i|j| ... |z |

When you take a slice, the items are always cut at the left. So, if the above is called 
"letters", we have:

letters[0:4]  # returns "abcd"

letters[2:8]  # returns "cdefgh"

letters[2:8:2]  # returns "ceg"

letters[-3:]  # returns "xyz"

Eventually what I'll need to do is:

1.  Index the file and/or count the lines, as to identify each line's 
positional relevance so that it can average any range of numbers that are 
sequential; one to one another.

No need. Python already does that, automatically, when you read the data into a 

2.  Calculate the difference between any given (x) range.  In order to be able to 
ask the program to average every 5, 10, 100, 100, or 10,000 etc. -->  until 
completion.  This includes the need to dealing with stray remainders at the end of 
the file that aren't divisible by that initial requested range.

I don't quite understand you here. First you say "difference", then you say 
"average". Can you show a sample of data, say, 10 values, and the sorts of typical 
calculations you want to perform, with the answers you expect to get?

For example, here's 10 numbers:

103, 104, 105, 109, 111, 112, 115, 120, 123, 128

Here are the running averages of 3 values:









Is that what you mean? If so, then Python can deal with this trivially, using slicing. 
With your data stored in list "data", as above, I can say:

for i in range(0, len(data)-3):  # Stop 3 from the end.
print sum(data[i:i+3])

to print the running sums taking three items at a time.

The rest of your post just confuses me. Until you explain exactly what 
calculations you are trying to perform, I can't tell you how to perform them :-)

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Re: [Tutor] associating two objects without ORM and processing a text file

2013-02-14 Thread Dave Angel

On 02/14/2013 04:33 PM, Prasad, Ramit wrote:

Dave Angel wrote:

On 02/14/2013 12:35 PM, Prasad, Ramit wrote:

neubyr wrote:

I am not sure how to save an object in memory to a file before exiting the 
program. Any examples or
related documentation links would be really helpful. I am guessing it would be 
using some kind of
before teardown method, but not sure about it. Any help?

Look at the pickle or shelve modules.

You miss the point.  The OP wants to make sure the text file is saved no
matter how the program happens to exit.  He's not asking how to format
the file.

Hmm. Good point Dave, I did miss that point.

My knee jerk response is a try/finally block, but I am sure there
are better ways.

stored_data = {}
 stored_data = load_data()
 while True:
except Exception:
 raise # reraise exception to keep trace and still
   # propogate error for attention
 store_data(stored_data) # Save data since we are exiting
 # (intentionally or not).

That would be my reaction as well.  I would, however make it conditional 
on some changes having been made.  That way if this program run only 
made queries, the effort and risk of saving can be avoided.

The other thing I'd recommend is to store the data in an alternate file, 
and only delete the original when the alternate is ready to rename. 
That way, you can't readily get into trouble if something crashes while 

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[Tutor] Python needs your help -- trademark under attack

2013-02-14 Thread Steven D'Aprano

Hello all,

The Python Software Foundation is the organisation which protects and manages the 
"boring" bits of keeping a big open source project alive: the legal and 
contractual parts, funding for projects, trademarks and copyrights.

If you are based in Europe, or know somebody who uses Python in Europe, the PSF 
needs your help.

There is a company in the UK who has applied to trademark the name "Python" and are 
claiming the *exclusive* right to use the word "Python" for software, servers, and web 
services over the entire European Union.

You can read more about this here:

If you have documentation of European user groups, trade associations, books, 
conferences, scans of job advertisements for Python programmers, software that uses some 
variation of "Python" in the name, etc. your evidence will be helpful in 
defeating this attempted grab of the Python name.

You can also testify to the fact that when you read or hear of the name 
"Python" in relation to computers and the Internet, you think of Python the 
programming language.

Thank you.

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Re: [Tutor] Newbie Here -- Averaging & Adding Madness Over a Given (x) Range?!?!

2013-02-14 Thread Dave Angel

On 02/14/2013 03:55 PM, Michael McConachie wrote:

Hello all,

This is my first post here.  I have tried to get answers from StackOverflow, but I 
realized quickly that I am too "green" for that environment.  As such, I have 
purchased Beginning Python (2nd edition, Hetland) and also the $29.00 course available 
from learnpythonthehardway(dot)com.  I have been reading fervently, and have enjoyed 
python -- very much.  I can do all the basic printing, math, substitutions, etc.  
Although, I am stuck when trying to combine all the new skills I have been learning over 
the past few weeks.  Anyway, I was hoping to get some help with something NON-HOMEWORK 
related. (I swear.)

I have a task that I have generalized due to the nature of what I am trying to 
do -- and it's need to remain confidential.

My end goal as described on SO was: "Calculating and Plotting the Average of every 
(X) items in a list of (Y) total", but for now I am only stuck on the actual 
addition, and/or averaging items -- in a serial sense, based on the relation to the 
previous number, average of numbers, etc being acted on.  Not the actual plotting. 
(Plotting is pretty EZ.)

If you're stuck on the addition, why give us all the other parts?  Your 
problem statement is very confused, and you don't show much actual code.


1.  I have a list of numbers that already exist in a file.  I generate this 
file by parsing info from logs.
2.  Each line contains an integer on it (corresponding to the number of 
milliseconds that it takes to complete a certain repeated task).
3.  There are over a million entries in this file, one per line; at any given 
time it can be just a few thousand, or more than a million.


So write a loop that reads this file into a list of ints, converting 
each line.  Then you can tell us you've got a list of about a million ints.

Eventually what I'll need to do is:

1.  Index the file and/or count the lines, as to identify each line's 
positional relevance so that it can average any range of numbers that are 
sequential; one to one another.
2.  Calculate the difference between any given (x) range.  In order to be able to 
ask the program to average every 5, 10, 100, 100, or 10,000 etc. --> until 
completion.  This includes the need to dealing with stray remainders at the end of 
the file that aren't divisible by that initial requested range.

(ie: average some file with 3,245 entries by 100 --> not excluding the 
remaining 45 entries, in order to represent the remainder.)

So, looking above, transaction #1 took "173" milliseconds, while transaction #2 
took 1685 milliseconds.

Based on this, I need to figure out how to do two things:

1.  Calculate the difference of each transaction, related to the one before it 
AND record/capture the difference. (An array, list, dictionary -- I don't care.)

What difference, what transaction, related how?

2.  Starting with the very first line/entry, count the first (x number) and average (x).  
I can obtain a "Happy medium" for what the gradient/delta is between sets of 
100 over the course of the aggregate.

What's an x-number?  What, what, which, who ?

Entries 1-100 = (eventualPlottedAvgTotalA)
Entries 101-200 = (eventualPlottedAvgTotalB)
Entries 201-300 = (eventualPlottedAvgTotalC)
Entries 301-400 = (eventualPlottedAvgTotalD)

From what I can tell, I don't need to indefinitely store the values, only pass 
them as they are processed (in order) to the plotter. I have tried the 
following example to sum a range of 5 entries from the above list of 5 (which 
works), but I don't know how to dynamically pass the 5 at a time until 
completion, all the while retaining the calculated averages which will 
ultimately be passed to pyplot at a later time/date.

What I have been able to figure out thus far is below.


Python 2.7.3 (default, Jul 24 2012, 10:05:38)
[GCC 4.7.0 20120507 (Red Hat 4.7.0-5)] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> plottedTotalA = ['173', '1685', '1152', '253', '1623']
>>> sum(float(t) for t in plottedTotalA)

I received 2 answers from SO, but was unable to fully capture what they were trying to tell me.  
Unfortunately, I might need a "baby-step" / "Barney-style" mentor who is 
willing to guide me on this.  I hope this makes sense to someone out there, and thank you in 
advance for any help that you can provide.  I apologize in advance for being so thick if its 

If you want to make a sublist out of the first 2 items in a list, you 
can use a slice  (notice the colon):

allvalues = [ 173, 1685, 1152, 263, 1623, 19 ]
firsttwo = allvalues[0:2]

To get the 3rd such sublist, use
othertwo = allvalues[4:2]

If you've made such a list, you can readily use sum directly on it:
  mysum = sum(othertwo)


Re: [Tutor] associating two objects without ORM and processing a text file

2013-02-14 Thread Prasad, Ramit
Dave Angel wrote:
> On 02/14/2013 12:35 PM, Prasad, Ramit wrote:
> > neubyr wrote:
> >> I am not sure how to save an object in memory to a file before exiting the 
> >> program. Any examples or
> >> related documentation links would be really helpful. I am guessing it 
> >> would be using some kind of
> >> before teardown method, but not sure about it. Any help?
> >
> > Look at the pickle or shelve modules.
> >
> >
> >
> You miss the point.  The OP wants to make sure the text file is saved no
> matter how the program happens to exit.  He's not asking how to format
> the file.

Hmm. Good point Dave, I did miss that point. 

My knee jerk response is a try/finally block, but I am sure there 
are better ways.

stored_data = {}
stored_data = load_data()
while True:
except Exception:
raise # reraise exception to keep trace and still
  # propogate error for attention
store_data(stored_data) # Save data since we are exiting
# (intentionally or not).


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[Tutor] Newbie Here -- Averaging & Adding Madness Over a Given (x) Range?!?!

2013-02-14 Thread Michael McConachie
Hello all,

This is my first post here.  I have tried to get answers from StackOverflow, 
but I realized quickly that I am too "green" for that environment.  As such, I 
have purchased Beginning Python (2nd edition, Hetland) and also the $29.00 
course available from learnpythonthehardway(dot)com.  I have been reading 
fervently, and have enjoyed python -- very much.  I can do all the basic 
printing, math, substitutions, etc.  Although, I am stuck when trying to 
combine all the new skills I have been learning over the past few weeks.  
Anyway, I was hoping to get some help with something NON-HOMEWORK related. (I 

I have a task that I have generalized due to the nature of what I am trying to 
do -- and it's need to remain confidential.  

My end goal as described on SO was: "Calculating and Plotting the Average of 
every (X) items in a list of (Y) total", but for now I am only stuck on the 
actual addition, and/or averaging items -- in a serial sense, based on the 
relation to the previous number, average of numbers, etc being acted on.  Not 
the actual plotting. (Plotting is pretty EZ.)


1.  I have a list of numbers that already exist in a file.  I generate this 
file by parsing info from logs.
2.  Each line contains an integer on it (corresponding to the number of 
milliseconds that it takes to complete a certain repeated task).
3.  There are over a million entries in this file, one per line; at any given 
time it can be just a few thousand, or more than a million.


Eventually what I'll need to do is:

1.  Index the file and/or count the lines, as to identify each line's 
positional relevance so that it can average any range of numbers that are 
sequential; one to one another.
2.  Calculate the difference between any given (x) range.  In order to be able 
to ask the program to average every 5, 10, 100, 100, or 10,000 etc. --> until 
completion.  This includes the need to dealing with stray remainders at the end 
of the file that aren't divisible by that initial requested range. 

(ie: average some file with 3,245 entries by 100 --> not excluding the 
remaining 45 entries, in order to represent the remainder.)

So, looking above, transaction #1 took "173" milliseconds, while transaction #2 
took 1685 milliseconds.  

Based on this, I need to figure out how to do two things:

1.  Calculate the difference of each transaction, related to the one before it 
AND record/capture the difference. (An array, list, dictionary -- I don't 
2.  Starting with the very first line/entry, count the first (x number) and 
average (x).  I can obtain a "Happy medium" for what the gradient/delta is 
between sets of 100 over the course of the aggregate.

   Entries 1-100 = (eventualPlottedAvgTotalA)
   Entries 101-200 = (eventualPlottedAvgTotalB)
   Entries 201-300 = (eventualPlottedAvgTotalC)
   Entries 301-400 = (eventualPlottedAvgTotalD)

>From what I can tell, I don't need to indefinitely store the values, only pass 
>them as they are processed (in order) to the plotter. I have tried the 
>following example to sum a range of 5 entries from the above list of 5 (which 
>works), but I don't know how to dynamically pass the 5 at a time until 
>completion, all the while retaining the calculated averages which will 
>ultimately be passed to pyplot at a later time/date.

What I have been able to figure out thus far is below.  


   Python 2.7.3 (default, Jul 24 2012, 10:05:38) 
   [GCC 4.7.0 20120507 (Red Hat 4.7.0-5)] on linux2
   Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
   >>> plottedTotalA = ['173', '1685', '1152', '253', '1623']
   >>> sum(float(t) for t in plottedTotalA)

I received 2 answers from SO, but was unable to fully capture what they were 
trying to tell me.  Unfortunately, I might need a "baby-step" / "Barney-style" 
mentor who is willing to guide me on this.  I hope this makes sense to someone 
out there, and thank you in advance for any help that you can provide.  I 
apologize in advance for being so thick if its uber-EZ.

-- Mike
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Re: [Tutor] associating two objects without ORM and processing a text file

2013-02-14 Thread Dave Angel

On 02/14/2013 12:35 PM, Prasad, Ramit wrote:

neubyr wrote:

I am not sure how to save an object in memory to a file before exiting the 
program. Any examples or
related documentation links would be really helpful. I am guessing it would be 
using some kind of
before teardown method, but not sure about it. Any help?

Look at the pickle or shelve modules.

You miss the point.  The OP wants to make sure the text file is saved no 
matter how the program happens to exit.  He's not asking how to format 
the file.

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Re: [Tutor] associating two objects without ORM and processing a text file

2013-02-14 Thread Prasad, Ramit
neubyr wrote:
> I am not sure how to save an object in memory to a file before exiting the 
> program. Any examples or
> related documentation links would be really helpful. I am guessing it would 
> be using some kind of
> before teardown method, but not sure about it. Any help?

Look at the pickle or shelve modules.

This email is confidential and subject to important disclaimers and
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[Tutor] use of variables in re.sub

2013-02-14 Thread Eva Bofias

I need to do a substitution in a regular expression that depends on a
variable. To simplify I want to be able to do this substitution:

text2='XX. AA YY. DD'
re.sub(ur"\. (AA|BB|ÇÇ","(.) \g<1>",text2)

this would give as a result:
'XX(.) AA YY. DD'
Which is exactly what I want.

But when I try to substitute AA|BB|CC for a variable I do not know how to
make it work.
I wanted to use re.compile. I tryed:


But if I try:


And I do not know how to use the variables in there. Should I use
re.compile or is there something else that I should be using

Thank you

Eva Bofias
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