Re: [Tutor] Is there a convenient table of Python 3.4 exceptions?

2014-10-23 Thread Ben Finney
(Danny, please preserve attribution lines for the quoted text.)

Danny Yoo  writes:

> > Of course I can force an error to occur in the interpreter and see
> > what comes up for each type of error I wish to catch. Is there such
> > a table or list?
> […]
> Usually the documentation should say what kinds of exceptions to
> expect. If you find an exception to this, please bring it up, and one
> of us can investigate: maybe the documentation can be improved.

That's rather too sweeping a statement, and it's definitely not true for
Python's standard library documentation::

>>> import signal

>>> signal.getsignal(None)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 1, in 
TypeError: an integer is required (got type NoneType)

>>> signal.getsignal(50)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 1, in 
ValueError: signal number out of range

There's nothing in the documentation of ‘signal.getsignal’ which says it
will raise either of those exceptions. I'd say it's a safe bet there are
numerous other exception classes that will be raised calling that
function, too. That's just one, chosen quickly and arbitrarily to prove
the point.

The same goes for the vast majority of functions in the standard
library; most possible exception classes go unmentioned in the
documentation for that function1, because exceptions are a normal part
of operating on Python values (think of the wealth of possible exception
classes that can come from passing in a file-like object to many

Indeed, most functions can't possibly have exhaustive documentation for
what exception classes might be raised, because most of those possible
exceptions are to be raised by the code implementing the *parameter*
values, not raised by the code implementing that function.

Should every function in every module of the standard library document
every exception class that could be raised by that function? I'd say
clearly not; the result would be uselessly cluttered.

Where should the line be drawn? I think, in the case of the standard
library, the line is already drawn at the right place. The documentation
should describe situations that *someone already familiar with Python* –
and with the types of objects they're passing to a function – would not
know exactly what exception class might be raised. But for most
functions, most of the exception classes they might raise are not
documented, because when they are raised it's obvious.

Is this a hurdle for newcomers? Yes, and that's why the standard library
API documentation is not a tutorial. We have separate tutorial
documentation for that.

It's not a problem with the documentation of ‘signal.getsignal’ that it
doesn't have an exhaustive list of all exception classes that might be
raised. This is Python, not Java; exceptions are used prolifically as a
flow control method, for code to let its call stack know something
unusual occurred.

 \ “I went camping and borrowed a circus tent by mistake. I didn't |
  `\  notice until I got it set up. People complained because they |
_o__)   couldn't see the lake.” —Steven Wright |
Ben Finney

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Re: [Tutor] Is there a convenient table of Python 3.4 exceptions?

2014-10-23 Thread Danny Yoo
> I have so far been unable to find a list of these class/subclass names. Of
> course I can force an error to occur in the interpreter and see what comes
> up for each type of error I wish to catch. Is there such a table or list?

Hi Bob,

You can find the ones used in the Standard Library here:

Usually the documentation should say what kinds of exceptions to
expect.  If you find an exception to this, please bring it up, and one
of us can investigate: maybe the documentation can be improved.

If you have questions, please feel free to ask!  Good luck.
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Re: [Tutor] Is there a convenient table of Python 3.4 exceptions?

2014-10-23 Thread Ben Finney
boB Stepp  writes:

> My current understanding is that exception1, ... , exceptionN should
> match one of Python's exception classes or subclasses in order to
> perform a match and execute the corresponding exception suite.

Correct. Bear in mind that “… or subclasses” covers user-defined
exception classes, so you'll often see non-standard exception classes in
use by particular code bases, that are nevertheless subclasses of the
exception classes in the standard library.

> ​I have so far been unable to find a list of these class/subclass
> names.

The standard library documentation's chapter on exceptions> shows>.

But you won't find an exhaustive list of what can raise those

> Of course I can force an error to occur in the interpreter and see
> what comes up for each type of error I wish to catch.

Yes, that's the right thing to do; that, and read the documentation for
whatever library code you are invoking. It should say if there are
important situations where a particular exception will be raised.

There will, of course, be a great many other situations that can raise
an exception. This is a normal part of the flow of code in Python, and
the standard library does a lot of it.

More importantly, though, you should consider *why* you're attempting to
catch a lot of exception classes. Will you be meaningfully handling
every one of those situations? That's rather doubtful.

Instead, you should consider which exceptional states your code can
meaningfully handle, discover what excpetion classes are raised for
those few situations, and catch *only* those classes.

Any other exception that gets raised isn't something you can do anything
useful with, so it should propagate back up to higher levels, either to
be handled or to exit with a useful error message.

 \ “Science is a way of trying not to fool yourself. The first |
  `\ principle is that you must not fool yourself, and you are the |
_o__)   easiest person to fool.” —Richard P. Feynman, 1964 |
Ben Finney

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[Tutor] Is there a convenient table of Python 3.4 exceptions?

2014-10-23 Thread boB Stepp
I am reading a brief intro to exception handling in Mark Summerfield's
"Programming in Python 3, 2nd ed." He gives the basic syntax as:

except exception1 as variable1:
except exceptionN as variableN:

My current understanding is that exception1, ... , exceptionN should match
one of Python's exception classes or subclasses in order to perform a match
and execute the corresponding exception suite.

I found this in the docs:

Exceptions are identified by class instances. The except clause is selected
depending on the class of the instance: it must reference the class of the
instance or a base class thereof. The instance can be received by the
handler and can carry additional information about the exceptional

Note Exception messages are not part of the Python API. Their contents may
change from one version of Python to the next without warning and should
not be relied on by code which will run under multiple versions of the

​I have so far been unable to find a list of these class/subclass names. Of
course I can force an error to occur in the interpreter and see what comes
up for each type of error I wish to catch. Is there such a table or list?​

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Re: [Tutor] yet another misunderstanding on my part

2014-10-23 Thread Dave Angel
Dave Angel  Wrote
 in message:
> "Clayton Kirkwood"  Wrote in message:
>  Second question, why can't a numeric index be
>> used to make assignment to a specific location like a[1] = "some value"? If
>> the mechanism is to use a.index(1,"some value"),
> The index() method does not change the object a, at least not for
>  list objects. So that is not a replacement for subscripted
>  assignment. 

In particular,  the index () method searches the list.

> The form a[1] = "some_value"  works fine, as long as there is
>  already an object in that list element. In other words, it can be
>  used to replace an item, but not to change the size. Python does
>  not support sparse lists, so rather than permitting a size
>  increase of exactly one, it was decided that the syntax would not
>  permit any size change. And to grow by 1, append works very
>  well.
> If you know ahead of time what size you need, you could prefill it
>  with something like:
>a = [] * 20

Oops.  I meant:

  A = [None] * 20

> But you might want to check later that you replaced them all. 



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Re: [Tutor] yet another misunderstanding on my part

2014-10-23 Thread Alan Gauld

On 22/10/14 19:48, Clayton Kirkwood wrote:

Regarding the index out of range, I know what it meant, I was just kind of
surprised that Python didn't automatically create the node and stuff a value

But what should Python do in this case

aNewList[100] = 42

Should Python create a 1 million element list with only one value?
That would be a slow operation. What should the other values be
set to? None, presumably?

!description.append() = something
!from. There's nothing in Python that I've ever seen that suggests that
!would work, and the error message should be clear:

freshfruit = ['  banana', '  loganberry ', 'passion fruit  ']
[weapon.strip() for weapon in freshfruit]

['banana', 'loganberry', 'passion fruit']

>  From 5.1.3 in the Python3 tutorial.
> Although not an = assignment, some value
> is being stored in weapon after being strip of whitespace.
> I realize they are different, maybe just not sure how different:<)

This is a list comprehension with a very specific syntax.
It is equivalent to

aList = []
for weapon in freshfruit:

It is very different from assigning a value to a function call.

In this case, somehow
Python seems to keep track of the location so that the modified
value(dropping spaces) replaces the original location.

No it does not replace the original location it is appended
to the list.

So two questions remain. Why can't codes.append(code) just replace the code
in the previous line and descriptions.append(description) replace the
description in the previous line.

Because the append() adds it at the end it doesn't replace anything.

value.strip() = some value   . Second question, why can't a numeric index be
used to make assignment to a specific location like a[1] = "some value"?

It can if that entry already exists.

listA = [0,1,2,3,4,5]  #initialize with elements
listA[3] = 9
print(listA)  #  -> [0,1,2,9,4,5]

listB = []
listB[3] = 9   # error because listB has no elements yet.
listB += [0,1,2,3,4]  # add some elements
listB[3] = 9   # OK now.

It is clear that once the array is created,

Its not an array, its a list. Most specifically it is not a C style 
block of memory that is just filled in with a set of bytes. It is a 
dynamic sequence of objects of potentially mixed(and changing) type.

# create a list of 2-tuples like (number, square)
[(x, x**2) for x in range(6)]

[(0, 0), (1, 1), (2, 4), (3, 9), (4, 16), (5, 25)]

Why does this not need the .append or .insert? Square brackets around the
whole line?

Because the list comprehension implicitly does an append
for you (see above)

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site

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Re: [Tutor] Question on a select statement with ODBC

2014-10-23 Thread Peter Otten
Al Bull wrote:

> Quick question then...
> Does this do the trick?

I may have misunderstood your original question; do you want to delete 
records from the database or from the Python list? Your code below will do 
the latter, once you have fixed the bugs. 

> Currentrecord = 1
> While currentrecord <= len(ord_rows):
>   if savedbasub == currentrecord.ord_dbasub:
>   ord_rows.remove(currentrecord)
>  delcount += 1  
>   savedbasub = currentrecord.ord_dbasub
>  currentrecord =+ 1 

As the general idea is correct I'll encourage you to try to fix these bugs 
yourself. The first thing you have to resolve: is currentrecord an index or 
an object representing a database row?

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Re: [Tutor] yet another misunderstanding on my part

2014-10-23 Thread Dave Angel
"Clayton Kirkwood"  Wrote in message:

(Somehow,  your email program seems to be using the exclamation
 point to identify quoted lines,  instead of the standard
 greater-than symbol. Is that something you can correct,  prrhaps
 using  "settings"?)

> !-Original Message-
> !From: Tutor [] On
> !Behalf Of Steven D'Aprano

 freshfruit = ['  banana', '  loganberry ', 'passion fruit  ']
 [weapon.strip() for weapon in freshfruit]
> ['banana', 'loganberry', 'passion fruit']
> From 5.1.3 in the Python3 tutorial. Although not an = assignment, some value
> is being stored in weapon after being strip of whitespace. I realize they
> are different, maybe just not sure how different:<) In this case, somehow
> Python seems to keep track of the location so that the modified
> value(dropping spaces) replaces the original location.
> !
> !
> !Try this instead:
> !
> !py> descriptions = []
> !py> descriptions.append("something blue") descriptions.append("something
> !py> round") descriptions.append("something flat")
> !py> print(descriptions)
> !['something blue', 'something round', 'something flat']
> !
> !
> !Like the name suggests, "append" appends something to the end of the
> !list. So your code, which started like this:
> !
> !# doesn't work
> !col_position, code, description = 0, [], [] key_name =
> !raw_table.replace('\t','\n') for each_line in key_name.splitlines():
> !if ':' in each_line:
> !code[col_position], description.append() = each_line.split(':')
> !
> !
> !could be written something like this:
> !
> !# note plural names
> !codes, descriptions = [], []
> !key_name = raw_table.replace('\t','\n')
> !for each_line in key_name.splitlines():
> !if ':' in each_line:
> !code, description = each_line.split(':')
> !codes.append(code)
> !descriptions.append(description)
> So two questions remain. Why can't codes.append(code) just replace the code
> in the previous line and descriptions.append(description) replace the
> description in the previous line. Previous emails have seen something like
> value.strip() = some value   .

That last line won't work either.

If you did try to do it on one line, you'd need to put the
 argument to append inside the parens, not on the other side of an
 equal sign. Something like  (untested )

  codes.append (each_line.split()[0])
  descriptions.append  (each_line.split()[1]

 Second question, why can't a numeric index be
> used to make assignment to a specific location like a[1] = "some value"? If
> the mechanism is to use a.index(1,"some value"),

The index() method does not change the object a, at least not for
 list objects. So that is not a replacement for subscripted

The form a[1] = "some_value"  works fine, as long as there is
 already an object in that list element. In other words, it can be
 used to replace an item, but not to change the size. Python does
 not support sparse lists, so rather than permitting a size
 increase of exactly one, it was decided that the syntax would not
 permit any size change. And to grow by 1, append works very

If you know ahead of time what size you need, you could prefill it
 with something like:

   a = [] * 20

But you might want to check later that you replaced them all. 

> it seems somewhat clumsy.
> It is clear that once the array

We have been talking about lists here, not arrays. The type
 array.array behaves similarly, but not the same.

> is created, it is possible to access the
> value by numeric indexing such as:
> print( col_position, code[col_position], description[col_position])
> which produces:
> 83 r7  Price / EPS Estimate Next Year
> 84 s7  Short Ratio
> Also,
 # create a list of 2-tuples like (number, square)
 [(x, x**2) for x in range(6)]
> [(0, 0), (1, 1), (2, 4), (3, 9), (4, 16), (5, 25)]
> Why does this not need the .append or .insert? Square brackets around the
> whole line?

Those square brackets, with the for keyword inside, comprise a
 more advanced technique called a list comprehension. It's
 syntactic sugar for a for loop with an append. But the list
 object being built is anonymous, so it can frequently be used
 inside other expressions. 

I recommend ignoring list comprehensions till you can reliably
 write the loop.

You seem determined to cram things onto a single line that would
 probably be more readable as separate ones. And intermediate
 variables give an opportunity to make up useful names,  to make
 the code easier to read.


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Re: [Tutor] Passing Data to .DLL

2014-10-23 Thread Wilson, Pete
No worries, if I could spell I would have been a Lawyer. Pete

> -Original Message-
> From: eryksun []
> Sent: Wednesday, October 22, 2014 5:36 PM
> To: Wilson, Pete
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: [Tutor] Passing Data to .DLL
> On Wed, Oct 22, 2014 at 6:05 PM, eryksun  wrote:
> > from_buffer_copy is similar, accept instead of sharing the buffer
> That should be ex-cept (conjunction for an exception clause), not ac-
> cept (verb, to receive). I missed that in my initial proofread. It
> takes a while to clear my mental buffer enough for a fresh look.
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Re: [Tutor] Passing Data to .DLL

2014-10-23 Thread Wilson, Pete
It's working!

I don't understand the line
rx_buf = (c_uint8 * rx_buf_size).from_buffer_copy(string_buf)
or where .from_buffer_copy() came from but it works...

I promise I will not knowingly pass Python strings to C. 


> -Original Message-
> From: eryksun []
> Sent: Wednesday, October 22, 2014 4:16 AM
> To: Wilson, Pete
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: [Tutor] Passing Data to .DLL
> On Tue, Oct 21, 2014 at 7:04 PM, Wilson, Pete 
> wrote:
> >
> > ProcessIncomingSerialData_t = CFUNCTYPE(None, POINTER(c_uint8),
> > c_uint16) process_incoming_serial_data =
> > pt_dll.ProcessIncomingSerialData
> process_incoming_serial_data.argtypes
> > = [ProcessIncomingSerialData_t]
> ProcessIncomingSerialData takes two parameters: uint8_t *rx_buf and
> uint16_t size.
> process_incoming_serial_data.argtypes = [POINTER(c_uint8),
> c_uint16]
> process_incoming_serial_data.restype = None
> The buffer parameter isn't const, so pass a copy of string_buf.
> size = len(string_buf)
> rx_buf = (c_uint8 * size).from_buffer_copy(string_buf)
> process_incoming_serial_data(rx_buf, size)
> I'm going to meander off topic a bit to give you a warning...
> Python strings are immutable by contract, so don't pass them directly
> to C functions that might modify them. String immutability makes
> interning possible, sometimes just locally in the code object and
> sometimes globally in the interpreter. Here's an example of both in
> CPython 2.7:
> import abc
> from ctypes import *
> def test():
> s = 'abc'
> a = cast(s, POINTER(c_char * 3))[0]
> a[:] = 'cba'
> print 'abc'
> >>> test.__code__.co_consts
> (None, 'abc', 3, 0, 'cba')
> Notice that the 2nd constant in co_consts is 'abc'. This gets stored to
> s and later printed. In between I use ctypes to reverse it. So what
> gets printed? If you guessed "cba", you're right.
> >>> test()
> cba
> Look at the constants now:
> >>> test.__code__.co_consts
> (None, 'cba', 3, 0, 'cba')
> So how about referencing the abc module?
> >>> abc
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "", line 1, in 
> NameError: name 'abc' is not defined
> OK, but do you think we can use cba instead?
> >>> cba
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "", line 1, in 
> NameError: name 'cba' is not defined
> This is yet another problem with mucking with the internal state of an
> immutable object. Equal objects are supposed to hash the same.  'cba'
> is now equal to the interned 'abc' string that I reversed, but it
> probes to a different slot in the dict's hash table.
> >>> test.__code__.co_consts[1] == 'cba'
> True
> >>> hash(test.__code__.co_consts[1]) == hash('cba')
> False
> OTOH, a new 'abc' string probes to the same slot in the hash table, but
> it's no longer equal (i.e. it gets handled as a hash collision).
> >>> test.__code__.co_consts[1] == 'abc'
> False
> >>> hash(test.__code__.co_consts[1]) == hash('abc')
> True
> This breaks dict lookup unless we use the interned string itself:.
> >>> globals()[test.__code__.co_consts[1]]
> So the moral is only pass Python strings to C functions that promise
> (scout's honor) to not modify them. If the parameter isn't const, err
> on the side of caution; copy the string to a ctypes buffer.
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Re: [Tutor] yet another misunderstanding on my part

2014-10-23 Thread Clayton Kirkwood

!-Original Message-
!From: Tutor [] On
!Behalf Of Steven D'Aprano
!Sent: Wednesday, October 22, 2014 4:03 AM
!Subject: Re: [Tutor] yet another misunderstanding on my part
!On Tue, Oct 21, 2014 at 09:54:49PM -0700, Clayton Kirkwood wrote:
!> col_position, code, description = 0, [], [] key_name =
!> raw_table.replace('\t','\n') for each_line in key_name.splitlines():
!> if ':' in each_line:
!>code[col_position], description.append()  =
!> each_line.split(':') #neither works; first one is out of range error,
!> 2nd, can't assign to #function. I've used square brackets around
!> various sections, and it doesn't like it
!The trick to learning how to program is NOT to randomly make changes to
!your code and hope that you get lucky, but to understand why you are
!getting the errors you get.

Trust me, I iterate and look for examples instead of randomly running
Regarding the index out of range, I know what it meant, I was just kind of
surprised that Python didn't automatically create the node and stuff a value

!Start here:
!position = 0
!codes = []
!codes[position] = 999
!This fails with an error:
!IndexError: list assignment index out of range
!What does that mean? It's an English sentence, a little bit terse but
!still understandable:
!"list assignment index" -- what's that? It's the index used inside the
!square brackets, being used for list assignment. In this case, the index
!is 0.
!"out of range" -- what's that mean? It tells you that the index you have
!provided (in this case, 0) is too big. Let's experiment to see what "too
!big" means:
!py> alist = ['a', 'b', 'c']  # three items alist[0] = 'A'
!py> alist[1] = 'B'
!py> alist[2] = 'C'
!py> alist[3] = 'D'
!Traceback (most recent call last):
!  File "", line 1, in 
!IndexError: list assignment index out of range
!Aha! You can only assign to items in a list which already exist. In the
!experiment, I had a list with three items, item 0, item 1 and item 2,
!and assigning to index 0, 1 and 2 succeeded. But assigning to item 3
!(which doesn't exist) fails.
!Go back to your list. It is an empty list, [], which means it has *no*
!items in it. Since there are no items in it, you cannot assign to any
!(non-existent) item.
!If you can't assign to an item, since there aren't any, you have to
!append to the list.
!I'm not sure where you got the idea of writing
!description.append() = something
!from. There's nothing in Python that I've ever seen that suggests that
!would work, and the error message should be clear:
!py> x() = 23
!  File "", line 1
!SyntaxError: can't assign to function call

>>> freshfruit = ['  banana', '  loganberry ', 'passion fruit  ']
>>> [weapon.strip() for weapon in freshfruit]
['banana', 'loganberry', 'passion fruit']
>From 5.1.3 in the Python3 tutorial. Although not an = assignment, some value
is being stored in weapon after being strip of whitespace. I realize they
are different, maybe just not sure how different:<) In this case, somehow
Python seems to keep track of the location so that the modified
value(dropping spaces) replaces the original location.

!Try this instead:
!py> descriptions = []
!py> descriptions.append("something blue") descriptions.append("something
!py> round") descriptions.append("something flat")
!py> print(descriptions)
!['something blue', 'something round', 'something flat']
!Like the name suggests, "append" appends something to the end of the
!list. So your code, which started like this:
!# doesn't work
!col_position, code, description = 0, [], [] key_name =
!raw_table.replace('\t','\n') for each_line in key_name.splitlines():
!if ':' in each_line:
!code[col_position], description.append() = each_line.split(':')
!could be written something like this:
!# note plural names
!codes, descriptions = [], []
!key_name = raw_table.replace('\t','\n')
!for each_line in key_name.splitlines():
!if ':' in each_line:
!code, description = each_line.split(':')

So two questions remain. Why can't codes.append(code) just replace the code
in the previous line and descriptions.append(description) replace the
description in the previous line. Previous emails have seen something like
value.strip() = some value   . Second question, why can't a numeric index be
used to make assignment to a specific location like a[1] = "some value"? If
the mechanism is to use a.index(1,"some value"), it seems somewhat clumsy.
It is clear that once the array is created, it is possible to access the
value by numeric indexing such as:
print( col_position, code[col_position], description[col_position])
which produces:
83 r7  Price / EPS Estimate Next Year
84 s7  Short Ratio

>>> # create a list of 2-tuples like (number, square)
>>> [(x, x**2) for x in range(6)]
[(0, 0), (1, 1), (2, 4), (3, 9)

Re: [Tutor] Question on a select statement with ODBC

2014-10-23 Thread Al Bull

-Original Message-
From: Tutor [] On
Behalf Of Alan Gauld
Sent: Wednesday, October 22, 2014 12:13 PM
Subject: Re: [Tutor] Question on a select statement with ODBC

On 22/10/14 16:06, Al Bull wrote:
> I don't think I explained the problem properly. I have several hundred
> thousand records in the ORD table.  There are many instances of records
> identical ORD_DBASUB values.   Where duplicates exist, I only want to keep
> the most current record.

Ah, OK thats very different.
You can do it in SQL but it gets messy and depends on the details of the
ODBC SQL, which I don't know... It would involve a nested select with an
inner join I suspect.

> This code works except in very specific cases.  Take the following
> 1) 10360 2004-11-02
> 2) 10360 2004-09-03
> 3) 10334 2004-04-05
> 4) 10334 2004-03-08
> Record #3 is correctly saved, but record #4 is not removed.It appears
> that ROW is being moved to the next entry after the ord_rows.remove

That's correct you should never modify the collection that you are iterating
over with a for loop.

Instead convert to using a while loop and only increment the index if you
don't remove an thing.

Alternatively make a copy of the collection and iterate over that, but a
while is usually preferable IMHO.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site

[Al Bull] 
Quick question then...

Does this do the trick?

Currentrecord = 1

While currentrecord <= len(ord_rows):
  if savedbasub == currentrecord.ord_dbasub:
 delcount += 1  
  savedbasub = currentrecord.ord_dbasub
 currentrecord =+ 1 

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