Re: [Tutor] python books

2009-04-14 Thread Ian Egland
I know it's not in PDF, but I thought it would be worth mentioning Python
for Software Design: How to Think Like a Computer
I discovered this exactly a week after it was released, ordered it, and have
been extremely happy with it so far. I am a student currently learning Java
(unfortunately) and am really enjoying the original, knowledgeable examples
and good presentation this book has to offer. Definitely one of my better
book purchases, and significantly better than the Python Bible if I remember


On Tue, Apr 14, 2009 at 4:12 AM, Alan Gauld

 sudhanshu gautam wrote

  I am new in python , so need a good books , previously read python Bible
 swaroop but not satisfied .

 so tell me good books in pdf format those contents good problems also

 Does it have to be in PDF? There are many, many excellent Python web
 sites with lots of information if you can use HTML.

 The most obvious starting points for you would be the official
 Python tutorial and Dive Into Python and also, maybe, the
 Thinking in Python web book.

 FWIW my tutorial is also available in PDF, but if you have read the other
 resources it is likely too basic for you.

 Alan Gauld
 Author of the Learn to Program web site

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Re: [Tutor] Inspiration/examples

2009-03-22 Thread Ian Egland
I am just as interested in this. So far I've found from the openbookproject.


On Sun, Mar 22, 2009 at 6:02 PM, Mathias Andersson wrote:

 Hi all!

 Im currently trying to learn how to use python. But my only problem seems
 to be at what to make? So anyone have a nifty list or some ideas on things
 to program, school tasks or algorithms to try and implement. Beginner- to
 mid-skill level. Thanks in advance.


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[Tutor] Simple User Entry Verification

2009-03-14 Thread Ian Egland
Newbie here who can't figure out why this doesn't work:

start = input(Please enter the starting number.\n)
while type(start)!=float:
start = input(Sorry, that number was invalid.\nPlease enter the
starting number.\n)
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Re: [Tutor] Simple User Entry Verification

2009-03-14 Thread Ian Egland
I'm sorry I wasn't more specifc. I will try to next time. Thanks Alan for
you help. (Both of you.)


On Sat, Mar 14, 2009 at 9:13 PM, R. Alan Monroe amon...@columbus.rr.comwrote:

  Success (as in number is entered) = Success
  Failure (as in a letter is entered) = failure

 Working as designed :) Python is _supposed_ to throw an exception when
 trying to convert text to float. Have you learnt about try/except
 statements yet? If not, that's your next stop.


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Re: [Tutor] Convert String to Int

2009-01-18 Thread Ian Egland
Actually, nobody told me how to catch it before it occurs, though this
after error stuff is new to me.

Could you send an example of how to catch it beforehand? Just for the


On Sun, Jan 18, 2009 at 8:35 PM, Marc Tompkins marc.tompk...@gmail.comwrote:

 On Sun, Jan 18, 2009 at 5:15 PM, Ian Egland wrote:

 I know that, should you want to get an int from the user, you use
 int(input(Question!)). However, what if the user wasn't that savvy and
 didn't realize he/she HAD to enter a number? Program crash. Is there a way
 that I can get the input as a string, check and see if it's convertible to
 an integer, convert it if it is and ask them to try again if it's not?

 You have two options: to test the input ahead of time, or to catch the
 crash.  Believe it or not, number two is usually the preferred method
 (there's a programming axiom It's better to ask forgiveness than
 permission)  In Python, you put the operations that have a potential for
 disaster inside a try/except block, like so:

 do whatever...
 ask again...
 do the next thing

 When Python crashes, an Exception is generated, which carries all sorts
 of useful information about just what went wrong.  It's good form to try to
 guess what the error might be before catching it (how many times have you
 been frustrated by some commercial program that says Out of memory {or
 some other catch-all} any time ANYTHING bad happens?  It's because the
 programmer assumed that the only errors that would ever come up would be
 memory-related.  Don't be that guy.)  For example, do a test run like so:

 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File input, line 1, in module
 ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: 'hello'

 Now you know that invalid input would result in a ValueError, so change my
 above code to:

 do whatever...
 except ValueError:
 ask again...
 do the next thing

 Someone else will no doubt already have posted how to test your input ahead
 of time - I thought I'd chime in with the other method...


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[Tutor] Best Python3000 Tutorial for Beginner

2009-01-17 Thread Ian Egland
Hello all, I just joined this mailing list.

I am a beginner to programming in general and would really appreciate a
tutorial for Python3000 that at least covers the basics. I have tried
reading the manual, but I think it was written for more experienced
programmers wishing to switch to python rather than a beginner looking for
where to start. Most of the other tutorials I have found were for earlier
versions of Python, and because Python 3.0 was released on my birthday, I
decided I was meant to learn that release. ;-)

Anyway, any help would be appreciated. I will do my best to return the

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[Tutor] Help with elif

2009-01-17 Thread Ian Egland
Wow, that was a quick response! Thanks all!

I have looked at a couple tutorials and whipped this up. However, attempting
to run it in IDLE results in a syntax error leaving my elif highlighted in
red. What's wrong? I've looked at the code and can't find any syntax errors-
though I've just started.

print([Temperature Converter, First Edition])
print(Created on January 17th, 2009 by Ian Egland)
temp1 = int(input(Please enter a temperature: ))
scale = input(Convert to (F)ahrenheit or (C)elcius?)
if scale == F:
temp2 = (9/5)*temp1+32
print(temp1, C =, temp2, F
elif scale == C: # Error appears here.
temp2 = (5/9)*(temp1-32)
print(temp1, F =, temp2, C
print(Sorry, you must enter either an F or a C. Case-sensitive. Please
try again.

In regards to learning python, I've found that after I get somewhat-familiar
with a language, I want a programming problem to solve with what I've
learned. While learning Java, has been my best
friend. (That is, as close to a best friend as programming website can be.)
Is there something like this for Java? Is one in the works?

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[Tutor] Fixed

2009-01-17 Thread Ian Egland
Found it- wasn't closing the ()'s in the print()'s. Thanks anyway, sorry for
filling your inbox.

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[Tutor] New 2 Python- Script 'kill' function/Ubuntu File Browser hide hidden files

2008-01-13 Thread Ian Egland
Hello, I am new to Python (and OO programming in general) and I have a
script that I made through a tutorial.

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2007-2008 Ian Egland
# From the Non-Programmer's Guide to Python By Josh Cogliati
# 5.3 Exercise 1
# Modify the password guessing program to keep track of how many times the
user has entered the password wrong.
# If it is more than 3 times, print That must have been complicated.

tries = 3
password = What is the password?
while password != thepassword:
print You have, tries, remaining.
print What is the password?
password = raw_input( )
if password == thepassword:
print You got the password in only, 3 - tries, tries!
tries = tries - 1
if tries == 0:
print Sorry... but that was wrong. (again) Your not as smart as
I thought...
print I am sorry, that was incorrect. Please try again.

Now I cant see anything wrong with it... except that I don't think that quit
is the right function as when I run it this happens.

Python 2.5.1 (r251:54863, Oct  5 2007, 13:36:32)
[GCC 4.1.3 20070929 (prerelease) (Ubuntu 4.1.2-16ubuntu2)] on linux2
Type copyright, credits or license() for more information.

Personal firewall software may warn about the connection IDLE
makes to its subprocess using this computer's internal loopback
interface.  This connection is not visible on any external
interface and no data is sent to or received from the Internet.

IDLE 1.2.1   No Subprocess 

You have 3 remaining.
What is the password?
 is this it?
I am sorry, that was incorrect. Please try again.
You have 2 remaining.
What is the password?
I am sorry, that was incorrect. Please try again.
You have 1 remaining.
What is the password?
 omg one more left
Sorry... but that was wrong. (again) Your not as smart as I thought...
You have 0 remaining.
What is the password?
I am sorry, that was incorrect. Please try again.
You have -1 remaining.
What is the password?
I am sorry, that was incorrect. Please try again.
You have -2 remaining.
What is the password?

I am using the while function, so I know that it will loop the script
forever unless I kill the application, but I don't know the command to kill

Also, I am doing this in Ubuntu linux and hidden files are defined as
.filename. However, they are displayed in IDLE- so I have to scroll past
about 5 columns of hidden folders till I get to the 'visible' ones, which
contain my scripts. Any ideas on how to get IDLE not to reconize any
file/folders with the prefix '.'?

Thanks a million. I really am a nooB.

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Re: [Tutor] New 2 Python- Script 'kill' function/Ubuntu File Browser hide hidden files

2008-01-13 Thread Ian Egland
Thanks, you helped more than you know.


On Jan 13, 2008 3:58 PM, bob gailer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Ian Egland wrote:
  Hello, I am new to Python (and OO programming in general) and I have a
  script that I made through a tutorial.
  # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
  # Copyright (C) 2007-2008 Ian Egland
  # From the Non-Programmer's Guide to Python By Josh Cogliati
  # 5.3 Exercise 1
  # Modify the password guessing program to keep track of how many times
  the user has entered the password wrong.
  # If it is more than 3 times, print That must have been complicated.
  tries = 3
  password = What is the password?
  while password != thepassword:
  print You have, tries, remaining.
  print What is the password?
  password = raw_input( )
  if password == thepassword:
  print You got the password in only, 3 - tries, tries!
  tries = tries - 1
  if tries == 0:
  print Sorry... but that was wrong. (again) Your not as
  smart as I thought...
  print I am sorry, that was incorrect. Please try again.
  Now I cant see anything wrong with it... except that I don't think
  that quit is the right function as when I run it this happens.
 quit is a function. The line above is a reference to the function rather
 than a call to the function. To call a function you must always add ()
 e.g. quit().

 Your goal here is to break out of the while loop. You can accomplish
 that with the break statement in place of the quit function call.

 I'd code this differently, to take advantage of the for loop and to
 reduce redundant code. I also corrected spelling, introduced a
 constant and enhanced things so try is singular or plural as needed.

 for tries in range(MAXTRY, 0, -1):
if tries == 1:
print You have 1 try remaining.
print You have, tries, tries remaining.
print What is the password?
password = raw_input( )
if password == thepassword:
attempts = MAXTRY - tries + 1
if attempts == 1:
print You got the password in only 1 try!
print You got the password in only, attempts, tries!
elif tries  1:
print I am sorry, that was incorrect. Please try again.
print Sorry... but that was wrong. (again) You're not as smart
 as I thought...

 That is more than you requested, and I hope it all helps your learning.


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[Tutor] How to stop a script.

2007-12-28 Thread Ian Egland
Hi everyone... I litterally just started python and did the following 'hello
world' related tutorial.

Being the kind of person who like to experiment, I tried changing the
following script from:

print Hello World!
print Here are the ten numbers from 0 to 9, just in case you can't count.
for i in range(10):
print i,

print I'm done!


print Hello World!
print Here are the ten numbers from 0 to 9, just in case you can't count.
for i in range(1000):
print i,

print I'm done!

Now I am stuck staring at IDLE as it prints out all 10million numbers.
Is there a way other than closing the shell to stop a script midway through

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[Tutor] Fwd: How to stop a script.

2007-12-28 Thread Ian Egland
Thanks, I will keep that in mind the next time I  experiment. :-P


-- Forwarded message --
From: Tiger12506 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Dec 28, 2007 5:42 PM
Subject: Re: [Tutor] How to stop a script.

Ctrl+c will issue a KeyboardInterrupt which breaks out of programs such as
the one you described. (The only situation it doesn't is when the program
catches that exception. You won't see that 'til you get your sea legs ;-)

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