[Tutor] Organizing 15500 records, how?

2006-12-13 Thread Peter Jessop

With more than 15000 records you would be better off using a relational
Although it will create more work to start with (you'll have to learn it),
it will save you a lot of work in the medium and long term.

Almost any relational database can be accessed from python.As it is just for
your own use SQLite might be the most appropiate (it has a very small
footprint) but MySQL is excellent and so are many others.

To use a relational database you might think about learning SQL. It is very
easy (especially if you you know any Boolean algebra) and is a language that
has been used almost unchanged for decades and shows every sign of staying
here for a long time. In computing it is one of the most useful things you
can learn. There is a good introductory, interactive tutorial

If you feel you need another abstraction layer on top of this you could look
at SQLObject http://www.sqlobject.org/.

Personally I would recommend that you start with MySQLhttp://www.mysql.com.
It is open source, easy to install and use, stable and fast.  But with SQL
motors you have lots of good choices.

Peter Jessop

On 12/13/06, Thomas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I'm writing a program to analyse the profiles of the 15500 users of my
forum. I have the profiles as html files stored locally and I'm using
ClientForm to extract the various details from the html form in each

My goal is to identify lurking spammers but also to learn how to
better spot spammers by calculating statistical correlations in the
data against known spammers.

I need advise with how to organise my data. There are 50 fields in
each profile, some fields will be much more use than others so I
though about creating say 10 files to start off with that contained
dictionaries of userid to field value. That way I'm dealing with 10 to
50 files instead of 15500.

Also, I am inexperienced with using classes but eager to learn and
wonder if they would be any help in this case.

Any advise much appreciated and thanks in advance,
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] [python-win32] Python as scripting glue, WAS Python for sysadmin

2006-12-13 Thread Peter Jessop

I am a windows system administrator and started learning
python (as an alternative to VBScript) for the following reasons.

1) VBScript has serious limitations as a language
2) Needed access to TCP/IP protocols
3) Ability to to write scripts with GUI.
4) Portability

Windows system administrators need to know VBScript because that is what
most other Windows
admins use and thus most examples are written in this language. However
point 1-4 above are serious limitations of VBScript

Now Powershell has arrived windows has its own usable shell. Of course the
popular tools (and shells) for Unix have been available for a long time on
Windows but the problem is not just the shell. If it is more appropiat to
use awk or bash or sed on Linux, why not use awk or bash or sed on Windows.?
Python does not compete with the shell  but complements it.  Indeed for
a system administrator learning Python is a great investment in the future
precisely because what you learn can then be used with other operating

Powershell can use .NET
objects but, as I understand it, cannot use .NET libraries to produce
interactive gui scripts. However I think
it addresses point 2) above as .NET does come with TCP/IP libraries.

The only drawback to using Python for Windows System administration is
the lack of uptodate books
dedicated to it. A good book dedicated to this topic will sell well.

Peter Jessop
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] How to make the loop work?

2006-06-22 Thread Peter Jessop
It's basically correct but you need to convert the raw_input to integer.

d=int(raw_input(input number limit: ))
while 1:
  c = c + 1
  if c == d:
  print c
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] Question about network server in python

2006-06-15 Thread Peter Jessop
I think the problem here is the 'break' statement.
Does it not put you outside the while loop whereas in order to keep
the server socket open you need it to loop forever.

I also think that the s.accept should be inside the while loop.
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] Question about network server in python

2006-06-15 Thread Peter Jessop
import socket
host = ''
port = 57000
s=socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
while 1:
client.send(Connected to the server\n)
#if someCondition:
 #   cliente.close()
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] Mod-python

2006-06-12 Thread Peter Jessop

 I have about 17 lines of text (about system information) that I need to pass 
 a remote web server AND I've been asked to send this data via Apache. I have 
 write a python script that will fetch a URL to pass this text. I understand 
 if I want to use the POST method, I would need to have a page with a submit
 button, and this is not the case. I also know that with GET, the length of the
 url is limited. What is the best way to send a long string?

When you say you that you want to send this data via Apache do you
mean that the web server you are sending to is running Apache or that
you are communicating from one server to another?

If you simply want to emulate a a web page with a submit button that
sends a Post you do it with code a bit like the following

import urllib, urllib2
url = http://www.somesite.com/somefolder/exampl1.cgi;
dict = {}
dict[field1] = value1
dict[field2] = value2
dict[fieldn] = valuen
urldata = urllib.urlencode(dict)
req = urllib2.Request(url)
req.add_header('User-agent','Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows NT 5.0')
fd = urllib2.urlopen(req,urldata)

Peter Jessop

 Hope anyone can point me to the right direction..

 Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

[Tutor] (OT) Monitorising WEB POSTs

2006-06-07 Thread Peter Jessop
I am building a python application to automate information capture
from a web site.
I want to use a python application to request and process the
information instead of using the site's WEB page.
However I am having problems finding out exactly what data the server expects.
I have a firefox add-in called Web Developer that gives me good
information about the form (fields names etc..)
But what I want to do is find out exactly what POST data my browser is sending.

I am aware of two ways of doing this.
a) A sniffer to read the udp packet sent from my computer
b) Send the page to my own WEB server

Is there a program or add in that will give me this information
without resorting to the solutions above.

Peter Jessop
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] python application on a web page

2006-06-07 Thread Peter Jessop
Tkinter is a multiplatform toolkit for producing programs with
graphical interface.
But multiplatform refers to BSD, Linux, Mackintosh, Windows etc.

If you want to produce the output on the WEB you need to produce the
output in HTML or in some way that most users can see it in their
Browsers. (Java Script, Flash, etc...)

This forum caters well for beginners (and more advanced) and the
quality and helpfulness are very high.

Here are a some links that may be useful.
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] Truly generic database API

2006-06-07 Thread Peter Jessop
It depends on your system constraints.
If you are only developing on Windows then you can use ODBC.

ODBC supports writing to text files. It is an old fashioned technology
and is not very fast. However it is  well supported and mature.
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] (OT) Monitorising WEB POSTs

2006-06-07 Thread Peter Jessop


Exactly what I needed
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] Reference a variable from a string whose value is the name of the variable

2006-06-06 Thread Peter Jessop

Thanks for your reply.
The structure is for sending form variables and values to a web server
with POST.
I am using urllib.urlencode which accepts a list or dictionary as argument.

The idea is to look for airline tickets.
The airline I buy from only lets me search by data but I want to
automate the process by POSTing the form for a range of dates so that
effectively I can search by price not by date.
I will then parse the returned HTML using HTMLParser or BeautifulSoup.

The form has a large number of variables and I just want to find a
tidy way to organise the information.

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

[Tutor] Reference a variable from a string whose value is the name of the variable

2006-06-05 Thread Peter Jessop
The best way to explain my problem is with an example

f0_n = field0
f0_v =value0

f100_n = field100
f100_v = value100

I now want to define a list of 2ples of the form


I wish to define the list using a for loop, i.e.

data = [ ]
for i in xrange(1,101):
  data = data.append((f %i  _n, f %i_v))

I have put the % sign above. Obviously it is not like that but how
does one do it?
The aim is to reference the s variable whose name is the string that I
create concatenating f + str(i)+_n and f+str(i)+_v


Peter Jessop
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] Reference a variable from a string whose value is the name of the variable

2006-06-05 Thread Peter Jessop
Thanks Andre

I realise now I did not make it too clear.
Basically the variable names are predictable but the values aren't.

Maybe I should have expressed it like this

f0_n = arbitrayValue
f0_v =another valule
f1_n=something else

f100_n = another value
f100_v = nexvalue

I then wish to pass the list of 2ples as an argument to a function and
thus I need the variable themselves and not the string values.
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] Reference a variable from a string whose value is the name of the variable

2006-06-05 Thread Peter Jessop

Thanks a lot for clearing this up for me.


Peter Jessop
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

[Tutor] Problem installing MySQLdb under windows

2006-04-25 Thread Peter Jessop
I am running Python 2.4.3, MySQL 5.0.On trying to install MySQLdb 1.2.1 I ran into the following problem.D:\Python24\Lib\site-packages\MySQLdbsetup.py buildrunning buildrunning build_pycopying MySQLdb\release.py - build\lib.win32-
2.4\MySQLdbrunning build_exterror: The .NET Framework SDK needs to be installed before building extensions for Python.Is it really necessary to install The .NET Framework SDK (354Mb) or is there a simpler way?
Thanks for any helpPeter Jessop
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

[Tutor] Problem installing MySQLdb under windows

2006-04-25 Thread Peter Jessop
Thanks Liam and Kent.Problem is now sorted.Which brings me on to my next question...
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

[Tutor] Generating static WEB sites

2006-04-25 Thread Peter Jessop
I am looking at generating static web pages.What I wish to do is periodically regenerate a WEB site form HTML, text and MySQL data.I have been experimenting with HTMLgen and this seems to be adequate for what I need.
However HTMLgen does not seem to have been updated for a while and I was wondering if I should be looking at any other packages.Any suggestions?ThanksPeter Jessop
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

[Tutor] Generalising system processes

2005-09-29 Thread Peter Jessop
Good day.

Is there a library in Python that generalises the display of processes
in the system.
I am looking for a consistent way of seeing processess, (a python
equivalent of ps(unix) or tasklist (windows).

I have googled but the only suggestion I have found was to install ps
on Windows.


Peter Jessop
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org