Re: [Tutor] Java: (and python ?) nearer measles than coffee

2006-09-11 Thread Kent Johnson
Klaus Ramelow wrote:
 Sometimes I have also some  - or more - problems trying digesting python
 and feeling totally blocked.
 My programming experience (beginning at the card-reader era)
 main-frame, mini and micro :
 Bit / Byte / Word system-programming via switch-console followed by
 Assembler and commercial software using Basic, Cobol, Pascal and SQL.
 Mnemonic programming-language - in my understanding - can only be
 consisting of expressions near the human language.
 The best example for writing non-system-programms are
 Basic, Cobol (thanks to Alan) and SQL(especially Informix-SQL as full 
 language - not only for DB).
 Why should I waste time in learning a language like Java (or more
 positive: python) ?
 Nevertheless this Tutor Digest is most helpful, the number of questions
 / problems show:
 some more people are looking for a mnemonic-language which should
 optimized cross-compile to something with multiplatform-capability
 like Java.
 Please let me know, if I am entirely wrong.

I'm not really sure what you are asking. Many people find Python to be 
useful and enjoyable for a wide variety of personal and professional 
programming. But if you are happy with Basic and Cobol and they meet 
your needs then there is no need to waste your time learning anything 
else, I suppose. I am not really interested in trying to convince you to 
learn python; if you decide you want to learn this list is a great place 
to get help.


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[Tutor] Java: (and python ?) nearer measles than coffee

2006-09-11 Thread Jonathon Sisson opinion is that you shouldn't waste your time with Java
(sorry to any Java coders on this list).  It's entirely too automated
for my tastes (automatic garbage collection, transparent pointers,
etc...).  To quote an unknown author who was quite the anti-OOP
programmer, it made me want to throw a java.f***ThisException.

So why, might you ask, am I bothering learning Python?

Well, at first I was looking for a powerful scripting language to
prototype with.  You know the routine...whip up a quick and dirty
version 0.1 and let the customer see what's in store, test layouts,
algorithms, design ideas, etc...

Reason I use Python #1:
But then I noticed something.  Python runs on my wife's Windows
machine...and my Linux machine...and my OpenBSD machine...and insert
your favorite operating system here...etc...  The real catch for me was
OpenBSD support.  Find a thorough java runtime for OpenBSD (I last
looked probably a year or two ago, so correct me if I'm wrong on this),
and perhaps I'll try it out, but until then, Python is my choice when I
need code that will run on multiple OS's.

Reason I use Python #2:
I'm not trying to flatter anyone, seriously, I'm not...but this list is
another reason Python has been a favorite of mine.

Reason I use Python #3:
I am a strong advocate of Open Source Software and the GPL.  If Sun
truly supported Open Source, then the OpenBSD team would have the specs
for Java.

Reason I use Python #4:
If I want to code something in Java, give me a week.  For Python, give
me one night, perhaps two.  I prefer getting done so I can move on, ya know?

Anyways, those are the first few reasons I use Python.


Klaus Ramelow wrote:
 Sometimes I have also some  - or more - problems trying digesting python
 and feeling totally blocked.

 My programming experience (beginning at the card-reader era)
 main-frame, mini and micro :
 Bit / Byte / Word system-programming via switch-console followed by
 Assembler and commercial software using Basic, Cobol, Pascal and SQL.

 Mnemonic programming-language - in my understanding - can only be
 consisting of expressions near the human language.
 The best example for writing non-system-programms are
 Basic, Cobol (thanks to Alan) and SQL(especially Informix-SQL as full 
 language - not only for DB).
 Why should I waste time in learning a language like Java (or more
 positive: python) ?
 Nevertheless this Tutor Digest is most helpful, the number of questions
 / problems show:
 some more people are looking for a mnemonic-language which should
 optimized cross-compile to something with multiplatform-capability
 like Java.
 Please let me know, if I am entirely wrong.

 Klaus Ramelow

 Tutor maillist  -


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Re: [Tutor] Java: (and python ?) nearer measles than coffee

2006-09-11 Thread Danny Yoo
 some more people are looking for a mnemonic-language which should 
 optimized cross-compile to something with multiplatform-capability like 
 Java. Please let me know, if I am entirely wrong.

 I'm not really sure what you are asking. Many people find Python to be
 useful and enjoyable for a wide variety of personal and professional
 programming. But if you are happy with Basic and Cobol and they meet
 your needs then there is no need to waste your time learning anything
 else, I suppose.

I want to support Kent in this.  We're not language bigots.  (In fact, I'm 
not really much of a Python programmer at the moment.  *grin*)

I have no idea what a mnemonic language should be: perhaps you're talking 
about domain-specific languages in the sense discussed in:

In which case, one argument for learning Python or any other general 
purpose language is to know the necessary tools to write the 
domain-specific language you want.  That is, the point of a general 
purpose language is to bootstrap: to give us enough tools to build our 
way up to the domain.

If someone's already done that work, then yes, of course, use the 
domain-specific language.  If I'm doing some kind of simple text 
processing, then Perl's probably a good choice, because that language has 
a lot of built-in support for text munging.  If I need to do something 
with database management, I'd be silly if I didn't take a close look at an 
SQL implementation first.

But if I'm writing a simulator for elevator systems, I might be in for 
some work.  It's unlikely that someone has written a domain-specific 
language for ascending platforms, and I'm probably going to have to 
bootstrap my way up from a general purpose language (like Python or Perl 
or Ruby or Java or Scheme or ...) so that I can eventually talk about the 
problem in the natural terms of my domain.

And if a language helps me claw up that much more quickly, then that's a 
very good reason for me to learn that new language.  That's the claim of 
high-level, general purpose languages: we don't learn them just for their 
own sake, but because they help us build the tools we need to get to the 
real interesting problems.
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