Re: [Tutor] Clash of the Titans and Mundane Matters

2005-01-20 Thread Gonçalo Rodrigues
Michael Powe wrote:
Clash of the Titans
From "Dive into Python":
__init__ is called immediately after an instance of the class is
created. It would be tempting but incorrect to call this the
constructor of the class. It's tempting, because it looks like a
constructor (by convention, __init__ is the first method defined for
the class), acts like one (it's the first piece of code executed in a
newly created instance of the class), and even sounds like one ("init"
certainly suggests a constructor-ish nature). Incorrect, because the
object has already been constructed by the time __init__ is called,
and you already have a valid reference to the new instance of the
class. But __init__ is the closest thing you're going to get to a
constructor in Python, and it fills much the same role.
From Alan's book "Learning to Program":
One of the methods of this class is called __init__ and it is a
special method called a constructor. The reason for the name is that
it is called when a new object instance is created or constructed. Any
variables assigned (and hence created in Python) inside this method
will be unique to the new instance. There are a number of special
methods like this in Python, nearly all distinguished by the __xxx__
naming format.
When thinking about __init__ think not "constructor" but "initializer" 
(that's where the name comes from after all...). By definition, an 
initializer initializes something already existing, already constructed.

To *construct* a new instance one implements __new__ (python >= 2.2. See 
the docs).

[text snipped]
Finally, in terms of "understanding python," the question I keep
coming up against is:  why do we have both functions and methods?
What is the rationale for making join() a string method and a os.path
Because functions and methods are different objects for conceptually 
different things? The way I tend to think of it, is that methods are 
functions with a little bit of extra functionality (although in the 
current implementation of Python functions *are* methods, or more 
corectly, descriptors).

For the second question, os.path would be a method of what class?
Best regards,
G. Rodrigues
Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Clash of the Titans and Mundane Matters

2005-01-20 Thread John Fouhy
Michael Powe wrote:
Here's an example:  in Java, I wrote an
application to track my travelling expenses (I'm a consultant; this
tracking of expenses is the itch I am constantly scratching.  ;-)
I've also written this application in a perl/CGI web application as
well.)  It's easy to see the outline of this task:  create an abstract
class for expense and then extend it for the particular types of
expenses -- travel, food, transportation, lodging and so forth.  In
python, I guess I'd create a class and then "subclass" it.  But
... what are reading/writing to files and printing?  
I'm not sure exactly what output you're after ... But what about 
something like this?

class Expense(object):
def __init__(self, amount):
self.amount = amount
class Travel(Expense):
def __str__(self):
return 'Travel: $%.2f' % float(self.amount)
class Food(Expense):
def __str__(self):
return 'Food: $%.2f' % float(self.amount)
class Accommodation(Expense):
def __str__(self):
return 'Accommodation: $%.2f' % float(self.amount)
myExpenses = [Travel(2300), Accommodation(200), Food(12.50),
  Food(19.95), Food(2.35), Travel(500)]
for e in myExpenses:
print e
out = file('myExpenses.txt', 'w')
for e in myExpenses:
out.write(str(e) + '\n')
This produces output:
Travel: $2300.00
Accommodation: $200.00
Food: $12.50
Food: $19.95
Food: $2.35
Travel: $500.00
and the same in the file 'myExpenses.txt'.
The str() function automatically calls .__str__() on its argument (if 
you don't define __str__, it will call a boring default one).  And the 
print command automatically calls str() on its arguments.

Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] Clash of the Titans and Mundane Matters

2005-01-20 Thread Sean Perry
Michael Powe wrote:
Clash of the Titans
snip constructor discussions
Pilgrim is pedantically correct but Alan's comment matches how most of 
us think about it.

Mundane Matters
I'm having a hard time with classes in python, but it's coming
slowly.  One thing that I think is generally difficult is to parse a
task into "objects."  Here's an example:  in Java, I wrote an
application to track my travelling expenses (I'm a consultant; this
tracking of expenses is the itch I am constantly scratching.  ;-)
I've also written this application in a perl/CGI web application as
well.)  It's easy to see the outline of this task:  create an abstract
class for expense and then extend it for the particular types of
expenses -- travel, food, transportation, lodging and so forth.  In
python, I guess I'd create a class and then "subclass" it.
while that is a valid approach, it is not how most of us would do it. By 
subclassing you have to edit the code every time a new expense type is 
added. Ever used MS Money or Quicken? Imagine if the type of each item 
was a subclass. Use a string.

A similar problem occurs with my HTML-parsing routine that I brought
to the list recently.  Use of HTMLParser was suggested.  I've looked
into this and usage means subclassing HTMLParser in order to implement
the methods in the way that will accomplish my task.  Conceptually,
I'm having a hard time with the "object" here.  (The fairly poor
documentation for HTMLParser doesn't help.)  Apparently, I'm creating
a "parser" object and feeding it data.  At least, that's the closest I
can get to understanding this process.  How I'm actually feeding data
to the "parser" object and retrieving the results are matters open to
discussion.  I'll be working on that when I get another chance.
This counts the tags in a html file piped in on stdin.

import sys, HTMLParser
class TagCounter(HTMLParser.HTMLParser):
def __init__(self):
self.tags = {}
def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs):
self.tags[tag] = self.tags.setdefault(tag, 0) + 1
if __name__ == '__main__':
counter = TagCounter()
for line in sys.stdin.xreadlines():
print counter.tags
Finally, in terms of "understanding python," the question I keep
coming up against is:  why do we have both functions and methods?
What is the rationale for making join() a string method and a os.path
a method is a function bound to a class. Nothing super special.
Tutor maillist  -

[Tutor] Clash of the Titans and Mundane Matters

2005-01-19 Thread Michael Powe
Clash of the Titans

>From "Dive into Python":

__init__ is called immediately after an instance of the class is
created. It would be tempting but incorrect to call this the
constructor of the class. It's tempting, because it looks like a
constructor (by convention, __init__ is the first method defined for
the class), acts like one (it's the first piece of code executed in a
newly created instance of the class), and even sounds like one ("init"
certainly suggests a constructor-ish nature). Incorrect, because the
object has already been constructed by the time __init__ is called,
and you already have a valid reference to the new instance of the
class. But __init__ is the closest thing you're going to get to a
constructor in Python, and it fills much the same role.

>From Alan's book "Learning to Program":

One of the methods of this class is called __init__ and it is a
special method called a constructor. The reason for the name is that
it is called when a new object instance is created or constructed. Any
variables assigned (and hence created in Python) inside this method
will be unique to the new instance. There are a number of special
methods like this in Python, nearly all distinguished by the __xxx__
naming format.

Mundane Matters

I'm having a hard time with classes in python, but it's coming
slowly.  One thing that I think is generally difficult is to parse a
task into "objects."  Here's an example:  in Java, I wrote an
application to track my travelling expenses (I'm a consultant; this
tracking of expenses is the itch I am constantly scratching.  ;-)
I've also written this application in a perl/CGI web application as
well.)  It's easy to see the outline of this task:  create an abstract
class for expense and then extend it for the particular types of
expenses -- travel, food, transportation, lodging and so forth.  In
python, I guess I'd create a class and then "subclass" it.  But
... what are reading/writing to files and printing?  Of course, I
create a "file object" in order to accomplish these tasks -- but how
is this object fit into the application design?  Do I just create
methods within the expense class to accomplish these parts of the
task?  When I tried this on, it seemed hacky.  The other option seemed
to be creating an I/O class and passing the expense objects to it.
But, should that class be an interface or an object?  The one thing
you don't see in "how to program" java books is an implementation of
I/O in the context of an application.

A similar problem occurs with my HTML-parsing routine that I brought
to the list recently.  Use of HTMLParser was suggested.  I've looked
into this and usage means subclassing HTMLParser in order to implement
the methods in the way that will accomplish my task.  Conceptually,
I'm having a hard time with the "object" here.  (The fairly poor
documentation for HTMLParser doesn't help.)  Apparently, I'm creating
a "parser" object and feeding it data.  At least, that's the closest I
can get to understanding this process.  How I'm actually feeding data
to the "parser" object and retrieving the results are matters open to
discussion.  I'll be working on that when I get another chance.

Finally, in terms of "understanding python," the question I keep
coming up against is:  why do we have both functions and methods?
What is the rationale for making join() a string method and a os.path

Thanks for your time.  It's late.  ;-)  Sometimes, I just have to get
these things off my chest.

Tutor maillist  -