Re: [Tutor] Socket Error Handling Syntax

2013-05-28 Thread Andreas Perstinger

On 28.05.2013 19:25, sparkle Plenty wrote:

I need to catch and handle 10057 exceptions when they occur and keep
running.  I know 10057 is a WinError, which is a subset of OSError, I
just can't find the right syntax for it.  I would appreciate some
help on this one.

I have neither Windows nor Python3.3 to test but according to the docs, 
winerror is an attribute of the OSError exception ( 
). Thus something like

   # some code
except OSError as e:
   if e.winerror == 10057:
  # do error handling
  raise # re-raise any other error

should work.

Bye, Andreas
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Re: [Tutor] Socket Error Handling Syntax

2013-05-28 Thread sparkle Plenty
If I use an if statement, I cannot use continue after I do my error
handling, so I am really trying to use the except errorname: instead of an
if statement.  Therefore, I have to find the correct error name to identify
the 10057 condition to the interpreter, but thanks anyway, Andreas.

On Tue, May 28, 2013 at 1:25 PM, sparkle Plenty wrote:

 Python 3.3, Windows operating system:

 I am communicating with a device using a Python script and I am
 coding except clauses in my send and receive functions to handle a
 particular error. I can't find a WinError example, and I can't get the
 syntax right.  I have researched this and tried the following:

 while not_sent:
 (my socket send code)

 except OSError.WinError.10057
 (this failed)
 (this failed)
 except OSError.winerror.WSANOTCONN
 (this failed)

 I have another general except/as clause already coded and debugged for
 each function to catch unexpected errors and shut down.  I need to catch
 and handle 10057 exceptions when they occur and keep running.  I know 10057
 is a WinError, which is a subset of OSError, I just can't find the right
 syntax for it.  I would appreciate some help on this one.

 Thank you.

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Re: [Tutor] Socket Error Handling Syntax

2013-05-28 Thread Dave Angel

On 05/28/2013 03:37 PM, sparkle Plenty wrote:

If I use an if statement, I cannot use continue after I do my error

The presence of an if statement cannot affect whether or not a continue 
can work.  If you give a concrete code example, somebody will be able to 
identify the confusion.

And while you're at it, instead of saying this failed why not actually 
show us the traceback?  Big difference between a name error and a type 

so I am really trying to use the except errorname: instead of an
if statement.  Therefore, I have to find the correct error name to identify
the 10057 condition to the interpreter, but thanks anyway, Andreas.

except clauses do not work on error names they work on exception 
types.  I don't use Windows, but I doubt if there's a separate exception 
type for 10057.

Incidentally, if you ever do get one of those except clauses to fire, 
you're going to want an exception object. Something like:

   except OSError as theError:

Then you can check the error code for anything you like.

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Re: [Tutor] Socket Error Handling Syntax

2013-05-28 Thread Andreas Perstinger

On 28.05.2013 21:37, sparkle Plenty wrote:

If I use an if statement, I cannot use continue after I do my error
handling, so I am really trying to use the except errorname: instead of an
if statement.

I think you haven't understood the code snippet I've posted. The 
if-statement is inside the except clause to check the Windows error number.

Therefore, I have to find the correct error name to identify
the 10057 condition to the interpreter,

As Dave told you, the actual traceback will tell you the name of the 

Bye, Andreas
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Re: [Tutor] Socket Error Handling Syntax

2013-05-28 Thread eryksun
On Tue, May 28, 2013 at 3:49 PM, Dave Angel wrote:
 I don't use Windows, but I doubt if there's a separate exception
 type for 10057.

Windows sockets error codes at or above 1 aren't mapped to POSIX
error codes. Instead errno is set directly from winerror. So there's
no reason to look at winerror in this case.

Use the errno module:


 errno.errorcode[10057] # Windows-specific name




From MSDN, Windows Socket Error Codes:

Socket is not connected.
A request to send or receive data was disallowed because the socket is
not connected and (when sending on a datagram socket using sendto) no
address was supplied. Any other type of operation might also return
this error—for example, setsockopt setting SO_KEEPALIVE if the
connection has been reset.
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