Re: [Tutor] extracting numbers from a list

2006-10-18 Thread kumar s
Thank you Danny. I am going over your email and trying
to understand (i am a biologist with bioinformatics

I am not sure if I got your opinion about the way I
solved. do you mean that there is something wrong with
the way i solved it. 

I am not sure If I explained the problem correctly in
terms of exons, transcripts. If not I would be happy
to send you a pdf file with a figure. 

Thanks again. 

--- Danny Yoo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Mon, 16 Oct 2006, kumar s wrote:
  I have a simple question to ask tutors:
  list A :
  a = [10,15,18,20,25,30,40]
 Hi Kumar,
 If you're concerned about correctness, I'd recommend
 that you try thinking 
 about the problem inductively.  An inductive
 definition for what you're 
 asking is straightforward to state in about three or
 four lines of code. 
 I'll try to go through it slowly so you see what the
 reasoning behind it 
 is.  The code sketch above uses a technique that you
 should already know 
 called mathematical induction.
 Let's say we're designing a function called
 getSpans().  Here are some 
 sample behavior we'd like from it:
  getSpans([10, 15]) = [(10, 15)]
  getSpans([10, 15, 18]) = [(10, 15), (16, 18)]
  getSpans([10, 15, 18, 20]) = [(10, 15), (16,
 18), (19, 20)]
 Would you agree that this is reasonable output for a
 function like this? 
 getSpans() takes a list of numbers, and returns a
 list of pairs of 
 There is one base case to this problem.  The
 smallest list we'd like to 
 consider is a list of two elements.  If we see that,
 then we're happy, 
 because the answer is really simple:
  getSpans([a, b]) = [(a, b)]
 Otherwise, let's imagine a list that's a bit longer,
 with three elements. 
 Concretely, we know that this is going to look like:
  getSpans([a, b, c]) = [(a, b), (b+1, c)]
 But another way to say this, though is that:
  getSpans([a, b, c]) = [(a, b)] + getSpans([b+1,
 That is, we try to restate the problem in terms of
 smaller subproblems.
 Let's look at what the case for four elements might
 look like:
  getSpans([a, b, c, d]) = [(a, b), (b+1, c),
 (c+1, d)]
 Concretely, we know that that's the list of spans
 we'd like to see.  But 
 if we think about it, we might also restate this as:
  getSpans([a, b, c, d]) = [a, b] +
 getSpans([b+1, c, d])
 because getSpans([b+1, c, d]) is going to give us:
  [(b+1, c), (c+1, d)]
 All we need to do is add on [(a, b)] to that to get
 the complete answer to 
 getSpans([a, b, c, d]).
 Generally, for any particular list L that's longer
 than two elements:
  getExons(L) = [L[0:2]] + getExons([L[1] + 1] +
 When we work inductively, all we really need to
 think about is base case 
 and inductive case: the solution will often just
 fall through from 
 stating those two cases.  An inductively-designed
 function is going to 
 look something like:
  def solve(input):
  if input looks like a base-case:
  handle that directly in a base-case way
  break up the problem into smaller
  that we assume can be solve()d by
 The inductive definition above is slightly
 inefficient because we're doing 
 physical list slicing.  Rewriting it to use loops
 and list indicies 
 instead of slicing is a little harder, but not much
 Another example: how do we add up a list of numbers?
  If there's just one 
 number, that must be the sum.  Otherwise, we can add
 up the first number 
 to the sum of the rest of the numbers.
 def mysum(L):
  if len(L) == 1:
  return L[0]
  return L[0] + mysum(L[1:])
 It's a funky way of doing this, but this is a real
 definition that works 
 (modulo limits in Python's recursion
 implementation).  It's inefficient, 
 but it's easy to state and reason about.  I'm
 assuming you're more 
 interested in correctness than efficiency at the
 moment.  Get it correct 
 first, then if you really need to, work to get it

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Re: [Tutor] extracting numbers from a list

2006-10-18 Thread Danny Yoo

On Wed, 18 Oct 2006, kumar s wrote:

 I am not sure if I got your opinion about the way I solved.

Hi Kumar,

I was replying to your question:

in which you showed a program that had problems.  I'm assuming that you 
haven't figured out what's wrong with the code in your post.  I've 
presented an approach that shows how one might try to approach the problem 
without being brilliant.  Did you understand every step in the program in:

or was there something there that you didn't understand?  If so, please 
ask for clarification, because everything there should have been 
approachable to you.

 do you mean that there is something wrong with the way i solved it.

Well... how do I put this gently?  Your program doesn't work, so I can't 
really give a positive or negative opinion about its effectiveness until 
it does.  I can sorta see what the code tries to do, but it's going about 
it in a complicated fashion.

I can give my opinion that:

fx = a[0]
fy = a[1]
b = a[2:]
ai = iter(b)
last =
for j in ai:
 print fy+1,last
 last = j

seems to be juggling too many variables, too much state.  I think the 
conceptual bug here is that the code fumbles around, trying to do 
something toward a goal, but it loses intentionality.  I don't understand 
the intent of 'fx', since that variable is never used.  I don't understand 
the expression 'fy+1' in the print statement, since 'fy' never changes. 
There's just a lot of little small things there that seem irrelevant to 
the problem at hand.

I haven't tried to fix your program; rather, I've tried to show you an 
approach that can systematic attack these kinds of problems without much 
trouble.  The problem I see that you've been having is that you're getting 
stuck as soon as the complexity of a problem reaches a threshold.  I'm 
trying to show you techniques to compensate when problems get hard.  I 
could just as easily have just fixed the above code, but how would this 
really help you?  For you, it would be as if I just pulled that program 
out of thin air!

But just to satisfy you, such a program would have looked like this:

x = a[0]
for y in a[1:]:
 print x, y
 x = y + 1

The relationship between this and your original program is somewhat there.

But again, if I just showed this to you, how does that really help you to 
program better?  The program here is written to conserve memory, but at 
the expense of being harder to develop, understand, and explain.  And, if 
I were doing this as a computer scientist, I'd have to develop a loop 
invariant argument to feel satisfied that it was doing the right thing. 
In comparison, the inductive definition has the force of a proof behind 

 I am not sure If I explained the problem correctly in terms of exons, 
 transcripts. If not I would be happy to send you a pdf file with a 

That's ok.  I don't think it is necessary as long as you clearly explain 
the problem you're trying to solve.  You should be able to communicate 
what you're trying to do.

(And just as background: I've worked in the past as a bioinformatician at  The terminology that you've been using has not been an 
Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] extracting numbers from a list

2006-10-17 Thread kumar s
In continuation to :
Re: [Tutor] extracting numbers from a list

hello list

I have coordinates for exons (chunks of sequence). For

10 - 50  A
10 - 20  B
35 - 50  B
60 - 70  A
60 - 70  B
80 - 100 A
80 - 100 B
(The above coordinates and names are easier than in

Here my aim is to creat chunks of exons specific to A
or B.

For instance:
10 - 20,35 - 50 are common  to both A and B, whereas
21 - 34 is specific only to A.

The desired output for me is :

10 \t 20  A,B
21 \t 34  A
35 \t 50  A,B
60 \t 70  A,B
80 \t 100 A,B

I just learned python frm a friend and he is also a

What I could get is the break up of chunks. A problem
here I am getting number different from what I need:
[10, 20] [10, 50]
[21, 35] [10, 50]
[36, 50] [10, 50]
[60, 70] [60, 70]
[80, 100] [80, 100]

The list next to chunks is the pairs( the longer

could any one help me how can I correct [21, 35],[36,
50] to 21 \t 34 , 35 \t 50.  I tried chaning the
indexs in function chunker, it is not working for me.
Also, how can I point chunks to their names.

This is the abstract example of the complex numbers
and their sequence names.  I want to change the simple
code and then go to the complex one.

Thank you very much for your valuable time. 

REsult: what I am getting now:

[10, 20] [10, 50]
[21, 35] [10, 50]
[36, 50] [10, 50]
[60, 70] [60, 70]
[80, 100] [80, 100]

My code:

from sets import Set
dat = ['10\t50\tA', '10\t20\tB', '35\t50\tB',
'60\t70\tA', '60\t70\tB', '80\t100\tA', '80\t100\tB']

# creating a dictionary with coordiates as key and NM_
as value

ekda = {}
for j in dat:
cols = j.split('\t')
#getting tab delim numbers only and not the A,B
bat = []
for j in dat:
cols = j.split('\t')
pairs = [ map(int, x.split('\t')) for x in bat ]

# this function takes pairs (from the above result)and
longer blocks(exons).
# For instance:
# 10 - 20; 14 - 25; 19 - 30; 40 - 50; 45 - 60; 70 - 80
# a =
# for j in exoner(a):
#   print j
#The result would be:
#10 - 30; 40 - 60; 70 - 80
def exoner(pairs):
i = iter(pairs)
last =
for current in i:
if current[0] in
if current[1]  last[1]:
last = [last[0],
last =
yield last
last = current
yield last
lon = exoner(pairs)
## Here I am getting all the unique numbers in dat

nums = []
for j in pairs:
for k in j:
unm = Set(nums)
unums = []
for x in unm:
### This function takes a list of numbers and breaks
it in pieces
## For instance [10,15,20,25,30]
# i = [10,15,20,25,30]
# chunker(i)
#[[10, 15], [16, 20], [21, 25], [26, 30]]

def chunker(lis):
res = []
for m in range(2,len(lis)):
return res

# Here I take each pair (longer block) and roll over
all the unique numbers ((unums) from dat) and check if
that number is in#the range of pair, if so, I will
break all those set of number in pair range into small
gdic = {}
for pair in exoner(pairs):
x = pair[0]
y = pair[1]+1
sml = []
for k in unums:
if k in range(x,y):
for j in chunker(sml):
print j,pair

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Re: [Tutor] extracting numbers from a list

2006-10-17 Thread Danny Yoo

On Mon, 16 Oct 2006, kumar s wrote:

 I have a simple question to ask tutors:

 list A :

 a = [10,15,18,20,25,30,40]

Hi Kumar,

If you're concerned about correctness, I'd recommend that you try thinking 
about the problem inductively.  An inductive definition for what you're 
asking is straightforward to state in about three or four lines of code. 
I'll try to go through it slowly so you see what the reasoning behind it 
is.  The code sketch above uses a technique that you should already know 
called mathematical induction.

Let's say we're designing a function called getSpans().  Here are some 
sample behavior we'd like from it:

 getSpans([10, 15]) = [(10, 15)]
 getSpans([10, 15, 18]) = [(10, 15), (16, 18)]
 getSpans([10, 15, 18, 20]) = [(10, 15), (16, 18), (19, 20)]

Would you agree that this is reasonable output for a function like this? 
getSpans() takes a list of numbers, and returns a list of pairs of 

There is one base case to this problem.  The smallest list we'd like to 
consider is a list of two elements.  If we see that, then we're happy, 
because the answer is really simple:

 getSpans([a, b]) = [(a, b)]

Otherwise, let's imagine a list that's a bit longer, with three elements. 
Concretely, we know that this is going to look like:

 getSpans([a, b, c]) = [(a, b), (b+1, c)]

But another way to say this, though is that:

 getSpans([a, b, c]) = [(a, b)] + getSpans([b+1, c])

That is, we try to restate the problem in terms of smaller subproblems.

Let's look at what the case for four elements might look like:

 getSpans([a, b, c, d]) = [(a, b), (b+1, c), (c+1, d)]

Concretely, we know that that's the list of spans we'd like to see.  But 
if we think about it, we might also restate this as:

 getSpans([a, b, c, d]) = [a, b] + getSpans([b+1, c, d])

because getSpans([b+1, c, d]) is going to give us:

 [(b+1, c), (c+1, d)]

All we need to do is add on [(a, b)] to that to get the complete answer to 
getSpans([a, b, c, d]).

Generally, for any particular list L that's longer than two elements:

 getExons(L) = [L[0:2]] + getExons([L[1] + 1] + L[2:])

When we work inductively, all we really need to think about is base case 
and inductive case: the solution will often just fall through from 
stating those two cases.  An inductively-designed function is going to 
look something like:

 def solve(input):
 if input looks like a base-case:
 handle that directly in a base-case way
 break up the problem into smaller pieces
 that we assume can be solve()d by induction

The inductive definition above is slightly inefficient because we're doing 
physical list slicing.  Rewriting it to use loops and list indicies 
instead of slicing is a little harder, but not much harder.

Another example: how do we add up a list of numbers?  If there's just one 
number, that must be the sum.  Otherwise, we can add up the first number 
to the sum of the rest of the numbers.

def mysum(L):
 if len(L) == 1:
 return L[0]
 return L[0] + mysum(L[1:])

It's a funky way of doing this, but this is a real definition that works 
(modulo limits in Python's recursion implementation).  It's inefficient, 
but it's easy to state and reason about.  I'm assuming you're more 
interested in correctness than efficiency at the moment.  Get it correct 
first, then if you really need to, work to get it fast.
Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] extracting numbers from a list

2006-10-16 Thread wesley chun
 I want to print
 10 15 (first two elements)
 16 18 (16 is last number +1)
  fx = a[0]
  fy = a[1]
  b = a[2:]
  ai = iter(b)
  last =
  for j in ai:
 ... print fy+1,last
 ... last = j
 16 18
 16 20
 16 25
 16 30

look very carefully at variables 'fy' vs. 'last', what you do with
them, and when, and you should be able to figure out your homework
assignment problem.

hope this helps!
-- wesley
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Core Python Programming, Prentice Hall, (c)2007,2001

wesley.j.chun ::
python training and technical consulting : silicon valley, ca
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Re: [Tutor] extracting numbers from a list

2006-10-16 Thread Ziad Rahhal
On 10/16/06, kumar s [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
hi :I have a simple question to ask tutors:list A :a = [10,15,18,20,25,30,40]I want to print10 15 (first two elements)16 18 (16 is last number +1)19 2021 2526 3031 40
 fx = a[0] fy = a[1] b = a[2:] ai = iter(b) last = for j in ai:... print fy+1,last... last = j
...16 1816 2016 2516 30can any one help please.thank you a = [10,15,18,20,25,30, 40] print a[0], a[1] for i in xrange(2, len(a)): print a[i-1] + 1, a[i] 
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Re: [Tutor] extracting numbers from a list

2006-10-16 Thread Alan Gauld
kumar s [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote
 a = [10,15,18,20,25,30,40]
 I want to print
 10 15 (first two elements)
 16 18 (16 is last number +1)
 19 20

The simplest solution would seem to be a while loop: 

print a[0], a[1]  # special case
index = 1
while index  len(a):
  print a[index-1]+1, a[index]
  index += 1

But that seems too straightforward to be the solution, 
so I assume I'm missing something?

Alan Gauld
Author of the Learn to Program web site

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Re: [Tutor] extracting numbers from a list

2006-10-16 Thread Alan Gauld

wesley chun [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 
 look very carefully at variables 'fy' vs. 'last', what you do with
 them, and when, and you should be able to figure out your homework
 assignment problem.

Hmmm, homework assignment was probably what I was missing

Alan G.

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Re: [Tutor] extracting numbers from a list

2006-10-16 Thread Asrarahmed Kadri
My solution : (i have tested it)

list1 = [10,15,18,20,25,30,40]
for i in range(len(list1)-1): print list1[i],list1[i+1]list1[i+1] += 1
#print the consecutive elements;for thefirst pass of the loop the elements are unchanged, for the remaining we add one. 
On 10/16/06, kumar s [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
hi :I have a simple question to ask tutors:list A :a = [10,15,18,20,25,30,40]
I want to print10 15 (first two elements)16 18 (16 is last number +1)19 2021 2526 3031 40 fx = a[0] fy = a[1] b = a[2:] ai = iter(b)
 last = for j in ai:... print fy+1,last... last = j...16 1816 2016 2516 30can any one help please.thank you__
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Tutor@python.org To HIM you shall return. 
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Re: [Tutor] extracting numbers from a list

2006-10-16 Thread Kent Johnson
Asrarahmed Kadri wrote:
 My solution : (i have tested it)
 list1 = [10,15,18,20,25,30,40]
 for i in range(len(list1)-1):
 print list1[i],list1[i+1]  
 list1[i+1] += 1

Note that this changes the original list, which may or may not be 
acceptable. Normally you would expect a printing function not to change 
the value being printed.


Tutor maillist  -

Re: [Tutor] extracting numbers from a list

2006-10-16 Thread Asrarahmed Kadri
I agree.

On 10/17/06, Kent Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Asrarahmed Kadri wrote: My solution : (i have tested it) list1 = [10,15,18,20,25,30,40]
 for i in range(len(list1)-1): print list1[i],list1[i+1] list1[i+1] += 1Note that this changes the original list, which may or may not beacceptable. Normally you would expect a printing function not to change
the value being printed.Kent___Tutor To HIM you shall return. 
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Re: [Tutor] extracting numbers from a list

2006-10-16 Thread John Fouhy
On 17/10/06, Asrarahmed Kadri [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 My solution : (i have tested it)

As long as we're all taking turns, what about a functional approach:

 a = [10, 15, 18, 20, 25, 30, 40]
 def pairs(lst):
...  return list.__add__([(lst[0], lst[1])], zip(map((1).__add__,
lst[1:]), lst[2:]))
[(10, 15), (16, 18), (19, 20), (21, 25), (26, 30), (31, 40)]

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