[twitter-dev] visiblitiy of @mentions in Tweets

2009-12-17 Thread MuratMetu
Hello, I am new to Twitter development, I want to know  is it possible
to change visibility of mentions in my tweets.
I want to mention somebody via @username in my Tweet x, but also I
want Tweet x to be visible only for the user spesificed with username.
I don't want to use direct message since as far as I know there
should be at least one of the 'followed'  or 'following' relation in
order to send direct message.  Thank you.

[twitter-dev] searching spesific keyword in Tweets

2009-12-16 Thread MuratMetu
Hello, I am new to Twitter development. Is there any way to get all
tweets including specific keyword "x" ans posted in the most recent 3
- 4 months. I heard that there is a way to do it for 1-2 week old
tweets but I need to go 3-4 months back. Thank you.

[twitter-dev] getting Twitter client type

2009-11-24 Thread MuratMetu
Hello, I am new to Twitter development. Is there any way to get client
type (name of the client software that tweet posted) for posted tweet
such as gravity, Tweetie, TweetDeck, Twittelator, Uber Twitter etc...
My second question is it possible to understand that tweet send from
PC or mobile phone?

Thank you.

[twitter-dev] Twit Search Performance

2009-11-10 Thread MuratMetu

Hello, I have used topsy for twit search and we are not happy with
performance. Is there any other good api for searching text in the

[twitter-dev] Profile search based on Bio field

2009-10-28 Thread MuratMetu

Hello, we are new to twitter development, we want to know is there any
open source API that provides us to send String query (regular
expression) and return the list of the users whose bio text match with
the query in their profile. Thank you.