It is neat (mostly for the original tweeter) to know how popular a tweet is
globally, but when reading your timeline it is much more useful to know
which of the people you follow have retweeted something. Such a
friend-centric view of rewteets and/or favoriates is what would make the
retweet functionality a compelling replacement for communities like Reddit
and Digg.
I think these resources will not work well once retweeting becomes
popular-especially when it is common for tweets to get retweeted more than
100 times. Let's a tweet gets retweeted 100 times from people in the UK
before people even wake up in the US; then any American users that retweet
it will be basically drowned out. It also seems vulnerable to intentional
DoS (to prevent others from showing up), spam (retweeting stuff just to get
linked to in non-followers' timelines), and other manipulation. And, it also
encourages the old-style RTs to be used by people that want to make sure
their retweets show up.
Accordingly, it would be really great to have at least the
/statuses/:status_id/retweeted_by/ids maintain enough information to let
applications retrieve a list of all the user's friends that have retweeted
the tweet.
(I know that is easier said than done.)
From: Marcel Molina
We've just deployed two new resources for the retweet API:
* /statuses/:status_id/retweeted_by
* /statuses/:status_id/retweeted_by/ids
The first will return up to the first 100 user representations of those who
have retweeted the tweet specified in the url by :status_id.
The second will return just the ids of those retweeters for the cases where
that's all you care about.
Full docs here:
In conjunction with these additions we also want to provide a
"retweet_count" parameter in the status payload for convenience. The code
for this is mostly done but there are some details around cache invalidation
that will likely push out the availability of the retweet_count parameter
for a few weeks while we work on an infrastructure change to obviate these
cache invalidation issues. But we just wanted to give you a heads up about
that too!
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