RE: [U2] GPG encryption from within Universe {Unclassified}

2005-06-27 Thread HENDERSON MIKE, MR

What version of UniVerse?
There are 'issues' with the "DOS /c ..." command if you try to pass it
arguments (like FILENAME or path names) with embedded spaces.  There is
a fix for this in 10.1.1 
>From the 10.1.1 Release Notes:
5616At this release, a new GCI function, UVRunCommand, has been
added. This command executes a Windows executable and has one
argument. You can specify the executable name and its argument
as a string. To execute the command, use
C:\windows\system32\cmd.exe /c. You must use single or double
quotation marks around the string argument, as shown in the
following example:

Result = UVRunCommand("c:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe /c dir")

Alternatively, you could make sure there are no embedded spaces anywhere
in your parameters
You could create a batch file on the fly and execute that



> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Ed Weissman
> Sent: Tuesday, 28 June 2005 06:54
> To:
> Subject: [U2] GPG encryption from within Universe
> Anyone using gpg from GNUpg for encryption?  Running IBM 
> Universe on Windows NT.  I downloaded this DOS based encryption 
> software from as required by one of our trading 
> partners.  It works perfectly from a DOS command prompt - 
> "gpg --armor --recipient XXX -encrypt-file FILENAME etc.etc
> etc", creating FILENAME.asc. in the same directory.  But when 
> I shell out from within Universe using "DOS /c gpg etc etc etc", 
> I get an error message "cannot find public key".  I suspect this 
> has something to do with either the way I created the keys or 
> with Windows registries.  Anyone run into this problem before? 
> I have a workaround, an endless .bat loop on the server, that
> encrypts a given filename whenever it finds it, but...YECCHH! 
> There's gotta be a better way.  Any ideas?
> Ed Weissman
> The Matrix Group
> ed
> ---
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Re: [U2] GPG encryption from within Universe

2005-06-27 Thread Key Ally

   Don't execute it that way. Encapsulate it in a BAT file that starts 
by changing the directory to to the gpg directory. Let UniVerse run that 
new BAT on-demand. No looping needed.

   - Chuck
Ed Weissman wrote:

Anyone using gpg from GNUpg for encryption?  Running IBM Universe on Windows
NT.  I downloaded this DOS based encryption software from as
required by one of our trading partners.  It works perfectly from a DOS
command prompt - "gpg --armor --recipient XXX -encrypt-file FILENAME etc.etc
etc", creating FILENAME.asc. in the same directory.  But when I shell out from
within Universe using "DOS /c gpg etc etc etc", I get an error message "cannot
find public key".  I suspect this has something to do with either the way I
created the keys or with Windows registries.  Anyone run into this problem
before?  I have a workaround, an endless .bat loop on the server, that
encrypts a given filename whenever it finds it, but...YECCHH!  There's gotta
be a better way.  Any ideas?

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RE: [U2] GPG encryption from within Universe

2005-06-27 Thread Knowlton, Rod
If it works from a command line in C:\, try adding
"--homedir=C:\" to your command line string in Universe.

- Rod

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Ed Weissman
Sent: Monday, June 27, 2005 1:54 PM
Subject: [U2] GPG encryption from within Universe

Anyone using gpg from GNUpg for encryption?  Running IBM Universe on Windows
NT.  I downloaded this DOS based encryption software from as
required by one of our trading partners.  It works perfectly from a DOS
command prompt - "gpg --armor --recipient XXX -encrypt-file FILENAME etc.etc
etc", creating FILENAME.asc. in the same directory.  But when I shell out from
within Universe using "DOS /c gpg etc etc etc", I get an error message "cannot
find public key".  I suspect this has something to do with either the way I
created the keys or with Windows registries.  Anyone run into this problem
before?  I have a workaround, an endless .bat loop on the server, that
encrypts a given filename whenever it finds it, but...YECCHH!  There's gotta
be a better way.  Any ideas?

Ed Weissman
The Matrix Group
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[U2] GPG encryption from within Universe

2005-06-27 Thread Ed Weissman
Anyone using gpg from GNUpg for encryption?  Running IBM Universe on Windows
NT.  I downloaded this DOS based encryption software from as
required by one of our trading partners.  It works perfectly from a DOS
command prompt - "gpg --armor --recipient XXX -encrypt-file FILENAME etc.etc
etc", creating FILENAME.asc. in the same directory.  But when I shell out from
within Universe using "DOS /c gpg etc etc etc", I get an error message "cannot
find public key".  I suspect this has something to do with either the way I
created the keys or with Windows registries.  Anyone run into this problem
before?  I have a workaround, an endless .bat loop on the server, that
encrypts a given filename whenever it finds it, but...YECCHH!  There's gotta
be a better way.  Any ideas?

Ed Weissman
The Matrix Group
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