Re: [Bug 469376] Re: USB device insertion causes total system lockup on Ubuntu 9.10

2010-05-02 Thread phickel
OK, I finally got a chance to try 10.04 and I confirm the lockup still
exists.However, the error you report is easily resolved, you missed
one rather poorly documented step.

Use The Synaptic Package Manager to verify you do not have the default
hsolink package loaded.

Also remember
sudo apt-get install build-essential libusb-dev linux-headers-$(uname -r)

On the Pharscape site download the hsolinkcontrol source tarball.
DO NOT use the *.deb or *.rpm package, get and use the *.tgz file

extract the source tarball using tar xzf

then cd into the hsolinkcontrol source directory
sudo make clean
sudo make
sudo make install

And finally here is the step you missed.

sudo chmod +s `which hsolinkcontrol`

This chmod step sets the suid/sgid bits needed to actually allow
hsolinkcontrol to work, and get rid of the "not installed properly -- no
internet control"

USB device insertion causes total system lockup on Ubuntu 9.10
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Re: [Bug 469376] Re: USB device insertion causes total system lockup on Ubuntu 9.10

2010-05-01 Thread phickel
I have not tried 10.04 yet, but probably will in the next week or so.
 If I had to guess right now I suspect what you are experiencing is an
artifact of the somewhat publicized Ubuntu elimination of HAL in 10.04.

In 10.04 Ubuntu totally eliminated the Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL).
   The ozerocdoff function for Option cellular modems is dependant on
HAL to at least some extent.In your second attempt by electing to
upgrade to 10.04 from 9.10 rather than a fresh 10.04 install you
probably left enough residual of the old 9.10 HAL laying around so
ozerocdoff was still working after the upgrade.

Some 9.10 to 10.04 breakage is to be expected.When I do try 10.04,
the first attempt will be to run it from a totally clean fresh 10.04
install with nothing extra remembering to use the Ubuntu native function
they have now to "supposedly " replace ozerocdoff ( usb-modeswitch ).

The trick is going to be to get usb-modeswitch to disable the zero cd
before the stupid and never to be sufficiently damned Gnome
Modem-Manager function comes bumbling along and locks the computer.

The problem has always been Gnome Modem Manager has never really
understood how to correctly turn off the "zero cd" function on Option
Cellular Modems while blindly and incorrectly assuming it knew
everything needed to correctly identify, initialize and control any
modem device.  This faulty assumption proved to be disasterous.

So I will try it with just Ubuntu first, and after exploring every
reasonable means to make it work, then I expect to be forced to go back
to the Pharscape HSO packages and tweak that until it works.

Good luck

Pat Hickel

USB device insertion causes total system lockup on Ubuntu 9.10
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Re: [Bug 469376] Re: USB device insertion causes total system lockup on Ubuntu 9.10

2010-02-02 Thread phickel
Not resolved, but we have isolated the cause to Gnome Network Manager
and Modem Manager, and we do have a workaround.

As a workaround you can go to the following URL

There are three packages you will need to download from the Pharscape
site.Don't build/install then yet, just find and download them to a
directory on your system for now.

1) ozerocdoff ( udev.tar.gz )
This uses udev to auto-disable the zero cd on Option devices.

2) hsolink_1.0.118-1_i386.deb
Scripts & stuff needed for the hsoconnect gui tool

3) hsoconnect-1.2.18.tar.gz
The gui tool to control the Quicksilver HSDPA modem.
( Remember Ubuntu 9.10 has python 2.6 so you need the
beta package which is the tarball above not the *.deb )

Remember to get everything needed to build the packages above.
( update: newer versions of the packages above are also OK )

sudo apt-get install build-essential libusb-dev linux-headers-$(uname

Now we will eliminate the lockup.

Fire up Synaptic package manager find and install the following package

1) wicd

find the following packages in Synaptic and mark for complete removal

1) gnome network manager
( this should have been auto-removed when wicd was installed - verify )

2) modem manager
( This is what actually causes the lockup - mark for complete removal )

This will stop the total system lockup on USB insertion of the
Quicksilver device and replace the Gnome Network Manager / Modem Manager
combination with a usable alternative ( wicd ) which does not suffer
from Delusions of Grandure demanding total control of devices they have
no idea how to operate.

Now to get the Quicksilver running

Read the web pages on the Pharscale site for how to build/install each
of the three packages downloaded above.  NOTE:  To make hsoconnect
successfully manually pre-create the following two directories.


Build and install the 3 Pharscape downloaded packages in the same order
they were downloaded above.

This will ultimately give you wicd in control of all wired and wifi
network links, while only the hsoconnect package gui tool will be in
control of the AT&T Quicksilver 3G GSM/HSDPA modem device and links.

As a final item, the hsoconnect tool works best in combination with the
"resolvconf" package to manage and maintain the contents of the
"/etc/resolv.conf" file.   I recommend using synaptic to install the
resolvconf package, or you will end up chasing file permission on the
resolv.conf file which will complicate your hsoconnect usage.

The steps above should get your AT&T/Option modem working cleanly and
they have worked for at least 3 other people besides me.

I was never able to get any help on the Gnome Window Manager or Modem
Manager side of this issue.   It could be fixed in a later versions or
whatever, I just do not know.

Pat Hickel

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Re: [Bug 469376] Re: USB device insertion causes total system lockup on Ubuntu 9.10

2010-01-17 Thread phickel

Don't know about Evolution because I use Mozilla Thunderbird, but if I
had to guess, I would almost be willing to bet this will be what you are
looking for, at least from your description of the problem.

Potential fix ===

1) Launch HSOconnect and bring the network up, then open a terminal
window to verify the file permissions on the "/etc/resolv.conf" file.

ls -l /etc/resolv.conf

If the mode is 600 (-rw--- )rather than the correct 644 
(-rw-r--r-- ) it should be, changing the mode of the file to
proper setting will provide a quick temporary fix.

sudo chmod 644 /etc/resolv.conf

Firefox and Evolution should then work normally without 
sudo, but as I said this is only a temporary fix.
Every time you bring the network up you would have to change the
mode again.

2) If step 1 above temporarily helped, you can elect to install another
package which will provide a permanent fix.

sudo apt-get install resolvconf

I have found the HSOconnect tools work best if you also install the
resolvconf package to maintain and update the contents of the
/etc/resolv.conf file.Without the resolvconf package installed
something in the HSOconnect stuff defaults /etc/resolv.conf to 600 every
time you use HSOconnect which breaks a lot of network things.

As a minimum, I would gracefully shutdown hsoconnect and re-boot after
installing resolvconf, but I don't know if this graceful shutdown and
reboot is actually required.

I don't remember if I re-built and re-installed the HSO packages after I
installed the resolvconf package or not.You may need to have the
resolvconf package already installed when you build and install the HSO
stuff, I just do not remember.

This potential resolvconf fix should help Evolution, Firefox and just
about any other network application.


I strongly suspect the above will fix your problem.  If this really is
the problem then the breakage is a lot bigger than just Evolution and

If this does not fix it, I have something else you can try which is
Firefox specific.


Pat Hickel

USB device insertion causes total system lockup on Ubuntu 9.10
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Re: [Bug 469376] Re: USB device insertion causes total system lockup on Ubuntu 9.10

2009-12-28 Thread phickel
As a workaround you can go to the following URL

There are three packages you will need to download from the Pharscape
site.Don't build/install then yet, just find and download them to a
directory on your system for now.

1) ozerocdoff ( udev.tar.gz )
This uses udev to auto-disable the zero cd on Option devices.

2) hsolink_1.0.118-1_i386.deb
Scripts & stuff needed for the hsoconnect gui tool

3) hsoconnect-1.2.18.tar.gz
The gui tool to control the Quicksilver HSDPA modem.
( Remember ubuntu 9.10 had python 2.6 so you need the
beta package which is the tarball above not the *.deb )

Remember to get everything needed to build the packages above.

sudo apt-get install build-essential libusb-dev linux-headers-$(uname

Now we will eliminate the lockup.

Fire up Synaptic package manager find and install the following package

1) wicd

find the following packages in Synaptic and mark for complete removal

1) gnome network manager
( this should have been auto-removed when wicd was installed - verify )

2) modem manager
( This is what actually causes the lockup - mark for complete removal )

This will stop the total system lockup on USB insertion of the
Quicksilver device and replace the Gnome Network Manager / Modem Manager
combination with a usable alternative ( wicd ) which does not suffer
from Delusions of Grandure demanding total control of devices they have
no idea how to operate.

Now to get the Quicksilver running

Read the web pages on the Pharscale site for how to build/install each
of the three packages downloaded above.  NOTE:  To make hsoconnect
successfully manually pre-create the following two directories.


Build and install the 3 Pharscape downloaded packages in the same order
they were downloaded above.

This will ultimately give you wicd in control of all wired and wifi
network links, while only the hsoconnect package gui tool will be in
control of the AT&T Quicksilver 3G GSM/HSDPA modem device and links.

I have given up any hope of straightening out the Gnome Network Manager
and Modem Manager combination, they have no idea nor it seems any
concern their packages are causing the total lockup of systems, leaving
the only way forward as their complete removal and replacement by wicd.

Pat Hickel

USB device insertion causes total system lockup on Ubuntu 9.10
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Re: [Bug 469376] Re: USB device insertion causes total system lockup on Ubuntu 9.10

2009-12-28 Thread phickel
I reported this problem quite some time ago, and considering it causes a
total system lockup, I am surprised I cannot seem get anyone interested
to actually do anything to get this fixed, but I have now confirmed what
is actually happening.

In a nutshell, when the USB subsystem detects the Quicksilver modem, it
hands off to the "Gnome Network Manager", which in turn hands off to the
new "Gnome Modem Manager".The "Gnome Modem Manager" then grabs the
ttyHS* ports even though it has no idea how to handle the Quicksilver
ttyHS* devices correctly and proceeds to lock up the entire computer in
it's persistant efforts to do exactly the wrong thing.

I have not found a way to tell Gnome Network Manager and/or it's partner
in this abuse Gnome Modem Manager to back off and do not touch the
Quicksilver ttyHS* devices because they obviously do not know how to
handle and control these devices correctly.

A drakonian approach is to simply completely uninstall Gnome Network
Manager and Gnome Modem Manager.However this also eliminates the
good things they do for wired and wifi connections.   Unfortunately I
have not yet found a better way to address this issue.

For some more into on the topic you can check out this URL
This is the forum for the HSOconnect gui tool for the hso driver.

USB device insertion causes total system lockup on Ubuntu 9.10
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[Bug 469376] Re: USB device insertion causes total system lockup on Ubuntu 9.10

2009-11-19 Thread phickel
Finally some progress, I can stop the act of inserting the AT&T Quicksilver in 
the USB port from locking the system,
and I may have just isolated what is really causing the lockup under Ubuntu 

Go ahead download, build and install the Ozerocdoff package from

To stop the lockup from happening before you insert the Quicksilver, fire up 
the Synaptic Package Manager
Find the modemmanager application and mark it for complete removal, then have 
Synaptic apply the change

The modem-manager application is grabbing the ttyHS* ports, specifically
ttyHS2 which is causing the lockup.

Nov 19 19:21:07 dragon modem-manager: Added modem 
Nov 19 19:21:07 dragon modem-manager: data_available (ttyHS2): response buffer 
filled before repsonse received
Nov 19 19:21:07 dragon modem-manager: data_available (ttyHS2): response buffer 
filled before repsonse received
Nov 19 19:21:07 dragon modem-manager: data_available (ttyHS2): response buffer 
filled before repsonse received
Nov 19 19:21:07 dragon modem-manager: data_available (ttyHS2): response buffer 
filled before repsonse received

After you remove modem-manager this is what happens in /var/log/messages
when you insert the AT&T Quicksilver

Nov 19 19:57:44 dragon kernel: [ 2093.880060] usb 1-5: new high speed USB 
device using ehci_hcd and address 8
Nov 19 19:57:44 dragon kernel: [ 2094.014102] usb 1-5: configuration #1 chosen 
from 1 choice
Nov 19 19:57:44 dragon kernel: [ 2094.016719] scsi3 : SCSI emulation for USB 
Mass Storage devices
Nov 19 19:57:46 dragon kernel: [ 2095.180193] usb 1-5: USB disconnect, address 8
Nov 19 19:57:46 dragon kernel: [ 2095.432102] usb 1-5: new high speed USB 
device using ehci_hcd and address 9
Nov 19 19:57:46 dragon kernel: [ 2095.570090] usb 1-5: configuration #1 chosen 
from 1 choice
Nov 19 19:57:47 dragon kernel: [ 2096.244377] hso: 
/build/buildd/linux-2.6.31/drivers/net/usb/hso.c: 1.2 Option Wireless
Nov 19 19:57:47 dragon kernel: [ 2096.245439] hso0: Disabled Privacy Extensions
Nov 19 19:57:47 dragon kernel: [ 2096.246866] usbcore: registered new interface 
driver hso
Nov 19 19:57:52 dragon kernel: [ 2101.596257] Modules linked in: hso 
binfmt_misc usblp snd_intel8x0 snd_ac97_codec pcmcia hostap_pci hostap lib80211 
yenta_socket ac97_bus snd_pcm_oss orinoco_pci rsrc_nonstatic joydev 
snd_mixer_oss orinoco pcmcia_core shpchp snd_pcm snd_seq_dummy snd_seq_oss 
nls_iso8859_1 snd_seq_midi snd_rawmidi snd_seq_midi_event snd_seq nls_cp437 
psmouse serio_raw ppdev snd_timer vfat lp iptable_filter snd_seq_device fat 
sony_laptop ip_tables parport snd soundcore snd_page_alloc x_tables usbhid 
usb_storage e100 mii ohci1394 ieee1394 radeon ttm drm i2c_algo_bit intel_agp 
Nov 19 19:57:52 dragon kernel: [ 2101.596368] 
Nov 19 19:57:52 dragon kernel: [ 2101.596380] Pid: 537, comm: modem-manager 
Tainted: GW  (2.6.31-14-generic #48-Ubuntu) PCG-V505BX(UC)  
Nov 19 19:57:52 dragon kernel: [ 2101.596391] EIP: 0073:[<00383b07>] EFLAGS: 
00010246 CPU: 0
Nov 19 19:57:52 dragon kernel: [ 2101.596405] EIP is at 0x383b07
Nov 19 19:57:52 dragon kernel: [ 2101.596413] EAX:  EBX: 0044eff4 ECX: 
0008 EDX: 
Nov 19 19:57:52 dragon kernel: [ 2101.596422] ESI:  EDI: 0816a2fc EBP: 
bfb93828 ESP: bfb937f4
Nov 19 19:57:52 dragon kernel: [ 2101.596431]  DS: 007b ES: 007b FS:  GS: 
0033 SS: 007b
Nov 19 19:57:52 dragon kernel: [ 2101.596440] CR0: 8005003b CR2: 0805c660 CR3: 
31911000 CR4: 06d0
Nov 19 19:57:52 dragon kernel: [ 2101.596449] DR0:  DR1:  DR2: 
Nov 19 19:57:52 dragon kernel: [ 2101.596458] DR6: 0ff0 DR7: 0400
Nov 19 19:57:52 dragon kernel: [ 2101.596465] Call Trace:

So there are obviously still problems but at least the system does not
lock up

$ ls -l /dev/ttyHS*
crw-rw 1 root dialout 250, 0 2009-11-19 19:57 /dev/ttyHS0
crw-rw 1 root dialout 250, 1 2009-11-19 19:57 /dev/ttyHS1
crw-rw 1 root dialout 250, 2 2009-11-19 19:57 /dev/ttyHS2
crw-rw 1 root dialout 250, 3 2009-11-19 19:57 /dev/ttyHS3
crw-rw 1 root dialout 250, 4 2009-11-19 19:57 /dev/ttyHS4

The devices are now all there

$ lsusb
Bus 003 Device 003: ID 054c:0069 Sony Corp. Memorystick MSC-U03 Reader
Bus 003 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub
Bus 001 Device 009: ID 0af0:d033 Option 
Bus 001 Device 007: ID 0461:4d15 Primax Electronics, Ltd Dell Optical Mouse
Bus 001 Device 006: ID 413c:2003 Dell Computer Corp. Keyboard
Bus 001 Device 005: ID 05e3:0606 Genesys Logic, Inc. USB 2.0 Hub / D-Link 
DUB-H4 USB 2.0 Hub
Bus 001 Device 003: ID 0409:0058 NEC Corp. HighSpeed Hub
Bus 001 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub
Bus 002 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub

Debian's modem manager application needs to die die die.

USB device insertion causes total system lockup on Ubuntu 9.10
You r

[Bug 469376] Re: USB device insertion causes total system lockup on Ubuntu 9.10

2009-11-09 Thread phickel
Today I updated to the latest udev patch offered by Update Manager,
still no joy consistently locks system when inserting this USB device.
ID 0af0:d033 Option

** Changed in: udev
   Status: New => Confirmed

** Changed in: hotplug
   Status: New => Confirmed

** Changed in: ubuntu
   Status: New => Confirmed

USB device insertion causes total system lockup on Ubuntu 9.10
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[Bug 469376] Re: USB device insertion causes total system lockup on Ubuntu 9.10

2009-11-05 Thread phickel
I have pretty much come to the conclusion this is a udev problem.The
only way the hso driver could have been called into play to replace SCSI
emulation for USB on the ZeroCD is via a udev action, and this udev
action is clearly where the breakage is located.

Done properly the ZeroCD in the Option/AT&T Quicksilver 3G Modem should
be disabled long before SCSI emulation for USB is invoked.For a
working example of how this should be performed see the Ozerocdoff
package at readme file in
the tarball is quite informative as to how and when disabling the ZeroCD
should be performed by udev and why it must be done that way.

For now, as the Ozerocdoff package exists and works, the current Ubuntu
9.10 default udev behavior for this device should be disabled allowing
the ZeroCD to remain untouched and automount as a CDROM ( revert back to
what was done for this device in 9.04 ).   Then interested users can
elect to apply the Ozerocdoff package and get the proper behavior rather
than the total system lockup, requiring a hard power cycle to clear,
which is all we can get now.

If someone whats to take a different view, I am willing to listen, but
at the moment this is how I view this bug and how to fix it.

USB device insertion causes total system lockup on Ubuntu 9.10
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[Bug 469376] Re: USB device insertion causes total system lockup on Ubuntu 9.10

2009-11-05 Thread phickel
Finally got a chance to come back to this.  After swapping in a freshly wiped 
disk ( mke2fs -c -c ), I then did a total clean default Ubuntu 9.10 Desktop 
i386 install.So I am absolutely sure I am starting with a totally clean 
base.  I wanted this because the two systems I worked with previously were both 
9.04 to 9.10 upgrades as opposed to new clean installs.
So this time I know for sure there is nothing accidently carried forward 
through the upgrade process.

At this point I opened a terminal window and did "cd /var/adm ; tail -f
messages" and left it running.

I then plugged the Option/AT&T Quicksilver GSM modem into the USB port.

My terminal window captured 10 new lines of /var/adm/messages after the
device was inserted but before the system locked up and had to be power
cycled.I had to hand write them on paper to save them for entry
here, so please forgive any minor transcription errors.

usb 1-5: USB disconnect, address 5
usb 1-5: new high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 9
usb 1-5: configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice
scsi 4: SCSI emulation for USB Mass Storage devices
usb 1-5: USB disconnect, address 9
hso: /build/buildd/linux-2.6.31/drivers/net/usb/hso.c: 1.2 Option Wireless
usbcore: registered new interface driver hso
usb 1-5: new high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 10
usb 1-5: configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice
hso0: Disabled Privacy Extensions

So it would appear the system is actually recognizing the initial ZeroCD
function correctly, then correctly disconnects the ZeroCD device, and
then somehow hands off to the hso driver to disable the ZeroCD and then
re-registers the device as a new interface tied to the hso driver, at
some point after the hso driver disables the Privacy Extensions I got
the expected total system lockup.

Hopefully, this will provide a clue to someone.

USB device insertion causes total system lockup on Ubuntu 9.10
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[Bug 469376] [NEW] USB device insertion causes total system lockup on Ubuntu 9.10

2009-11-01 Thread phickel
Public bug reported:

Hash: SHA1

 affects udev

 affects hotplug

 affects ubuntu 9.10

On two separate systems I have upgraded from 9.04 to 9.10 I get a
complete, immediate and total system lockup when I install a specific
device in a USB port.The device is an AT&T Quicksilver GSM/HSDPA
Cellular modem, on 8.10 and 9.04 systems, lsusb shows the device as "Bus
002 Device 006: ID 0af0:d033 Option".

On 8.10 and 9.04 systems the device initially shows up as a CDROM
containing the driver and application software needed on an MS Windows
box.There is a linux package ( Ozerocdoff found at ) from the real device
Manufacturer "Option" which uses udev to disable this "zerocd" and then
the Option Cellular Modem appears which works with the linux hso kernel
module.   On a 9.10 system with or without Ozerocdoff installed I get
the lockup even before the CDROM or Modem appears or is logged.

The device worked fine in the same systems before the 9.04 to 9.10
upgrade.  Other USB devices work fine under 9.04 and 9.10.  I have not
yet tried on a fresh 9.10 install only 9.04 to 9.10 upgrades.

The lockup is immediate and total.The only way I have found to
regain access to the systems is to remove the device, then do a hard
power cycle.

I cannot identify or recover any meaningful details from the log files
in /var/log.

I would appreciate any clues on how I can capture better debug
information on this situation.  The immediate and total system lockup
has me stumped for where to go from here.I do realize the above is
insufficient to work with, I am asking for how to capture better
information for a proper bug report.

Thank you;

Patrick Hickel
Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


** Affects: hotplug
 Importance: Undecided
 Status: New

** Affects: udev
 Importance: Undecided
 Status: New

** Affects: ubuntu
 Importance: Undecided
 Status: New

USB device insertion causes total system lockup on Ubuntu 9.10
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